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06-24-2010, 04:08 PM
Didn't see a thread for my favorite sports game. Maybe my favorite game - period. I never get bored with this game.

06-24-2010, 05:54 PM
I'm bored with the Show. After four straight years I went with MLB 2K10 for a change of pace and I don't regret it at all. What the Show does, it does extremely well. Probably better than any sports game out there. If you put a checklist of things that represent baseball properly, the Show would beat MLB 2K10 hands down. But the lack of analog controls has made the pitching very stale for me. The analog controls are a breath of fresh air and very fun in 2K10. The commentary is excellent in 2K10, the pitching and batting camera options are great (far superior to the very limited camera angles in the Show) and I love the slower pitch speed. The Show's pitch speed is too fast for me, even with the slider at 0, as I can never draw enough walks. I drew 7 walks in 2K10 one game.

Where 2K10 suffers is in overall AI, animations that are choppy, HORRIBLE fielding that is 90% automated and has ZERO errors along with no injuries in the game. It has a lot more flaws than the Show but it's fun. If the Show adds analog controls next year, more camera options for batting and pitching and lets me slow down the pitch speed I'd be back but I doubt they will add that stuff. They don't like to innovate too much with that title. Like I said, analog pitching is a blast in 2K10. And I love all the pitching angles you can create (see all 30 stadiums here: http://kotaku.com/5518531/broadcast-camera-angles-in-mlb-2k10/gallery/). I like a more straight on look like #28 or #7. I can't get that with the Show.

Sorry for talking about 2K10 so much but feel free to post your response for a good natured comparison.

06-24-2010, 08:16 PM
Yeah I sold mine too, just couldn't get into it as much as I used to in 08 when I had it.

07-25-2010, 10:40 AM
Well there's this bug after the 3rd season where all the big name superstars (Albert Pujols, David Wright, etc) won't be signed to a team. They'll leave them as free agents and then when you advance to spring training they'll still be there plus some more superstars that wasn't shown in the offseason. That is a complete game breaker to me. I like to sim through years and see what my favorite players do in their career. With this bug it doesn't let some of the players that I like have stats for 3-4 years making it so they won't be "legends" when they retire. The game is awesome except that error in my opinion. I'll never buy another baseball game except The Show.

07-27-2010, 10:43 AM
Well there's this bug after the 3rd season where all the big name superstars (Albert Pujols, David Wright, etc) won't be signed to a team. They'll leave them as free agents and then when you advance to spring training they'll still be there plus some more superstars that wasn't shown in the offseason. That is a complete game breaker to me. I like to sim through years and see what my favorite players do in their career. With this bug it doesn't let some of the players that I like have stats for 3-4 years making it so they won't be "legends" when they retire. The game is awesome except that error in my opinion. I'll never buy another baseball game except The Show.

That's frustrating and was never fixed.

The game is fun, but a ton of it seems "automated" and as others have said, stale. The hitting got incredibly difficult after 08 for some reason and I've sold 09 and 10 because it was essentially the same game with a polish on it.