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View Full Version : Looking at starting a dynasty on NCAA 13

05-14-2012, 02:15 PM
After being in multiple OD's over the past few years, I have decided that this year I would like to start my own. The biggest hurdle in starting a new dynasty is deciding what type of dynasty to have, whether it be multiple conferences, custom, certain star restrictions, etc.... What I am trying to do right now is gauge interest in a dynasty, as well as see what kind of dynasty people want.

With me being in SBCOL and Powerhouse, I really do not want to do another dynasty similar to those.(Low prestige school, and Powerhouse team) I am really against another coordinator position dynasty as well, simply because I do not like not having total control over my team. If I lose, it is my fault, not my "d-coordinator" who gives up 30 points in the second half. So, with all that here are a few ideas I have come up with.

1. Everyone pick a 3* or 4* team and make everyone an independent. We would then be able to have as many user vs user games as we like(i prefer more), as well as not having the limitations of having to deal with a conference schedule. Downside is we would not have a CCG and there would have to be deadlines put in place to help keep up the pace of the dynasty.

2. Do a Big 10 dynasty. The teams are all relatively close together so it would make recruiting interesting, especially with recruiting being reworked this season. Downside would be that there are at least 4 schools in the Big 10 that are not on the same level of the others in the dynasty.

3. Do an all SEC dynasty. With the addition of Mizzou and the Aggies, this conference is probably the most balanced from top to bottom. Also, with there being 14 teams now, nobody would be forced to use Vandy or Kentucky. Like the Big 10, recruiting would be interesting because of the relative closeness of all the schools.

4. A teambuilder dynasty. I have done one of these with razorback44 and it can be a very good time. You can put stipulations on the rosters of how good players can be as well as how many seniors each team must have. It would give everyone a chance to truly build their team to fit whatever style they prefer.

As you can tell, I am looking to get as many user games as possible in this dynasty. I would prefer to have more user games than cpu as I just do not enjoy playing the computer as much anymore. I am open to any other ideas you guys may have.

Also, unless there is some miracle, it would be on All-American difficulty. Recruiting would also be no lower than AA, with it possibly being Heisman depending on what type.

Please let me know if you are interested, and if any of these ideas intrigue you or what you might like to try.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this would be for PS3.

05-14-2012, 09:58 PM
Not a fan of Teambuilder dynasties because if someone leaves then a new guy either has to take over that person's team, or they get a real squad. It's fine up until the point that someone leaves (in fact, I love Teambuilder squads in Dynasty), but once someone leaves it sucks.

I'm definitely interested. I'll be looking around all the dynasties here come release and figure out where I want to go. I'll be sure to keep you in mind. Your Independents idea is similar to an OD idea I had during NCAA 11. That would probably be the most interesting to me. Though, obviously, a Big Ten dynasty would also be very interesting to me :D

05-14-2012, 10:15 PM
I might be interested. I've only played a game or two online and have mostly played against the CPU but I have been wanting to join an OD for a while now.

I always prefer lower rated teams but I'm really up for anything. I'd pretty much be ok with whatever.

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05-15-2012, 03:32 AM
Sounds good guys. I knew it is somewhat early for a thread like this, but I was just wanting to get and idea of how much interest there would be in these type of dynasties. I agree about the Teambuilder being tough if people leave Jeff, as when I joined the on I did I inherited someone's team that had left.

Big Blue
05-15-2012, 02:00 PM
I would be interested in a B1G dynasty as Michigan.

05-15-2012, 02:26 PM
B1G dynasty would work for me too. As long as I get OSU. J/k Jeff. :)

Depending on how many people we get I'd be willing to go with anyone from Wisconsin to Indiana.

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05-15-2012, 04:20 PM
B1G dynasty would work for me too. As long as I get OSU. J/k Jeff. :)

Depending on how many people we get I'd be willing to go with anyone from Wisconsin to Indiana.

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Yeah, that was the one issue I had with a B1G dynasty was the talent difference between the top and bottom of the league. 4 or 5 users would definitely be trying to build up their respected teams while the rest are basically already there. We could replace one of the teams with say Notre Dame, and discuss if we wanted to replace any others with teams relatively close to the rest of the conference.

05-15-2012, 04:29 PM
Ya, I imagine we'll get team ratings a couple of weeks in advance so we can make better decisions once we have that info. But if we want to keep the B1G realistic I'm ok with that as well.

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05-15-2012, 04:31 PM
Ya, I imagine we'll get team ratings a couple of weeks in advance so we can make better decisions once we have that info. But if we want to keep the B1G realistic I'm ok with that as well.

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I am all for keeping the conference in tact, it all depends on finding people will to use the bottom teams. The only team I refuse to use is tOSU, but with Jeff interested that won't be a problem. :D

05-15-2012, 04:37 PM
Obviously winning is important but if I'm playing with Indiana and I win 2-3 games in the first season I'll still be having fun. Now, if we're in season 3 and I'm still losing 80% of my games...not so much. :D

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Little Steve
05-15-2012, 04:52 PM
Add UL and rutgers those are two teams that are 3-4 stars and sould be highly rated (top 30) both teams are close. U could steal WVU to and replace them with an old big 12 team. Then add ND to they have lots of rivals in their. And if you want to (even though osu scared to death of them because thier b******* and after the scare in 2002? or 04) add cincy they had best recuriting year in history, great roster (sould but probley under rate) they have or sould a great DF. Maybe pitt to cause their rivals with ND.

05-15-2012, 04:58 PM
Going off of this past years Prestige's, Indiana and Minny are both 2*'s so that is a huge competitive disadvantage when you compare to the top 5 or 6 team's are at least 5*. In essence, if you were to build up IU and Minny up a * a season, by the time you made them comparable to the others you would be getting really close to the release of NCAA 14. My main focus is to keep it competitive and keep people interested. If you are signing 2* and 3*'s while the rest of the dynasty is signing 4 or 5*'s, it will begin to beat you down. Especially with all the teams basically in the same area of recruiting.

Like you said, once the team rating's come out we will be able to make more informed decisions on which direction we want to take it.

05-15-2012, 07:44 PM
In essence, if you were to build up IU and Minny up a * a season, by the time you made them comparable to the others you would be getting really close to the release of NCAA 14.

That's a good point. I can usually knock out a season in a few days with my offline dynasty. I guess its a little different in an OD. :D :fp:

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Big Blue
05-15-2012, 08:36 PM
I'm sure finding a fan of Indiana or Minnesota that would play as them wouldn't be too hard but if not ND seems like the only logical replacement.

05-16-2012, 08:37 AM
I might be interested. I'll wait and see what you come up with.

05-16-2012, 08:35 PM
B1G dynasty would work for me too. As long as I get OSU. J/k Jeff. :)The funny thing is that, really, I don't have a problem being someone other than Ohio State (except Michigan), nor do I have a problem, conceptually, with someone else using Ohio State. I just can't play versus Ohio State.

So, actually, if we went the direction of the Big Ten dynasty, I'd be willing to consider a bottom feeder if we swapped Ohio State out of the conference :D. I.e Notre Dame.

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Though, to keep this discussion about multiple ideas, I do want to touch on the Independents idea. The reason I was so interested in it a few years ago is that we had an experience in another OD where some users were averse to playing too many Users games, while others didn't want to play the CPU -- ever. An Independents league is the only time you're allowed full control over your schedule. Obviously, that could be extremely stressful/annoying for the Commish in the pre-season, which is why I thought I'd be the only one crazy enough to consider it. But I think with some ground rules (i.e. you can only request X different games if they're CPU games), it could be rather fun. No one's "required" to play user games, so it's completely up to the users themselves and how they want to play. Very easy to have home-and-home or annual series that way too.

In fact, speaking of, I think that would be a good fit for another idea I had ... where you have a thread where people make "contracts" for annual series, home-and-homes, or even three-game series. You could even do it with CPU teams in theory. Among other things, that would make it tons easier for people to remember what they've agreed to :D

05-17-2012, 07:33 AM
The funny thing is that, really, I don't have a problem being someone other than Ohio State (except Michigan), nor do I have a problem, conceptually, with someone else using Ohio State. I just can't play versus Ohio State.

So, actually, if we went the direction of the Big Ten dynasty, I'd be willing to consider a bottom feeder if we swapped Ohio State out of the conference :D. I.e Notre Dame.

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

Though, to keep this discussion about multiple ideas, I do want to touch on the Independents idea. The reason I was so interested in it a few years ago is that we had an experience in another OD where some users were averse to playing too many Users games, while others didn't want to play the CPU -- ever. An Independents league is the only time you're allowed full control over your schedule. Obviously, that could be extremely stressful/annoying for the Commish in the pre-season, which is why I thought I'd be the only one crazy enough to consider it. But I think with some ground rules (i.e. you can only request X different games if they're CPU games), it could be rather fun. No one's "required" to play user games, so it's completely up to the users themselves and how they want to play. Very easy to have home-and-home or annual series that way too.

In fact, speaking of, I think that would be a good fit for another idea I had ... where you have a thread where people make "contracts" for annual series, home-and-homes, or even three-game series. You could even do it with CPU teams in theory. Among other things, that would make it tons easier for people to remember what they've agreed to :D

Well the plan is to put this in the Donator section after we get all the details hashed out. So far, here are the people that have expressed interest, depending on what is decided:


I would like to get at least 10 people in this. I think it is still early, so we really should not have a problem getting there, especially once the Demo drops.

05-17-2012, 08:01 AM
I'm in as well, I know I play in quite a few other OD's but I enjoy NCAA the most out of any game and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

If I get overwhelmed I may have to drop out but I don't think that will be an issue like I said.

An All SEC conference would be fun. We did that in Powerhouse the 1 year (I joined a couple of season's in) but it was still really fun. The recruiting battles were intense.

05-17-2012, 08:17 AM
I'm in as well, I know I play in quite a few other OD's but I enjoy NCAA the most out of any game and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

If I get overwhelmed I may have to drop out but I don't think that will be an issue like I said.

An All SEC conference would be fun. We did that in Powerhouse the 1 year (I joined a couple of season's in) but it was still really fun. The recruiting battles were intense.

Glad to have you on board snoop. I wanted to try and put something together that is different from the other two OD's I will be in.(SBCOL,Powerhouse) It helps to keep them all fresh throughout the season. I also wanted something that would make recruiting that much more important, having all the teams in the same general area fighting for the same guys in most situations.

05-18-2012, 01:55 PM
I'm game as well. Thanks.

06-08-2012, 01:50 AM
I would be highly interested, too. As long as the online lag doesn't drive me to insanity, first. :D

06-09-2012, 08:51 PM
can i get in on this?

06-09-2012, 09:16 PM
If I do start one, yeah you guys are in. I want to see how much time I will have between work, school, and coaching first.

06-17-2012, 12:16 PM
If you still have room, i'd be interested to join. I'll take whatever team, it's more fun building up a sucky team, or trying to anyways.

Canes Fan
06-23-2012, 01:41 PM
I'm interested in a SEC dynasty or really anything!

06-27-2012, 09:02 PM
I'd be interested. I like the idea of taking average teams like Illinois or Pitt, teams like that and trying to make them powers.