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View Full Version : NCAA 2012 Custom Play Book discussion

07-11-2011, 08:16 PM
I just a few questions for the rest of our group on this topic. The offensive playbook seems pretty well capped as far as #of plays in my opinon, I dont see anything wrong with this.

The defensive option on the other hand allows for 400 plays so you can basically select every defensive formation and have it is your playbook. I made a pb with every 4-3/3-4/335/425/nickel/4-4/4-6/quarters/dime and still had some room left over. Do you think we should (or can limit this some how, while still keeping it fun and reasonable for people?) I like multiple D, and dont mind the mixing and matching but it seems strange to allow so much.

Anyways just throwing it out there to get a feel for how you all think of this, many or most of u have better technical football knowledge than myself.

07-11-2011, 08:32 PM
If I use a custom playbook, it will just be the default 4-2-5 with 4-6 added since they took out the bear formation and the 1-5-5 added in.

07-11-2011, 09:49 PM
I just a few questions for the rest of our group on this topic. The offensive playbook seems pretty well capped as far as #of plays in my opinon, I dont see anything wrong with this.

The defensive option on the other hand allows for 400 plays so you can basically select every defensive formation and have it is your playbook. I made a pb with every 4-3/3-4/335/425/nickel/4-4/4-6/quarters/dime and still had some room left over. Do you think we should (or can limit this some how, while still keeping it fun and reasonable for people?) I like multiple D, and dont mind the mixing and matching but it seems strange to allow so much.

Anyways just throwing it out there to get a feel for how you all think of this, many or most of u have better technical football knowledge than myself.

I think the only formation that is typically a team specific one is the 4-2-5. The rest a good amount of teams will run a variation of it at some point in time during the season. Hell, the Nole's last year were a good example of that. They would run 3-4 or 4-3 reguarly. I don't doubt they ran some 4-4 and 46 as well or at least variations of it. I think if you have the people to run these defenses, more power to you. Because if not, it could get ugly if you come out in a 4-2-5 and only have 1 or 2 good safeties on your roster.

07-11-2011, 10:22 PM
yea i mean 3-4/4-4 hyrid and the multi D doesn't bother me, but with custom playbook you can literally add every single play in game lol,

07-12-2011, 06:25 AM
You can add every type of offensive formation also though. It makes it a wash IMO.

07-12-2011, 07:28 AM
I am thinking about coming up with some guidelines for offensive and defensive playbooks.

For example everyone would need to declare their defense: 43, 34, 425, 335 or multiple. If you declare 43, 34, 425 or 335 your limited to said defense...with the 43 and 34 defense you can pick everything in said front plus either 44 or 46 then add nickle and dime. With the 425 and 335 defense you can grab everything in said front plus 44 and dime (no nickle defense). For multiple you can use all of the 43 and 34 fronts plus nickle and dime.

If you choose a 43, 34 or multiple defense I will allow the replacement of the nickle with 425 however you then cannot use the 44 front.

I am still trying to come up with a fair way to declare/limit offensive playbooks.

07-12-2011, 08:28 AM
You can add every type of offensive formation also though. It makes it a wash IMO.

U can only pick 273 plays on offense, and 400 on defense so u could have all sorts of offensive formations but plays would be greatly limited. Sounds like a good plan Oneback

07-12-2011, 07:20 PM
Oneback, what did you think about the playbooks I used in our online game we played. Both of them were custom, although I think I am going to scrap the offensive pb I used. The defensive one was a 4-2-5 base. Also your restrictions on defense kind of go against the default defensive playbooks. The 4-2-5 default has the Nickel, Nickel Strong, and Nickel 2-4-5 in the default playbook.

07-12-2011, 07:53 PM
I think the only formation that is typically a team specific one is the 4-2-5.Just for the sake of discussion, quite a few teams are moving to the 4-2-5 this year, and a lot more programs are adapting it.

U can only pick 273 plays on offense, and 400 on defense so u could have all sorts of offensive formations but plays would be greatly limited.273? It's 370-377 for offense. Same for defense. It's essentially 400 minus special teams, goalline and Hail Mary.

07-12-2011, 07:59 PM
Oneback, what did you think about the playbooks I used in our online game we played. Both of them were custom, although I think I am going to scrap the offensive pb I used. The defensive one was a 4-2-5 base. Also your restrictions on defense kind of go against the default defensive playbooks. The 4-2-5 default has the Nickel, Nickel Strong, and Nickel 2-4-5 in the default playbook.

I didn't see any problems with them. As for the defense I know, however if you've got the 425 as a base defense how often will you be switching to the nickle? The 425 is inherently a nickle defense.

07-12-2011, 08:16 PM
When I run with the 4-2-5 I still use the Nickel packages against 3-wide unless my backup safety is a bad-ass cover man in disguise ... which is not usually the case, especially with recruiting the last couple years. Sometimes you simply can't afford a safety on a slot.

07-12-2011, 08:41 PM
I mostly use Nickel for only calling the Cover 6 play on 3rd and long. I use the Nickel Strong formation alot, because it's like the 4-2-5 formation with the FS closer to the line and the SS as the deep single safety. It also has some plays that are not in the 4-2-5 plays such as FS Snake Blitz and Cloud Zone.

07-13-2011, 07:54 AM
Just for the sake of discussion, quite a few teams are moving to the 4-2-5 this year, and a lot more programs are adapting it.
273? It's 370-377 for offense. Same for defense. It's essentially 400 minus special teams, goalline and Hail Mary.

Thought the number of offensive plays/formations outnumbered the defensive side of the ball. There are all kinds of offensive plays but you would think the defensive side of the ball couldn't have as many.

Lastnight I made a defensive playbook just messing around and included all formations except the 4-2-5, Nickel Psycho, 4-4, 5-2, 4-3, Nickel Normal, Strong and some of the 3-3-5 sets. Other than that I had the rest. I likely won't even create an offensive playbook

07-13-2011, 08:01 PM
Thought the number of offensive plays/formations outnumbered the defensive side of the ball.I thought they were the same, I could be wrong. I'm going off of memory here. Though I know it's not significantly more for the defense than offense, like prime's post said.

07-14-2011, 08:37 AM
It very well may be. I haven't gone into the offensive custom playbook side I just assumed.

07-16-2011, 10:42 PM
So just to clarify, we are using custom playbooks?

07-17-2011, 02:15 AM
Yes, everyone is allowed to use custom playbooks. For now I will leave it up to everyone's best judgement. If we run into any problems we will discuss as a group and come to a collective agreement.

07-17-2011, 11:30 AM
Does anybody use the Prima Game Guide and if so do you find it useful at all?

07-17-2011, 01:40 PM
Does anybody use the Prima Game Guide and if so do you find it useful at all?

I don't usually I get it for Madden for bathroom reading material and just reading about teams.

The Madden one featured some cheesy tips like audibling out of 5 wide to I-form..stuff like that. Unsure if the NCAA one does

07-17-2011, 03:22 PM
Yes, everyone is allowed to use custom playbooks. For now I will leave it up to everyone's best judgement. If we run into any problems we will discuss as a group and come to a collective agreement.
Ok cool. Now back to creating a great spread option playbook.

07-17-2011, 06:57 PM
Dont think I'm using a CPB. Since Tuesday I have had nothing but issues. The game has either froze multiple times, disconnected or couldn't start it at all. Not saying this all has to do with CPB but it's getting annoying. Out of the 2 online games that I've been able to finish only used my def CPB once.

I've tried to play atleast 15 games and they have either froze or disconnected. Guess I'll try without my defensive playbook.

Don't have this issue when I play Madden

07-17-2011, 07:12 PM
Does anybody use the Prima Game Guide and if so do you find it useful at all?This year's is better than the last two years have been. They basically took the best (in my eyes) from the NCAA 10 version, combined it with the best from the NCAA 11 version, and you get NCAA 12. However, there is considerably more "data" (rosters, formations for offensive playbooks, "top plays" for Top 20 teams) this year than in previous years. So much so that the team previews are over half of the book.

So if you're looking for strategy ... probably not worth it. If you're looking for information while your PC/laptop is away ... may be worth it. I summed it up as gschwendt's Playbook spreadsheet plus Solidice's team info spreadsheet, plus a little bit of in-game strategy.