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View Full Version : Georgetown and Chinese National team have a bench clearing brawl

08-18-2011, 02:35 PM

http://www.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_606w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2011/08/18/Sports/Images/2011-08-18T160349Z_01_PEK905R_RTRIDSP_3_CHINA.jpg?uuid=SA7 iIMm0EeCeCpSGbSBlkA

Holy Cow, China not messing around.

Found a video


At least one team was able to make it through two halves as Duke beat a China Olympic under 23 team.


08-18-2011, 02:49 PM
That is absolute bullshit. If the fucking players can't play without the entire team gang-stomping one of the opponent's players on a play that could have been called a foul, then their asses should all be banned from basketball for life. There is absolutely no fucking reason whatsoever for that. Did the Georgetown player make an aggressive play? Yes. Was there a potential foul in there, possibly. Should the China player intentionally attack the Georgetown player, and then the entire China team and bench come rushing out to get their kicks and stomps in on the player? FUCK NO! Absolute complete fucking bullshit and they should all be kicked off the team. But of course, it's China, and it happened in China, so not a single fucking thing will happen.

08-18-2011, 02:55 PM
Wow. Gotta love those G-town thugs.

08-18-2011, 03:04 PM
Wow. Gotta love those G-town thugs.
Wait, what?

Just watched the video twice, and I didn't see how a GTown player provoked it. Dude ran over a guy going after the ball, a Chinese player comes and chests him up aggressively and then they engage in a little hand-slapping get off of me stuff, and then you see the Gtown guy appearing like he's trying to get away from those two dudes when all the Chinese storm the floor like Red Alert 2 or something. Screw those dishonest little punks, I work with them all the time and they are always trying to pull some BS. Greedy little moral lacking punks.

08-18-2011, 04:07 PM
Wait, what?

Just watched the video twice, and I didn't see how a GTown player provoked it. Dude ran over a guy going after the ball, a Chinese player comes and chests him up aggressively and then they engage in a little hand-slapping get off of me stuff, and then you see the Gtown guy appearing like he's trying to get away from those two dudes when all the Chinese storm the floor like Red Alert 2 or something. Screw those dishonest little punks, I work with them all the time and they are always trying to pull some BS. Greedy little moral lacking punks.

Exactly what I saw. Was it an aggressive play by the GTown player? Yeah, he was playing hard and trying to get the ball. Hell, the refs very well could have called some foul there if they wanted since he ran over and knocked down the Chinese player. Then like you said, the GTown player was starting to head down the floor with the rest of the team, the Chinese player comes up and chests him, another player comes over and they gang up him and throw/push him down onto the floor, then the entire Chinese teams comes sprinting off the bench, like you said, like Red Alert 2, and running right for the GTown player and you can see them just start stomping and kicking at him as much as they can before the rest of the GTown team comes rushing from their bench.

08-18-2011, 04:10 PM
Hey Smooth, the BS part is that Gtown/the US will have some apology all PC and stuff, while the Chinese will feign their shock and disgust about how the Gtown/Americans acted. They should damn well be the ones apologizing, it was classless on their part and their players deserve to get popped in the face.

08-18-2011, 04:16 PM
Hey Smooth, the BS part is that Gtown/the US will have some apology all PC and stuff, while the Chinese will feign their shock and disgust about how the Gtown/Americans acted. They should damn well be the ones apologizing, it was classless on their part and their players deserve to get popped in the face.

I could not possibly post enough :+1: and :nod: to show my complete agreement with everything you just said, but I will try.

:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+ 1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:
:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+ 1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:
:nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod: :nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod: :nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod:
:nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod: :nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod: :nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod::nod:

08-18-2011, 08:13 PM
its either just kids and testosterone or the Chinese have been taught not to fear or certain physical styles of play arent accepted by one or the other or somebody's a racist and said something or.....?

08-18-2011, 08:29 PM
The Chinese team had shot 57 free throws up to that point in the game. G'town: 15. As PTI said today: there's a story behind this. Much more than just "things got out of hand".

08-18-2011, 08:36 PM
The Chinese team had shot 57 free throws up to that point in the game. G'town: 15. As PTI said today: there's a story behind this. Much more than just "things got out of hand".

LOL just like an earlier round game by the USA womens soccer team where they won a game despite some really funky rules/callings.other countries still think home court means more than it should LOL just like Russia in the 70s

08-18-2011, 08:43 PM
on a play that could have been called a foulBy the by, it was called a foul. And that might have been what started the whole mess.

Washington Post article (http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/fight-ends-georgetown-basketball-exhibition-in-china/2011/08/18/gIQAs1zeNJ_story.html)

Some Chinese fans were incredulous. “It seemed that [the referee] was eager to the Chinese team win tonight, so the Georgetown team members were very unhappy about it,” said Zhou Ting, 26, a doctoral candidate in biology at the Chinese Academy of Science who attended both games. “I can tell the Chinese players provoked the conflict. . . .The [Bayi] basketball players have got a bad habit of revenge on every small, unfair thing in the Chinese Basketball Association. It’s a hooligan’s habit.”

Immediately before the fighting began, Bayi forward-center Hu Ke was called for a foul against Georgetown’s Jason Clark. The senior guard took exception to the hard foul and said so to Hu, and that triggered pushing and shoving between them. At that point, players from the Georgetown and Bayi benches ran onto the court, and bedlam ensued.

08-19-2011, 11:50 AM
:smh: terrible. I was pissed just watching it to be honest.

08-21-2011, 08:28 PM
I watched the :Duke: v. Chinese National Team games and the officiating is just god awful. The foul discrepancy in both the :Duke: and :Georgetown: games felt like a really bad high school game where the refs are on the take.

08-21-2011, 10:03 PM
That is hilarious coming from a Dukie.

08-21-2011, 10:19 PM
That is hilarious coming from a Dukie.Show me a Duke game where the foul discrepancy is 28-11, or anything close to it, at halftime, and then I'll agree with you. Yes, they're known for flopping, but this is completely different.