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07-07-2011, 07:10 PM
no child left behind is getting worse - 44 school districts for 10 years, 800,000 documents of evidence, 80 confessions so far, do teachers deserve jail time?



07-07-2011, 07:56 PM
Wow, that's really fucked up.

I've always been a proponent of getting rid of that whole "no child left behind" bullshit.

07-07-2011, 08:16 PM
Being a husband with a wife as a teacher, I agree with the no child left behind crap. Many times she wants to hold kids back only to have the principal move them up anyway. Obviously the teacher knows more about the kid than the principal does.

07-07-2011, 08:35 PM
Being a husband with a wife as a teacher, I agree with the no child left behind crap. Many times she wants to hold kids back only to have the principal move them up anyway. Obviously the teacher knows more about the kid than the principal does.

this is worse than that but part of that problem as well, we are talking about 170 something teachers and admins falsifying standardized test scores to garner government funding for schools and districts

07-07-2011, 08:39 PM
oh I know, she is a teacher in a title 1 school. This means that test scores mean everything, im not condoning what these teachers did but test scores are everything for a school

07-07-2011, 09:11 PM
is this worth jail time for some ?

07-07-2011, 09:26 PM
It's a white collar crime but a crime nonetheless. As a teacher, I know how important test scores are. Test scores can determine federal and state funding so they stole a lot of money falsifying scores. Plus we now have lots of ill-equipped students who are now out in the world no doubt making babies as opposed to working on college degrees.

Yet somehow, this will probably be "Obama's fault" like everything else.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-07-2011, 09:55 PM
Being a husband with a wife as a teacher, I agree with the no child left behind crap. Many times she wants to hold kids back only to have the principal move them up anyway. Obviously the teacher knows more about the kid than the principal does.

Not sure how the states all differ in this, but here in Nebraska a school cannot hold back a student unless the parents consent to it. Regardless of the grades or how many days they miss, the parents have to consent.

As for the OP, I'm not surprised this happened. It's sad that teachers would be so flippant about it. I'm sure a lot of them will be jobless soon.

07-07-2011, 09:57 PM
It's the whole "no child left behind" bullshit that is the root of the issue, in my opinion. By constantly pushing these kids along instead of holding them back, the teachers are running into issues of dumb ass kids getting pushed through several grades with D-'s only to fail miserably at the standardized tests for their grade level because they haven't learned anything for the past 4 years because they don't have to to continue to progress in school.

Because we constantly preach all this bullshit about "You're special. You can do anything you set your mind to." Blah blah blah, these kids aren't CHALLENGED. I never once felt challenged in high school besides when I took Calculus in 12th grade and, because of the way the teacher had the class setup, 10th grade Social Studies (the only reason why that class was challenging was because the tests were essay based so you actually had to know what the fuck you were talkin' about instead of just doing mindless multiple choice questions and other bullshit that's been developed to make it easier for dumb ass kids to float along without actually learning anything). Besides those two classes, I never once felt challenged to learn anything. And I, for 95% of the classes I took, got A's and B's for grades without even really trying.

High school was bullshit when I was in it (10 years ago) so I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten since then. Teachers are just as much to blame as parents. Parents don't seem to give a flying fuck about the education of their children. Why? Because they're just as fuckin' stupid as their kids.

Long story short, this world is fucked.

07-07-2011, 10:03 PM
on the radio I heard that some lady said this is the worst case of black on black crime ever seen.

07-07-2011, 10:38 PM
:smh: :smh: :smh:

07-07-2011, 11:15 PM
:fp: I was on probably paragraph number 20 or 25 of a long ass, epic rant about this and the US in general, and I accidently opened up another site in this tab by mistake, completely deleting everything I had spent the last 40 minutes typing. :fp:

It'll have to wait until I get back home from work later. I'm not trying to retype all of that again right now. :(

07-08-2011, 03:52 AM
Alright, lets try take number two. :fp:

It's the whole "no child left behind" bullshit that is the root of the issue, in my opinion. By constantly pushing these kids along instead of holding them back, the teachers are running into issues of dumb ass kids getting pushed through several grades with D-'s only to fail miserably at the standardized tests for their grade level because they haven't learned anything for the past 4 years because they don't have to to continue to progress in school.

Because we constantly preach all this bullshit about "You're special. You can do anything you set your mind to." Blah blah blah, these kids aren't CHALLENGED. I never once felt challenged in high school besides when I took Calculus in 12th grade and, because of the way the teacher had the class setup, 10th grade Social Studies (the only reason why that class was challenging was because the tests were essay based so you actually had to know what the fuck you were talkin' about instead of just doing mindless multiple choice questions and other bullshit that's been developed to make it easier for dumb ass kids to float along without actually learning anything). Besides those two classes, I never once felt challenged to learn anything. And I, for 95% of the classes I took, got A's and B's for grades without even really trying.

High school was bullshit when I was in it (10 years ago) so I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten since then. Teachers are just as much to blame as parents. Parents don't seem to give a flying fuck about the education of their children. Why? Because they're just as fuckin' stupid as their kids.

Long story short, this world is fucked.

I agree with every single word of this post. I ESPECIALLY agree with the last sentence. I've been saying for years how fucked the world, and the US is. I realized this unfortunate truth before I ever got out of high school. And in my opinion, the US is especially fucked. I honestly would not be the least slightest bit surprised if in 50 years, the US then, has become one of the third world countries of today. We are already headed down that path. The entire country is fucked. And it's no one group to blame. Not the Democrats. Not the Republicans. Not the Independents. Not the Tea Party. Not the teachers. Not the parents. Not the unions. Not the Wall Street bankers. It's EVERYONE to blame. Everyone has had a hand in fucking this country.

The only reason we're still considered a superpower and what everyone considers the top nation in the world, is because of our giant military. Everything else, we're becoming the dumbasses of the world. We're slipping down the charts. If you take away the US military, we're not the top nation in the world when you look at the giant picture and at everything you can rate a nation on.

Education in this country has fully gone down the shitter. We're becoming the laughing stock of the world. Lets take a look at the US education rankings compared worldwide as of December 2010. 14th in Reading. Who is better than us? South Korea, Finland, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Estonia, Switzerland, Poland, and Iceland!

How about Math? South Korea, Finland, Switzerland, Japan, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Belgium, Australia, Germany, Estonia, Iceland, Denmark, Slovenia, Norway, France (we suck worse in Math than FRANCE! :fp:), Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Hungary, Luxembourg, and then finally the US in 25th in the world.

Science is better, but still pathetic, in at 17th in the world, behind Finland, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Canada, Estonia, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Poland, Ireland, Belgium, and Hungary.

Our economy sucks (getting better, but still sucks), the value of the dollar in international markets is a joke, and this country is a month away from defaulting on the nation's debt, because the dumbasses in Congress would rather play fucking chicken with each other instead of sitting down at the table like the fucking leaders they're supposed to be and working out an agreement. Instead, they are a bunch of giant fucking pussies who would rather fuck the country, obliterate our economy, as well as fuck the world economy, because they don't want to appear weak to their constituents by giving in to demands of the other side. Instead, they'd rather sit there playing the blame game, trying to shift all blame and attention to the other side, the same fucking shit that got this country where it is today and where it's been the past couple years.

The country is supposed to be run by those elected by the people, their constituents, to be their voice in Congress. Instead, the country is run by the fucking oil companies, Wall Street bankers, and corporations who would rather see the entire fucking country plummet into nothing as long as they make their billions of dollars each year and then say "fuck you" to every single citizen in the US, rather than actually earn their money honestly and help straighten out this country. And of course the dumbfucks in Congress let this shit happen because they can earn a couple extra millions in campaign donations from these companies so they can stay in Congress.

Jobs are being outsourced left and right, even products that used to be made in the US are being outsourced. Look around your house. How many things say "Made in the USA" on them? You can barely find anything anymore that wasn't fucking made in Taiwan or South Korea or Japan or China or Mexico.

The infrastructure in this country is shit. Remember the I-35W bridge incident in Minneapolis a few years ago? Don't think that was the last time. The bridges and highways in this country are shit, and they are only getting worse as time passes. Thousands upon thousands of bridges and stretches of highway in this country have been found structurally deficient. From the U.S. Department of Transportation's 2008 "Report to Congress on the Conditions and Performance of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit," all levels of government would have to invest $139 billion per year in highway improvements just to MAINTAIN current physical and performance conditions on the nation's highways and bridges, with the cost possibly increasing to $150 billion per year by 2015 if inflation of highway construction prices were to keep on the rate they've been. $139 billion per year, not to replace and build new bridges and highways, but to maintain, in their current conditions, the shitty, structurally deficient bridges and highways that we have today. There are such an ungodly number of bridges, and miles of highway, in this country, that it will be impossible to replace it all or at least keep them in their present piss-poor shape without deteriorating anymore. So that bridge incident in Minneapolis sure as hell wasn't the last time for something like that.

How about the power grid? Talk about a giant clusterfuck right there. Anyone remember the Northeast Blackout of 2003? I sure do, because living in Ohio, I was part of the areas that were hit by it. Eight US states and Ontario, Canada sent into darkness. And it happened from just a power surge and some simple human error. 55 million+ people plunged into darkness from a power surge in the transmission grid and some human error. If that doesn't show how fucked this country's power grid is, I don't know what does. People are worried about terrorists in the airports and in airplanes. Fuck that! I'm worried about terrorists and the nation's power grid! Put four or five strategically place terror cells around the country, in the correct places, and successfully pull off their attack, say goodbye to the power for the entire US. And it wouldn't be like the 2003 blackout where most places had their power back by that night, and it took a mere two days to fully restore power to Toronto and New York (the last places that were affected to have power fully restored). No, it would be a long ass time before they could restore power to the US. So to hell with the airports, it's the power grid that worries me when it comes to terrorism.

This country is on it's way to going to shit. This country is bending over and getting ready to be fucked. This country is standing on the edge of the cliff. It's only a matter of time before we go over that cliff. And when we do, the entire fucking country is going to lose their minds. Everyone would rather turn a blind eye to everything going on around them and bitch and moan about the little problems in their lives. "OMG, that dick cop gave me a speeding ticket! Now I can't afford that carton of cigarettes because I have to pay this ticket." "OMG, the cable went out! WTF! What am I going to do now?" "OMG, NCAA 12 doesn't come out for 4 more days and I want it now and I can't get it anywhere! WTF am I going to do!? I can't wait that long! My life is over!!!!" ;) They are all wrapped up in the little things that hardly matter in their lives when you step back and look at the big picture, completely ignoring the harsh truth that is about to become reality here in the US.

So yes, this country as a whole is absolutely fucked. And it's everyone's fault!

Now that I am done ranting in general, back on the topic at hand. No Child Left Behind is one of the dumbest things ever thought of in this country. When I was in high school, if your ass was too stupid to get a passing grade, then your ass was held back a year until you got that shit learned and could get a passing grade. Back then, a high school diploma actually MEANT something. It showed you were ready to move on to the next stage in your life. You were prepared for the challenges ahead of you. You had matured and grown up and were ready to face the world.

Now a high school diploma isn't worth the paper it's printed on. I realize the world needs burger flippers at the local Micky D's, but come on! If you're too goddamn stupid to learn this shit and get a passing grade, ESPECIALLY in schools today, then your ass doesn't DESERVE to graduate. If the class valedictorian and the worst student in the entire class, who failed damn near every class, are both sitting with all their classmates on graduation day, something is wrong. School is supposed to get you ready for the world. That high school diploma is supposed to mean something. High school diplomas these days, have become the same damn thing as the trophies and ribbons they give the losers who finished in 2nd place, and 5th place, and so on in Little League baseball. Now-a-days, everyone gets a ribbon, a trophy, and a diploma, they get tapped on the head or back, told "you're so special!" and sent on their way, with the IQ of a fucking rock!

And I agree with mors. WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED TO THE STANDARDS OF EDUCATION!? Are the kids really that fucking stupid and all have ADHD that we have to dumb down every single subject to the point you feel like your becoming a dumbass and your IQ is dropping from just simply reading the text books? I too rarely ever felt challenge in high school. The text books and the lesson plans were so pathetically stupid as hell and dumbed down, that I felt like I was losing IQ every day. It's sad that I learned more about the Civil War as a whole, from just two or three family vacations to Gettysburg and other civil war sites growing up a kid, than you would ever learn from a text book in US History. All the classes made me feel stupid as hell from how pathetic the text books and lesson plans were. The only classes that actually challenged me were, like mors, Calculus, and then Advanced Physics.

It wasn't until I got to college that I sat down and thought "holy shit, this is actually going to be hard!" It shouldn't be that way. Junior and senior years in high school, those classes should be challenging and engaging, preparing you for how difficult college classes are, not dropped down to "dumb as a fucking rock" levels just so Junior with the IQ of a twig can graduate and feel special about himself and pat himself on the back for earning his high school diploma while he sits there in Burger King flipping burgers for the next 40 years.

Everything else, I was to the point I hated going to class because the lessons and text were lowered down to the point the lowest common denominator could understand them. Even though US Government and World History were the same way in regards to text books, those classes I loved, because I had GREAT teachers. Mrs. Ondrus made US Government class fun as hell, the same with Mr. Ondrus in World History. The kept the lessons and classes entertaining, great involvement with the students, kept things fresh, were trying new and different methods from day to day on teaching us the subjects and interacting with us students, that while the "state approved" lessons and text books were approaching the "I feel more stupid just reading this" levels, classes were a blast and were ones that everyone actually looked forward to in their day.

No Child Left Behind has fucked the future of this country. In the past, if you were too fucking stupid to get a passing grade, your ass got held back. If you were too fucking stupid that you were still in the 10th grade and were 20 years old, well, that's your own damn fault. Start learning the shit and remembering it, or get used to school for the rest of your life. Now-a-days, we have dumbasses in high school, that are seriously so fucking stupid, they never should have made it out of the 6th grade. Welcome to your future America. These dumbasses that can barely tie their own shoes are the people who are going to inherit this country in 20-30 years. And everyone is to blame.

No Child Left Behind (and HS diplomas these days) is the education equivalent of the ribbons and trophies that we give out to the girls youth soccer team down the street that finished 0-10 in their league and never score a single goal all damn year, because we want them to feel like their special and fear we'll ruin their self-esteem. How about we stop babying these kids and start teaching them how the real fucking world works, knock off this "everyone gets a trophy/diploma because you're all just so special" shit, and turn this goddamn country around while we still have a chance? How about we STOP with the pussification of America? Or we can continue standing at the edge of the cliff and start running around like headless chickens crying "OMG!!! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?!?" when the US plummets off that cliff.

It's our choice. Everyone's choice. I know what option I choose.

07-08-2011, 04:26 AM
...I hope he's ok........:(

07-08-2011, 06:12 AM
Well done smooth... That took alot.

I agree with the no chold left behind deal. The wifey is a K5 teacher and she also taught 1st grade before that. She knows where the kids need to be to be succesfull in 1st grade. That being said it has been told to her that as a whole grade level that they can only hold back X number of students. This number isnt in the double digits is a single digit number. That is crazy considering she is at a lower class school where most these kids cant write there name or tell the difference between colors when they get there. Also they have 4 K5 classes with 23-26 kids a piece in them.

It was common to be held back in the earlier yrs back when I went to school (hate using that phrase now). It was 10yrs ago but most the ppl I graduated with were held back. Another thing is kids cant be held back more than once, if its to the point where they have to be held back once the kid needs to be checked for a learning disability. Most parents dont want to know there kid has a disability and refuse to have them tested. Only hindering the kid down the road and thus creating this "no child left behind" deal.

07-08-2011, 09:29 AM
Hey Smooth, good post. If the media doesn't report, the sheeple have no idea.

There is a LOT wrong and the sheeple have their heads in the sand.

Anyone notice that FEMA and CDC in the past couple years have started actual ad campaigns to have disaster supplies at the ready in your home? To be ready for natural and non-natural disasters? I NEVER remember any ad campaigns from them in my 30+ years of life prior to the past couple years.

07-08-2011, 01:12 PM
....and I thought Idiocracy was a fictional comedy......?

07-08-2011, 01:30 PM
....and I thought Idiocracy was a fictional comedy......?

And it's gonna be exactly that. EXACTLY that if something isn't done soon.

Soon, it's all gonna hit that cliff where there's no turning back and when that plummet happens, we're all in trouble.