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07-22-2012, 03:04 PM
All we keep hearing is, well we want the entire story to come out. Is it b/c of massive pending legal issues they can't/won't tell us the entire truth?Yes. First of all, you don't comment on on-going cases. Second, the only people really commenting are the media and Paterno's family. The family is asking for due process to run its course (which will never happen, because people want "answers" long before they'll allow enough time to get them), and media is ready to jump on the next juicy item to come out.

What you're not hearing is anything from any party, still alive, that was involved in the alleged cover-up. Because the only person that matters "now" is Paterno, and he's (conveniently as far as scape-goating is concerned) not around to defend himself.

Does that make sense to anyone?Look at the speed of Ohio State versus those you just named. The NCAA's speed of turnaround makes no freaking sense. But I am pretty sure that the "headline" nature of this event is what's driving the speed of the sanctions.

since this is criminalI'm still trying to figure out why the NCAA has any jurisdiction over criminal matters. What reason are they going to use for, let's say, eliminating scholarships at Penn State? Because they broke the law? No shit. But that's not your job.

07-22-2012, 03:20 PM
Lack of institutional control?

07-22-2012, 03:55 PM
Lack of institutional control?

Like Miami?

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07-22-2012, 03:57 PM
Nah, covering for a child molester for more than a decade is a little worse but try again. ;)

07-22-2012, 03:59 PM
In determining whether there has been a lack of institutional control when a violation of NCAA rules has been found it is necessary to ascertain what formal institutional policies and procedures were in place at the time the violation of NCAA rules occurred and whether those policies and procedures, if adequate, were being monitored and enforced.I agree that a (alleged) cover-up would logically fall under Lack of Institutional Control, but the rules dictate that the control is about NCAA violations, not legal issues. As far as I can tell, there is no NCAA rule that discusses criminal misconduct.

07-22-2012, 04:01 PM
Agreed, I type a bunch of stuff then see steelerfan's image response

A) I wasn't responding to you.

B) Unbeknownst to you, your responses are exactly the type of comments that are driving snoop up the wall and causing him to not be involved in any of this conversation. :)


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07-22-2012, 04:09 PM
Well we will all know tomorrow morning. The media is reporting SEVERE punishment but no death penalty. Some are even saying it will be questionable which is worse a death penalty or the punishment coming tomorrow. I find it hard to believe that any punishment could be worse than a ban but we shall see.

07-22-2012, 04:10 PM
Nah, covering for a child molester for more than a decade is a little worse but try again. ;)

From a moral or ethical standpoint, yes. (However, what was covered and by whom is still unclear. You're going off of a report that was full of assumptions made by a man who, himself, is accused of covering his own ass and that of the FBI in regards to murdering US Citizens.)

But, is it within the NCAA's jurisdiction? I don't know. If it is, you'd think they'd let the legal process play out first. Afterall, it's entirely possible that the situation at Penn State is WORSE than anyone assumes now. No need to deal out punishments in haste.

Miami's situation, on the other hand, is undoubtedly the NCAA's area of concern.

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07-22-2012, 04:20 PM
From a moral or ethical standpoint, yes. (However, what was covered and by whom is still unclear. You're going off of a report that was full of assumptions made by a man who, himself, is accused of covering his own ass and that of the FBI in regards to murdering US Citizens.)

But, is it within the NCAA's jurisdiction? I don't know. If it is, you'd think they'd let the legal process play out first. Afterall, it's entirely possible that the situation at Penn State is WORSE than anyone assumes now. No need to deal out punishments in haste.

Miami's situation, on the other hand, is undoubtedly the NCAA's area of concern.

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So what makes the recent reports for what happened in Miami more credible then what happened at PSU? That guy is certainly much more credible.

07-22-2012, 04:22 PM
Some are even saying it will be questionable which is worse a death penalty or the punishment coming tomorrow. I find it hard to believe that any punishment could be worse than a ban but we shall see.Well, with the way "give them the death penalty!" has been thrown around in recent years, it's clear to me that A) People forget what SMU did to actually deserve the death penalty; B) People forget just how deadly it is.

07-22-2012, 04:29 PM
So what makes the recent reports for what happened in Miami more credible then what happened at PSU? That guy is certainly much more credible.

Oh. I didn't realize that there was a press conference tomorrow to hand out penalties to Miami too. My bad. ;)

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07-22-2012, 07:09 PM
Well, with the way "give them the death penalty!" has been thrown around in recent years, it's clear to me that A) People forget what SMU did to actually deserve the death penalty; B) People forget just how deadly it is.

Very true Jeff, but some would argue that PSU may be dead already as a recovery from this scandal will be a huge challenge. How many parents with YOUNG kids will say :yeah I want to send me most precious assest to Penn State? I would like to hear more about the BIG 10 and their thoughts.

07-22-2012, 07:10 PM
Well, with the way "give them the death penalty!" has been thrown around in recent years, it's clear to me that A) People forget what SMU did to actually deserve the death penalty; B) People forget just how deadly it is.

I agree, I don't think enough people have seen how bad it hurt the football program there.

Like others have said, why is this criminal matter a NCAA issue? I sure hope they explain or have a statement as to why they are now coming back to the issue and handing out their punishments tomorrow.

It's just strange how at first they seemed to be stepping away citing it was for the courts to decide, but now they are back. Why?

07-22-2012, 07:21 PM
Very true Jeff, but some would argue that PSU may be dead alreadyI agree. But I don't believe in kicking someone when they're down. Don't punish the program just to punish them -- just because you think you have to. Give the program an opportunity to come back, but make something positive out of that (possible) resurrection.

Not to mention, the death penalty against Penn State football has ramifications far and above just football. That's basically a death sentence for the entire athletic department, plus the effect on staff and local businesses. I'm not saying you should backtrack on a punishment because of the collateral damage, but it gives me more reason to believe that the punishment needs to be ... creative.

It's just strange how at first they seemed to be stepping away citing it was for the courts to decide, but now they are back. Why?My guess: The courts ruled on Sandusky and the Freeh Report came in, and that was enough for them.

07-22-2012, 07:45 PM
One thought: The NCAA is coming down tomorrow because PSU people have laid down their own punishment as a way to save face. Emmett has talked with PSU and agreed it is satisfactory and will announce them at a correct time. The NCAA says they have these sanctions and looks great in the public eyes for taking action. Psu looks good to the NCAA for taking responsibility. . The NCAA knows they legally can't charge psu even with LOIC but if psu self punishes themselves it will work. However psu knows that they would not get public support for doing enough no matter what they decide so they work through the NCAA in negotiations and come up with what they feel is fair. The NCAA gets to stand tall and psu hopes this starts the healing process.

Again just a thought.

How else can you explain handing out sanctions to a member institution of a criminal case before that case goes to trial?

This Louis Freeh just on Friday had his investigation into a President or someone in FIFA thrown out for making opinions and other irrational assumptions by a higher sports court. If he fucked up and messed up something as big as FIFA with opinions just what did he do in this case to all of a sudden think he a great moral person (not bringing up his past at all just recent information). Think about this, the Freeh report comes out when?? They knew this FIFA one was almost ending, how would the public feel of they knew this Louis Freeh manipulated and almost imposed a lifetime ban and a million dollar fine based off his opinions would impact this investigation? I know I'm biased but this would certainly make me think twice about believing this report if the FIFA one came out first.

There is so much BS circling PSU that I have read all these and it's cool you all don't know some things that we that are close do.

My friend went to unimart (little gas station and service store) and he had psu stuff on and something about Joe on. Some ignorant dick confronted him about it. He was better then me because I wouldn't be able to post this all for a few more hours till I got my work release. That is as bad as what I've read about all psu fans shouldn't be allowed to have kids. Seriously someone said that, I mean really! Yet so many do not understand why a few of us stand tall and maybe express ourselves a little bit and I'm sorry. There have been way to many liberties taken against us that I just feel like I may snap and I don't want to.

I still want to see or hear the facts and involvement of anyone associated with this. Former DA's, current DA's, former governors, former AG's, current AG's, now governer and I haven't even mentioned psu staff and board members yet.

07-22-2012, 07:49 PM
Hey Jeff think about Pegula who dropped over 100 million on a new hockey arena and div1 hockey teams and now it could certainly be all for not as there may not be hockey because of these snap decisions.

07-22-2012, 09:42 PM
One thought: The NCAA is coming down tomorrow because PSU people have laid down their own punishment as a way to save face.I had thought that earlier. And I think I did hear somewhere that the sanctions had been negotiated with PSU, but I may be just making up stuff. If that was the case, it would be a good PR move for the NCAA to let PSU announce them. Maybe they will.

Hey Jeff think about Pegula who dropped over 100 million on a new hockey arena and div1 hockey teams and now it could certainly be all for not as there may not be hockey because of these snap decisions.Yep. People throw around "death penalty" like it will just kill football. If it only affected football, I'd be a little more likely to discuss it. But the ramifications of football sanctions are felt by all sports at a school. Whether or not you believe that's fair is a personal opinion, but in my opinion it's not.

07-23-2012, 12:28 AM
cbs leaks are starting to come out saying that the ncaa could fine penn state as much as $30 million to $60 million.

i know this is from a rivals message board, and there's probably not a whole lot of credibility here, but this twit pic reveals massive sanctions against em (if they're true)


07-23-2012, 01:26 AM
cbs leaks are starting to come out saying that the ncaa could fine penn state as much as $30 million to $60 million.

i know this is from a rivals message board, and there's probably not a whole lot of credibility here, but this twit pic reveals massive sanctions against em (if they're true)


Wow! If that's true I am absolutely speechless. Wow! If that document is true Penn State football is dead.

07-23-2012, 01:45 AM
Wow! If that's true I am absolutely speechless. Wow! If that document is true Penn State football is dead.

Yep. If all that is true, just give them the fucking death penalty then. All of that is pretty much the same damn thing, just without actually saying it's the death penalty.

07-23-2012, 05:31 AM
If that shit is true, then what a fucking joke. I already dislike people but if the NCAA goes that far, I'll officially be a hater of human beings. That goes WELL beyond overreaction. Those sanctions are 2 Dirk Diggler dicks in 1 asshole. You can't possibly fuck anyone any harder then that. They can go down to FCS? Wow! Penn St. playing on the same level as the SWAC. That's crazy! And to say that the kids can transfer with no penalty? Gimme a break. Fall ball starts in like, 2 weeks. People have gone through spring and summer ball. Starters are almost penciled in everywhere. If I'm a starting WR, 1st I have to find a school where all my credits can transfer over, find a place where I may get a chance to play, and may have to move across the country for that opportunity AND I'd have to do all of that within 2 weeks. That's bullshit. I'm done.

07-23-2012, 07:36 AM
Just heard Jay Bilas say something pretty smart on Mike & Mike. He said everyone claiming Lack of Institutional Control are wrong in this case. This isn't the football team doom as it pleases while the higher ups turned a blind eye. This is actually Total Institutional Control. Everyone and their grandma knew "something" was up and they all worked together to keep it under wraps. Nothing in the rulebook about punishing for Total Institutional Control.

07-23-2012, 07:50 AM
Just heard Jay Bilas say something pretty smart on Mike & Mike. He said everyone claiming Lack of Institutional Control are wrong in this case. This isn't the football team doom as it pleases while the higher ups turned a blind eye. This is actually Total Institutional Control. Everyone and their grandma knew "something" was up and they all worked together to keep it under wraps. Nothing in the rulebook about punishing for Total Institutional Control.

That depends on one's definition of "institutional control". I think its pretty clear from all of this that Penn State's football program RAN the University (and not the other way around - the University MUST run the football program). That is the very definition of a lack of control in my eyes.

Jay Bilas is very smart and brings forth a liberal wet dream to college athletics thus I disagree with ALMOST EVERYTHING he ever says about anything re: how the NCAA does/should conduct its business. I just wish there was someone as intelligent as Jay arguing from a conservative point of view to counter him so that a truly good debate could be had. Instead, Jay goes on ESPN and gives his liberal opinion on how things should be and almost 100% of the time goes completely unchallenged by the "world wide leader".

I've read the full report and seen many of the documents and honestly there isn't a punishment "too severe" in my eyes. That "leak" didn't even make me have a second thought about the situation.

I heard someone this morning indicate that the Big 10 was thinking about revoking its membership to Penn State. I think that plus the "leak" would be a decent punishment for what occurred.

07-23-2012, 07:55 AM
That depends on one's definition of "institutional control". I think its pretty clear from all of this that Penn State's football program RAN the University (and not the other way around - the University MUST run the football program). That is the very definition of a lack of control in my eyes.

Jay Bilas is very smart and brings forth a liberal wet dream to college athletics thus I disagree with ALMOST EVERYTHING he ever says about anything re: how the NCAA does/should conduct its business. I just wish there was someone as intelligent as Jay arguing from a conservative point of view to counter him so that a truly good debate could be had. Instead, Jay goes on ESPN and gives his liberal opinion on how things should be and almost 100% of the time goes completely unchallenged by the "world wide leader".

I've read the full report and seen many of the documents and honestly there isn't a punishment "too severe" in my eyes. That "leak" didn't even make me have a second thought about the situation.

I heard someone this morning indicate that the Big 10 was thinking about revoking its membership to Penn State. I think that plus the "leak" would be a decent punishment for what occurred.

You mean the same people that ran this investigation??


07-23-2012, 07:59 AM
The NCAA has their costumes on.


07-23-2012, 08:02 AM
You mean the same people that ran this investigation??


If you have a rational explanation for the e-mails AND Mike McQueary's testimony I'm all ears. Either one is DAMNING. The staff knew or should have known in either the 90s or 2001 or 2002 (cannot remember when McQueary witnessed the rape and told his father and Paterno). Penn State did nothing for at a minimum 10 years and in fact did everything they could to keep the child rapes hidden.

Those actions are far worse than ANY actions I can think of my higher ups at a university in order to protect a sports program.

Again, if you have anything credible to refute the evidence known at this time I'd like to know but documentary and testimony is pretty solid in this case.

07-23-2012, 08:03 AM
I do find the "no televised games and bowl ban" until 2015 hilarious. If football operations are suspended for a year (pretty much the fucking death penalty without actually saying the fucking death penalty, apparently because the NCAA is now too fucking pussy to call it what it is), and then no scholarships allowed at all for 2013 (so basically a two year death penalty since 85 or 100 or however many walk-ons they would have since they would have no scholarships, they'll be getting blown the fuck out 50+ every game in 2013), there will be no fucking hope whatsoever of them going to a bowl game before 2015. If all that shit is true, Penn State will probably never see a bowl game again before 2017, if not 2020 or later. That's how long it would take them to even recover.

So basically, like I've felt all along, nothing but saving face bullshit from the NCAA. "Look at how hard we came down with this giant list of shit, even though half that shit would "run concurrent" and won't matter in the overall picture."

Also, even if the Lack of Institutional Control is what the NCAA is using to bring down the hammer (what the hell could they use, nothing else falls under their rules, only the rules of criminal and civil law), I don't blame Penn State hiring an lawyer and possibly challenging the NCAA on half of that, especially since Emmert is essentially pulling a Goodell here and being judge, jury and executioner all by his lonesome. The fact that everything completely skipped over anything to do with the Infractions Committee does nothing but further justify in my mind this a pure face saving witch hunt for the NCAA, so they can see "look, we came down hard as fuck on them" and pat themselves on the back about it.

07-23-2012, 08:07 AM
Well now we don't have to wonder. Conference has just started.

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07-23-2012, 08:09 AM
Lol, the NCAA wasted absolutely no time tripping over themselves trying to pat themselves on the back about their response to Penn State. And of course not even 30 seconds into it all, instantly mentioning "think of the kids", doing their best to stir up that "you'd be a monster to not instantly agree with us, just think of those poor kids" emotions in everyone.

07-23-2012, 08:13 AM
Alright, so we can officially declare that "CBS leak" false.

07-23-2012, 08:15 AM
Bobby Bowden is happy with the vacating wins.

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07-23-2012, 08:16 AM
And Emmert is somewhat winning me over talking about their decision not to implement the death penalty just now and their reasoning why.

As for the official penalties, not so bad as I thought. The four year bowl ban (no TV ban though), vacated wins since 1998, the $60 million fine, reduced scholarships, 5 years of probation, and anyone who wants to transfer out of Penn State will be allowed to do so.

07-23-2012, 08:17 AM

07-23-2012, 08:18 AM
Not as harsh as I'd like but certainly glad its the most severe penalty probably since SMU. For me, the only way I would have taken the "death penalty" off the table would be if Penn State agreed to take the punishment handed out with no appeal and/or litigation re: the penalty.

07-23-2012, 08:19 AM
Yeah, Emmert showed up for this one, but where has he been with his golden cape on Miami and O$U?

1 year death penalty would have been easier for PSU to recover from. It affects a couple years of recruiting. 4 year bowl ban? Wow. Plus scholarship reductions? PSU football will be hurting for years to recover to competitive depth.

07-23-2012, 08:22 AM
Bowl ban is the only thing that I don't agree with.

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07-23-2012, 08:23 AM
Bobby Bowden is happy with the vacating wins.

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So is Grambling St. University

07-23-2012, 08:29 AM
Bobby Bowden is happy with the vacating wins.

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I don't think Bowden or Grambling St. is going to be happy. No one from now until the end of time is going to mention the all time wins leader without bringing up Paterno and this tragedy. It's really a shame...

It's like the home run record in baseball. That record is forever tarnished until someone 'clean' breaks it.

07-23-2012, 08:31 AM
Not as harsh as I'd like but certainly glad its the most severe penalty probably since SMU. For me, the only way I would have taken the "death penalty" off the table would be if Penn State agreed to take the punishment handed out with no appeal and/or litigation re: the penalty.

For most it will never be enough. :smh:

07-23-2012, 08:44 AM
Ultimately, there was absolutely no way around it and no way to dole out punishments without doing it, but in the name of "those poor kids", even more kids end up getting fucked over by the NCAA. And this time, unlike Miami or Ohio State or USC, the players truly WERE innocent in everything and had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. But in the end, past players have their memories, histories and records at Penn State tarnished and deleted, and current and future players are left to get bent over and fucked up the ass "in the name of justice".

I have always hated some of the penalties the NCAA have given in the past, punishing and hurting the current and future innocent players for the sins of those in the past simply by method of common relation through the football program. If anything, build on this punishment in the future as far as handing out large or massive fines (losing $60 million is one hell of a fucking wake up call to a university), blackballing the coaching staff responsible so they will never coach again or not coach for 5 or 10 years, vacate wins and titles (like usual), but enough of fucking over the innocent kids in the name of justice for the sins of those in the past, who the current and future kids had absolutely nothing to do with.

07-23-2012, 08:46 AM
I don't think Bowden or Grambling St. is going to be happy. No one from now until the end of time is going to mention the all time wins leader without bringing up Paterno and this tragedy. It's really a shame...

It's like the home run record in baseball. That record is forever tarnished until someone 'clean' breaks it.

Oh, GSU is happy. They were already looking into getting JoePa's wins vacated.

Article Here (http://www.suntimes.com/sports/colleges/13878126-419/city-of-grambling-wants-joe-paterno-record-vacated.html)

07-23-2012, 08:58 AM
Ultimately, there was absolutely no way around it and no way to dole out punishments without doing it, but in the name of "those poor kids", even more kids end up getting fucked over by the NCAA. And this time, unlike Miami or Ohio State or USC, the players truly WERE innocent in everything and had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. But in the end, past players have their memories, histories and records at Penn State tarnished and deleted, and current and future players are left to get bent over and fucked up the ass "in the name of justice".

I have always hated some of the penalties the NCAA have given in the past, punishing and hurting the current and future innocent players for the sins of those in the past simply by method of common relation through the football program. If anything, build on this punishment in the future as far as handing out large or massive fines (losing $60 million is one hell of a fucking wake up call to a university), blackballing the coaching staff responsible so they will never coach again or not coach for 5 or 10 years, vacate wins and titles (like usual), but enough of fucking over the innocent kids in the name of justice for the sins of those in the past, who the current and future kids had absolutely nothing to do with.

It's appalling that it was covered up for as long as it was. It's terrible that people are learning these things about a coach that so many idolized and how tarnished that image of him will be. It's atrocious that kids on that team and recruits coming to that school are going to be punished while not having anything to do with it at all. But, it was horrific what happened to children within the halls of that University and something had to be done to prevent that from happening again. I hate that innocent players on that team are paying for what happened though. Even with the ability to transfer to another school, most schools are a month away from finalizing their rosters and final preparations for the upcoming season. The likelihood of these kids being able to transfer to another school now is VERY low.

07-23-2012, 09:05 AM
Yeah. Thats why I was definitely fine with a $60M fine, fine with reduction of scholarships, but not fine with the bowl and postseason ban.

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07-23-2012, 09:10 AM
It's appalling that it was covered up for as long as it was. It's terrible that people are learning these things about a coach that so many idolized and how tarnished that image of him will be. It's atrocious that kids on that team and recruits coming to that school are going to be punished while not having anything to do with it at all. But, it was horrific what happened to children within the halls of that University and something had to be done to prevent that from happening again. I hate that innocent players on that team are paying for what happened though. Even with the ability to transfer to another school, most schools are a month away from finalizing their rosters and final preparations for the upcoming season. The likelihood of these kids being able to transfer to another school now is VERY low.

Agreed, something did have to be done, and I honestly was expecting much, much worse from the NCAA than what was actually handed out. But the NCAA still needs to start finding a better method of punishment than fucking over the innocent players who had nothing to do with the infractions or whatever the NCAA is punishing. They are getting punished solely for being associated with the same team as those who committed the sins in the past were. That'd be like me being arrested and thrown in jail for something my sister did solely because I'm from the same family as her. The current and future players are being punished solely because they're from the same "family"/team as those being punished.

Same bullshit with USC, same bullshit with Ohio State, same bullshit when Miami gets up on stage in the future for their punishment. The players who had nothing to do with the crimes get punished, the players who committed the crimes are already long gone earning millions in the NFL and not giving a shit about what the NCAA does to their former team. Same thing with coaches. The smart coaches jump ship for greener pastures (Pete Carroll jumping to the NFL and Seattle right before the shit hit the fan) and don't get punished, the poor bastard who has the unfortunate luck to follow gets fucked over.

That's why I have said for years and still say, the NCAA has GOT to find a better way. Take these fines and start handing out millions in fines for future infractions. Take Miami for instance. Whatever the final story ends up being, A couple dozen million will be one hell of a wake up call to Miami to get their shit in order. Just like $60 million will do the same for Penn State. An entire football season's revenue gone at the snap of a finger like that, yeah, I think that will definitely get their attention. Fine the schools, blackball the coaches, if the players get caught while still in school, blackball the individual players so they can go drop to a lower division and not give a fuck, end their college eligibility entirely, for any level, and kick their ass out of football/sports. But stop fucking over the kids who had absolutely nothing to do with a damn thing.

Like I said, it's ironic as hell here with Penn State, because of horrible things that a monster did to kids in the past, more kids are going to get figuratively fucked by the NCAA now, for something they had absolutely nothing to do with, nor any knowledge that it was even happening.

07-23-2012, 09:11 AM
Bobby Bowden is happy with the vacating wins.

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I don't know Bowden all that well but he would have to be one twisted SOB to be happy with this and I'd hope he feel like he'd gladly give up his record if this scandal had never happened.

So is Grambling St. University

I don't think Bowden or Grambling St. is going to be happy. No one from now until the end of time is going to mention the all time wins leader without bringing up Paterno and this tragedy. It's really a shame...

It's like the home run record in baseball. That record is forever tarnished until someone 'clean' breaks it.

Yep noone is going to want to talk about the record and I just don't see anyone breaking the current mark anytime in the near future. Someone would have to coach for a virtual eternity (which just doesn't happen often any more).

For most it will never be enough. :smh:

There are some heinous acts for which no punishment we are capable of giving is ever enough. Honestly I'd been fine with ANY "harsh" penalty. This penalty in the range of penalties I would have found "acceptable" fell slightly on the lenient side. Honestly, I would have been fine with a PERMANENT BAN for Penn State football without the possibility of reinstitution. (i.e. a "real" "death penalty"). Football ran this school for decades and it ran the school into shameful and criminal conduct to protect a football team.

It's sad for Penn State's fans and its current athletes. However, the NCAA has done the best it could with the situation by allowing for immediate transfers and/or the student can continue at school and not play football. I hope other schools are helpful with the kids that just want to leave.

07-23-2012, 09:11 AM
Cowherd makes a good point. Killing Penn State's program's ability to compete doesn't help the abuse victims. A competitive robust PSU does, as they make more money that can be paid annually to this fund.

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07-23-2012, 09:15 AM
Cowherd makes a good point. Killing Penn State's program's ability to compete doesn't help the abuse victims. A competitive robust PSU does, as they make more money that can be paid annually to this fund.

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That, and killing Penn State's program kills every single other sport at Penn State. Just like pretty much every other damn university in this country, I'm guessing Penn State probably subsidizes the budgets for 95%+ of their sports programs from football and basketball revenue (the football revenue predominately the majority). You take away that revenue, every single athlete associated with Penn State is suddenly being told to go fuck themselves, when absolutely none of them had anything to do with what happened. Punish those involved, not those who were unfortunately affiliated with the same university.

07-23-2012, 09:18 AM
Cowherd makes a good point. Killing Penn State's program's ability to compete doesn't help the abuse victims. A competitive robust PSU does, as they make more money that can be paid annually to this fund.

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That's a DUMB argument. By the same logic, killing the Aurora, CO shooter with the death penalty doesn't help the victims an employed shooter does so that his money from work can be paid to help victims of crime.

Again, society needs to understand that there are some actions where the best we can do is PUNISH the wrongdoer. $60,000,000 mandatory "donation" to outside charities helps victims a great amount. Moreover, I have a hunch Penn State will likely continue to make additional donations to outside charities as a "PR" boost.

Big 10 is also going to punish Penn State at 11 EST.

07-23-2012, 09:22 AM
That's a DUMB argument. By the same logic, killing the Aurora, CO shooter with the death penalty doesn't help the victims an employed shooter does so that his money from work can be paid to help victims of crime.

Again, society needs to understand that there are some actions where the best we can do is PUNISH the wrongdoer. $60,000,000 mandatory "donation" to outside charities helps victims a great amount. Moreover, I have a hunch Penn State will likely continue to make additional donations to outside charities as a "PR" boost.

Big 10 is also going to punish Penn State at 11 EST.

Outside of pulling their own "death penalty" by kicking Penn State out of the Big Ten, other than ban Penn State from the Big Ten Championship game, what the hell else can the Big Ten do? Since this is being made a football, football, football issue by the media and NCAA, it's not like you can also ban Penn State from the Big Ten basketball tournament or something. Basically nothing more than the Big Ten's own opportunity to get up in front of the cameras, put on a show for the public, save face and try to make themselves look good in the public eye by "punishing Penn State to achieve justice for others".

07-23-2012, 09:33 AM
Outside of pulling their own "death penalty" by kicking Penn State out of the Big Ten, other than ban Penn State from the Big Ten Championship game, what the hell else can the Big Ten do? Since this is being made a football, football, football issue by the media and NCAA, it's not like you can also ban Penn State from the Big Ten basketball tournament or something. Basically nothing more than the Big Ten's own opportunity to get up in front of the cameras, put on a show for the public, save face and try to make themselves look good in the public eye by "punishing Penn State to achieve justice for others".

Heard a rumor this morning that Penn State was worried that the Big 10 would REVOKE its membership for X years and then it could reapply after that time.

07-23-2012, 09:42 AM
Heard a rumor this morning that Penn State was worried that the Big 10 would REVOKE its membership for X years and then it could reapply after that time.

I know in the wake of the horrific things that happened, that would be justified, but after the NCAA coming out with much lighter punishments that I was even expecting to be handed down, the Big Ten went through all the hassle and all the money spent working Nebraska into the conference and changing things to a 12 team conference, to just piss that immediately down the drain, as well as all the work put in to create the Big Ten Championship game (unless they can somehow get the NCAA to let them keep it with only 11 teams on a special granting by the NCAA), everything the Big Ten has done, the hours and money spent, will be completely destroyed until Penn State was let back in. I'm just not sure the Big Ten would be willing to willingly do that to themselves, just to punish Penn State, especially after the NCAA, while still severe penalties, was not as severe as everyone thought and expected.

07-23-2012, 09:44 AM
the loss of 40 schollies over 4 years will definitely hurt them, but the loss of 20 roster spots hurts them even more. carrying a 65 man roster for 4 years will be brutal.

07-23-2012, 09:45 AM
I don't understand and don't agree with vacated from wins from Paterno's record. What does this accomplish? Nothing IMO. It's isn't like they had an competitive advantage over other teams during that time span.

07-23-2012, 09:49 AM
A way to get Paterno's name off the record list.

07-23-2012, 09:52 AM
Oh, GSU is happy. They were already looking into getting JoePa's wins vacated.

Article Here (http://www.suntimes.com/sports/colleges/13878126-419/city-of-grambling-wants-joe-paterno-record-vacated.html)

The city was, but not his family. His family stated as much last week if I recall a sports radio talk show conversation about it correctly. The host had met Eddie before and didn't think he would be happy at all about the record.

07-23-2012, 09:52 AM
That's a DUMB argument. By the same logic, killing the Aurora, CO shooter with the death penalty doesn't help the victims an employed shooter does so that his money from work can be paid to help victims of crime.

Again, society needs to understand that there are some actions where the best we can do is PUNISH the wrongdoer. $60,000,000 mandatory "donation" to outside charities helps victims a great amount. Moreover, I have a hunch Penn State will likely continue to make additional donations to outside charities as a "PR" boost.

Big 10 is also going to punish Penn State at 11 EST.

How does disabling the football program really make those victims feel better?

07-23-2012, 09:53 AM
Here's a good question? Do all of the losses from '98-'11 get vacated too? :)

07-23-2012, 09:54 AM
Pat Forde ‏@YahooForde

Quick thought on NCAA penalties: Penn State is smashed, and the vacated wins is a direct shot at Paterno's legacy. Now back to work.

07-23-2012, 09:56 AM
A way to get Paterno's name off the record list. Yeah, I know that's the reason why but it seems unnecessary. JMO of course.

07-23-2012, 10:03 AM
Penn State will still be in the Big Ten. Discussion on Big Ten Network right now, the Big Ten has already released it's punishments on paper. They'll be part of the party with the NCAA watching over the 5 years probation, Penn State banned from the Big Ten championship game for however many years down the road, and their entire share of bowl money will follow the same path as the NCAA's $60 million fine, it'll all be given away to organizations.

07-23-2012, 10:18 AM
Well, looking at the graphic on the Big Ten Network, Wisconsin just got handed the Leaders Division for the next couple years. With Ohio State and Penn State ineligible, no way in hell are Indiana, Illinois and Purdue winning the division.

07-23-2012, 10:32 AM
How does disabling the football program really make those victims feel better?

I would think that knowing that a big part of the reason that they continued to be abused (penn st football's importance) being slapped hard would feel pretty good to them JB.

07-23-2012, 10:37 AM
I would think that knowing that a big part of the reason that they continued to be abused (penn st football's importance) being slapped hard would feel pretty good to them JB.

What about the fact that many of them were still attending football games up until all of this broke? And one of the victims attended games with Jerry as recently as a year or so ago, because he wanted to go to games that bad. Not saying I disagree with the sanctions, just stating a fact. I honestly don't know what those victims are thinking.

07-23-2012, 10:43 AM
Yeah, I don't want to put my thoughts into their heads but I would think that Sandusky being in jail for life, all the accomplices getting tar and feathered, and 60 mil for charities directed other victims would be good enough.

07-23-2012, 10:55 AM
I would think that knowing that a big part of the reason that they continued to be abused (penn st football's importance) being slapped hard would feel pretty good to them JB.

Yeah but hurting their revenue actually prevents the university from helping the victims even more.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

07-23-2012, 10:55 AM
Damn that new coach must be pissed.

Didn't he leave New England for this job?

07-23-2012, 11:01 AM
Damn that new coach must be pissed.

Didn't he leave New England for this job?

Yes he was the OC at NE last year.

07-23-2012, 11:03 AM
Thanks Skip for asking something I could answer without popping a blood vessel :up:


07-23-2012, 11:33 AM
In regards to the death penalty, I think this works


07-23-2012, 11:48 AM

07-23-2012, 12:15 PM
I guess what I should've said was: "the argument could be made that..." You're right though, anyone who speculates as to what this does or doesn't do for the victims is out of line. No one knows what they feel but them.

07-23-2012, 12:23 PM
Thanks Skip for asking something I could answer without popping a blood vessel :up:

:DYeah figured I'd lighten it up a little

07-23-2012, 12:24 PM
Write something nice.......click cancel......write something mean spirited....click cancel.......write something with a little of both.....click cancel...... I feel this urge to hit cancel again but fuck it :D

07-23-2012, 12:27 PM
I guess what I should've said was: "the argument could be made that..." You're right though, anyone who speculates as to what this does or doesn't do for the victims is out of line. No one knows what they feel but them.

I understood what you meant. I was just stating that these were people that were still attending football games and in one case that we know about, attended games with the person that did this to him long after the abuse was done. Assumption here, but they love PSU football and hurting the program doesn't make them feel better.

07-23-2012, 12:28 PM
Could that Coach get out of his contract somehow if he wanted?

I mean no one could have predicted this but certainly they weren't being forthcoming with the possibility of something happening.

Even still were he to leave he would be screwed pretty much like those who would want to transfer this late in the game

07-23-2012, 12:33 PM
Could that Coach get out of his contract somehow if he wanted?

I mean no one could have predicted this but certainly they weren't being forthcoming with the possibility of something happening.

Even still were he to leave he would be screwed pretty much like those who would want to transfer this late in the game

Word is he does not have an out in his contract for NCAA sanctions. Not sure if he has some other out that he could use, but as it looks now he is staying with the program for at least a year. He also publicly stated today that he is here for the long term(we'll see).

IMO though, he might as well stay. He gains some good head coaching experience and if he losses, nobody will really hold it against him with the sanctions. If he puts a winning program on the board, even 7 to 8 wins, he'll look really good.

07-23-2012, 12:35 PM
He's said that he wants to rebuild the program. I doubt he'll go anywhere.

07-23-2012, 12:38 PM
Could that Coach get out of his contract somehow if he wanted?

I mean no one could have predicted this but certainly they weren't being forthcoming with the possibility of something happening.

Even still were he to leave he would be screwed pretty much like those who would want to transfer this late in the game

He has said that he knew something like this was possible, just today again as well. He seems to be saying lots of the right things (not that hard given the circumstances) but time will tell. I've always felt Bill O'Brien was only here for 3 or so years anyways but if he has a decent year this year it may only be 1.

I've heard before any of this ever come down (the sanctions and freeh report) that at least 1 assistant coach wants to get back into the NFL.

I can see some FR or SO leaving, but for a JR or SR right now it would be really tough. They still have the option to play here and get a great education (though some would lead you to believe that to not be the case anymore).

07-23-2012, 12:38 PM
Word is he does not have an out in his contract for NCAA sanctions. Not sure if he has some other out that he could use, but as it looks now he is staying with the program for at least a year. He also publicly stated today that he is here for the long term(we'll see).

IMO though, he might as well stay. He gains some good head coaching experience and if he losses, nobody will really hold it against him with the sanctions. If he puts a winning program on the board, even 7 to 8 wins, he'll look really good.All very true.

But this job wasn't suppose to be a "stepping stone" sort of speak. This is/was a premier job in college football. Especially coming from the Patriots in the NFL. Not like he had to go from the University of Buffalo lol

Like you said though it is a win-win situation on the surface I would imagine.

07-23-2012, 12:40 PM
He's said that he wants to rebuild the program. I doubt he'll go anywhere.Well it definitely will be a true rebuilding project now

07-23-2012, 12:44 PM
All very true.

But this job wasn't suppose to be a "stepping stone" sort of speak. This is/was a premier job in college football. Especially coming from the Patriots in the NFL. Not like he had to go from the University of Buffalo lol

Like you said though it is a win-win situation on the surface I would imagine.

I think it was exactly a stepping stone for Bill O'Brien to be honest. Correct me if I'm wrong here Eric but I've been told that not one of the coaching staff have purchased a house as of yet? Now I know there are factors there that can certainly cause such a thing, but it aligns with what I was told via a former coaching staff member and former player who does some PSU stuff with the program and for PSU fans.

07-23-2012, 12:44 PM
Well it definitely will be a true rebuilding project now

LOL Understatement of the day there :D

07-23-2012, 12:45 PM
But this job wasn't suppose to be a "stepping stone" sort of speak. This is/was a premier job in college football. Especially coming from the Patriots in the NFL. Not like he had to go from the University of Buffalo lol

There has been mixed signals on this. As Snoop said earlier he only expected him here 3 years. He said when he was hired his dream is to be a head coach in the NFL, so most viewed it as a sort of stepping stone.

07-23-2012, 01:01 PM
Paterno family released a statement calling the NCAA sanctions a "panicked response" that punishes the Penn State students.

07-23-2012, 01:06 PM
Can someone explain to me the 5 year probation thing? What are they on Probation from? Highering future child predators? Allowing the football program to take over again? I'm not understanding the probation part. I get the scholarships, and bowl bans, etc...

The $60 mil also sounds really bad at first but then they say it's going to be broken up over 5 years at $12 mil a year. It sounded worse when they first said it, like Penn St was going to have to open up the check book RIGHT NOW and write a $60 mil check.

It's not cool that this will effect the football program and/or the current and future players. However, I'm thinking this is the exact message they are trying to send, right? They are trying to get the institution to understand what they did was wrong and they must pay for it. If Penn St is really bigger than Joe Pa, then they as an institution must pay the price, not just the people involved. I just keep hearing it's not fair for the players and the future of the univeristy, if others will claim that the university was NOT run by the football program then, the university should be punished. If the university WAS run by the football program, then again it should be punished. It seems to go hand-in-hand to me.

I'm sorry for the players, but not going to lose sleep over it. There are a small % of players that would make it to the NFL, to do this as a job. There isn't anyone saying the players still can't stay at Penn St, future players can't still PLAY for Penn St and OH BY THE WAY GET A FREAKING COLLEGE EDUCATION so they can get a job and be a productive member of society!

I think it's fine and dandy that you can play the card of, all these NFL players dreams are dashed, let's be honest, if those FEW players go somewhere else, those that do have PRO potential, they WILL get to play on other teams. Superstars don't sit on the sideline just b/c they transferred in late.

AND, if they do transfer to other schools and do not have the potential to play at the next level, they can still.....EARN A COLLEGE DEGREE. Isn't that, hopefully 51% of the real reason they are going to SCHOOL?

I understand that the NCAA is a "NFL mini-training camp" for a small handful of players, but you can't convince me of ANY football program that turns out 100% of their players to the NFL. Hopefully the education side of things is more important. Even if these handful of players make it to the NFL, how long are their careers compared to others with a degree and an education to help them more than just 2-4 years?

I don't think this punish the current and future players mentality is really a concern to the NCAA.

A) it's not like we have a time machine and can go back and change things, or punish things in the past.
B) the NCAA has a never ending talent pool (high school) to pull from so they don't really give a crap about the current players, it's not like football is going tos top b/c of this, so years from now if they do the right things they will be back, maybe not to where they were, but nothing is impossible.
C) I also agree with some of the analysts on ESPN, it's a mixed message the NCAA is sending here, that coaches shouldn't be idolized and they shouldn't be paid so much, hinting that it shouldn't be so much about the money...yet then in the near future there are going to be bidding wars over where the bracket games and national championship games are going to be held, so like I believe Chris Fowler said, "That ship has already sailed".

I think like a lot of things in life, when we don't get all the facts we leave things like today's press conference with a heck of a lot more questions than when we went into it. Like how he dances around the answer of not singling out individuals. It just begs the questions of WHY?

One other point, and again I can't remember which one brought it up, but why is Joe Paterno the one taking so much crap? What about this Graham Spanier, why isn't he being called out and hammered like Joe Paterno is? Is it b/c Joe Pa has passed and can't be taken to court? Maybe Graham Spaniers day in court is coming? I just don't understand why Joe is taking all the heat? Was HE the university?

07-23-2012, 01:07 PM
Paterno family released a statement calling the NCAA sanctions a "panicked response" that punishes the Penn State students.

I can agree that it is panicked. They couldn't even let the trials finish. Just sitting here, what happens if Curley and Shultz are found not guilty? Just wondering :D

07-23-2012, 01:13 PM
I can agree that it is panicked. They couldn't even let the trials finish. Just sitting here, what happens if Curley and Shultz are found not guilty? Just wondering :DAn "oh shit" moment. I've been told 1 of those can ruin 1,000 atta' boys'

Anyway thanks for the clarifications guys regarding O'Brien. I didn't know his main goal was to move to the Head Coaching ranks in the NFL. Not sure why he didn't just stay in New England unless the decision wasn't ultimately not his (wasn't going to have his contract renewed, fired, etc.) I mean if there is one thing BB can do is get your foot in the door for a head coaching gig.

I figured he was going to stay in the college ranks of head coaching which is why I said Penn State is/was a premier job.

07-23-2012, 01:16 PM
I'm impressed with this:


07-23-2012, 01:21 PM
I can agree that it is panicked. They couldn't even let the trials finish. Just sitting here, what happens if Curley and Shultz are found not guilty? Just wondering :D

More like Curley and Moe.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

07-23-2012, 01:28 PM
Will NCAA 14 have Penn St as a 1 star D team next year?

07-23-2012, 01:32 PM
Can someone explain to me the 5 year probation thing? What are they on Probation from? Highering future child predators? Allowing the football program to take over again? I'm not understanding the probation part. I get the scholarships, and bowl bans, etc...

The $60 mil also sounds really bad at first but then they say it's going to be broken up over 5 years at $12 mil a year. It sounded worse when they first said it, like Penn St was going to have to open up the check book RIGHT NOW and write a $60 mil check.

It's not cool that this will effect the football program and/or the current and future players. However, I'm thinking this is the exact message they are trying to send, right? They are trying to get the institution to understand what they did was wrong and they must pay for it. If Penn St is really bigger than Joe Pa, then they as an institution must pay the price, not just the people involved. I just keep hearing it's not fair for the players and the future of the univeristy, if others will claim that the university was NOT run by the football program then, the university should be punished. If the university WAS run by the football program, then again it should be punished. It seems to go hand-in-hand to me.

I'm sorry for the players, but not going to lose sleep over it. There are a small % of players that would make it to the NFL, to do this as a job. There isn't anyone saying the players still can't stay at Penn St, future players can't still PLAY for Penn St and OH BY THE WAY GET A FREAKING COLLEGE EDUCATION so they can get a job and be a productive member of society!

I think it's fine and dandy that you can play the card of, all these NFL players dreams are dashed, let's be honest, if those FEW players go somewhere else, those that do have PRO potential, they WILL get to play on other teams. Superstars don't sit on the sideline just b/c they transferred in late.

AND, if they do transfer to other schools and do not have the potential to play at the next level, they can still.....EARN A COLLEGE DEGREE. Isn't that, hopefully 51% of the real reason they are going to SCHOOL?

I understand that the NCAA is a "NFL mini-training camp" for a small handful of players, but you can't convince me of ANY football program that turns out 100% of their players to the NFL. Hopefully the education side of things is more important. Even if these handful of players make it to the NFL, how long are their careers compared to others with a degree and an education to help them more than just 2-4 years?

I don't think this punish the current and future players mentality is really a concern to the NCAA.

A) it's not like we have a time machine and can go back and change things, or punish things in the past.
B) the NCAA has a never ending talent pool (high school) to pull from so they don't really give a crap about the current players, it's not like football is going tos top b/c of this, so years from now if they do the right things they will be back, maybe not to where they were, but nothing is impossible.
C) I also agree with some of the analysts on ESPN, it's a mixed message the NCAA is sending here, that coaches shouldn't be idolized and they shouldn't be paid so much, hinting that it shouldn't be so much about the money...yet then in the near future there are going to be bidding wars over where the bracket games and national championship games are going to be held, so like I believe Chris Fowler said, "That ship has already sailed".

I think like a lot of things in life, when we don't get all the facts we leave things like today's press conference with a heck of a lot more questions than when we went into it. Like how he dances around the answer of not singling out individuals. It just begs the questions of WHY?

One other point, and again I can't remember which one brought it up, but why is Joe Paterno the one taking so much crap? What about this Graham Spanier, why isn't he being called out and hammered like Joe Paterno is? Is it b/c Joe Pa has passed and can't be taken to court? Maybe Graham Spaniers day in court is coming? I just don't understand why Joe is taking all the heat? Was HE the university?

Gus come on man your so wishy washy here it's not funny.

First you said a few pages back that no current players are going to be effected by this then today you say they will then say they won't. Which one is it?? I'm baffled right now.

Then you say why is this all about Joe?? What about the other people? But again a few pages back you said that the reason is because Joe has a statue and because his name is on the Library. Again what are you saying or asking I'm confused?

07-23-2012, 01:32 PM
I understood what you meant. I was just stating that these were people that were still attending football games and in one case that we know about, attended games with the person that did this to him long after the abuse was done. Assumption here, but they love PSU football and hurting the program doesn't make them feel better.

Yeah, I'm sure that is true of some of them but, as with anything, sweeping statements meant to apply to many different people are dangerous. Either way, I think it's tough for anyone myself included, to speak as to how the victims feel about all of this. It's a tough tough situation with no good answers. All I really can say is that hopefully some good comes out of this.

07-23-2012, 01:34 PM
An "oh shit" moment. I've been told 1 of those can ruin 1,000 atta' boys'

Anyway thanks for the clarifications guys regarding O'Brien. I didn't know his main goal was to move to the Head Coaching ranks in the NFL. Not sure why he didn't just stay in New England unless the decision wasn't ultimately not his (wasn't going to have his contract renewed, fired, etc.) I mean if there is one thing BB can do is get your foot in the door for a head coaching gig.

I figured he was going to stay in the college ranks of head coaching which is why I said Penn State is/was a premier job.

To me an underlying reason and something note worthy was the immediate hiring of Josh McDaniel again. All while Bill was finishing out the playoffs as well. With Brady and his standing being questioned there mid season it's interesting to me atleast.

07-23-2012, 01:36 PM
Will NCAA 14 have Penn St as a 1 star D team next year?

Their depth chart should hurt much in NCAA since we only have 70 roster spots :D

07-23-2012, 01:37 PM
Will NCAA 14 have Penn St as a 1 star D team next year?

Now this is a good question.

07-23-2012, 01:39 PM
Now this is a good question.

Gus always brings the thunder :D:D

07-23-2012, 01:43 PM


07-23-2012, 02:00 PM
To me an underlying reason and something note worthy was the immediate hiring of Josh McDaniel again. All while Bill was finishing out the playoffs as well. With Brady and his standing being questioned there mid season it's interesting to me atleast.I thought that was because he was fielding interviews for jobs, then once Paterno was fired. McDaniels wasn't hired until later.

If the writing was on the wall for him to leave then that is understandable and probably the reason. I'm not a fan of either team so my knowledge of the situation is absent.

Still I wouldn't have thought he knew he was signing up for this. No one did until today.

07-23-2012, 02:06 PM


07-23-2012, 03:09 PM

Reading through that I can't help but think: Why the hell would you not follow up more. It is not enough to say that's all they told me. When you're the president of a university, you should should at the very least further investigate a report like he got. Ask a couple of questions for god's sake man. If I heard grown man, young boy, shower, & horseplay together. That's enough to merit a couple of questions at the very least.

07-23-2012, 03:28 PM
so, what does the NCAA plan to do with that 60 Million?

07-23-2012, 03:32 PM
so, what does the NCAA plan to do with that 60 Million?


Even Helen Keller knows where the $60M is going to. Did you not listen to what Tommy told you the other night?

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

07-23-2012, 04:05 PM

Y'all gotta leave Ram alone. His posts always amuse me.

07-23-2012, 04:22 PM

Even Helen Keller knows where the $60M is going to. Did you not listen to what Tommy told you the other night?

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

nice generality but it doesnt specify everything. They are either giving to organizations that help victims in this sort of thing or direct victims in the case.

But this is the NCAA organization. I doubt the 60 million will go unfiltered.

Personally, I think it should directly to the victims involved and none to some general charity / organization.

07-23-2012, 05:07 PM
That actually was a solid question Ram

I wondered too if it was going to those victims directly affected.

But then I thought they will likely be getting more than that once the civil suits start rolling in

07-23-2012, 05:16 PM
That actually was a solid question Ram

I wondered too if it was going to those victims directly affected.

But then I thought they will likely be getting more than that once the civil suits start rolling in

That money is going to a charitable organization.

There will be future civil lawsuits probably around 100 million.

07-23-2012, 05:53 PM

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

07-23-2012, 08:51 PM
Gus always brings the thunder :D:D

I figure at some point there needs to be comic relief....well besides my normal rambling posts :fp:

07-23-2012, 09:05 PM
I don't understand and don't agree with vacated from wins from Paterno's record. What does this accomplish? Nothing IMO. It's isn't like they had an competitive advantage over other teams during that time span.

Yeah this and alot of other things puzzle me... However this is nothing but an outlet for the media and others to put the blame on the biggest icon in the history of Penn State football... Its so sad that a man who is deceased cant fight or speak his peace about this situation... How cowardly is it to continue to blame a man who isnt here to defend his self.. The administrators of this university have found the same thing the rest of society has found in this case, a scapegoat to blame.. Direct all the attention to face of Penn State football.... What has taking his statue down accomplished... All the years that he stood on that sideline, and now to destroy his legacy and what he did for the players that came through the program... Also what he has done for college football... I love college football as much as the next person, and part of the reason for this great game is men like Paterno... People can say what they want about him, but to look at the program, to look at that simple but classy uniform is college football... The great game has been built on tradition, and without that statue, to me you can toss tradition out the window... Dont get me wrong, these children that were affected, deserve the best they can get for the rest of there life, however continuing to pacify the situation by blaming the wrong man is not the answer... These president and athletic director should be ashamed that they allowed this mans legacy to take such a hard hit, that they should be more to blame for not stepping up in the position that they hold in the university... One last thing, I know they took away his wins.. But the rest of my life, I will always believe that he is no doubt the winningest coach in history... So 409 will always be his number....

07-24-2012, 01:24 AM
One issue I have with the way things are being handled, specifically the "lets all jump on and trash a dead man's name because he can't defend himself everybody!", why the fuck isn't Mike McQueary being roasted on a spit? He's the one who fucking saw with his two eyes the stuff going on. If I'm in his position, sure, I'll send it up the chain of command, but I'm also straight up calling the fucking cops right there on the spot if I see a grown, aged man in the shower with a young boy. But hey, nobody gives a fuck about McQueary, nobody gives a fuck about Spanier or anyone else from Penn State affiliated with this case, lets just keep focusing on the fucking dead guy because he can't defend himself against whatever the fuck people feel like making up or claiming about him.

This whole case, from the moment the story broke last November, through now, has been a giant, massive walking fucking clusterfuck. But nobody will ever dare to do anything about it because all one has to do is say "think of the kids" and suddenly you're pro-raping kids in the eyes of the general public if you dare to defend Penn State in any way anywhere else on the internet.

07-24-2012, 03:02 AM
Are you fucking kidding me? :fp:

PastaPadre: NCAA Football Series Must Incorporate Penn State Sanctions (http://www.pastapadre.com/2012/07/23/ncaa-football-series-must-incorporate-penn-state-sanctions)

This shit is just getting fucking stupid now. :fp:

07-24-2012, 06:08 AM
Are you fucking kidding me? :fp:

PastaPadre: NCAA Football Series Must Incorporate Penn State Sanctions (http://www.pastapadre.com/2012/07/23/ncaa-football-series-must-incorporate-penn-state-sanctions)

This shit is just getting fucking stupid now. :fp:

LMFAO :smh:

07-24-2012, 06:09 AM
Are you fucking kidding me? :fp:

PastaPadre: NCAA Football Series Must Incorporate Penn State Sanctions (http://www.pastapadre.com/2012/07/23/ncaa-football-series-must-incorporate-penn-state-sanctions)

This shit is just getting fucking stupid now. :fp:

LMFAO :smh:

07-24-2012, 07:17 AM
It was so bad made you post it twice huh Snoop lol

Yeah it is getting nearly to that point though

07-24-2012, 07:27 AM
It was so bad made you post it twice huh Snoop lol

Yeah it is getting nearly to that point though

LOL didn't notice that hahaha.

But yeah, it is getting nearly to that point :D

*and i'm not editing it out either :D

07-24-2012, 08:10 AM
Are you fucking kidding me? :fp:

PastaPadre: NCAA Football Series Must Incorporate Penn State Sanctions (http://www.pastapadre.com/2012/07/23/ncaa-football-series-must-incorporate-penn-state-sanctions)

This shit is just getting fucking stupid now. :fp:

He's turned into TMZ to get website hits with crap like that.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

07-24-2012, 08:14 AM
When he's not trying to get ratings talking about ridiculous things, he should realize that the video game is a way for Penn State fans to get away from reality for a bit.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

07-24-2012, 08:21 AM
When he's not trying to get ratings talking about ridiculous things, he should realize that the video game is a way for Penn State fans to get away from reality for a bit.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

Yep. What good does putting the real life punishments for Penn State against the video game Penn State football team do? If you're going to do that, just pull Penn State entirely out of the damn game for the next 4 or 5 years.

And all the demand and calls for the justice of the victims by putting the penalties against Penn State in the game as well as real life, well, I would love the links to the stories he wrote about putting the real life sanctions against Ohio State and USC in the game. I entirely missed those stories in the past. I also eagerly look forward to similar stories and demands for EA to put any future penalties against Miami or North Carolina or Georgia or whoever in the game.

I have this funny feeling we'll probably never hear a peep from Pasta about how EA must put the sanctions against Miami or whoever in the future in the game.

07-24-2012, 08:23 AM
He's turned into TMZ to get website hits with crap like that.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

I NEVER read anything he has on there. He's gotten FAR too big for his own good.

07-24-2012, 09:06 AM
Are you fucking kidding me? :fp:

PastaPadre: NCAA Football Series Must Incorporate Penn State Sanctions (http://www.pastapadre.com/2012/07/23/ncaa-football-series-must-incorporate-penn-state-sanctions)

This shit is just getting fucking stupid now. :fp:

I guess to each his own, but did he mention anything like this here recently when USC or Ohio St did something wrong? I've never seen his site so I don't have clue, just wondering if he's just jumping on the media bandwagon that's surrounding the Penn St situation.

Seems over the top if you ask me.

07-24-2012, 09:07 AM
I guess to each his own, but did he mention anything like this here recently when USC or Ohio St did something wrong? I've never seen his site so I don't have clue, just wondering if he's just jumping on the media bandwagon that's surrounding the Penn St situation.

Seems over the top if you ask me.

That's what the majority of his site is. Ridiculous premises to induce a shock value and traffic.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

07-24-2012, 09:27 AM
Victim #4 and his attorney do not agree with the NCAA and wish they would have been consulted


07-24-2012, 10:22 AM
I guess to each his own, but did he mention anything like this here recently when USC or Ohio St did something wrong? I've never seen his site so I don't have clue, just wondering if he's just jumping on the media bandwagon that's surrounding the Penn St situation.

Seems over the top if you ask me.

To the best of my knowledge, no, he did not ever say or suggest anything along the same lines with USC or Ohio State. I don't read his site often, only when a headline from a story he's linked on Facebook catches my eye, but I don't remember him every making the same fight for EA to do that for USC or Ohio State. I have a feeling we'll never see an article demanding the same from EA regarding Miami if the NCAA comes down on them in the future. Basically he's doing nothing more than jumping on the Penn State hatewagon with the rest of the media and trying to score brownie points with the public for bashing Penn State.

To suggest such a thing as he did is purely and utterly ridiculous.

07-24-2012, 10:58 AM

So being on the cover of SI is a jinx, so does that mean good things will now happen to PSU?

07-24-2012, 11:01 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is a fake btw

On other news, the NCAA has just voided all communion and confessions offered by the Catholic Church dating back to 1873.

07-24-2012, 11:03 AM

07-24-2012, 11:09 AM
Nicely done fake then.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

07-24-2012, 11:11 AM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is a fake btw

On other news, the NCAA has just voided all communion and confessions offered by the Catholic Church dating back to 1873.

Uhhh Eric, you sure this is fake?


07-24-2012, 12:17 PM
That's what the majority of his site is. Ridiculous premises to induce a shock value and traffic.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

That's why I ignore him and all others who operate out of their grandmothers' basements.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

07-24-2012, 12:26 PM
That's why I ignore him and all others who operate out of their grandmothers' basements.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2


07-24-2012, 12:44 PM

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07-24-2012, 01:21 PM
i think there is a point where NCAA makes the ruling noone needs to be alerted to what they want to do. Unfortunately these victims or joe family doesn't have any say in what or how the NCAA proceeds in their operations. I feel bad for Paterno family because a great man held something so bad quiet not because of religion , not because of integrity but because of football . For them it has to be hard to accept but evidence is there whether completely true or not . They lose that battle with being untruthful for 10+ years.

07-24-2012, 01:40 PM

This is good stuff, I'm glad you're here JB, you always bring the comic relief. I sit here laughing and my wife wants to know what's so dang funny. Great stuff!

07-24-2012, 08:54 PM
To the best of my knowledge, no, he did not ever say or suggest anything along the same lines with USC or Ohio State. I don't read his site often, only when a headline from a story he's linked on Facebook catches my eye, but I don't remember him every making the same fight for EA to do that for USC or Ohio State. I have a feeling we'll never see an article demanding the same from EA regarding Miami if the NCAA comes down on them in the future. Basically he's doing nothing more than jumping on the Penn State hatewagon with the rest of the media and trying to score brownie points with the public for bashing Penn State.

To suggest such a thing as he did is purely and utterly ridiculous.the only thing ea did regarding putting USC penalties into the game, was make their championship contender pitch like a D+ in the first year of dynasties. other than that, there werent any extra things done. you could still get ranked, play in bowl games, sign 25 players, etc.

07-25-2012, 11:05 AM
This is the bullshit that makes me angry. These kids have said through the media or social media that they are staying yet this happens.

Stephon Morris ‏ @ 12_darKnight

We have chosen to stay at PSU & other opposing coaches are outside our apartment. Was that the intentions of the NCAA # LeaveUsAlone # WeAre

Something just seems so wrong with this.

07-25-2012, 11:07 AM
Maybe this is what Mark Emmert wanted though. He said that football should never be the focal point for institutions yet he is allowing this to happen? Are these coaches asking the players to attend their school for an education or for the abilities on the football field? You can't have it both ways.

07-25-2012, 11:24 AM
This is the bullshit that makes me angry. These kids have said through the media or social media that they are staying yet this happens.

Stephon Morris ‏ @ 12_darKnight

We have chosen to stay at PSU & other opposing coaches are outside our apartment. Was that the intentions of the NCAA # LeaveUsAlone # WeAre

Something just seems so wrong with this.

If that was me, I don't give a damn about what the ramifications by the coaching staff would be, I'd walk right up to their face and tell them to fuck off.

07-25-2012, 11:31 AM
If that was me, I don't give a damn about what the ramifications by the coaching staff would be, I'd walk right up to their face and tell them to fuck off.

Yeah no kidding

07-25-2012, 12:13 PM
This is the bullshit that makes me angry. These kids have said through the media or social media that they are staying yet this happens.

Stephon Morris ‏ @ 12_darKnight

We have chosen to stay at PSU & other opposing coaches are outside our apartment. Was that the intentions of the NCAA # LeaveUsAlone # WeAre

Something just seems so wrong with this.


07-25-2012, 01:21 PM
Yeah. That shit is disgusting, but, at the same time, how is that any different than normal recruiting? Recruiting is the DARK underbelly of college sports. This situation just puts a highlight on it when, otherwise, it doesn't go reported about much, or at all.

That type of tenacity is how the best get the best (or they cheat, but that's a whole different story). It's disgusting, but the practices of normal college recruiting is disgusting anyway.

07-25-2012, 01:36 PM
Yeah. That shit is disgusting, but, at the same time, how is that any different than normal recruiting? Recruiting is the DARK underbelly of college sports. This situation just puts a highlight on it when, otherwise, it doesn't go reported about much, or at all.

That type of tenacity is how the best get the best (or they cheat, but that's a whole different story). It's disgusting, but the practices of normal college recruiting is disgusting anyway.

I think it's more of the point that these sanctions were to be a message that the culture of college football was to change. But as everyone knows and was said publicly on ESPN last night by Fowler and Davis that it's not going to change a damn thing.

07-25-2012, 02:34 PM
I think it's more of the point that these sanctions were to be a message that the culture of college football was to change. But as everyone knows and was said publicly on ESPN last night by Fowler and Davis that it's not going to change a damn thing.

Did the NCAA actually say that these sanctions were going to be a message about changing the culture of college football? If so, they are truly retarded and it's media spin like a motherfucker. The culture of college football will be and has been since it became a televised sporting event about winning at any cost. Nothing short of dissolving the NCAA and forming a league outside of the notion that college football is about academics as much as athletics will change that.

07-25-2012, 02:43 PM
Did the NCAA actually say that these sanctions were going to be a message about changing the culture of college football? If so, they are truly retarded and it's media spin like a motherfucker. The culture of college football will be and has been since it became a televised sporting event about winning at any cost. Nothing short of dissolving the NCAA and forming a league outside of the notion that college football is about academics as much as athletics will change that.

Oh absolutely. It was the main point behind everything they said. They said it needed to start with the change at PSU

That's why on OTL last night Fowler was saying how there is no way it's going to change and they are to blame when they just created a system where the MNC goes to the highest bidder.

07-25-2012, 03:02 PM
Also why Bob Ley asked Emmett on OTL that didn't you make this comment " when LSU football succeeds then LSU University succeeds" Emmertt was caught and bumbled through his response.

Then later Bob asked about academics and where LSU was which he answered. Then later asked about the change in football culture and to really focus on academics first to which Bob Ley said " well aren't they already doing that?

I'm not going to link it here but YouTube
Emmertt and Ley it's worth the 8 minutes.

07-25-2012, 03:47 PM
So apparently the Freeh report has been corrected for errors :fp: Good diligent investigating :D

disclaimer - I have not read the article yet so I don't know what the errors were, just posting


07-25-2012, 04:04 PM
Most were times and dates however one major blunder was the association with Shultz instead of Baldwin (I think if I remember it correctly) and it was in reference to knowledge of the 1998 incident. :smh: this is the bible we believe it as factual and always up for edits :D

07-25-2012, 04:04 PM
So apparently the Freeh report has been corrected for errors :fp: Good diligent investigating :D

disclaimer - I have not read the article yet so I don't know what the errors were, just posting


Yeah they probably left out the fact Joe Pa was raping boys after Sandusky finished?

Seriously, it's time to move on. :Penn_State: has ACCEPTED the report as TRUE and has ACCEPTED the :NCAA:'s punishment. If you are a PSU fan and are angry the only people you can be angry with is the University.

07-25-2012, 04:06 PM
Yeah they probably left out the fact Joe Pa was raping boys after Sandusky finished?

Seriously, it's time to move on. :Penn_State: has ACCEPTED the report as TRUE and has ACCEPTED the :NCAA:'s punishment. If you are a PSU fan and are angry the only people you can be angry with is the University.

Move on? Sir, you are obviously not thinking of the children with your comments. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!

07-25-2012, 04:08 PM
Yeah the probably left out the fact Joe Pa was raping boys after Sandusky finished?

Seriously, it's time to move on. :Penn_State: has ACCEPTED the report as TRUE and has ACCEPTED the :NCAA:'s punishment. If you are a PSU fan and are angry the only people you can be angry with is the University.

Your wrong the President accepted this as true not the board or majority of the board.

Those asking for compliance and completely open books were once again shunned but since most got what they wanted they can look the other way and see no issue with this situation.

Corey i know your semi satisfied as many are but there is a lot more to come from this. Whether you want to understand and follow is completely up to you but Eric and I will be closely following this as it unfolds.

07-25-2012, 04:16 PM
Seemed to be lots of chatter of being forced to sign this or face harsher penalties like the death penalty. Now that the likes of espn and other people are finally looking at this different the public and some media are ready to move on. I find this so funny.

What happens if Curley and Shultz are found not to have committed perjury because of what they were told in their meetings with McQueary? Sure would make the NCAA look like they overstepped things and rushed to penalties without giving this institution the proper investigation like it states in the bylaws.

We just wanted a fair chance to allow the criminal courts to handle criminal things and the NCAA to handle things once the facts and trials were over. And I know your going to say or think I don't think PSU should be punished and that isn't the case at all. We just want what every institution is given and that is a fair investigation.

07-25-2012, 04:24 PM
It appears right now at 5pm est there was a special board of trustees meeting regarding the decree signed without board approval.

Just adding this so you all know I'm not BS'ing you when I said President Erickson may hbe overstepped his position.

07-25-2012, 04:26 PM
If Penn State had not accepted the package of NCAA sanctions announced Monday, the Nittany Lions faced a historic death penalty of four years, university president Rodney Erickson told "Outside the Lines" Wednesday afternoon.
In a separate interview, NCAA president Mark Emmert confirmed that a core group of NCAA school presidents had agreed early last week that an appropriate punishment was no Penn State football for four years.
Emmert told Erickson in a phone conversation on July 17 that a majority of the NCAA's leadership wanted to levy the four-year penalty because of Penn State's leaders' roles in covering up the child sexual abuse of former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.
"Well, that's a pretty tough number to swallow," Erickson said he recalled thinking when told of the four-year possibility by Emmert. "It's unprecedented. It's a blow to the gut, there's no doubt about that & I couldn't agree to that at all."
Almost immediately after that conversation, intensive discussions between Penn State and the NCAA began in earnest, Erickson said. Penn State lobbied for the NCAA to take the death penalty off the table, and the NCAA described a series of other sanctions, both "punitive and corrective" in nature.
The discussions were so secretive that most members of Penn State's embattled Board of Trustees had no idea they were happening, several trustees said.
Indeed, the trustees had thought that Erickson was officially responding to a Nov. 17 letter of questions from the NCAA. In the interview on Wednesday, Erickson said the letter was set aside last week as the discussions between Penn State and the NCAA intensified.
Erickson said if Penn State did not agree to the sanctions, a formal investigation would have begun and the university could have faced a multiyear death penalty as well as "other sanctions," including a financial penalty far greater than $60 million.
"There were figures that were thrown around that were quite large," he said.
After five days of intense discussions last week, Erickson and Emmert agreed last Sunday to the historic punishment of a $60 million fine, a four-year postseason ban, significant loss of scholarships and the vacating of 14 years of 112 Penn State victories, causing Joe Paterno to fall from first to eighth on the all-time coaches' win list.
The punishment was for the role played by four Penn State leaders -- Paterno, former university president Graham Spanier, athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz -- to conceal Sandusky's child sexual abuse for more than 10 years, as described in the university-commissioned Freeh Report.
Erickson's comments were made Wednesday afternoon, shortly before he was scheduled to meet with Penn State's Board of Trustees about the terms of the consent decree he signed with the NCAA. Several trustees said they are furious that the board was not given a chance to vote on the agreement, which they say is bad for Penn State.
Erickson said his insistence that Penn State must avoid the death penalty was driven in large part with worry over the devastating economic impact of no Saturday afternoon football in central Pennsylvania and the words of newly hired coach Bill O'Brien.
O'Brien said in an interview Wednesday that he told Erickson, "I want to play football and I want to play football on television."
"Both of those things are possible under the sanctions," Erickson said Wednesday. "I think it is not only best for our football program but best for our entire set of sports in intercollegiate athletes to be able to continue on and have the opportunity to play in that stadium and participate."
Erickson said he disagrees with the criticism that the NCAA sanctions are worse than the death penalty.
"I think the death penalty would have been far, far worse for the program and the university over the long run," he said.
While it had been known that Penn State faced a possible multiyear death penalty, the level of NCAA support for a four-year death penalty and the import given to that threat by Erickson and other Penn State leaders were not previously known.
Erickson signed a consent decree that accepted full responsibility for the facts and conclusions of the 267-page Freeh report, a seven-month investigation by the firm of former FBI director Louis Freeh. His investigators interviewed more than 430 witnesses and reviewed more than 3.5 million documents.
The decree states the evidence against Penn State "presents an unprecedented failure of institutional integrity leading to a culture in which a football program was held in higher esteem than the values of the institution, the values of the NCAA, the values of higher education and, most disturbingly, the values of human decency."
The university's discussions with the NCAA last week were so secretive that most trustee members had no idea they were going on, even as late as last Sunday when Erickson and Emmert said the consent decree's terms were finalized.
Some trustees said they hoped the dismantling of Paterno's statue would send a positive message to the NCAA when it considered sanctions. Little did those trustees know, Erickson had already agreed in principle by last Saturday on the "punitive and corrective" sanctions.
Some trustees said they are considering a bid to overturn the consent decree in court because they don't believe Erickson had the authority to sign it. Erickson consulted with board chairwoman Karen Peetz, acting AD Dave Joyner and several other unnamed members of the board's executive committee, he said Wednesday.
Two trustees said most of the board's members did not find out about the terms of the agreement until Monday morning.
"This is the most significant decision in the history of Penn State, and we didn't know," one trustee said. "The financial impact of this decision could run as high as $500 million, and we didn't know anything about it.
"The Freeh Report criticized us for not being in the loop on the Sandusky matter, and we were totally out of the loop on this. What happened to the transparency that we were promised?"
Another trustee said there is a growing movement among some trustees to attempt to challenge the consent decree in court.
"They've destroyed the school, as far as I'm concerned," this trustee said. "Think of the innocent players hurt by this. They had nothing to do with this and they have to pay the price."
On Wednesday, Erickson said he had consulted with Peetz, the board chairwoman, and the university's outside counsel, about whether he had the authority to negotiate and approve the agreement with the NCAA.
"We felt that I had the authority to engage in that consent decree," he said.

Don Van Natta Jr. is a senior writer for ESPN The Magazine and ESPN.com.

07-25-2012, 04:35 PM
Yep so go ahead challenge the President's consent in Court. I'll assume you win that argument (although I have SIGNIFICNAT doubts about that). Here is what WILL happen after that.

#1 You will piss off the NCAA

#2 The NCAA will go through the motions and start a "formal investigation"

#3 The investigation will largely mirror what is already known and it might even get worse for Penn State

#4 The NCAA will institute a 4 year death penalty

#5 The entire economy around PSU will take a SIGNIFICANT loss

#6 In 2016 you can start recruiting football players again. (no guarantee there won't be further punishments reducing scholarships; bowls; Big 10 conf affiliation; BIGGER $ fine; etc...)

Penn State is much better off taking this punishment and moving on versus the alterantive above.

07-25-2012, 04:44 PM
Yep so go ahead challenge the President's consent in Court. I'll assume you win that argument (although I have SIGNIFICNAT doubts about that). Here is what WILL happen after that.

#1 You will piss off the NCAA

#2 The NCAA will go through the motions and start a "formal investigation"

#3 The investigation will largely mirror what is already known and it might even get worse for Penn State

#4 The NCAA will institute a 4 year death penalty

#5 The entire economy around PSU will take a SIGNIFICANT loss

#6 In 2016 you can start recruiting football players again. (no guarantee there won't be further punishments reducing scholarships; bowls; Big 10 conf affiliation; BIGGER $ fine; etc...)

Penn State is much better off taking this punishment and moving on versus the alterantive above.

Yep, being forced to accept penalties or else mentality is exactly what all other institutions are rooting for as well. God help us all that we don't allow one person to have that much power and authority. Think how well that is working out in other situations in life.

So allowing the NCAA to investigate the truth is something those pounding their chests earlier wants to avoid? Can you explain this to me?

I think some already know how pissed off PSU is, take Governor Tom Corbet the same guy that still stinks of this and hindered this investigation by only having one assistant helping while he was the attorney general is now back stepping and trying to gain public support by pubically stating the penalties were to harsh. Sorry pal, your term is over soon and you stand zero chance for reelection.

07-26-2012, 06:40 PM
RB silas redd is the first transfer from penn state......gonna be a trojan

07-26-2012, 07:20 PM
RB silas redd is the first transfer from penn state......gonna be a trojan

he's visiting this weekend, nothing final yet.

So, who's rosters do we download if that happens ?

07-26-2012, 07:30 PM
I don't know. I may be alone with this opinion, but I am going to pretty much end up thinking less of any one who does transfer out. A bunch of players and starters have already committed to sticking with the team, their "brothers" and the university, regardless of the circumstances and difficulties ahead. Anyone who transfers out, they're basically turning their back on the rest of the guys on the team, telling them to fuck off, showing that they're a pussy when faced with adversity, and that they care about nothing but personal gain or a trophy. Just because they play for Penn State, doesn't mean the NFL scouts aren't going to give a damn about them. They'll still get attention from NFL scouts and as much a chance at an NFL career as any other player at a major school.

07-26-2012, 07:42 PM
And still be on TV just as much as well as options are being looked at for adding Hawaii for a 13th game :up:

07-26-2012, 09:14 PM
While I won't hold any grudges if he goes, the USC move to me doesn't make sense. He's going to split time with McNeal and both of them are going to play second fiddle to Barkleys Heisman campaign.

If he stays he's going to be the offense and the national attention that this team is going to get is going to be ridiculous. Every week you know they will be talking about how they are doing. And Smooth is right, right now he's basically the only starter that hasn't committed to coming back so they are still going to be a decent team.

The only thing he gains from going to USC, is pretty much a guaranteed national championship. IMO, that seems shallow.

07-26-2012, 10:50 PM

07-27-2012, 07:33 AM
I don't know. I may be alone with this opinion, but I am going to pretty much end up thinking less of any one who does transfer out. A bunch of players and starters have already committed to sticking with the team, their "brothers" and the university, regardless of the circumstances and difficulties ahead. Anyone who transfers out, they're basically turning their back on the rest of the guys on the team, telling them to fuck off, showing that they're a pussy when faced with adversity, and that they care about nothing but personal gain or a trophy. Just because they play for Penn State, doesn't mean the NFL scouts aren't going to give a damn about them. They'll still get attention from NFL scouts and as much a chance at an NFL career as any other player at a major school.I disagree with that though. Why can't he or the others transfer? No one says they have to be loyal after something like this happens. Just as it's the choice of the rest of the players to stay and "be strong", it's his rightful choice to transfer to another program. This will be hanging over the heads of the entire school all year long, maybe he doesn't want to be under that type of cloud.

Their is all types of adversity. Being redshirted could be, suffering a season ending injury, being benched, coach being fired or leaving. This situation though it a different kind of adversity

And that's the thing even though depth charts are already pretty much set, players are STILL even considering transferring. That let's you know how rough the situation is. They could be starting for Penn State but would possibly rather leave and not start then stay in this situation and start.

Obviously Penn State needs most of the players to stay in order to salvage the team but I can't be mad at the players who don't decided to stay. I'm not a Penn State fan just judging from afar.

And I'll add no player should have to deal with that kind of spotlight during a season. "How do you feel about the penalties?", "Have you ever met Sandusky?", "what about the statue?"

07-27-2012, 09:13 AM
I disagree with that though. Why can't he or the others transfer? No one says they have to be loyal after something like this happens. Just as it's the choice of the rest of the players to stay and "be strong", it's his rightful choice to transfer to another program. This will be hanging over the heads of the entire school all year long, maybe he doesn't want to be under that type of cloud.

Their is all types of adversity. Being redshirted could be, suffering a season ending injury, being benched, coach being fired or leaving. This situation though it a different kind of adversity

And that's the thing even though depth charts are already pretty much set, players are STILL even considering transferring. That let's you know how rough the situation is. They could be starting for Penn State but would possibly rather leave and not start then stay in this situation and start.

Obviously Penn State needs most of the players to stay in order to salvage the team but I can't be mad at the players who don't decided to stay. I'm not a Penn State fan just judging from afar.

And I'll add no player should have to deal with that kind of spotlight during a season. "How do you feel about the penalties?", "Have you ever met Sandusky?", "what about the statue?"

Oh I'm not mad about it. The NCAA is letting them, if someone wants to, nothing anyone can do about it. I'm just personally thinking less of anyone who does. All it says to me is, when the going gets tough, those guys are going to puss out, quit, run away.

07-27-2012, 09:31 AM
I disagree with that though. Why can't he or the others transfer? No one says they have to be loyal after something like this happens. Just as it's the choice of the rest of the players to stay and "be strong", it's his rightful choice to transfer to another program. This will be hanging over the heads of the entire school all year long, maybe he doesn't want to be under that type of cloud.

Their is all types of adversity. Being redshirted could be, suffering a season ending injury, being benched, coach being fired or leaving. This situation though it a different kind of adversity

And that's the thing even though depth charts are already pretty much set, players are STILL even considering transferring. That let's you know how rough the situation is. They could be starting for Penn State but would possibly rather leave and not start then stay in this situation and start.

Obviously Penn State needs most of the players to stay in order to salvage the team but I can't be mad at the players who don't decided to stay. I'm not a Penn State fan just judging from afar.

And I'll add no player should have to deal with that kind of spotlight during a season. "How do you feel about the penalties?", "Have you ever met Sandusky?", "what about the statue?"

I agree with you Skip. I'm a PSU fan so obviously I'd like him to stay. But can't really hold it against anyone that wants to go. Like I mentioned before though, I just don't really understand the USC move itself with the talent they have.

The only other thing that kind of pulls at me is that he was supposed to be a captain and has always been a vocal leader, even when everything has come out he's been very pro-PSU. And 21 of the other 22 starters have stated they are coming back and he's potentially the only one. But, we don't know his situation, maybe he can't deal with it and like you said doesn't want to be in that type of spotlight.

07-27-2012, 09:49 AM
I agree with you Skip. I'm a PSU fan so obviously I'd like him to stay. But can't really hold it against anyone that wants to go. Like I mentioned before though, I just don't really understand the USC move itself with the talent they have.

The only other thing that kind of pulls at me is that he was supposed to be a captain and has always been a vocal leader, even when everything has come out he's been very pro-PSU. And 21 of the other 22 starters have stated they are coming back and he's potentially the only one. But, we don't know his situation, maybe he can't deal with it and like you said doesn't want to be in that type of spotlight.Oh I definitely understand the USC point, which is why the situation must be really bad to go from starting and getting the bulk of the reps to only getting minimal carries at USC.

I couldn't really hold it against anyone if they decided to leave. Again dealing with an injury, coach firing, redshirt. Those things are different than what they are going through now. Which I'll add none of them should even have to go through. Some of the players don't have a choice but to stay. They may either be not really that good, a Senior with no aspirations to play at the next level and want their career to end at Penn State. Others have different goals and opportunities, who knows. But majority of their year isn't going to be focused on football, even if they say they will be blocking it out. The media and statue removal will be a constant reminder.

And that honestly would be tough to play under those circumstances. If anything there is going to be added pressure on the football team. Just sucks for them

07-27-2012, 12:58 PM
And it just gets better and better :smh:


07-27-2012, 08:23 PM
Smooth, I agree that they'll still get attention if they stick it out at Penn State, but not every member of the team is going to go on the NFL. For some guys, the bowl game is the pinnacle.

07-28-2012, 02:52 AM
Smooth, I agree that they'll still get attention if they stick it out at Penn State, but not every member of the team is going to go on the NFL. For some guys, the bowl game is the pinnacle.

Let's hope (or us PSU fans do) that psu gets this 13th game with Hawaii :nod:

Also I like that our year end match up against Wisconsin now is going to involve a rivalry trophy. These are all good ideas that I fully back and I hope happen.

07-28-2012, 10:35 AM
Oh I'm not mad about it. The NCAA is letting them, if someone wants to, nothing anyone can do about it. I'm just personally thinking less of anyone who does. All it says to me is, when the going gets tough, those guys are going to puss out, quit, run away.

at least though, of anyone who transfers, they have to do it before fall camp starts in order to be elligible. when the ncaa said that all juniors and seniors from USC could transfer, the ncaa allowed them to transfer at any point in the season.

07-28-2012, 10:37 AM
Let's hope (or us PSU fans do) that psu gets this 13th game with Hawaii :nod:

Also I like that our year end match up against Wisconsin now is going to involve a rivalry trophy. These are all good ideas that I fully back and I hope happen.

i doubt the ncaa would let you guys schedule hawaii, since they were seriously considering taking it away from USC 2 years ago, even when that game had been one the schedule for a couple of years. i hope it happens though.

07-28-2012, 01:29 PM
i doubt the ncaa would let you guys schedule hawaii, since they were seriously considering taking it away from USC 2 years ago, even when that game had been one the schedule for a couple of years. i hope it happens though.

Well since the NCAA is a making this special it's possible.

07-28-2012, 01:35 PM
Question CLW, since the NCAA has imposed sanctions have they now opened themselves up to civil suits as well?

There was an attorney on, I think, the Finebaum show earlier this week saying that the NCAA has started down a very slippery slope, because this punishment suggests oversight and responsibility, and thus liability.

This was posted as a question on the boards.

07-28-2012, 04:08 PM
Question CLW, since the NCAA has imposed sanctions have they now opened themselves up to civil suits as well?

There was an attorney on, I think, the Finebaum show earlier this week saying that the NCAA has started down a very slippery slope, because this punishment suggests oversight and responsibility, and thus liability.

This was posted as a question on the boards. yes, they can be sued.

when the USC sanctions came down, they gave former rb coach todd mcnair a show-cause penalty, prohibiting him from interacting with recruits for a year. since his contract with USC expired, he decided to sue the ncaa for breach of contract, libel, slander, and misconduct. the lawsuit is still ongoing.

07-28-2012, 05:31 PM
If the victims can sue the NCAA it would be interesting.

07-29-2012, 10:46 AM
There was an attorney on, I think, the Finebaum show earlier this week saying that the NCAA has started down a very slippery slope, because this punishment suggests oversight and responsibility, and thus liability.You must listen to XM College Sports, because I'm pretty sure that was on Coast to Coast. I was sitting on hold during that discussion, wanting to talk about something related :D

yes, they can be sued.Well, anyone can be sued. The real question is whether or not they opened themselves up to additional liability by suggesting responsibility to oversee all actions of the athletic department, and not just sports-related actions.

07-29-2012, 06:01 PM

07-29-2012, 07:54 PM

07-29-2012, 08:36 PM

07-30-2012, 09:39 AM
So I know this doesn't look good since it's another case in PA :fp: but I thought I'd post it to go along with the discussion Kwizzy and I were having awhile ago in regards to the "If this was the Chess coach it wouldn't have been covered up" Guarantee nobody has heard of this story.


In light of the actions taken by the NCAA in the Penn State scandal, here’s a question for you: Do you think that if a professor of, say, economics, was discovered to be a serial sex abuser of young boys, that the university’s economics department would be shut down?

If you answered “of course not,” I think you’re right. It would be ridiculous to do any such thing.

But if you answered “that depends,” then you might want to consider the case of Scott Ward, a University of Pennsylvania marketing professor who just a few short years ago was sentenced to 25 years in prison for possession of child pornography.

Kiddie porn, however, was the lesser of Professor Ward’s crimes against children. Ward was a serial child molester. And officials at Penn and its prestigious Wharton School knew it — or should have — for years. And even knowing about Ward’s penchant for sexually abusing children, the school kept him employed and even helped finance his sexual access to kids overseas.

The story of the “brilliant” Professor Ward was chronicled in a 2007 issue of Philadelphia magazine.

The piece begins in 2006 with Ward being busted by immigration agents after returning from a trip to Thailand, where he enjoyed copious amounts of sex with prepubescent boys. Fortunately for prosecutors, he brought home the DVDs to prove it.

It wasn’t the first time Ward had been charged with sex crimes against children.

Some 13 years earlier, the good professor was charged with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a minor, but found not guilty.

He continued to teach at Wharton.

Three years later, he was accused of soliciting sex from a 23-year-old undercover state trooper posing as a 15-year-old boy. Ward pleaded guilty to promoting prostitution and the attempted corruption of a minor.

And he continued to teach at Wharton.

After his arrest in 2006, federal agents went to Ward’s office at the university’s Huntsman Hall and found 80 images of Ward fondling a 15-year-old boy. The very presence of those photos made the campus itself a crime scene.

The university’s response to calls from reporters about Ward and his alleged crimes was, “No comment.” All media inquiries were effectively stonewalled.

And what happened?

Well, here’s what didn’t happen: The university didn’t hire the former head of the FBI to investigate how Ward managed to elude detection and stay employed at the school despite his numerous arrests and rather obvious problem.

If the school investigated itself for its handling of the matter, it didn’t make the results of that investigation public.

Other than the excellent story in Philly mag, there was no great media campaign to make the university come clean about how and why it protected a known child molester for years.

As pointed out in the story:

“In 1993, Ward had been the subject of a sting at his Ardmore mansion, where several teenage boys lived with him, and he was accused of molesting a 13-year-old there as often as 100 times. But after two highly publicized trials, he was sentenced to just five years of probation, during which time he continued to teach at Wharton and to travel — on Penn’s dime — to Thailand and other hot spots where the touch of a young boy could be had for a price.”

So not only did U of P look the other way while Ward engaged in hundreds of crimes against children in this country, it subsidized his kiddie sex trips abroad.

Again from the story:

“Though he taught only 22 courses from 1999 through 2005, Wharton still paid for him to teach at its partner school in Bangkok — an especially baffling arrangement, since right there, in his CV filled with research on kids and his consulting jobs overseas, is the blueprint for his lifestyle, one made possible in large part by his connection to Penn.”

So here we have an Ivy League school not only refusing to deal with a known pedophile in its midst, it enables him to continue to sexually exploit dozens (hundreds?) of poor children in foreign lands.

And yet, no outside agency — not the Ivy League, not the U.S. Department of Education, not any university accrediting agency — has found the necessary chutzpah to demand the University of Pennsylvania cough up $60 million with the goal of helping sexually abused children.

Ward was every bit the star at Wharton that Jerry Sandusky was at Penn State. Like Sandusky, Ward also founded a nonprofit program for at-risk kids. But he was different in one respect: Ward was far wealthier than the ex-football coach. He made millions serving as a marketing consultant and by being on various corporate boards.

He used his wealth, smarts and his social status as an esteemed Penn professor to discredit his pathetic accusers and to elude justice for years. And yet, if his colleagues had any problem with that, there is no public record of it.

By 2005, Ward had finally become enough of an embarrassment for Penn to take the extreme action of reducing him to the status of professor emeritus. He was arrested and locked up for good a year later.

So I ask you, where’s the outrage at Penn? Where’s the lynch mob for those department heads and administrators who knew (or “should have known”) that Ward was a sexual predator but took no effective action to stop him?

Where’s the independent investigation that might turn up emails that suggest one, two or three of his colleagues knew about his crimes, but didn’t want to report them for their own bizarre reasons?

Finally, I’d very much like to know where one of Penn’s most esteemed graduates, Pulitzer-prize-winning author Buzz Bissinger, stands on all this. After all, no single person in America has publicly expressed more outrage and disgust over the failures at Penn State University.

In his columns and TV appearances, Bissinger has not only applauded the sanctions against Penn State and the crippling of its football program, he has led the campaign to vilify the late Joe Paterno as a “dictator” and dangerous egomaniac. He has made clear that he finds the culture of big time college football sickening and directly blames it for the failure of nerve that allowed a sexual predator like Sandusky to run amok.

So what explains the culture at his own alma mater that allowed Professor Ward to continue his own decades-long crime spree?

If Buzz Bissinger weighed in on the Ward case, I couldn’t find it. But I would love to hear him explain why PSU should pony up $60 million for its allegedly protecting a pedophile and the Wharton school should not. Why PSU’s football program should be eviscerated and the academic institution that protected Ward by means of tenure and due process should not. And why not.

I don’t expect Bissinger to admit that his contempt for the culture of college football and all things Paterno has poisoned his view of this case. But more fair-minded journalists ought to have resisted throwing in with this torch and pitchfork crowd.

As this story continues to unfold, a few more decent souls may come to regret running with this rampaging herd of independent minds.

07-30-2012, 11:01 AM
The fact that he was financed by the front office means that the school should pay as well. I have to assume that there's some type of accessory to commit a crime charge that could be charged to them or something.

07-30-2012, 11:44 AM
I haven't been keeping up with this thread lately, so not sure if this was already posted, but I thought it was cool that Penn State is trying for a 13th game in Hawaii every year they're in a bowl ban. Hope that happens.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

07-30-2012, 11:57 AM
I haven't been keeping up with this thread lately, so not sure if this was already posted, but I thought it was cool that Penn State is trying for a 13th game in Hawaii every year they're in a bowl ban. Hope that happens.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

I actually haven't been keeping up either but I believe this was posted. I can see the NCAA putting the banhammer on that though. No way they allow them to circumvent the system. Now if they schedule it as one of the out of conference games and do it the last week of the year the NCAA won't be able to do anything, I don't think.

07-30-2012, 12:07 PM
I actually haven't been keeping up either but I believe this was posted. I can see the NCAA putting the banhammer on that though. No way they allow them to circumvent the system. Now if they schedule it as one of the out of conference games and do it the last week of the year the NCAA won't be able to do anything, I don't think.

Well they're not getting any bowl profits, so I dunno how much of circumventing the system it is. Isn't profit the main reason for a bowl ban?

07-30-2012, 12:16 PM
Question CLW, since the NCAA has imposed sanctions have they now opened themselves up to civil suits as well?

There was an attorney on, I think, the Finebaum show earlier this week saying that the NCAA has started down a very slippery slope, because this punishment suggests oversight and responsibility, and thus liability.

This was posted as a question on the boards.

yes, they can be sued.

when the USC sanctions came down, they gave former rb coach todd mcnair a show-cause penalty, prohibiting him from interacting with recruits for a year. since his contract with USC expired, he decided to sue the ncaa for breach of contract, libel, slander, and misconduct. the lawsuit is still ongoing.

If the victims can sue the NCAA it would be interesting.

You must listen to XM College Sports, because I'm pretty sure that was on Coast to Coast. I was sitting on hold during that discussion, wanting to talk about something related :D

Well, anyone can be sued. The real question is whether or not they opened themselves up to additional liability by suggesting responsibility to oversee all actions of the athletic department, and not just sports-related actions.

Sorry for the delayed response. The Answer to the question is of course they can be sued. Hell, you and I could theoretically be sued by the Penn State victims in this case. The question of course is would the law hold the NCAA (or us) liable.

I've seen no evidence that anyone in the NCAA was complicit with Penn State in the cover up. Therefore, the only civil common law theory I can think of off of the top of my head (assuming no statute is on point) would be a negligence theory.

Negligence generally requires 4 elements: (1) Legal Duty to the Victim/Injured; (2) Breach of the duty; (3) the breach caused the injury; (4) damages.

A case against the NCAA would be EXTREMELY difficult (i.e. you'd have to forum shop HARD - i.e. get an uber liberal judge and a uber liberal jury pool)

The 1st problem with a negligence theory is the duty element. While Penn State CLEARLY had a duty to protect the children that were on campus I'm not sure it applies to the NCAA. It would require a LONG read of all of the agreements/laws/regs/etc... but I would suspect the NCAA makes clear that they are merely an enforcement body and not some proactive group that is ultimately responsible for the conduct of its members.

I'd have to listen to Emert's speech for the Penn State punishment but as I recall I don't believe he said the NCAA was responsible for its PRIOR conduct. Rather as I recall he simply indicated that the NCAA was going to take an active role FOR THE NEXT X YEARS. As such, I supose a theory could be made should this happen again during the X year period but its not something that is retroactive.

Assuming a theory could be made out that the NCAA had a legal duty to the victims and they breached that duty b/c they didn't catch Penn State in time the victims still have a causation element problem.

Causation is generally a "but for..." test meaning but for the conduct of the NCAA the injuries would not have happened. This stuff gets extremely easy to make out and Chaos theory type claims often can be made. However, the law also limits "but for" causation with concepts of "intervening" and/or "superseding" causation.

Basically, X makes a mistake that causes Y to get a bump on his knee. Y goes to the hospital and a terrorist blows up the building killing Y. Some idiot lawyer for Y's estate sues X for his death because "but for" X's mistake Y never would have died. However, the law cuts off X's liability because of the intervening/superseding cause of the terrorist's actions.

Here its basically the same: even if the NCAA screwed up Sandusky (and potentially others) criminal activity acts as an intervening/superseding cause to the victims injuries.

As such, the NCAA might get sued but would probably prevail. Of course, most plaintiffs lawyers know this but still sue and hope to get a "nominal" settlement from the NCAA to avoid the bad PR and/or save the cost of defense attorneys billing the NCAA.

07-30-2012, 12:21 PM
Thanks CLW, much appreciated for the breakdown!

07-30-2012, 09:50 PM
what goes around, comes around (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/penn-state-recruited-smu-players-ncaa-death-penalty-233137573--ncaaf.html#more-17151)

side note....silas redd will be announcing his decision tomorrow.

07-30-2012, 10:04 PM
Not even the same. SMU didn't have a program in 1987 and cancelled the 1988 season. There wasn't a football team and there weren't football players. There is still a team and still players at Penn State. Just more media fucktards jumping on the bash Penn State hatewagon. They can all go fuck themselves. I didn't even get a damn about Penn State when all this started, but the never ending bashing, hate and attacks have gotten so fucking old, I'm take Penn State's side from now on. Fuck the media.

07-30-2012, 11:12 PM
Not even the same. SMU didn't have a program in 1987 and cancelled the 1988 season. There wasn't a football team and there weren't football players. There is still a team and still players at Penn State. Just more media fucktards jumping on the bash Penn State hatewagon. They can all go fuck themselves. I didn't even get a damn about Penn State when all this started, but the never ending bashing, hate and attacks have gotten so fucking old, I'm take Penn State's side from now on. Fuck the media.


07-30-2012, 11:26 PM
Not even the same. SMU didn't have a program in 1987 and cancelled the 1988 season. There wasn't a football team and there weren't football players. There is still a team and still players at Penn State. Just more media fucktards jumping on the bash Penn State hatewagon. They can all go fuck themselves. I didn't even get a damn about Penn State when all this started, but the never ending bashing, hate and attacks have gotten so fucking old, I'm take Penn State's side from now on. Fuck the media.

its still a free agency period, and the article shows that penn state was just as involved as other schools in a free agency period..... i know that with the USC transfer situation, there were over 40 schools who contacted USC players about transfering and not one school notified USC that they were recruiting their players. i guess i find it funny how everyone was so quick to bash USC, even when it was Redd who initiated the contact to the USC coaching staff, and how a huge deal was made when USC told penn state that they were gonna pursue Redd. how many other schools have told penn state they were gonna recruit their players? i know that the georgia and clemson HC's have said on the espn ticker that they would absolutely recruit the penn state players.

i agree though about the media. it seems like everyday, there's a new idiot out there writing/reporting a story filled with crap and has zero concern about actually reporting the truth. kinda sad how the media cares more about their ratings than actually reporting news.

07-31-2012, 05:58 AM
By the way MVP and Smooth I was completely agreeing with the "Just more media fucktards jumping on the bash Penn State hatewagon. They can all go fuck themselves. I didn't even get a damn about Penn State when all this started, but the never ending bashing, hate and attacks have gotten so fucking old, I'm take Penn State's side from now on. Fuck the media."

For the record. :D

MVP like Eric and I have said I don't mind him transferring but to go to a school and see maybe 80-110 carries for the year makes little sense to me.

With Barkley and McNeal set as the starting QB and HB adding Redd adds depth (which is nice for Kiffen) but how does that exactly improve things for Redd?

07-31-2012, 06:22 AM
By the way MVP and Smooth I was completely agreeing with the "Just more media fucktards jumping on the bash Penn State hatewagon. They can all go fuck themselves. I didn't even get a damn about Penn State when all this started, but the never ending bashing, hate and attacks have gotten so fucking old, I'm take Penn State's side from now on. Fuck the media."

For the record. :D

MVP like Eric and I have said I don't mind him transferring but to go to a school and see maybe 80-110 carries for the year makes little sense to me.

With Barkley and McNeal set as the starting QB and HB adding Redd adds depth (which is nice for Kiffen) but how does that exactly improve things for Redd?

If he can get 80-110 carries and actually be productive on a 10-1 (maybe 11-0) football team equals a second round draft pick 110+ carries on a 4-7 teams equals late draft pick somewhere.

No matter what the experts tell you how good your college team is makes a world of difference on where you get drafted unless he is just dominate which teams are more likely to just stack the box; there is no way he goes high in the draft, I think its safe to assume that Penn State will not be that good this year ( at least the stats would tell us), can they pull off a great season of course but it is highly unlikely.

The transfer makes perfect sense to me in abnormal situations you have to get that " whats good for me" mentality especially when something like this is going on and you have no control over it.

07-31-2012, 06:40 AM
Well they're not getting any bowl profits, so I dunno how much of circumventing the system it is. Isn't profit the main reason for a bowl ban?

Actually, if you get a chance to read "Death to the BCS," you'll see that schools LOSE money going to bowls. The people putting on the bowls and the conference make all the money but teams do it anyway so they can get exposure and can say "We went to the _________ Bowl" in the hopes of getting recruits and keep boosters pumping cash into a "successful" program.

There's a reason that book is the first book I've read cover to cover since high school.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-31-2012, 07:34 AM
If he can get 80-110 carries and actually be productive on a 10-1 (maybe 11-0) football team equals a second round draft pick 110+ carries on a 4-7 teams equals late draft pick somewhere.

No matter what the experts tell you how good your college team is makes a world of difference on where you get drafted unless he is just dominate which teams are more likely to just stack the box; there is no way he goes high in the draft, I think its safe to assume that Penn State will not be that good this year ( at least the stats would tell us), can they pull off a great season of course but it is highly unlikely.

The transfer makes perfect sense to me in abnormal situations you have to get that " whats good for me" mentality especially when something like this is going on and you have no control over it.

Again, I'm not implying him staying at PSU I'm saying why go to USC and be a backup or split time when he is a starting HB. For pete's sake go to Bama, Miami, Stanford, Florida, FSU, and the list goes on and on where he can play for a very competitive team and be the starting HB. Name me a RB that wants to play second fiddle to a QB making a Heisman push let alone knowing he is splitting reps with another Maxwell and Doak Walker preseason watch list candidate?

07-31-2012, 11:02 AM
Again, I'm not implying him staying at PSU I'm saying why go to USC and be a backup or split time when he is a starting HB. For pete's sake go to Bama, Miami, Stanford, Florida, FSU, and the list goes on and on where he can play for a very competitive team and be the starting HB. Name me a RB that wants to play second fiddle to a QB making a Heisman push let alone knowing he is splitting reps with another Maxwell and Doak Walker preseason watch list candidate?

I get your point now and for that I have no answer maybe they are making the hardest push for him.

07-31-2012, 11:10 AM
I get your point now and for that I have no answer maybe they are making the hardest push for him.

New housing?? I kid I kid sorry MVP :D

07-31-2012, 11:39 AM
New housing?? I kid I kid sorry MVP :D

Getting Moms a new house maybe? Who knows? :D

07-31-2012, 11:47 AM
One thing I will disagree with you on Oweb is that fact that they aren't going to be any good this year. 21 of 22 starters have decided to stay and in total I think it's in the upwards of 65+ of the roster is staying. Redd being the obvious starter who is up in the air. So the talent is still here to have a good season. Noway they go 4-7. With Redd they could easily get 9 wins. If he returns and puts up 1200 yards like he did last year(and that was with a nonexistent passing game, which should be improved this year) he's going late 1st round high 2nd.

I'm with Snoop though and have stated it. I don't begrudge him from transffering, but why not go to a national contender where you can be the #1. I know Bama has Lacy, but if Redd went to Bama and that Oline, he wins the Heisman.

07-31-2012, 12:15 PM
One thing I will disagree with you on Oweb is that fact that they aren't going to be any good this year. 21 of 22 starters have decided to stay and in total I think it's in the upwards of 65+ of the roster is staying. Redd being the obvious starter who is up in the air. So the talent is still here to have a good season. Noway they go 4-7. With Redd they could easily get 9 wins. If he returns and puts up 1200 yards like he did last year(and that was with a nonexistent passing game, which should be improved this year) he's going late 1st round high 2nd.

I'm with Snoop though and have stated it. I don't begrudge him from transffering, but why not go to a national contender where you can be the #1. I know Bama has Lacy, but if Redd went to Bama and that Oline, he wins the Heisman.


All of it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

07-31-2012, 01:54 PM
One thing I will disagree with you on Oweb is that fact that they aren't going to be any good this year. 21 of 22 starters have decided to stay and in total I think it's in the upwards of 65+ of the roster is staying. Redd being the obvious starter who is up in the air. So the talent is still here to have a good season. Noway they go 4-7. With Redd they could easily get 9 wins. If he returns and puts up 1200 yards like he did last year(and that was with a nonexistent passing game, which should be improved this year) he's going late 1st round high 2nd.

I'm with Snoop though and have stated it. I don't begrudge him from transffering, but why not go to a national contender where you can be the #1. I know Bama has Lacy, but if Redd went to Bama and that Oline, he wins the Heisman.

New coaches, possibly new system, school (football) scandal I doubt they will be that good, they were only what 9-4? last year at best I am giving them a .500 season.

I will also say I haven't looked at their schedule I just haven't seen too many teams come out and have great years after something like this, so in other words I am basing this not off of much just a gut feeling.

07-31-2012, 03:02 PM
Not even the same. SMU didn't have a program in 1987 and cancelled the 1988 season. There wasn't a football team and there weren't football players. There is still a team and still players at Penn State. Just more media fucktards jumping on the bash Penn State hatewagon. They can all go fuck themselves. I didn't even get a damn about Penn State when all this started, but the never ending bashing, hate and attacks have gotten so fucking old, I'm take Penn State's side from now on. Fuck the media.

:nod:.... Couldnt have said it better, nice man...

07-31-2012, 08:29 PM
Again, I'm not implying him staying at PSU I'm saying why go to USC and be a backup or split time when he is a starting HB. For pete's sake go to Bama, Miami, Stanford, Florida, FSU, and the list goes on and on where he can play for a very competitive team and be the starting HB. Name me a RB that wants to play second fiddle to a QB making a Heisman push let alone knowing he is splitting reps with another Maxwell and Doak Walker preseason watch list candidate?

mcneil may be listed as the starter, but redd will get his share of carries.....at least 100 barring injury. he'll have 4 returning starters on the o-line to run behind and he wont get the box stacked against him with woods and lee on the field. he should get at least a 5 yard/carry average. football wise, he's better off at USC than at penn state, as he wont have the pressure on him of being the offense.

i dont know he chose USC. maybe he just wanted to get away from it all and play for a team with a great chance at a national championship. maybe he's still close with one of the backup qbs, max wittek. maybe it was USC who offered the best combo of football, academics and opportunity for the future (outside of football). idk. he definitely formed a bond with the USC players though, as they all had the same thoughts as what Redd had this past week.

07-31-2012, 11:07 PM
One thing I will disagree with you on Oweb is that fact that they aren't going to be any good this year. 21 of 22 starters have decided to stay and in total I think it's in the upwards of 65+ of the roster is staying. Redd being the obvious starter who is up in the air. So the talent is still here to have a good season. Noway they go 4-7. With Redd they could easily get 9 wins. If he returns and puts up 1200 yards like he did last year(and that was with a nonexistent passing game, which should be improved this year) he's going late 1st round high 2nd.

I'm with Snoop though and have stated it. I don't begrudge him from transffering, but why not go to a national contender where you can be the #1. I know Bama has Lacy, but if Redd went to Bama and that Oline, he wins the Heisman.

I doubt the passing game will be improved much at all

07-31-2012, 11:22 PM
Actually, if you get a chance to read "Death to the BCS," you'll see that schools LOSE money going to bowls.I haven't seen the numbers presented by Death to the BCS (it's sitting right next to me but I haven't cracked it open yet), but I know Ohio State claimed to lose money on our BCS bowl trip a couple years ago, but after all was said and done that was debunked as "the truth, but not the whole truth". There were some key financial items that weren't being considered for the claim.

08-01-2012, 06:25 AM
I doubt the passing game will be improved much at all

No shot at anyone personally, but anytime that Bolden isn't throwing a ball things have improved. Honestly Ram, you showcased more talent in completing a pass then Bolden has over the last 2 years and I have yet to see any factual data proving you have arms :dunno:

08-01-2012, 06:34 AM
Oh and I LOVE LOVE how the media is really keying on how things are crumbling here with Redd leaving. And that SS going to NC State on scholarship and Bolden and Haplea.

Redd hurts but it isn't a dismantling of the team. :smh: I can't even think of that DB's name because he was a WALK ON for pete's sake and everyone is making him out to sound like he was the second coming of Darren Perry or something. Bolden, well read the post above this one by me and Haplea gets the here is your sign award. Your leaving an offense that features numerous 3 TE sets and has a track record of getting the TE the ball on every down possible???? :fp: Unless he is pissed that this spring a Freshman jumped him on the depth chart, but hell boy you can't just quit when faced with adversity!!!!

08-01-2012, 06:44 AM
RB is the most easily replaced position. An avg. RB can look like a stud behind a good o-line.

08-01-2012, 10:58 AM
According to ESPN the floodgates may about to be opened:

Silas Redd is now a USC Trojan instead of a Penn State Nittany Lion, and the floodgates appear to be opening.
Defensive tackle Jamil Pollard was the next to go.
"He's going to go to Rutgers," Pollard's high school coach, Clyde Folsom, told Wes Szafran of the News of Cumberland County (http://www.nj.com/gloucester-sports/index.ssf/2012/07/west_deptford_high_school_grad.html?utm_source=twi tterfeed&utm_medium=twitter). "He's leaving Penn State and going to Rutgers."
Tight end Kevin Haplea appears to have made a decision to move past Penn State as well.
"Penn State junior tight end Kevin Haplea intends to transfer to Florida State, said a source close to the situation, in the wake of NCAA sanctions handed down against the Nittany Lions," Corey Dowlar of NoleNation.com reported (http://espn.go.com/blog/bigten/post/_/id/54489/penn-state-te-haplea-to-transfer-to-fsu).
Kicker Anthony Fera wants to transfer to Texas, but admissions may be a problem.
"One source close to the situation told me they believe Fera wants to become a Longhorn, but the matter of admissions and dealing with UT transfer policies is the roadblock right now," Max Olson of HornsNation.com reported (http://insider.espn.go.com/insider/texas/forums/_/the-tower#!/topic/1343757716-432-489).
Quarterback Rob Bolden is set to be a LSU Tiger.
"A source close to the situation confirmed with me tonight that Penn State transfer Rob Bolden will join LSU's football team, probably Wednesday," Gary Laney of GeauxTigerNation.com reported (http://insider.espn.go.com/insider/lsu/forums/_/chute#!/topic/1343795395-221-967).
And wide receiver Justin Brown is considering Oklahoma.
"They've been in contact," Brown told Carey Murdock & Josh McCuistion of SoonerScoop.com (http://oklahoma.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1391038). "Not that much contact. They've backed off."
Oklahoma is hedging its bets with Brown due to the attrition the Sooners suffered this offseason at the wide receiver position.
"Stoops has not ruled out the return of any of his suspended receivers and their 'backed off; approach with Brown could further strengthen the rumors one or more of those receivers could return to the roster this fall," SoonerScoop.com added.
Brown appears more likely to be in State College this fall than Norman. NOTE: Khairi Fortt announced (http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/8221669/penn-state-nittany-lions-linebacker-khairi-fortt-transferring-california-golden-bears?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) today that he will transfer to Cal.


08-01-2012, 12:19 PM
Not really any new big news. The biggest is Khairi Fortt who announced that he was staying and then went to Cal.

Fera and Haplea were looking at options as soon as the sanctions were announced. The same with Pollard, even though he said he would stay after he looked at Rutgers initially.

Bolden never said he as coming back and everyone thought he would go as he tried to transfer last year and is sitting at #3 on the depth chart, plus Hackenberg is coming in.

Brown is kind of new news. These rumors just started to pop up but he did say he's coming back so we'll see.

08-01-2012, 01:04 PM
Not really any new big news. The biggest is Khairi Fortt who announced that he was staying and then went to Cal.

Fera and Haplea were looking at options as soon as the sanctions were announced. The same with Pollard, even though he said he would stay after he looked at Rutgers initially.

Bolden never said he as coming back and everyone thought he would go as he tried to transfer last year and is sitting at #3 on the depth chart, plus Hackenberg is coming in.

Brown is kind of new news. These rumors just started to pop up but he did say he's coming back so we'll see.

Fera graduates in December I think I read, if he goes to Texas that isn't happening. We shall see.

Thus far nothing really shocking. Brown may go but I doubt it right now, he is going to need more money or new something :D

Fortt really doesn't bother me either E, he was playing behind Carson, Mauti, and Hodges and wasn't going to see significant playing time anyways so him leaving shouldn't be that surprising. I'll give up a 2 deep LB'r, a third string QB, and a 4th string TE given what has happened. Now losing the starting RB hurts, and if Brown (Starting WR), and our punter and kicker in Fera goes then I'm not going to be all that pleased :D

08-01-2012, 01:20 PM
I'm not as optimistic as you in regards to Fortt. He played better than Carson at times last year and think he does hurt our depth. Especially since he had knee surgery and is apparently going to RS this year. With Mauti and Hodges as seniors he would have been nice to have in the cupboard.

Haplea - Yep, #4 on the depth chart and with the #1 TE recruit coming in we should be ok.

Pollard is kind of big but we have a lot depth there.

Fera is huge IMO and obviously so was Redd. Brown would be a big loss as well.

08-01-2012, 01:37 PM
So we agree on everyone but Fortt, not shabby

I would hate to agree with you 100% on anything anytime. We'd have nothing to argue about then :D

08-01-2012, 01:51 PM
ESPN would sit there for an entire day going on about the downfall of Penn State and proclaim them going 0-12 this year if a damn 5th string walk-on Redshirt Freshman Kicker decided to go somewhere else.

08-01-2012, 02:15 PM
ESPN would sit there for an entire day going on about the downfall of Pen State and proclaim them going 0-12 this year if a damn 5th string walk-on Redshirt Freshman Kicker decided to go somewhere else.

:D :D :D

08-02-2012, 09:08 AM
Fera is officially gone. Going to Texas. That one hurts since he punted and kicked.

08-02-2012, 09:19 AM
Fera is officially gone. Going to Texas. That one hurts since he punted and kicked.

wonder if he was one of the 19 players that georgia tried to contact?

08-02-2012, 09:24 AM
wonder if he was one of the 19 players that georgia tried to contact?

Possibly. I think he reached out to Texas though. He's from Houston so it makes sense.

08-05-2012, 05:57 PM
I think PSU will be "fine" for the next season and possibly the one after that. However, years 3-4 "should" be brutal as I just don't see them bringing in a ton of depth/talent on the recruiting trail.

08-06-2012, 07:54 AM
Justin Brown, the best WR on the team left for Oklahoma. This one is kinda surprising. He came out and was firm from the beginning and just changed his mind. The only thing I have a problem with is coming out and saying your staying and then leaving. If your unsure, don't say anything. Just like all of the other guys that left, they made it known they were looking and then either stayed or left. Don't be wishywashy.

We also lost another recruit to ND. Another one that came out and said that he met with the coaches and that is why he was staying 100% committed or something like that and then this weekend verballed to ND.

08-06-2012, 07:59 AM
Go Irish!

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08-06-2012, 08:12 AM
Go Irish!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

So you go from coaches who touch boys to priests who touch boys? :dunno: :D

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

08-06-2012, 08:13 AM
So you go from coaches who touch boys to priests who touch boys? :dunno: :D

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

But I hear they cover up some good things in Notre Dame :dunno:

08-06-2012, 09:27 AM
Go Irish!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

:smh: fuck the domers. :down:

08-06-2012, 12:18 PM
So you go from coaches who touch boys to priests who touch boys? :dunno: :D

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

I'm not Catholic, I just root for the football team. Religion is bullshit. All of it.

Again, I didn't dump PSU because of Sandusky. I did it because of the way they handled Paterno.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

08-06-2012, 12:19 PM
:smh: fuck the domers. :down:

Make sure you put your "Trojan" on first, "Rainbow Warrior".

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

08-06-2012, 12:33 PM
I'm not Catholic, I just root for the football team. Religion is bullshit. All of it.

Again, I didn't dump PSU because of Sandusky. I did it because of the way they handled Paterno.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnS12Lpc_iVJt0Imyxuu0qjSodfIOvm YgeR9dxTj9m7Bbl-JSIINJPnT_9

08-06-2012, 08:14 PM
Make sure you put your "Trojan" on first, "Rainbow Warrior".

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2



its spar-kly http://www.smiley-lol.com/smiley/drague/***/gayflag.gif

08-07-2012, 02:55 PM
When they take the field at Beaver Stadium for their 126th season, The Pennsylvania State University football team will wear uniforms featuring a blue ribbon to support all victims of child abuse. Also, for the first time, the names of each football player will adorn their jersey in recognition of their resolve and dedication to the team and the University.


08-07-2012, 08:51 PM
You hear that, JB?^^^

Those blue ribbons should make you feel better about your uncle. :)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

08-07-2012, 11:52 PM
proof that no major college football program is clean. Even Penn State had too much pride.
Paterno made a huge mistake as many others did, its a shame but life marches on.

The players can do what ever they want, there is nothing wishy washy about it. If I were a WR, I'd probably leave too. Its not like he has a decent QB throwing to him LOL. But I doubt Penn State will take a dive.
They still have tons of donators pouring money in , in the hopes the school and team continue to thrive. As long as they dont become Minn. or Purdue, everything will be fine.....I hope

08-09-2012, 05:02 PM
Be careful :Penn_State: fans. I can think of all kinds of "interesting" shirts that could be made using your school logo and initials. Sandusky is in fact guilty of a crime and Jo Pa et al. were "cool" with a crime that starts with a P. Just sayin'

http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2012/08/09/controversial-t-shirt-sold-at-bookstore-on-penn-states-campus/#loopbegin (http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2012/08/09/controversial-t-shirt-sold-at-bookstore-on-penn-states-campus/#loopbegin)

08-14-2012, 06:53 AM


08-14-2012, 09:32 AM
With this UNC academic scandal breaking, it will be interesting to see what the NCAA does

08-14-2012, 09:34 AM
5 scholarships and one year bowl ban probably. :coffee:

08-14-2012, 09:38 AM
5 scholarships and one year bowl ban probably. :coffee:


08-14-2012, 01:34 PM
With this UNC academic scandal breaking, it will be interesting to see what the NCAA does

That scandal has been brewing a LONG time. Being a :Duke: fan I've followed it somewhat closely. It's not child molestation but its bad. Peppers' transcript (allegedly) appeared online. He took a TON of African-American Studies courses (the "major" at issue) and received a ton of good grades in those classes.

08-14-2012, 01:50 PM
Agreed it's not child molestation but with everything the Emmert was preaching about Academics and not football and sports cultures, this is bad. Especially since it possibly was going on for over a decade, the NCAA investigated it and found nothing, and that there were possible department heads involved.

Of course good grades were given, the classes didn't even technically exist :)

08-14-2012, 01:56 PM
Agreed it's not child molestation but with everything the Emmert was preaching about Academics and not football and sports cultures, this is bad. Especially since it possibly was going on for over a decade, the NCAA investigated it and found nothing, and that there were possible department heads involved.

Of course good grades were given, the classes didn't even technically exist :)


08-14-2012, 02:25 PM

Yeah its BAD and they deserve the HAMMER. It also spills to the bball program (allegedly) although Ole Roy disavows all knowledge of any alleged program.

08-20-2012, 02:17 PM
Go Irish!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

Will be interesting to see how they do:

09/01/12 vs. Navy TV Dublin, Ireland 9:00 a.m. ET
09/08/12 vs. Purdue TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
09/15/12 at Michigan State TV East Lansing, Mich. 8:00 p.m. ET
09/22/12 vs. Michigan TV Notre Dame, Ind. 7:30 p.m. ET
10/06/12 vs. Miami TV Chicago, Ill. 7:30 p.m. ET
10/13/12 vs. Stanford TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
10/20/12 vs. BYU TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
10/27/12 at Oklahoma TV Norman, Okla. TBA
11/03/12 vs. Pittsburgh TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
11/10/12 at Boston College TV Chestnut Hill, Mass. TBA
11/17/12 vs. Wake Forest TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
11/24/12 at USC TV Los Angeles, Calif. TBA

That's not an "easy schedule" by any means.

08-20-2012, 05:36 PM
Will be interesting to see how they do:

09/01/12 vs. Navy TV Dublin, Ireland 9:00 a.m. ET
09/08/12 vs. Purdue TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
09/15/12 at Michigan State TV East Lansing, Mich. 8:00 p.m. ET
09/22/12 vs. Michigan TV Notre Dame, Ind. 7:30 p.m. ET
10/06/12 vs. Miami TV Chicago, Ill. 7:30 p.m. ET
10/13/12 vs. Stanford TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
10/20/12 vs. BYU TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
10/27/12 at Oklahoma TV Norman, Okla. TBA
11/03/12 vs. Pittsburgh TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
11/10/12 at Boston College TV Chestnut Hill, Mass. TBA
11/17/12 vs. Wake Forest TV Notre Dame, Ind. 3:30 p.m. ET
11/24/12 at USC TV Los Angeles, Calif. TBA

That's not an "easy schedule" by any means.

No, it's not easy. That is for sure. However, it's been similar to that for several years now. A great season would be 8 wins.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

08-24-2012, 03:55 AM

09-01-2012, 02:29 PM
well...that was thoroughly disgusting...just baaad

09-08-2012, 02:57 PM
One thing I will disagree with you on Oweb is that fact that they aren't going to be any good this year. 21 of 22 starters have decided to stay and in total I think it's in the upwards of 65+ of the roster is staying. Redd being the obvious starter who is up in the air. So the talent is still here to have a good season. Noway they go 4-7. With Redd they could easily get 9 wins. If he returns and puts up 1200 yards like he did last year(and that was with a nonexistent passing game, which should be improved this year) he's going late 1st round high 2nd.

I'm with Snoop though and have stated it. I don't begrudge him from transffering, but why not go to a national contender where you can be the #1. I know Bama has Lacy, but if Redd went to Bama and that Oline, he wins the Heisman.


All of it.

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New coaches, possibly new system, school (football) scandal I doubt they will be that good, they were only what 9-4? last year at best I am giving them a .500 season.

I will also say I haven't looked at their schedule I just haven't seen too many teams come out and have great years after something like this, so in other words I am basing this not off of much just a gut feeling.

I know its only two games but its not looking good considering they are losing to teams that are average at best.

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2

09-08-2012, 05:53 PM
So is it agreed that Penn State has the worst kicker in all of the NCAA? Wow! That was one of the worst kicking displays I have ever seen... and that includes high school football.

09-08-2012, 07:34 PM
So is it agreed that Penn State has the worst kicker in all of the NCAA? Wow! That was one of the worst kicking displays I have ever seen... and that includes high school football.

Yeah it was pretty bad. I feel sorry for the guy and the program to lose in that fashion

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2

09-08-2012, 07:52 PM
[QUOTE=oweb26;165755]Yeah it was pretty bad. I feel sorry for the guy and the program to lose in that fashion

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2[/QUOTE

Agreed! Penn State played well and deserved the win. To lose from all of those missed kicks has to be devestating. Penn St takes the loss but they should be 1-1. You have to think a kicking change is in the works for next week? I don't know what options they have but after a performance like that, the kid will have zero confidence.

09-08-2012, 08:31 PM
On the bright side, looks like Al Pacino is planning to play as Joe Paterno in an upcoming film.

http://www.hollywood.com/news/Al_Pacino_To_Play_Joe_Paterno_in_Upcoming_Biopic_W ho_Should_Play_Sandusky/39169221

09-08-2012, 10:00 PM
Well, I gotta say, as a Navy fan, I'm definitely salivating over next week's game in Happy Valley. :D

09-08-2012, 10:08 PM
Well, I gotta say, as a Navy fan, I'm definitely salivating over next week's game in Happy Valley. :D

You making the trip?

09-08-2012, 10:16 PM
You making the trip?

No, but I wish. I went to the Navy-Ohio State game a couple years back and it was a blast. I wanted to make the trip also to Penn State, partly because it's Navy going up against a Big Ten team again, and Happy Valley is on my list of stadiums to visit in my lifetime (ok, every DI-A football stadium is on my list. :D), but between work and unable to get tickets, I have to settle for watching on TV.

09-09-2012, 02:08 AM
So is it agreed that Penn State has the worst kicker in all of the NCAA? Wow! That was one of the worst kicking displays I have ever seen... and that includes high school football.

Nope, Nebraska and UCLA both have bad kickers too LOL