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I OU a Beatn
06-21-2010, 02:23 PM
Anyone want an extra beta code?

06-21-2010, 02:42 PM
I do!

06-21-2010, 04:21 PM
Don't happen to have another one do you?

06-21-2010, 04:32 PM
Anybody with an extra code can send it my way...please.

06-21-2010, 05:19 PM
I preordered from GameStop to get my code, I still need to activate my Battlefield VIP code (haven't opened the game yet). GameStop sent me my code very quick.

I OU a Beatn
06-21-2010, 05:27 PM
Kingpin32, check your PMs.

06-21-2010, 06:42 PM
I also preordered from gamestop, Im still confused on the whole VIP thing, if you go to gunclub.ea.com it says you need to have VIP access and have preoreded the game which is stupid considering I can just go to my local gamestop preoorder the game and if I don't like it get my 5 back.

Whats up with the 360 version still being delayed, I can use my ps3 but I really hate those damn thumbsticks.

06-21-2010, 06:53 PM
I also preordered from gamestop, Im still confused on the whole VIP thing, if you go to gunclub.ea.com it says you need to have VIP access and have preoreded the game which is stupid considering I can just go to my local gamestop preoorder the game and if I don't like it get my 5 back.

Whats up with the 360 version still being delayed, I can use my ps3 but I really hate those damn thumbsticks.

In order to access the Medal of Honor beta, you need to enter in the VIP code that came with a new copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2, in addition to preordering. This is just for early beta access, as there should be a more widespread beta sometime down the road. The perk of doing both, getting earlier access to test.

I OU a Beatn
06-21-2010, 06:59 PM
The early beta for VIP members and people who preordered started on the 17th. The beta for people who just preordered started today, so everyone who has preordered it should have access to the beta.

I OU a Beatn
06-23-2010, 09:46 AM
Anyone else get the chance to play this? I'm actually digging it. The hit detection when aiming down your sights is messed up a good bit, but the rest of the game is fun as hell. The best way to describe it is Bad Company 2 and Modern Warfare 2 having sex and Medal of Honor being the outcome of that. I'm not usually a fan of realistic shooters, but this is actually pretty good. Most of the weapons seem to be balanced and unlike MW2, there isn't a whole lot of camping going on. The maps are designed to get you to move, so it's my style of shooter. Really looking forward to getting my hands on the final game in October.

06-23-2010, 09:50 AM
Is it this game or Black Ops that have anti-camping where you'll get a bomb up your ass if you're sitting in one spot too long?

06-23-2010, 01:22 PM
I think it is this one, JB. I have the beta, so I'll have to hop on sometime when I see you playing, IOU.

I OU a Beatn
06-23-2010, 01:34 PM
I've never heard about getting a rocket up your ass for camping on either of those games, but that's definitely good to hear if it is in. That will instantly turn about 90% of the Call of Duty players off towards the game. :D

06-23-2010, 02:17 PM
I've never heard about getting a rocket up your ass for camping on either of those games, but that's definitely good to hear if it is in. That will instantly turn about 90% of the Call of Duty players off towards the game. :D

Yeah I remember one of the E3 Keynotes the developer mentioned it.

06-23-2010, 02:34 PM
Word of advice, never push select when you die, cause it'll freeze up on you.

06-23-2010, 02:38 PM
so the 360 beta is still delayed. lol

I OU a Beatn
06-23-2010, 03:04 PM
This shit is unplayable right now. I've never seen such a buggy beta in my life. The hit detection is terrible. The connection quality is iffy at best. If you push select to check the score, the system freezes and you have to hard reset. If you shoot someone and then someone runs to the same spot and you shoot them, too, it freezes and you have to hard reset. Jesus, EA.

06-23-2010, 03:10 PM
This shit is unplayable right now. I've never seen such a buggy beta in my life. The hit detection is terrible. The connection quality is iffy at best. If you push select to check the score, the system freezes and you have to hard reset. If you shoot someone and then someone runs to the same spot and you shoot them, too, it freezes and you have to hard reset. Jesus, EA.
Yeah it's real buggy right now, I've had to hard reset a few times since I've been playing it.

06-23-2010, 05:11 PM
So I should be happy then I cant play it, I have two codes I was going to use one for the PS# and then one for the Xbo360, the market is so flodded with FPS right now that I have to play as many as possible just to see what Im going to buy, COD isnt guaranteed, especially after MW2, then there is this one, Ghost Recon, Homeland, and there is a multiplayer shooter going to the XBL marketplace. Not to mention the non "realism" military shooters

This shit just doesnt make any sense, 4-5 years ago we were begging for more military shooters not in WW2 now they have far too many I tell you cant win for losing.

I guess its good they are delaying the beta for the 360 if its that bad, they at least know where the market is for FPS.

06-26-2010, 12:02 AM
There's an update out now for the PS3 beta, but I haven't read any details on it.

07-21-2010, 07:42 PM
Well the beta is live for 360 now. I have two words for it.

NOT IMPRESSED! Seriously unless you have some kind of crush on shooters then you might not like it , but its exactly like what else is out and I just couldnt really see what will make it better or even stick out than any of the other shooters.

The only way I buy this game is if the storyline is just amazing or everyone on my friends list has it which would make me a loner. It wasn't horrible, but I didn't get that ahhh factor.

I OU a Beatn
07-21-2010, 07:55 PM
Yeah, it's not very good. I'll still get it, though, just because I buy all the major shooters.

07-22-2010, 07:22 AM
I just put in about another couple of hours and I am still not impressed. I keep hoping something just clicks and I start to enjoy it, but its ok, I cant say it spectacular.

07-22-2010, 10:01 AM
Is the Beta open to everyone?

07-22-2010, 06:08 PM
no supposedly if you have a VIP code from BBC2 then you can use that, or you can preorder from gamestop, I will say I think its def worth the 5.00 loan to test it out, and you can still get your money back.

07-22-2010, 10:08 PM
no supposedly if you have a VIP code from BBC2 then you can use that, or you can preorder from gamestop, I will say I think its def worth the 5.00 loan to test it out, and you can still get your money back.

Meh, screw that. I'll just test out the demo once it hits or rent the game or something.

10-07-2010, 02:09 PM
Ive been playing it on the PC also and I still cant get into this game, and I feel so used that I will probably still buy it becayse most of my online friends will get it. It has that MW2 feel I will like it for about a month then it will be very unenjoyable, already people are camping and sniping and the maps aren't even that big. There are a shit ton of choke points for people to camp out and wait and some of them you have to go through.

10-07-2010, 02:27 PM
I'll be getting this next week.

10-07-2010, 02:34 PM
I'll be getting it as well. Looks pretty good to me and if DICE makes the online like Battlefield, well that'll be fun to me.

10-07-2010, 04:50 PM
I think battlefield was an overall better game from what I can tell from the beta. I will be getting this also but I still feel like a little punk for doing so. 2874 post JB seriously??

10-07-2010, 05:38 PM
I think battlefield was an overall better game from what I can tell from the beta. I will be getting this also but I still feel like a little punk for doing so. 2874 post JB seriously??


10-07-2010, 05:45 PM
thats alot of post brotha thats all im saying. Im assuming thats what the question mark was in reference to.

10-07-2010, 07:25 PM
Battlefield was good but too few maps. MoH based on real life locations should be awesome. I think the final will be better than beta... but even beta looks good.

10-07-2010, 09:09 PM
That was the downfall of battlefield it didnt have too much variety at all. Real Life locations doesnt mean too much to myself, just make a good game I could care less where its located. I honestly think we are playing the final game, they cant change anything this late in the game, and Im not saying its horrible just wasnt really my cup of tea. I think IOU shared my sentiments on it not being that good but we both are probably still going to get it so it cant be that bad either.

10-07-2010, 11:43 PM
thats alot of post brotha thats all im saying. Im assuming thats what the question mark was in reference to.

LOL yeah....well when you start a site from scratch and help build it....that'll happen :)

10-07-2010, 11:44 PM
I was in the Battlefield beta and that was pretty fun. I can see it getting tiring with so few maps. I decided not to purchase it. For some reason I got in the beta, but just never got around to playing MoH, but I'm definitely going to give it a shot offline, and see how online goes.

I OU a Beatn
10-08-2010, 12:09 AM
On the contrary, I'm going to play the ever longing shit out of it. Not to mention I'm getting it for basically $20, so it's a steal for me.

10-08-2010, 05:20 PM
Real life locations are not a huge deal to me, but something resembling real is nice to me. I hate HALO because of it.

10-13-2010, 10:34 PM
Nobody said anything on how average this game is? There is really no recoil on the guns, the maps are entirely too small, if you played any other shooter recently especially BBC2 then you should be very good. There really is no strategy just either camp or rush to see who traps who in their spawn first.

I give this game two weeks before I am totally done with it, which tops my overall record of the two months I gave MW2. I am still playing the ever loving shit out of BBC2 all over again.

10-13-2010, 11:18 PM
Nobody said anything on how average this game is? There is really no recoil on the guns, the maps are entirely too small, if you played any other shooter recently especially BBC2 then you should be very good. There really is no strategy just either camp or rush to see who traps who in their spawn first.

I give this game two weeks before I am totally done with it, which tops my overall record of the two months I gave MW2. I am still playing the ever loving shit out of BBC2 all over again.

I completely agree with your assessment. The Sniper rifles are the most overpowered thing I've ever seen (just like in most all FPSs though cause they don't compensate for the fact that a Sniper rifle should NEVER do maximum damage at 5 feet away from the target - that's just fuckin' stupid).

The maps are the worst shit I've ever seen. It's camp city no matter the play style or map. It's just pretty much the worst thing I've ever played (besides Halo: Reach :sick:).

Sadly, I've played quite a bit of it because I'm tired as hell of BBC2 and MW2.

10-14-2010, 08:07 AM
I was also tired of BBC2 but I have since gone back to it, its actually quite enjoyable now since most of the campers and BS players have moved on to Reach or MoH. I think I'm going to run through the single player this weekend and trade it back in while I can get 30.00 for it and finish oaying for Star Wars, or even Arcania if I choose to get it.

10-14-2010, 02:22 PM
I think it's a great game. Real combat is a camp fest. You don't just go running in circles like an idiot in Call of Duty. Sniper rifle at 5 feet is going to f**k you up in real life, I don't care who you are... a .50 cal at 5 feet will rip through your freaking body.

I think the maps are well done. They are a little on the small side but a lot depends on who you're playing with. I've been stuck with a team of idiots. Also, it's easy to combat a camp fest... just go spec ops and find cover and sneak around or counter snipe. Pretty much how it is in Afghanistan... there's no running around the streets chasing people.

10-14-2010, 03:31 PM
I have never really understood that argument abotu any game, Real life does not translate into video games. If that was the case when it did all guns shot be pretty much one shot and done. You are well entitled to you opinion but there is no way this is a "great" game? If I may ask how long have you been gaming? I have only seen younger kids thinking this is a great game, a great FPS was Ghost Recon Summit Strike, or pretty much any of them around that time period when they went into third person view, it was perfect, custom rooms, different map sizes, various strategies that actually mattered.

This is by no means a great game, but hey I guess that what makes the world go round, difference of opinions.

10-14-2010, 03:37 PM
Nobody said anything on how average this game is? There is really no recoil on the guns, the maps are entirely too small, if you played any other shooter recently especially BBC2 then you should be very good. There really is no strategy just either camp or rush to see who traps who in their spawn first.

I give this game two weeks before I am totally done with it, which tops my overall record of the two months I gave MW2. I am still playing the ever loving shit out of BBC2 all over again.

I completely agree with your assessment. The Sniper rifles are the most overpowered thing I've ever seen (just like in most all FPSs though cause they don't compensate for the fact that a Sniper rifle should NEVER do maximum damage at 5 feet away from the target - that's just fuckin' stupid).

The maps are the worst shit I've ever seen. It's camp city no matter the play style or map. It's just pretty much the worst thing I've ever played (besides Halo: Reach :sick:).

Sadly, I've played quite a bit of it because I'm tired as hell of BBC2 and MW2.

Sounds like I might have made the right decision not dropping money on this. I have pretty much officially given up on MW2 as of August 31st because of the douchefest it had become. I consider myself pretty skilled at FPSs and have no problem racking up kills, but when facing douchebags by the dozens (including retarded teammates that are no f'ing help at all), it just kills the fun for me.

Me and 3 friends were all teamed up on August 31st and we had 10 matches in a row of nothing by constant noobtubing, spawn camping douches that made me just throw the controller down and turn off the 360, not even waiting for post-match bonus. I haven't touched MW2 since and have no plans or desires on touching multiplayer again. I may jump back on MW2 to play through the storyline again if I'm bored some night (like I did so on COD4 last night) or finish off the last couple Spec Ops missions, but that'd be it.

10-14-2010, 04:10 PM
I have never really understood that argument abotu any game, Real life does not translate into video games. If that was the case when it did all guns shot be pretty much one shot and done. You are well entitled to you opinion but there is no way this is a "great" game? If I may ask how long have you been gaming? I have only seen younger kids thinking this is a great game, a great FPS was Ghost Recon Summit Strike, or pretty much any of them around that time period when they went into third person view, it was perfect, custom rooms, different map sizes, various strategies that actually mattered.

This is by no means a great game, but hey I guess that what makes the world go round, difference of opinions.

I'm 23. This is a great game to me. I have played Ghost Recon, it is a great game as well (the older ones). I personally would rather play a game with one shot kills... though that's not true either. I've seen plenty of soldiers wounded by multiple shots and not lose their lives. I simply want a game where I am rewarded for some semblance of finding cover and playing it in accordance with some realism. Call of Duty, the supposed holy grail of shooters, has NONE of this. It's a great game in it's own right... but only if you play it like Halo.

There are various strategies you can take in this game as well... playing with entirely random people will never make those a reality. Playing with your friends will. It's impossible to coordinate anything with complete strangers. The Ghost Recon third person games are okay, but they're not great... a lot of players quit playing the series when they went to third person. The original Ghost Recon game is still the best one.

10-14-2010, 05:33 PM
Sounds like I might have made the right decision not dropping money on this. I have pretty much officially given up on MW2 as of August 31st because of the douchefest it had become. I consider myself pretty skilled at FPSs and have no problem racking up kills, but when facing douchebags by the dozens (including retarded teammates that are no f'ing help at all), it just kills the fun for me.

Me and 3 friends were all teamed up on August 31st and we had 10 matches in a row of nothing by constant noobtubing, spawn camping douches that made me just throw the controller down and turn off the 360, not even waiting for post-match bonus. I haven't touched MW2 since and have no plans or desires on touching multiplayer again. I may jump back on MW2 to play through the storyline again if I'm bored some night (like I did so on COD4 last night) or finish off the last couple Spec Ops missions, but that'd be it.

I think you have made a very wise decision.

I'm 23. This is a great game to me. I have played Ghost Recon, it is a great game as well (the older ones). I personally would rather play a game with one shot kills... though that's not true either. I've seen plenty of soldiers wounded by multiple shots and not lose their lives. I simply want a game where I am rewarded for some semblance of finding cover and playing it in accordance with some realism. Call of Duty, the supposed holy grail of shooters, has NONE of this. It's a great game in it's own right... but only if you play it like Halo.

There are various strategies you can take in this game as well... playing with entirely random people will never make those a reality. Playing with your friends will. It's impossible to coordinate anything with complete strangers. The Ghost Recon third person games are okay, but they're not great... a lot of players quit playing the series when they went to third person. The original Ghost Recon game is still the best one.

In my best IOU impersonation...."COD is not a great game by any means" It was a crap game just really pretty, I have to say COD has really jacked up the entire genre because it was so successful and it attracted a bunch of little kids and made it a commercial success all companies are trying to mimic that sucess and that game by copying the "playbook" of the game.

You drop summit strike right now and I beat alot of kids wouldnt like it because it was not for everyone and it didnt play down to the least common denominator, either you were good or you just sucked, and I do agree with you on the first GHost Recons, but they came out when XBox live and sony online were not exactly that good, and PC gaming was just what it was PC gaming.

Yes soliders to live through various wounds, but that still begs my point I dont want realism to the point of too real. In real life I dont get a reward for killing 3 people in a row either. If I am really going to die you are damn right I am going to "camp" but in something that is suppose to be enjoyable I dont want to caome in a room where some idiot is hiding in a tree bush just to get killstreaks.

10-14-2010, 11:08 PM
Killstreaks is the freakin' problem. That and K/D ratios. Take that shit out of the game and make it about actually WINNING the round (you know, doing whatever the fuck the objective of the map is) and you have a WAY better FPS. That's the thing that TOTALLY ruins MoH for me. You get absolutely NOTHING for completing the objective of the round, even if you totally fuckin' own them, you still get jack shit from completing the objective. You only get points for capturing a flag on maps where that's the case and for kills. Nothing else. WTF is the point of playing the any of the game types besides Capture The Flag (so that you can just camp the fuckin' flag like a cunt) or Team Deathmatch (so that you can camp in some random fuckin' corner like a cunt)?

COD isn't much better, but at least the other game types actually mean something.

If they made a game where you get a whole lot more points for completing whatever the objective is than what you got from killing someone (like how America's Army was, btw) and the guns were way more balanced (again, like American's Army was, btw) (like shotguns not being able to "snipe" someone from 15 feet away - looking at you MW2 and the fuckin' first shotgun) (and saying that sniper rifles should still hurt at 5 feet is bullshit - you make them not work like that because they're in no way, shape, or form meant to be used at that range - there's a fuckin' reason you have a pistol, shotgun, etc as well) I'd be ALL OVER that game. But, they won't because people are fuckin' stupid and they just play MW2 all the damn time (including me, sadly, because there isn't another FPS on the 360 worth a fuck).

America's Army was one of the best FPSs EVER. It was as realistic as you would want a FPS to be (2-4 shots was a kill). It had medics to keep people alive (pretty big part of the game, but not as cheap and bullshit as Battlefield because you couldn't revive people). The M16 acted like a real M16 and was fuckin' ridiculously accurate. The AK47 was just as deadly (just like real life) and didn't have retarded recoil (cause it doesn't in real life - I don't know where the hell COD got that idea). Grenades, flashes, and M203 shots were precious commodities because you couldn't just get a whole new set of ammo and shit from some infinite bullshit bag. And Grenades were WAY WAY WAY more deadly (just like real life). But, then, of course, the Army had to fuck with it by upgrading to the Unreal 3 engine (I think it was) and it's been complete and utter colossal shit since then.

As you can probably tell, I REALLY miss how amazingly awesome American's Army was... No FPS has come anywhere close to living up to it multiplayer online wise...

10-14-2010, 11:28 PM

10-15-2010, 12:43 AM
What say you jeff?? Say you peace homie, dont be scared!! :D

10-15-2010, 12:44 PM
You get points for planting bombs and disarming them as well in the other game modes, for capturing sectors, for completing missions. It doesn't matter, it's really hard to no scope someone on MoH from 5 feet away... unlike in CoD, however a sniper rifle is going to kill you from 5 feet or 1,000 yards, what difference does it make... what should they just make it a nerf gun if you run up on someone with one?

Also, fascinating you're a "cunt" for defending the flag... pretty sure that's the point of the game. Not let's run in circles all day capturing the same points.

10-15-2010, 02:42 PM
Since Im sure that post was directed at mors all I am going to say is that you can easily no-scope on MOH, its really not that hard, but its not that hard on any shooter. The difference is that on a VIDEO GAME no one wants the BS so if you can easily kill someone with one shot at close range with a sniper rifle and basically have it act like a shotgun as well as a long distance weapon you are giving the BS players incentative to use it, I do believe you need to handicap certain weapons and sniper rifles are one of them.

Youa re too stuck on what makes sense in reality, we want our games to come close to reality but not to the point of actually being like reality I can live for that shit. I hope that makes some sense.

10-15-2010, 04:42 PM
What say you jeff?? Say you peace homie, dont be scared!! :DHa. I suck so badly at shooters that I shouldn't even wade into this.

For what it's worth, I watched GameTrailersTV's review of MoH last night ... and man, they were not impressed. They said the design document must have been a checklist since it follows the blueprint for a shooter.

I OU a Beatn
10-17-2010, 10:32 AM
Yeah, I'm extremely underwhelmed by Medal of Honor. One thing is for sure, it's going to get absolutely smoked by Black Ops. It's just missing so many fundamental things that should be in the game.

10-18-2010, 05:30 AM
I'm not even going to get black ops. I guess I willl be hanging up my FPS "shoes" they are getting more and more shitty as time goes on, and with black ops having a remote controlled car as one of the killstreak perks that right there told me the game wasn't for me. Guess I will have to stick to battlefield it at least sticks to what a shooter is suppose to be, they just needed more maps, BBC2 had to have the worst DLC plan ever created.

10-18-2010, 09:16 AM
Yeah I've yet to meet a FPS that has jumped ahead of SOCOM and Rainbow Six Vegas in terms of a fun factor for myself. Killzone 2 was good, but gave me a headache after a while of playing :D

I'm definitely interested in Black Ops due to some of the game modes like One in the Chamber.

10-18-2010, 04:55 PM
One in the chamber did seem like an interesting game mode I will give them that one.

10-18-2010, 10:15 PM
They just don't make FPSs that I truly like anymore. Doom 3 was amazing. I've never been so scared while playing a game (Doom and Doom 2 still pulls it off as well, especially as time passes and I forget where enemies are).

But, pure, FPS realism, nothing has come close to America's Army version 1.5 or 2.0 for the PC. That game was a pure joy to play when sniper rifles weren't effective as close range weapons (not anywhere close to one shot kills like they basically are in any shitty FPS now), explosives actually killed people, and guns actually killed someone after 3 shots instead of 10.

My biggest complaint about MoH, where the hell is the ping counter or some type of indication of what my connection speed is like with the server? I've still yet to play on a good server where it doesn't feel like I'm shooting someone's ghost. The servers for the game are complete shit (or, at least, they were the last time I played it, like a week ago or so).

10-19-2010, 11:32 AM
But, pure, FPS realism, nothing has come close to America's Army version 1.5 or 2.0 for the PC. That game was a pure joy to play when sniper rifles weren't effective as close range weapons (not anywhere close to one shot kills like they basically are in any shitty FPS now), explosives actually killed people, and guns actually killed someone after 3 shots instead of 10.
You ever play the Operation Flashpoint stuff?

10-19-2010, 03:31 PM
You ever play the Operation Flashpoint stuff?

No, I haven't but looking at the one on the 360, it looks interesting. I'll have to check it out.

10-19-2010, 03:50 PM
From what you describe, I think it'll fit for you. I enjoyed it but haven't touched it in months because I don't have the time it needs to play.......a single mission can take you a good 45-60+ minutes.....and I WANT to play it....just haven't sat down with that kind of time.

10-19-2010, 04:25 PM
Just remember the new Flashpoint is not made by the same people that made the original Flashpoint. Not as good..... if you're looking for a ultra realistic military simulator and you have a computer that can run it, then you want ArmA 2.

10-19-2010, 04:32 PM
If you're talking PC, sure. If you are talking console, then OPFP is where to look.

I OU a Beatn
10-25-2010, 02:14 AM
I truly think this game sucks online, but it's addicting as hell. I don't even know why. I think it's because I haven't played a good shooter in so long that I'm willing to play anything that has guns. :D

10-25-2010, 05:52 AM
I haven't even put this game in in about two weeks. I think its getting traded in for Star Wars, and Im not even a big fan of trading games in, but I seriously doubt I will ever play this again.

10-25-2010, 07:55 AM
If you have 360 version, you could sell it to me.

10-25-2010, 08:35 AM
How much you want it for? Also keep in mind the EA pass has already been used. I see its roughly going for 30.00 on ebay used.

10-25-2010, 10:12 AM
Not going to play MP, so online isn't a concern. Just going to burn through SP to have played through it. Drop me a PM with what you want for it.

10-27-2010, 01:44 PM
EA will expand Medal of Honor's multiplayer experience with the release of a new multiplayer mode and maps on November 2 (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=272228?cid=OTC-RSS&attr=CVG-General-RSS).

The new mode, dubbed Hot Zone, features King of the Hill gameplay where teams fight over a designated location on a map, with the team that holds the position longest prevailing.

Hot Zone will be playable across two new maps, Hindukush Pass and Korengal Outpost, as well as redesigned versions of the existing Shahikot Valley and Helmand Valley maps.

The DLC will be available via Xbox Live for 800 MS points and on PSN and PC for $9.99.

In addition to Hot Zone, EA will release Clean Sweep on November 2 for 360, PS3 and PC. The free download will add a new multiplayer elimination mode, two new maps and redesigned versions of two current maps.

10-27-2010, 02:12 PM
(rolls eyes)

$10 for another shitty mode (that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen - it's spam fest 2010) and only TWO maps?

At least the free one sounds kinda interesting but, really, by then, the CoD game is out and it'll just get left in the dust yet again (just like BFBC2 was with MW2).

I OU a Beatn
10-27-2010, 05:08 PM
2 maps for $10? Lmao. Hell no. That's right there with Activision releasing 3 new maps and 2 old ones for $15.

10-27-2010, 06:24 PM
BFBC2 had a pretty decent release granted it was no COD release (right now what does have a COD release besides Halo) , but it was a decent success, unlike this is a big failure.

11-11-2010, 05:09 PM
Just started playing this one the other day.

The CPU AI (teammate) is absolutely terrible at the beginning of the game and there's some weird detection issues going on as well but it doesn't seem so bad as the game progresses. The SP so far is pretty fun, I think I'm about 80% through. I am terrible online, but have been getting better.

What do you have to do to get the Offensive & Defensive Supports? I have yet to get a single Support point - like I said, I'm pretty bad online!

11-12-2010, 06:03 AM
Just started playing this one the other day.

The CPU AI (teammate) is absolutely terrible at the beginning of the game and there's some weird detection issues going on as well but it doesn't seem so bad as the game progresses. The SP so far is pretty fun, I think I'm about 80% through. I am terrible online, but have been getting better.

What do you have to do to get the Offensive & Defensive Supports? I have yet to get a single Support point - like I said, I'm pretty bad online!

Killstreaks... once you get like 3 kills or whatever you can call in a UAV or artillery, etc.

11-12-2010, 06:12 AM
Thanks! I figured that's what it was. I think I had that only once anyways and was killed shortly thereafter, before I had time to try and figure out anything.

Online seems fun, but that's coming from a self-admitted non-expert on FPS. I'm only playing online for my obligatory try at it as well as knocking out some of the online trophies. If anyone who has the game wants to play online sometime, let me know.