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View Full Version : Tiger Woods 13 Used copy ?

05-15-2012, 11:10 PM
I've been doing some reading online about purchasing used copies. Similar to NCAA or Madden where if you purchase a used copy you have to purchase the additional $10 online (PS3 store) to play online.

Does anyone know, if I purchase a used copy of the Masters Edition for PS3 Tiger Woods 13 will I be able to play all of the courses? Do they come on the game or are they downloadable content? If it is DLC will it not apply since this would be a used copy? If this is the case I'd rather buy the base version used and then purchase the DLC instead of getting jipped on a used copy only to later find out I need to fork out more cash to get the DLC. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for any advise.

05-16-2012, 11:56 AM
I've been doing some reading online about purchasing used copies. Similar to NCAA or Madden where if you purchase a used copy you have to purchase the additional $10 online (PS3 store) to play online.

Does anyone know, if I purchase a used copy of the Masters Edition for PS3 Tiger Woods 13 will I be able to play all of the courses? Do they come on the game or are they downloadable content? If it is DLC will it not apply since this would be a used copy? If this is the case I'd rather buy the base version used and then purchase the DLC instead of getting jipped on a used copy only to later find out I need to fork out more cash to get the DLC. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for any advise.

You should still get the courses that are on the disc and be able to play them all with the used copy. As I put in the other thread, you would have to buy the DLC courses.

05-16-2012, 12:26 PM
But you can get the DLC courses for free by earning coins from just playing the game, playing within a CC, doing the daily and weekly tourneys, etc.

05-16-2012, 12:59 PM
Thank you gents for your replies and information.

05-16-2012, 01:18 PM
Thank you gents for your replies and information.

Yeah I have all but four courses of DLC right now without having to pay a dime. And I'm playing on average a dozen rounds a week maybe.

05-16-2012, 02:14 PM
Sounds good. First impressions so far, I like the Masters Music. I like that I can remove the 56 degree wedge, in my real life bag I carry a 49-PW, 54-strong SW, and 58-strong LW.

I have no 3 iron, 10.5 degree driver, 3W and 5 hybrid (tight lies). So this is REALLY cool you can set up your bag on the game the same way you have it in real life.

Created my gameface w/ the eye camera, it looks pretty real to what I look like but I'm not sure why it put some much shading on my face, I didn't have a hat on, and the living room lights were on, it looks like I'm really TAN/Dark in my face, the side shot looks normal. Maybe it's supposed to be the shading from a hat-brim???

Anyways, so far I LIKE IT! Going to try my first shots now, it took about 20 mins for the gameface to create itself once I took the pictures.

05-16-2012, 02:21 PM
Sounds good. First impressions so far, I like the Masters Music. I like that I can remove the 56 degree wedge, in my real life bag I carry a 49-PW, 54-strong SW, and 58-strong LW.

I have no 3 iron, 10.5 degree driver, 3W and 5 hybrid (tight lies). So this is REALLY cool you can set up your bag on the game the same way you have it in real life.

Created my gameface w/ the eye camera, it looks pretty real to what I look like but I'm not sure why it put some much shading on my face, I didn't have a hat on, and the living room lights were on, it looks like I'm really TAN/Dark in my face, the side shot looks normal. Maybe it's supposed to be the shading from a hat-brim???

Anyways, so far I LIKE IT! Going to try my first shots now, it took about 20 mins for the gameface to create itself once I took the pictures.

Glad you're enjoying it. The changes they made to the swing system are great and feel more real. If you have trouble getting into the Tailgate Golf CC, let me know.

05-16-2012, 03:17 PM
Glad you're enjoying it. The changes they made to the swing system are great and feel more real. If you have trouble getting into the Tailgate Golf CC, let me know.

I was able to get into the CC, thank you sir. My question is, if I play off-line like career mode will those rounds go towards the CC also?

The MOVE is fully charged and I calibrated it with the EYE from the PS3 main menu. All I can say is HOLY COW!! I went to the driving range and hit some shots. It's going to take some getting use to figure out all the menus and navigating things w/ the Move controller. I switch the presentation view to 1st person and it shows you standing over the ball when you address it. I'm also not able to find a "zoom to" view when in 1st person. I assume this is correct, in real life you can't zoom into the green so if this is how they made it I'm all for it, makes it VERY realistic.

I thought the normal "zoom in" control was the left-analog stick on the main controller but when I have the Move on it will not zoom in. I'll try it without the Move.

If this is how it's going to be, not being able to zoom in w/ the MOVE this is going to be awesome. I played a lot of golf in h/s and then worked at golf courses while in college, there was a yardage book but to really LEARN the course you had to play it a lot, learning the greens through practice and repetition.

So I guess this way, you aim your shot the best you can go from there, just like in real life.

I'm also trying to figure out how to use the "target view" it's either full shot distance or carry distance. This seems like it's going to change a lot when you add/subtract attributes, what sticks you are using and you swing tempo? No?

For now I'm playing like I do in real life, aiming at the middle of the greens and hoping for 2 putts. When the pin is in the middle those are the ones to attack for me.

The putting w/ the MOVE is AMAZING! I was on the practice putting green and it's just like putting in real life. Actually from 13' I was pretty good at it. It seems like the key is to aim, set your distance and then have a smooth tempo. Again, w/ the Move I'm not able to figure out different views, like how to "get down" and see the line, or how to walk around the hole to see the various breaks in the green. It seems like he's stuck behind the ball.

I'm going to try messing around with it w/out the Move to see if I can figure out the controls alittle better. The in-game manual says for MOVE instructions to follow the "on-screen" instructions. They are pretty basic. I'm not sure if I need the 2nd controller for the MOVE, or if I can just keep using the PS3 controller. I don't see how you can use the other Move controller since you need the Rt-analog stick to open/close your stance. I think the other Move controller only has an L-analog stick.

So far, I like it!

05-16-2012, 03:40 PM
Ok, figured out how to zoom in w/ the Move, gonna take some getting used to but it's a lot of fun. I can see HOURS of messing w/ this thing and making little progress....which is a good thing in my opinion. I like that this game could take hours to get a handle on.

I went back to the range and attempted some in-side out swings and and some outside-in swings to see if it would register the different swing planes. So far it will see a draw (inside-out) but the other it shows as straight. I'm going to see if turning my hands over will help any.

From just a few minutes on the practice tee, short game, tee and putting green I'm very happy. I enjoyed Tiger Woods 12 but I would sit there and cuss at the screen b/c it wanted me to putt 47% and the sweet spot seems large but 1 time it would be good and the next it would be WAY off so I couldn't seem to find any consistency.

I found the same thing on my approach shots. When the ball was below my feet (which should make it go to the right) I'd aim left and have 0 wind, the ball would go WAY left like the lie didn't affect it all and it would be off on the distances. So hopefully this will be better. I still enjoy Tiger Woods 12 and am going to try it w/ the Move to see if that cleans things up.

Happy Golfing Everyone!

This is definitely going to keep me busy until NCAA 13 comes out. :nod:

05-16-2012, 03:46 PM
My only question at this point is to all you pros out there. I imported 50,000 XP points from TW12. My current golfer, all I've done is changed his clothes, and added the game face so I think everything is at 35. What do ya'll suggest putting the imported points towards?

Should I play some rounds first to see where his weaknesses are?

Just wondering since the game has been out and ya'll might have some suggestions.


05-16-2012, 04:18 PM
Anything you play offline and on earns coins, xp, and status in the CC

As for spending XP, I suggest to start with Power.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

05-16-2012, 05:11 PM
Ok, cool. Hopefully my wife will try out this Move Controller. She likes golf too but never really like using the analog sticks, said it was too hard be consistent. Would be cool if she'd play too.

05-17-2012, 07:48 PM
My only question at this point is to all you pros out there. I imported 50,000 XP points from TW12. My current golfer, all I've done is changed his clothes, and added the game face so I think everything is at 35. What do ya'll suggest putting the imported points towards?

Should I play some rounds first to see where his weaknesses are?

Just wondering since the game has been out and ya'll might have some suggestions.


I suggest putting and accuracy