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View Full Version : (ps3) king of the gridiron dynasty

09-13-2012, 04:29 PM
Difficulty: ALL AMERICAN
Teams available: 1 star WAC
ADV: 48-72 hrs
Scheduling: will use Classified thread
Sliders- DEFAULT (May change if needed)
Coaching Job: Must start as OFF/DEF Coordinator
1. No Cheese – not acceptable in our dynasty. Nothing is more poisonous to a solid dynasty than users who exploit the game, running one or two plays on offense 90% of the game won't be allowed. We will try to monitor and simply won’t allow. Typically this is discovered via user games. Only time a play can be run multiple times in a row is when running hurry-up offense. If caught doing this vs multiple users will be automatic boot.

2. Respect- If you find yourself up by a great margin in 4th qtr have respect for the other user. It's no point to beat the opponent 60-3...just saying. There is a 60 point winning limit, anything over that and game results will be tossed out and game replayed.

3. Sim Style- Play the game close to real life as possible. Play the game like it was meant to be played not using exploits and cheese to gain an edge. Don't go for it on every 4th down from the start of the game to the finish of it. We all know in every situation when we should punt or go for it on 4th down. If caught doing this vs multiple users will be automatic boot.

4. Advance every 48-72 hours - If you don't play by 1st adv you will be set to auto. If you don't play by 2nd advance you will be automatically booted. (FYI) If the 48or 72 hours happens to land on a Saturday I know some may have families or enjoy watching College Ball all day. I won't adv it till Sunday Night. But if we all complete that week on Saturday I will Adv.

5. Holiday- If you know you’re going to be away for a day or two send me a message or better yet post under vacation so I will see it letting me know how long you will be gone. The time that you will give we will wait for your return.

6. If a user game cannot be loaded due to ea servers or bad connection. The two users will need to play an offline game with teams of their choice. The winner of the two will have the approval to play the game in the dynasty vs. the cpu.

7. If you have a user game and come time to adv who ever notified me that they been trying to reach other user and gotten no response. That user will be set to auto. User who notified me will then be able to play the opponent’s team and user who doesn't play game given THE DEATH PENALTY and removed from league. USER GAMES ARE MANDITORY!!!!!

8. Coaching Carousel...if you decline your job/ext and end up fired. You will have to find a job that’s avail. No going back to original team.

9. Restarts- Will not be allowed anymore. On occasions we might have the issue w/ servers or PS3 and the game will freeze. If that happen send me a message. But restarting games due to losing players, games that could put u in conf champ or losing to a rival team is not acceptable and if done so you will be booted and also seeing trends of restarts will be auto booted as well. If do not text or contact me when it happens:
1st offense - you will have to replay your game and your best player will be suspended from game.
2nd offense - you will have to replay your game and your best 2 players will be suspended for 2 games.
3rd offense - you are removed from league.

10. Play your whole game even if you have a comfortable lead. No simming through the game.


Off/Def Coordinators
If you’re new in the league it’s mandatory that you start out as either a Off or Def Coordinator. You must also stay two years no matter if your contract is 1 or 3 years.

If your not new to league and offered a one year contract you can leave after that year but if offered more than one year it’s mandatory to stay at least two years unless your offered a higher position or better conf.

to join up contact me here or my email-(gatorcharger15@yahoo.com)