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07-04-2012, 03:27 PM
Homeland is pretty good, although...like The Killing...the story doesn't wrap up at the end of season 1. That might be a negative for some viewers. :dunno:

07-04-2012, 03:41 PM
Homeland is pretty good, although...like The Killing...the story doesn't wrap up at the end of season 1. That might be a negative for some viewers. :dunno:... why would that be a problem?

07-04-2012, 03:48 PM
it's not...some people are just impatient...bunch of viewers knocked the Killing for that reason.

07-04-2012, 03:54 PM
It's called a cliffhanger for a reason, people.

07-04-2012, 04:04 PM
It's called a cliffhanger for a reason, people.

Those people complaining about the cliffhangers must really hate TV. 24 was notorious for cliffhangers. Same with Dallas and Criminal Minds. CSI: Miami started becoming cliffhanger city from season 4 on, same with CSI and CSI: NY in the later seasons. Torchwood, Lost, NCIS, True Blood, The West Wing, the list goes on and on.

07-04-2012, 04:49 PM
Homeland was incredible. Definitely one of my favorite shows, and if season 2 runs at the same time as Dexter again, that will give me reason enough to subscribe to Showtime for a couple of months.

Just watched what I think were episodes 2 thru 5 of 'Men at Work'. It was a lot funnier than I thought it was going to be. It might have to join my "just for me" shows alongside Burn Notice and Justified.

07-04-2012, 05:09 PM
I'd be interested to hear what your complaints are. I have some of my own, but they are pretty minor outside of the fact that I don't think the creators of the show really know what they want to do with the aliens yet.
Falling Skies is too close to safe, network, fluff...at least it was in Season 1. Like I said in a previous post, I like the larger story, but I'm not pleased with all of the forced "touching", yet unbelievable moments that they try to feed us...much like network television does with nearly all of their dramas.

Another thing that bothered me was the idea that there would be any "civilians" left in this society, and the forced conflict between civilians and militarty (in Season 1). Season 2 has done a much better job of making most of these people useful, but the 2nd Mass started out with ~300 people and they only had a couple dozen people that were actually fighting or contributing. The rest of them were just bitching about not being treated well, and causing problems. There were several times in season 1 where a 30 or 40 something year old man was complaining about the fighters. WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A GUN? If you're not fighting, cooking, repairing stuff, etc., then you're just a waste of space, and you're not vital to the survival of the human race.

I think that my main issue is that I'm just too cynical for anything that looks like it's using a template from network television

07-04-2012, 05:14 PM
Good thoughts, IBI
though I think, in the event of such a catastrophic event, it would take people time to adjust to the "we're all fighters, now" mentality. I actually thought that was more realistic than the common portrayal. A lot of people would pick up a gun ... but not everyone.

07-04-2012, 05:33 PM
Good thoughts, IBI
though I think, in the event of such a catastrophic event, it would take people time to adjust to the "we're all fighters, now" mentality. I actually thought that was more realistic than the common portrayal. A lot of people would pick up a gun ... but not everyone.
That's true. I really don't know what the timeline looks like. I know that there was an initial attack, then a second attack. I think that the second attack is what got everyone in the situation that they're in now, but I don't know how far apart they were, or how long it took for the 2nd mass to come together after the second attack. There were some comics on the TNT website, prior to season 1, that gave some of the backstory, but I only made it through 9 or 10 issues before I stopped checking for updates. Maybe there just weren't enough guns to go around. It just pissed me off that they had all these young kids fighting, but you'd have an able bodied man just sitting on the sideline.

I guess it could be similar to the remake of Battlestar Galactica (one of my all-time favorite shows), where they had all these civilians, and limited resources. They eventually trained some fighter pilots and other soldiers, but that show had a ton of issues between the civilians and the military.

07-04-2012, 05:39 PM
Well, it's coming back for at least a second season. I was reading last night's rag, there was a small clip back in the entertainment section, Newsroom has been green lit for a second season, after only two episodes. They said despite mixed reviews, it had a healthy audience for it's premiere with over 2.1 million viewers.

Awesome! I'm all-in after 2 episodes. It's an incredibly smart show and everyone talks so fast so you have to stay on top of the dialogue or get lost in the hysteria.

07-04-2012, 06:28 PM
That's true. I really don't know what the timeline looks like. I know that there was an initial attack, then a second attack. I think that the second attack is what got everyone in the situation that they're in now, but I don't know how far apart they were, or how long it took for the 2nd mass to come together after the second attack. There were some comics on the TNT website, prior to season 1, that gave some of the backstory, but I only made it through 9 or 10 issues before I stopped checking for updates. Maybe there just weren't enough guns to go around. It just pissed me off that they had all these young kids fighting, but you'd have an able bodied man just sitting on the sideline.

I guess it could be similar to the remake of Battlestar Galactica (one of my all-time favorite shows), where they had all these civilians, and limited resources. They eventually trained some fighter pilots and other soldiers, but that show had a ton of issues between the civilians and the military. True. I really dislike how little of the backstory they've fleshed out.
For example, both Season 1 and Season 2 opened with a kid talking about where he was when the aliens came. Why the hell haven't we seen that day? I was expecting it at some point in Season 1, for goodness sake.

And any comparison to BSG is a good frakkin' one to me :D

Awesome! I'm all-in after 2 episodes. It's an incredibly smart show and everyone talks so fast so you have to stay on top of the dialogue or get lost in the hysteria.True of any Aaron Sorkin show. If not for closed captioning, I would never have kept up with half of The West Wing.

07-04-2012, 09:30 PM
Jesus christ. So much to reply to, but here goes!

it's not...some people are just impatient...bunch of viewers knocked the Killing for that reason.

And those viewers were idiots for knocking The Killing and are even dumber for knocking Homeland for it. Most of the vitriol toward the Killing is, unlike British and other European television shows, US television usually tries to milk the hell out of a property, especially if it's popular, thus, the hate toward The Killing because it's based off a Norwegian television show (same basic premise and type of cast from what I understand) but it was all wrapped up in one season and was good to go, unlike The Killing which squeezed two amazing seasons out of the case and looks to be going for a season 3 based on another case (no real information to back this up, just basing it on how US television executives work most of the time).

Homeland was incredible. Definitely one of my favorite shows, and if season 2 runs at the same time as Dexter again, that will give me reason enough to subscribe to Showtime for a couple of months.

Homeland is AMAZING. I'm TOTALLY blown away by how good it is. I can't wait for it to come back. I'm anxiously awaiting it's return.

I've been wanting to check out Homeland for a while. Damn not having HBO and Showtime. Miss out on all the good shows and have to hope they show up on Netflix or something or get a chance to preview them before putting the money down for the Blu-ray or DVD sets.

That's why pirating stuff is good. I just don't care anymore. I don't have the time to keep track of when the hell this shit comes on TV anymore and I definitely don't have the cash to spend on getting HBO and Showtime to watch these shows, thus, I pirate the hell out of them.

That said, there are ways to watch these shows streaming online (like, this website (http://www.1channel.ch/)). Not sure if it has everything you're looking for, but it certainly does a pretty good job covering most things that I would watch if I wasn't just straight up pirating them.

Falling Skies is too close to safe, network, fluff...at least it was in Season 1. Like I said in a previous post, I like the larger story, but I'm not pleased with all of the forced "touching", yet unbelievable moments that they try to feed us...much like network television does with nearly all of their dramas.

Another thing that bothered me was the idea that there would be any "civilians" left in this society, and the forced conflict between civilians and militarty (in Season 1). Season 2 has done a much better job of making most of these people useful, but the 2nd Mass started out with ~300 people and they only had a couple dozen people that were actually fighting or contributing. The rest of them were just bitching about not being treated well, and causing problems. There were several times in season 1 where a 30 or 40 something year old man was complaining about the fighters. WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A GUN? If you're not fighting, cooking, repairing stuff, etc., then you're just a waste of space, and you're not vital to the survival of the human race.

I think that my main issue is that I'm just too cynical for anything that looks like it's using a template from network television

Good thoughts, IBI
though I think, in the event of such a catastrophic event, it would take people time to adjust to the "we're all fighters, now" mentality. I actually thought that was more realistic than the common portrayal. A lot of people would pick up a gun ... but not everyone.

That's true. I really don't know what the timeline looks like. I know that there was an initial attack, then a second attack. I think that the second attack is what got everyone in the situation that they're in now, but I don't know how far apart they were, or how long it took for the 2nd mass to come together after the second attack. There were some comics on the TNT website, prior to season 1, that gave some of the backstory, but I only made it through 9 or 10 issues before I stopped checking for updates. Maybe there just weren't enough guns to go around. It just pissed me off that they had all these young kids fighting, but you'd have an able bodied man just sitting on the sideline.

I guess it could be similar to the remake of Battlestar Galactica (one of my all-time favorite shows), where they had all these civilians, and limited resources. They eventually trained some fighter pilots and other soldiers, but that show had a ton of issues between the civilians and the military.

True. I really dislike how little of the backstory they've fleshed out.
For example, both Season 1 and Season 2 opened with a kid talking about where he was when the aliens came. Why the hell haven't we seen that day? I was expecting it at some point in Season 1, for goodness sake.

And any comparison to BSG is a good frakkin' one to me :D

Ah, ok. I agree. There are definitely some problems and it definitely seems like a safe network show, but, unfortunately, that's TNT programming for you. Pretty much everything on TNT and safe television. That said, it's probably one of the best science fiction based television shows on TV at the moment and I have to support it in hopes that something else better will come along all the while hoping that the writers have grown a set and actually do something ballsy with the show this season, otherwise, I'll probably give up at the end of this season.

Awesome! I'm all-in after 2 episodes. It's an incredibly smart show and everyone talks so fast so you have to stay on top of the dialogue or get lost in the hysteria.

True of any Aaron Sorkin show. If not for closed captioning, I would never have kept up with half of The West Wing.

It's one of the things I have a problem with in The Newsroom. It makes sense for the characters in The West Wing to talk fast and be able to talk themselves out of situations; they do it for a living. The characters in The Newsroom shouldn't be able to do it as well as they do. Everything is so fast paced it feels like there isn't time to breathe sometimes. I get part of it is portraying how it can be in a newsroom sometimes, but it's all hyper-real to the point that it feels forced sometimes.

That said, after episode 2, I'm enjoying the hell out of the show still, but I hear that episode 4 is a real stinker but, we'll see.

Speaking of The West Wing, I started watching it after The Newsroom just completely blew me away and, needless to say, I have a new 7 season show to watch now and it's blowing me away just as The Newsroom did.

07-04-2012, 09:48 PM
Speaking of The West Wing, I started watching it after The Newsroom just completely blew me away and, needless to say, I have a new 7 season show to watch now and it's blowing me away just as The Newsroom did.

Yep, I love The West Wing. I watched most of it on TV when each new episode came out, my parents got me hooked on it, and watched it all the way through. The latter years get a little "meh", not as great of quality as the first 4 or 5 seasons, with the Bartlet administration winding down and the new election and the whole new administration coming in, old administration going out transfer process, but overall it was still an outstanding series.

07-04-2012, 10:08 PM
Speaking of The West Wing, I started watching it after The Newsroom just completely blew me away and, needless to say, I have a new 7 season show to watch now and it's blowing me away just as The Newsroom did.You know, our discussion about Claudia Black in the I'd Hit It thread caused me to restart the entire Farscape series. I swear, if you get me to restart the entire West Wing series (again), I might have to kill you.

That said, it is, by far, some of the greatest TV ever.

the whole new administration coming inSeriously, this is a spoiler, if you're in the middle of watching West Wing (mors), don't read this:

Until Obama was elected and, y'know, suddenly the show looking freaking prescient. Oh, and Jimmy Smits's "live" campaign commercial was one of the greatest moments of the show.

07-04-2012, 11:54 PM
You know, our discussion about Claudia Black in the I'd Hit It thread caused me to restart the entire Farscape series. I swear, if you get me to restart the entire West Wing series (again), I might have to kill you.

That said, it is, by far, some of the greatest TV ever.
Seriously, this is a spoiler, if you're in the middle of watching West Wing (mors), don't read this:

Until Obama was elected and, y'know, suddenly the show looking freaking prescient. Oh, and Jimmy Smits's "live" campaign commercial was one of the greatest moments of the show.

Yeah, it definitely did then when Obama was elected. And I agree completely, that "live" commercial was definitely in the top 5 greatest moments throughout the entire length of the show for me. Granted, it sort of plateaued for many when Aaron Sorkin left after the fourth season, which the show did change, especially with the contracts of many of the regulars running out in the couple of seasons after. I still enjoyed the later seasons between watching the Santos campaign and because I've always enjoyed watching Alan Alda ever since M*A*S*H, so between Jimmy Smits and the Santos campaign, and Alan Alda in there as Arnold Vinick, I still enjoyed those later seasons.

07-05-2012, 08:13 AM
You know, our discussion about Claudia Black in the I'd Hit It thread caused me to restart the entire Farscape series. I swear, if you get me to restart the entire West Wing series (again), I might have to kill you.


You're welcome. ;)

I've been SO tempted SEVERAL times to go back and watch it again, but I just recently did so about 6 or 7 months ago so it's a bit too early to do so again. That said, if it wasn't for new TV (and The West Wing), I'd probably go back and watch Stargate: SG1 and Atlantis again as it's been several years since I last watched them all.

Also, I REALLY hate that I ended up reading that spoiler anyway because I quoted your post. :(

07-05-2012, 09:00 PM
Also, I REALLY hate that I ended up reading that spoiler anyway because I quoted your post. :(You'll live. It's pretty obvious over the course of the season anyway. The writers claimed it wasn't, but .... I still don't believe them.

07-05-2012, 09:30 PM
I watched 4 episodes of HBO's show Veep this evening (HBO Go on the Xbox is pretty damn sweet). The show has some genuine LOL moments.

Quick premise: The chick from Seinfield is the VP of the US. Every episode, either she or someone on her staff fucks up (sometimes both), and they spend the rest of the show fixing it.

07-06-2012, 11:37 AM
I watched 4 episodes of HBO's show Veep this evening (HBO Go on the Xbox is pretty damn sweet). The show has some genuine LOL moments.

Quick premise: The chick from Seinfield is the VP of the US. Every episode, either she or someone on her staff fucks up (sometimes both), and they spend the rest of the show fixing it.

I downloaded a couple episodes of Veep, mainly cuz I have the hots for Anna Chlumsky :nod: haven't checked it out yet though.

07-06-2012, 11:44 AM
I watched 4 episodes of HBO's show Veep this evening (HBO Go on the Xbox is pretty damn sweet). The show has some genuine LOL moments.

Quick premise: The chick from Seinfield is the VP of the US. Every episode, either she or someone on her staff fucks up (sometimes both), and they spend the rest of the show fixing it.

Watching episode 7 (of 8) now. This shit is legitimately funny.

07-06-2012, 12:03 PM
If anyone wants to hook me up with their HBO Go info I'd check it out :)

07-16-2012, 12:03 AM
falling skies looks really good next week.

07-16-2012, 04:28 PM
I'm going to say it again, if you aren't watching The Newsroom, you're missing the most amazing thing on television.

07-16-2012, 04:29 PM
I'm going to say it again, if you aren't watching The Newsroom, you're missing the most amazing thing on television.

I will get there eventually :nod:

07-16-2012, 09:00 PM
Ok I'm hooked back on Falling Skies. Just caught up on the past 2 episodes and best so far this season.

07-16-2012, 09:51 PM
Yep. And the ending of this week's has huge implications for next week.

07-17-2012, 09:56 PM
I haven't watched this week's Falling Skies yet, but this show is getting very good. I just hope they stay on this track, and continue to move forward with the larger story arc.

07-17-2012, 10:02 PM
I just hope, at some point, they detail the attack. I feel like that's missing, horribly. I think it's too late to do it now though, but I still want it.

07-17-2012, 10:20 PM
I just hope, at some point, they detail the attack. I feel like that's missing, horribly. I think it's too late to do it now though, but I still want it.

i would think it'll become more clear once they reach charleston, if ever.

07-20-2012, 11:13 PM
Caught up with the latest episode of Suits tonight. The last 5 or so minutes was some of the best TV I've seen all year, just in terms of how it was written/framed/shot/scored/etc. Great scene. I was a fan of the series early on, but wasn't sure it had the legs ... and then it just kept getting better and better and better. Now it might be my favorite show currently showing new episodes.

i would think it'll become more clear once they reach charleston, if ever.Good point, that would be a time they could do it.

They're definitely reaching Charleston. Some of the previews shown before the Season Premiere showed shots of them addressing a crowd in Charleston. And, possibly implied who would be playing the "President".

07-23-2012, 07:39 PM
Falling Skies awesome once again this week.

07-23-2012, 09:07 PM
This week was ... wow. I'm still twitching a little bit from that one scene (you'll know which one I mean).

I knew one of them was going to die though. :D :D :D

07-23-2012, 09:56 PM
i missed it :(

07-24-2012, 08:45 AM
This week was ... wow. I'm still twitching a little bit from that one scene (you'll know which one I mean).

I knew one of them was going to die though. :D :D :D

I know exactly what you mean :)

One thing I will say about this show that is lacking is the character development and ability to connect with the characters. If what happened that Jeff knew about ;) happened in a show like The Walking Dead you would have felt it.

07-24-2012, 08:53 AM
I'm finding it pretty boring, myself, but I'm invested so I'm continuing to watch. They still haven't wowed me and the show just feels very SAFE. Guess that's what you get from a show on TNT though.

07-24-2012, 09:06 AM
I'm finding it pretty boring, myself, but I'm invested so I'm continuing to watch. They still haven't wowed me and the show just feels very SAFE. Guess that's what you get from a show on TNT though.

I definitely was earlier on in this season. But the past couple of episodes with the rebellion and Tom actually shooting that overlord have kept me going and getting back into it. Plus the fact that we are learning more about them has my interest. But I definitely agree, it's kind of what you would expect from a show on TNT. Exactly my point about not really caring that mechanic dude died. I was like, oh well. But when Dale or Shane even Otis on the Walking Dead went down you were like... oh shit, no way. Not sure if it's the writing, the acting or a combination of both but they definitely don't pull you into the show.

07-24-2012, 09:10 AM
Everytime I get disinterested in Falling Skies, you guys praise it, so then I get interested, and then that excitement disappears :D Right now there are other shows I wanna get caught up on first. Maybe get on the wagon in a year or three.

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07-27-2012, 01:53 PM
I haven't gotten to see this show yet, but I will eventually on Netflix. Unfortunately according to a girl I follow from EW.com, The Killing has been axed by AMC.

07-27-2012, 01:56 PM
I haven't gotten to see this show yet, but I will eventually on Netflix. Unfortunately according to a girl I follow from EW.com, The Killing has been axed by AMC.

Not really surprising. The way the first two seasons played out, which partly upset fans, from what I've heard online, and then what were they going to do for future seasons?

07-27-2012, 03:55 PM
Not really surprising. The way the first two seasons played out, which partly upset fans, from what I've heard online, and then what were they going to do for future seasons?

I don't get how fans were upset. I thought the show was GREAT. It was interesting watching the main characters deal with their own neuroses while attempting to solve a nearly unsolvable murder case of a girl. The acting in The Killing is TOP NOTCH. The only "fans" that complain about the show are comparing it to a so-so Danish show by the same name and similar premise.

I was perfectly fine with the end of the show and anyone that complained about it is a fuckin' dolt that needs EVERY LITTLE THING explained to them.

07-27-2012, 04:13 PM
Even then, regardless, unless they were trying to become the next CSI or something, I don't see anyway it could have gone any further future seasons. Not unless they started getting just stupid as shit with the storyline.

07-27-2012, 04:14 PM
Many argue LOST should have quit at the point The Killing has gotten the ax.

07-27-2012, 06:03 PM
Even then, regardless, unless they were trying to become the next CSI or something, I don't see anyway it could have gone any further future seasons. Not unless they started getting just stupid as shit with the storyline.

Oh, I have no issue with the show ending where they are going to be forced to end it. It ended logically, in my opinion.

08-03-2012, 10:32 AM
I am watching "Game Of Throne" "Young Justice" and "Big Bang Theory" these days. All shows are damn good.

08-03-2012, 10:44 AM
Is anyone seeing any fall TV that is looking good?

I'm interested in Vegas on CBS with Dennis Quaid and Michael Chikis. It's basically set up in the early days of Vegas when it was still mostly a desert. Quaid is the sheriff and Chiklis is probably a mob boss owning casinos getting in Quaid's way.

Revolution, the new J.J. Abrams series on NBC, the premise sounds interesting, but the promos they've been showing look TERRIBLE. Looks like Hunger Games more than a survivalist post-apocalyptic show.

I'll definitely give both pilots a chance, but I have a feeling I'll stick with Vegas, but not Revolution.

08-03-2012, 12:21 PM
Revolution will fail regardless of how good it is. I love sci-fi but modern sci-fi tv gets 1-2 years and then get the plug pulled. Sci-fi is just not mainstream enough for tv networks to support.

08-03-2012, 01:53 PM
Revolution will fail regardless of how good it is. I love sci-fi but modern sci-fi tv gets 1-2 years and then get the plug pulled. Sci-fi is just not mainstream enough for tv networks to support.

It doesn't last long because they make it TOO mainstream, not that it's missing the mainstreamness of normal TV. There hasn't been a great Sci-fi show since the last season of Stargate Atlantis.

08-05-2012, 08:58 PM
Re: Falling Skies
What the fuck, are you kidding me? They can't catch a damn break.

I knew that since I posted that before the last Act, that a twist was going to happen. I just didn't think it was going to be ... well ... that awesome.

08-05-2012, 11:52 PM
Re: Falling Skies
What the fuck, are you kidding me? They can't catch a damn break.

I knew that since I posted that before the last Act, that a twist was going to happen. I just didn't think it was going to be ... well ... that awesome.

so what happens now?

08-06-2012, 12:06 AM
so what happens now?I saw something in the season preview so, continue on if you don't mind a legit spoiler ...
Okay, it's not really much of a spoiler. But the preview implied that there was a big discussion about surrendering vs continuing to fight, and showed Tom Mason taking the podium to convince people to continue to fight. Or something like that. With only two episodes left this season, I figure that moment is basically going to be the end of the season.
For a non-spoiler theory, I'm really interested in the preview for next week ... looked like one of those "some major twist is coming" moments. The implication that the Army is not who we think they are.

08-06-2012, 04:52 PM

Falling Skies just can't make up it's mind if it's going to be Lost, an actual science fiction show, or some boring ass character "drama".


08-06-2012, 05:09 PM

Falling Skies just can't make up it's mind if it's going to be Lost, an actual science fiction show, or some boring ass character "drama".


I haven't seen any of the episodes for season two, although I loved season 1. How does the second season compare to the first one?

08-06-2012, 06:35 PM
I haven't seen any of the episodes for season two, although I loved season 1. How does the second season compare to the first one?Much more character driven, but I've enjoyed it much the same. I do agree that they're trying to throw too much into the recipe though.

08-09-2012, 08:32 AM
Watched the pilot of the new Matthew Perry show on NBC, Go On. I liked it. Hopefully they have pro athlete cameos on every episode. Terrell Owens was good on there.

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08-09-2012, 08:34 AM
I also reccomend Sullivan & Son on TBS. It's produced by Vince Vaughn and is like a modern day Cheers. Watch all of the episodes so far last night and really liked it. That's two good new shows in a row for TBS.

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08-19-2012, 11:19 PM
tom knocked up the hot nurse! :hump: yeah!!!!

08-19-2012, 11:23 PM
Watched the pilot of the new Matthew Perry show on NBC, Go On. I liked it. Hopefully they have pro athlete cameos on every episode. Terrell Owens was good on there.

I really wanted to see that. Completely forgot about it coming on

08-20-2012, 12:00 AM
2013?!? NOOOOOO! what a cliffhanger for falling skies to leave off on!

08-20-2012, 12:12 PM
If you're posting spoiler tags, you might want to post what show you're talking about outside of the spoiler tag.

08-20-2012, 03:45 PM
Boss is back for Season 2. Not sure how many (if any) of you watch it on Starz but it's an EXCELLENT show.

08-20-2012, 09:11 PM
If you're posting spoiler tags, you might want to post what show you're talking about outside of the spoiler tag.+1. I read one of the Falling Skies spoilers before watching the ep (though it didn't exactly spoil anything :D)

Re: Falling Skies

2013?!? NOOOOOO! what a cliffhanger for falling skies to leave off on!Well, when a show says "They'll be talking about the last five minutes!, you've gotta know it's a cliffhanger ending.

08-21-2012, 04:56 AM
+1. I read one of the Falling Skies spoilers before watching the ep (though it didn't exactly spoil anything :D)

Re: Falling Skies
Well, when a show says "They'll be talking about the last five minutes!, you've gotta know it's a cliffhanger ending.

Now's their chance to REALLY do something with this show so they better fuckin' do it. I'm getting tired of waiting around for this to really be a science fiction show instead of a rather boring "drama".

08-21-2012, 10:54 AM
I need to watch the season finale but can say this about Falling Skies

It's really depressing at how much could be done with it. With the rebellion and them finding Charleston it could really be better imo. The story lines are there they just don't seem to be delivering. One big example is when they first got to Charleston. It was supposed to be such a long trip and was taxing on them and they were pretty much out of supplies and lost people along the way. And when they get there and it's destroyed and they are on the bridge it should have been a tremendous letdown and the audience should have felt it, but I didn't. It was like, oh that sucks.

08-21-2012, 01:45 PM
This season will be the last for The Office (http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/08/21/the-office-season-9/)

08-21-2012, 02:00 PM
This season will be the last for The Office (http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/08/21/the-office-season-9/)

Was just a matter of time after Carrell left. If they could have replaced him with maybe a Will Ferrell, it could have listed longer, but I'm sure Will's movie paychecks are too nice.

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08-21-2012, 02:58 PM
Did anyone really like the Anger Management sneak peek with Charlie Sheen? I might give it a chance.

08-21-2012, 03:33 PM
Did anyone really like the Anger Management sneak peek with Charlie Sheen? I might give it a chance.

I've been watching the whole series. I think the initial run of 10 is almost done. I like it. It's not groundbreaking, but I like it. The old man (who was on Northern Exposure) cracks me up.

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08-21-2012, 08:59 PM
Watched the finale. Love the cliffhanger :up:

08-21-2012, 09:43 PM
And when they get there and it's destroyed and they are on the bridge it should have been a tremendous letdown and the audience should have felt it, but I didn't. It was like, oh that sucks. If that had been the end of the episode, I bet you would have felt it more. The fact that the episode wasn't over yet told me that wasn't the real answer.

08-22-2012, 10:44 AM
Teaser/Promo videos for Season 2 of American Horror Story on their Facebook page


08-22-2012, 10:51 AM
Teaser/Promo videos for Season 2 of American Horror Story on their Facebook page



09-01-2012, 08:53 AM
Keeping up with the weather, what ever the channel is important :nod:


09-01-2012, 10:30 AM
that should be mandatory for all news channels to have a weather babe that hott :nod:

09-01-2012, 11:07 AM
that should be mandatory for all news channels to have a weather babe that hott :nod:

Doing that takes away from the "real science" of guessing the weather. :D

09-06-2012, 06:57 PM
New season of Impractical Jokers starts tonight on TruTV. If you haven't seen it, that show if fucking hilarious, check it out!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

09-06-2012, 07:30 PM
New season of Impractical Jokers starts tonight on TruTV. If you haven't seen it, that show if fucking hilarious, check it out!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2


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09-11-2012, 09:04 AM
Anyone watch Perception on TNT? It's been a pretty good series this summer and last night's week-before-the-season-finale was a really good setup for the season finale. For anyone that hasn't seen it, Eric McCormack plays a paranoid schizophrenic professor that helps a former student (Rachael Leigh Cook) of his solve FBI cases. Through the course of solving it, he'll have visions of people who aren't there that end up helping him solve the case (they're visions of his subconscious)... for example, JFK appeared during a major conspiracy.

Anyway... it's been a pretty good summer show. That, plus Alphas on Syfy have been a good filler along with the usual USA shows to give me stuff on my DVR each week.

09-11-2012, 09:51 AM


09-11-2012, 10:33 AM
I don't know what to do Sunday
nights without new episodes of The Newsroom to watch.

09-11-2012, 10:50 AM
I don't know what to do Sunday
nights without new episodes of The Newsroom to watch.

Football, man, but I entirely agree. I can't wait for more!

09-12-2012, 09:57 AM
Sons of Anarchy

I must say Pope's abducting of Tig's daughter and burning her alive in front of her father HAS to be the most disturbing thing I have seen on Sons, possibly in all of cable TV. THAT WAS FUCKING MESSED UP. I figured Tig running down Pope's daughter (LeRoy's girlfriend) was going to have some consequences, but JESUS. Add Tig to the list of people who want to kill Clay now.

Speaking of LeRoy, didn't expect him to show up in the season debut cut up in a lot of pieces, but I can see why as Pope doesn't fuck around. You're dating his daughter, and she dies due to the Niners, I guess you're fucked.

Like the addition of Jimmy Smiths as Nero, that whole thing is going to be interesting.

As for the end on the beatdown of Unser, I cannot think of who in the past lost their foot...so maybe they're just giving a clue for something down the road. Obviously the home invasions had nothing to do with the Niners.

What a great opening. This season is already high up there on the fucked up scale.

09-14-2012, 01:45 PM
Below is the link to all of the American Horror Story teasers....


This season is going to awesome.

09-14-2012, 01:53 PM
Below is the link to all of the American Horror Story teasers....


This season is going to awesome.


09-18-2012, 09:53 AM
The Wire RPG

Sorry... just a video. Not a real game... though quite funny

09-25-2012, 11:57 PM
Sons of Anarchy tonight was GUT. WRENCHING. Holy shit.

09-26-2012, 06:31 PM
Sons of Anarchy tonight was GUT. WRENCHING. Holy shit.

I've not ever watched this but I hear lots of people enjoy it. What does everyone but Jb think?

09-26-2012, 07:32 PM
I've not ever watched this but I hear lots of people enjoy it. What does everyone but Jb think?

Looks boring to me, but I haven't watched it.

09-26-2012, 08:22 PM
I've not ever watched this but I hear lots of people enjoy it. What does everyone but Jb think?

Great show that actually gets better each season. I started watching because the first three seasons are free on Amazon Prime. Bought season four and getting ready to catch up in the first three episodes of season five. If you like Breaking Bad and how Walt has progressively become more evil each season, there is a character on SOA who is taking a similar journey.


09-26-2012, 08:27 PM
Great show that actually gets better each season. I started watching because the first three seasons are free on Amazon Prime. Bought season four and getting ready to catch up in the first three episodes of season five. If you like Breaking Bad and how Walt has progressively become more evil each season, there is a character on SOA who is taking a similar journey.



And god damn she's hot.

One of these days, I'll start Breaking Bad. Hard to keep up with everything and game, but I've been watching a lot more shows now than I used to. Back a few years the only show I was into was Rescue Me.

09-26-2012, 08:29 PM
With no spoilers on Sons of Anarchy season 5. It is just brutal. There have been some tough things to happen in the first four seasons, but the things that have happened in just three episodes, brutal to the core.

09-26-2012, 09:01 PM
One of these days, I'll start Breaking Bad. Hard to keep up with everything and game, but I've been watching a lot more shows now than I used to. Back a few years the only show I was into was Rescue Me.

I kinda started going nuts on TV shows the past year or so and have watched some really good stuff.

My Top 5 (from this century)

1. The Wire
2. Justified
3. Breaking Bad
4. Deadwood
5. Sopranos

Sons of Anarchy is up there but my top 5 is pretty solidified. Others I highly recommend are...

Mad Men (Thanks for the reminder psuexv)
The Killing
Walking Dead (hated season 2, hoping 3 is better)
Dexter (one series that has not progressively gotten better but I still watch it to see it through)
Boardwalk Empire
The IT Crowd (British)
Sherlock (PBS/BBC) Seriously give this one a shot, only two seasons with a few episodes but brilliant acting.
Downtown Abbey (BBC)
Eastbound and Down (rude and crude)

09-26-2012, 11:47 PM
With no spoilers on Sons of Anarchy season 5. It is just brutal. There have been some tough things to happen in the first four seasons, but the things that have happened in just three episodes, brutal to the core.

Just finished episode three. Damn, I really did not see that coming. Pope don't play games but for me the impending collision with Gemma and Tara is :popcorn: worthy.

09-27-2012, 04:53 AM
The Wire is the greatest show to ever be shown on television followed VERY closely by Luther and Sherlock (new BBC version).

09-27-2012, 09:00 AM
Pretty good list man,

My wife tried to watch Downtown Abbey but couldn't really get into it, though I hear it's pretty good.

Top 5 for me in the recent years are

1. Big Bang Theory
2. American Horror Story(even only one season in)
3. The Walking Dead
4. Weeds(the 1st 4 seasons and the last season)
5. Burn Notice

There's a bunch that I need to watch. I have all of the past seasons of Dexter and Mad Men waiting to watch. That I want to start Justified and Eastbound Down.

09-27-2012, 10:00 AM
This is a crazy story. The dude that played Halfsack in Sons of Anarchy dead at 28. Suspect in a murder case. (http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/johnny-lewis-dead-28-sons-anarchy-actor-found-dead-home-murdered-woman-article-1.1169366)

09-27-2012, 06:45 PM
I completely left off Mad Men which would be in my Top 10 easily. I like the Big Bang Theory (DVRing the first show of the season in just a few minutes). Big fan of Sheldon and Walowitz, the rest of the cast, not so much.

09-27-2012, 06:52 PM
This is a crazy story. The dude that played Halfsack in Sons of Anarchy dead at 28. Suspect in a murder case. (http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/johnny-lewis-dead-28-sons-anarchy-actor-found-dead-home-murdered-woman-article-1.1169366)

It was unclear what spurred the orgy of violence.

I think it is pretty clear.

Memories of




09-27-2012, 07:05 PM
Sons show creator Kurt Sutter said that this didn't surprise him.

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10-04-2012, 02:33 PM
Sons of Anarchy wasn't just the #1 show on cable this week, it beat all network TV shows as well... (http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/10/03/sons-of-anarchy-is-the-number-1-show-in-its-time-period-beating-all-cable-and-broadcast-competitors-in-key-demographics/151494/)

10-04-2012, 02:39 PM
The IT Crowd (British)

I need to get back to watching that. Years ago when i did my Internship the guys put me on to that. We would sit there watching the most of the day.

Which it just dawned on me Roy was in Bridesmaids as the cop. Knew he looked and sounded familiar when I seen that movie.

And it does portray how IT guys work pretty well lol.

10-04-2012, 03:15 PM
I need to get back to watching that. Years ago when i did my Internship the guys put me on to that. We would sit there watching the most of the day.

It is a great show. My favorite is the internet bit.


For anyone interested all four seasons are on Netflix for streaming.

10-04-2012, 04:03 PM
God bless Amazon Prime. With the election shit ramping up, I've been jonesing for The West Wing. My parents own the dvd box set of the show, but whenever I'd ask my mom if I can borrow it and where she has it at, she says she'll have to find it and then never does. Turns out, The West Wing on Amazon Instant Video is free to watch for Amazon Prime members.

I was able to get through the first four episodes last night before getting to the point of being so damn tired I kept nearly dozing off every couple seconds. Gotta go into work for a couple hours, then firing up my 360 and loading up the Amazon app to resume TWW.

10-04-2012, 06:46 PM
God bless Amazon Prime. With the election shit ramping up, I've been jonesing for The West Wing. My parents own the dvd box set of the show, but whenever I'd ask my mom if I can borrow it and where she has it at, she says she'll have to find it and then never does. Turns out, The West Wing on Amazon Instant Video is free to watch for Amazon Prime members.

I was able to get through the first four episodes last night before getting to the point of being so damn tired I kept nearly dozing off every couple seconds. Gotta go into work for a couple hours, then firing up my 360 and loading up the Amazon app to resume TWW.

AWESOME. TWW is amazing. I'm just now starting to watch the end of season 5.

10-05-2012, 02:22 AM
It is a great show. My favorite is the internet bit.


For anyone interested all four seasons are on Netflix for streaming.
Yep just signed up for the free trial on Netflix to rewatch them lol

Forgot where I left off but I remember the 1st series so far. Came in to work to do some system maintenance and I'm watching them now

10-11-2012, 11:51 AM
Probably the most hilarious moment ever happened in Sons of Anarchy this week :D

Walton Goggins from The Shield and Justified as a tranny :D :D :D :D :D


10-11-2012, 07:11 PM
God bless Amazon Prime. With the election shit ramping up, I've been jonesing for The West Wing. My parents own the dvd box set of the show, but whenever I'd ask my mom if I can borrow it and where she has it at, she says she'll have to find it and then never does. Turns out, The West Wing on Amazon Instant Video is free to watch for Amazon Prime members.Plus they have the HD available on Amazon Prime, whereas the show is only available on DVD. :+1:

10-11-2012, 11:50 PM
Plus they have the HD available on Amazon Prime, whereas the show is only available on DVD. :+1:

That too. :up: TWW is about the only thing I've been watching the last week. It's been nice watching in HD.

10-12-2012, 05:04 AM
That too. :up: TWW is about the only thing I've been watching the last week. It's been nice watching in HD.

Yeah. My DVD rips are kinda meh compared to the HD versions of it, but mine are free. ;)

10-13-2012, 11:44 AM
Yeah. My DVD rips are kinda meh compared to the HD versions of it, but mine are free. ;)Once Amazon Prime pays for itself (which mine surely would, quickly), then it's free ;)

10-14-2012, 06:16 AM
Despite it actually airing on TV last Sunday night, I just finally got around to watching the season 2 finale of Hell on Wheels. Holy shit what a finale that was. That ranks right up there directly behind the season 2 finale of The Walking Dead for biggest "holy shit" moments for me. God I hope they end up bringing it back for a third season.

10-14-2012, 10:39 PM
American Horror Story: Asylum starts Wednesday! Not sure if you have to watch last season to watch this. From what I'm seeing, there are some of the same characters, but a completely different story separate from last season.

But if you get the chance, watch last season. It was awesome.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

10-15-2012, 08:48 AM
American Horror Story: Asylum starts Wednesday! Not sure if you have to watch last season to watch this. From what I'm seeing, there are some of the same characters, but a completely different story separate from last season.

But if you get the chance, watch last season. It was awesome.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

Yeah I think you would be completely fine if you didn't watch last season. There are the same actors but they will be different characters.

Oh and I can't wait!!!!

10-15-2012, 09:13 AM
Homeland is amazing. Such an INTRIGUING show. Probably the best show about the CIA I've ever seen.

10-15-2012, 07:54 PM
Can't wait to pick up the Homeland Blu-ray and catch up on it.

10-16-2012, 11:15 PM
SOA tonight's episode

Did anyone honestly not see Clay being behind the neighborhood assaults? I have to say the writers let me down with the snow globe beating. That had Citizen Kane quotes just crying to come out, though I doubt a good percentage of SOA viewers would have any clue. I was just itching to see Jax yell out, "Rosebud bitch" or "It was the Sled." Step Sister in the bedroom wanting to watch step-brother get it on before splattering her blood over the floor. That I can say I did not see coming.

Next episode is looking real good. I kinda hope Clay kills Wayne because lately he has been a whinny little bitch.

10-22-2012, 07:10 AM
I've been watching a show on Netflix from the 70s called Emergency I'm on #32 of 100 only 68 hours left.

10-23-2012, 11:29 PM
Just watched tonight's Sons of Anarchy. Holy shit, if it's fucked up, it will happen this season. WOW

10-24-2012, 09:34 AM
When Community returns, if you still need a reason to watch, then perhaps these two could help... probably NSFW in most places.


10-24-2012, 11:09 AM
When Community returns, if you still need a reason to watch, then perhaps these two could help... probably NSFW in most places.


Certainly has my interest :nod:

10-25-2012, 08:34 AM
American Horror Story

Not sure about this season so far. It's way more fucked up than last season and completely completely different, which is good in a way. The 1st half of this week's episode was a little slow but the 2nd half was crazy with them trying to do the exorcism.

I'm also not sure about he doctor. They are leading you to think that he is bloody face but it's hard for me to imagine that they are giving that away this early. Also they seem to be talking about the creatures in the woods early too. Interesting to see where it goes

10-25-2012, 09:05 PM
Anybody watching the ABC show Last Resort? It's definitely one of those shows where you have to basically suspend reality to believe the stuff happening in it, but it's still a pretty damn good show. It hasn't been picked up for a full season, just a two extra episode order last week, so it's 50/50 right now on if they get to finish out the full season and possibly see a second season, but I'm hopeful. I'm enjoying it right now.

10-25-2012, 09:18 PM
If they get a second season, I plan on catching up during the summer on it. But the time slot sucks for me, with Big Bang on at the same time (and no DVR available for me currently).

10-25-2012, 09:53 PM
If they get a second season, I plan on catching up during the summer on it. But the time slot sucks for me, with Big Bang on at the same time (and no DVR available for me currently).

Yeah, it's basically a "no way in hell would this ever happen in real life" show, but it's been a good one so far. Tonight's episode was one of the better ones. I don't know if this show has the storyline for more than one or two seasons, but hopefully ABC at least gives them one full season on TV.

10-25-2012, 10:06 PM
I'm actually okay with shortened seasons if that means the show gets more life in the long run. Doctor Who only runs 13 episodes, and while it always leaves me wanting more, I think it's a good move for the life of the show. I think Jericho would have been better off with a 13 episode run instead of the 22 it got.

10-26-2012, 02:56 PM
Kevin Bacon's first run on a TV series coming early 2013. Looks interesting.


11-01-2012, 03:11 PM
This was pretty surreal last night to see Letterman as a guest on Kimmel.



11-01-2012, 07:43 PM
There's been a couple crossovers this week. Letterman going on Kimmel Live, and Wednesday night Jay Leno was on Craig Ferguson's show.

11-02-2012, 04:45 AM
At the beginning of the end of The West Wing. Season 7. The Jed Bartlet journey is about to end. :(

11-02-2012, 09:23 AM
I need to get back into that. I left off with 5 or 6 episodes left in season 5 a couple weeks ago, but haven't resumed watching. Between work, FIFA and AC3, my watching of anything not on my DVR has drastically gone downhill.

11-03-2012, 02:11 PM
At the beginning of the end of The West Wing. Season 7. The Jed Bartlet journey is about to end. :(But at least you get the Obama Santos campaign. His live ad in New Hampshire is one of my favorite WW moments.

The similarities are still eerie.

11-03-2012, 09:29 PM
But at least you get the Obama Santos campaign. His live ad in New Hampshire is one of my favorite WW moments.

The similarities are still eerie.

That ad was AMAZING. Totally blown away by it. The similarities to most of the big political debates remind me of Obama.

11-06-2012, 11:38 PM
SOA tonight

Spare the Juice, spare the Juice, spare the Juice.

Tara slowly moves her hand down between her legs.


11-09-2012, 03:55 PM
SOA tonight

Spare the Juice, spare the Juice, spare the Juice.

Tara slowly moves her hand down between her legs.


No. Doubt. :D weird, but hot.

In regards to the first part of your message, my theory:

Jax is going to spare Juice I think because a) he's not Clay and b) he can use Juice to get proof that Clay set the Nomads in motion.

11-09-2012, 06:43 PM
Agreed on your theory.

11-09-2012, 08:47 PM
Something has been bothering me the past few days in regards to a certain show that is about to enter season two and commercials for said show have been airing frequently. How in the hell did Whitney Cummings show get a second season? The Longhorn Network has more viewers. Even worse, she is already responsible for the 2 Broke Girls sitcom which outside the eye candy is annoying as the brunettes voice.

How much fellatio can one female perform to have both shows on TV and in season 2?

11-11-2012, 03:22 PM
Holy shit, I just watched the "The Debate" episode from season 7 of The West Wing. OMG! What an episode! Wow! I was starting to get a tad bored but I almost want to just sit here and watch the rest of the episodes all in a row now. Wow.

If more Republicans were like Vinick, I could almost see myself voting for them.

11-11-2012, 03:30 PM
Holy shit, I just watched the "The Debate" episode from season 7 of The West Wing. OMG! What an episode! Wow! I was starting to get a tad bored but I almost want to just sit here and watch the rest of the episodes all in a row now. Wow.

If more Republicans were like Vinick, I could almost see myself voting for them.

:nod: And to think, that episode was completely live the night it aired on TV.

11-11-2012, 03:54 PM
If more Republicans were like Vinick, I could almost see myself voting for them.Vinick was the West Wing's view of the ideal Republican. While the show did a good job of presenting the challenges to Vinick's nomination realistically, in reality things just wouldn't fall into place like that. It was well done on the part of the writing staff, but we won't see anyone like that in real politics, just like we won't see a Santos or Barlett on the left.

11-14-2012, 02:37 AM
SOA Tonight

Tara has to be the dumbest smart person on the tube. Really? Give the crazy man who hates your husband something to poke people with? I am getting to the point where the only person I care to see survive everything is Charlie and even then he smokes one last joint and dies of cancer to end the show.

11-14-2012, 09:18 AM
SOA Tonight

Tara has to be the dumbest smart person on the tube. Really? Give the crazy man who hates your husband something to poke people with? I am getting to the point where the only person I care to see survive everything is Charlie and even then he smokes one last joint and dies of cancer to end the show.

Well basically to save the club, she had no choice. Man that was a brutal scene though....wooo. Wonder if there will be blowback on Tara. The blowback will probably that she doesn't get the Providence job. Like she can leave Charming anyways.

So who's going to die? Juice? Clay? Tara? Pope? Tig? None of the above?

11-14-2012, 01:31 PM
Well basically to save the club, she had no choice. Man that was a brutal scene though....wooo. Wonder if there will be blowback on Tara. The blowback will probably that she doesn't get the Providence job. Like she can leave Charming anyways.

So who's going to die? Juice? Clay? Tara? Pope? Tig? None of the above?

I am going with Clay and then Juice right after. The MC just does not have the power to keep Tig alive, so I think it will be one of those, "It comes in threes."

11-14-2012, 01:57 PM
I am going with Clay and then Juice right after. The MC just does not have the power to keep Tig alive, so I think it will be one of those, "It comes in threes."

I just have this sneaking suspicion that no one is going to die.

You just can't kill THAT many foundation players, especially with Opie gone already.

11-14-2012, 02:20 PM
I just have this sneaking suspicion that no one is going to die.

You just can't kill THAT many foundation players, especially with Opie gone already.

I know, Sutter has mentioned seven seasons and that is probably too many too kill off but I would like to see a TV Show die off, on purpose, just to shock the viewers. No final season jut a big bang ending. To me that would top the Sopranos ending, which I loved, letting the user decide for themselves what happens.

11-23-2012, 11:32 PM
And, I just finished one of the most amazing television shows I've ever watched in my entire tv watching life. Politics aside, The West Wing is some of the most amazing character driven television I've ever seen. I'm sad that it's over, but, as is always said, all good things must come to an end.

11-24-2012, 01:11 PM
Absolutely LOVE watching Revolution. I really hope that this series has a long run. Still don't like some of the casting but it's a great 1hr escape every week.

11-26-2012, 12:35 PM

Wonder what Bobby's angle is for going to Clay at the end of last week.

11-30-2012, 08:34 AM
I've got to say that the Big Bang Theory has really picked up it's game this season. The past 2 have just been so-so and was really starting to get old and stagnant. So far though this season has been pretty freakin funny. Last night was a really good one.

11-30-2012, 08:43 AM
I've got to say that the Big Bang Theory has really picked up it's game this season. The past 2 have just been so-so and was really starting to get old and stagnant. So far though this season has been pretty freakin funny. Last night was a really good one.

Haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Along with How I Met Your Mother, it's one of the best comedy sitcoms on TV.

11-30-2012, 09:36 PM
+2 (1 for each of you)

12-01-2012, 05:03 AM
SOA theory for the season finale...

I think Clay is going to kill Pope to save Tig; which gets Tig to join his independent group.

Not sure how the shit with Tara and the marshal are going to play out. I was going to guess she's going to jail, but who knows now with as much firepower as he's packing some shit is definitely going to go down.

12-01-2012, 10:06 PM
Absolutely LOVE watching Revolution. I really hope that this series has a long run. Still don't like some of the casting but it's a great 1hr escape every week.

I like this show as well. However, they have decided to keep it paired with The Voice so it is off the air until 2013. :fp:

12-01-2012, 10:38 PM
I like this show as well. However, they have decided to keep it paired with The Voice so it is off the air until 2013. :fp:

Yeah that is really unfortunate. At least the last episode was a good one. I am very much looking forward to what they have to offer in 2013.

12-04-2012, 11:27 PM
SOA Season 5 Finale:

Not much that I predicted happened, and that is why Kurt Sutter rules. I was assuming for weeks that Tara was going to go to jail, but then the Marshal threw a wrench into that. With all that firepower in his hotel room, I thought for sure at some point in the end he was going to attack while she was in cuffs. Leave it to Gemma though. She always wins.

My guess on Tig was he was going to live, so I get 1/2 a point for it. I was thinking somehow Clay saves him and joins him in his independent group to rival SAMCRO. I'm really glad how it played out though, except I'm sad to see Pope get killed off. I liked his character. Another new character I liked is Nero, and I'm glad he'll be around in season six.

Amazing and tense finale. Going to be a long wait to next September.

12-05-2012, 12:04 AM
Also, HOLY SHIT on Otto biting his own tongue off. That was fucking insane.

12-14-2012, 09:38 AM
Always Sunny had another solid show last night. This season has been a lot better than Season 6 & 7, I feel like they have returned to their original roots.

Another show I have recently been watching a lot is Impractical Jokers on TruTv.

01-14-2013, 01:49 AM
Just finished up seasons 1 (on blu-ray) and 2 (on Showtime on Demand) of Homeland.

First spoiler is general thoughts on season 2 (for Jeff).

Season 2 pretty good. There were some :fp: moments throughout it, especially with a couple parts of the plot, as well as the side plots. Definitely not quite on the same level as season 1 was, but I still enjoyed it. Unfortunately, based on the events of season 2, I'm not sure season 3 is gonna be as good.

This spoiler gets into specifics about the season and episodes that shouldn't be read unless you have seen the entire season.

As stated in the first spoiler, season 2 was good, not the same as season 1, but still good. One thing that really dragged down the season was some of the stupid side plots, one especially stupid one being the whole thing with the two kids and the hit and run. Other than keeping the divide between Brody and his wife based on decisions and the handling of the incident, and working in a way to keep the daughter angry at Brody, what the fuck was the point even of that other than space filler?

The next thing, the Vice President dying. Sure, they say heart attack, pacemaker malfunction, etc. They all know that Brody is working with Nazir, and he was there in the house with the veep, and no one at all bothers to ask any questions or speculate? Sure, heart attacks and pacemaker malfunctions happen all the time, but to happen out of the blue at the same time Brody is there with him? And no one raises an eyebrow?

Also throughout the season, all the shit going on with Brody, missing that dinner with the whole trip to Gettysburg and moving the bomb maker thing. Then all the stuff with Estes trying to assassinate Brody throughout the final episodes and the whole thing with Quinn, this season was full of random side stuff that sort of cluttered up the season. Definitely not as great as season 1 was.

Mors said in my NCAA dynasty thread that season 2 jumped the shark, and I do sort of agree with that. There were times during season 2 I was sitting there saying "what the fuck"?, that I pretty much never said during season 1. The end of season 1, there in the bunker ready to flip the switch, was definitely the highlight of series in terms of intense moments and sort of the crest of the hill for everything.

Spoiler regarding end of season 2, season 3/future

So, I'm not sure season 3 is going to be too good. It seems like they are just fishing for ways to extend the series now. Abu Nazir is dead. Roya Hammad is in custody. Tom Walker has been dead since season 1. The "munitions man" that Nazir was using was captured (or killed, not sure if he was one of those killed during the raid) during the whole thing at the diner. The veep and Estes dead (two of the top men responsible for killing Issa). Brody on the run in Canada. Apparently now picking up where every modern terrorist thriller has gone, having al-Qaeda play the top terror role.

While it is extending the whole current "is Brody still operating as a terrorist or is he now on "the level" and opening the door with the whole tape being played on TV and leaving Brody as the scapegoat, I just don't see how it can live up to the first two seasons (especially season 1). While it will surely involve them trying to track down the terrorist cell who was responsible for the bombing, it will no doubt heavily involve Carrie do all sorts of insane things trying to clear Brody's name.

I'll still keep with it for now, getting season 2 on blu-ray sometime next winter, if Showtime does another free weekend next January or whenever, watching season 3 on Showtime on Demand again next year, or else pick it up on blu-ray sometime in the winter of 2014. But depending on how season 3 plays out, either this series is gonna have to die "young" or I may give up after season 3 or 4, especially if they pull some more "what the fuck?" side plots out during the season like they kept doing in season 2.

01-14-2013, 03:47 AM
I stopped watching after the middle of season 2 (or maybe even 4 or 5 episodes in even). It just got silly and I stopped. Season 1 was amazing and they'll never capture that amazing again.

01-14-2013, 03:59 AM
I stopped watching after the middle of season 2 (or maybe even 4 or 5 episodes in even). It just got silly and I stopped. Season 1 was amazing and they'll never capture that amazing again.

Yeah, there were a number of times I was sitting there thinking what the fuck was I watching. But I stuck with it and went all the way to the end. I'll see what they do, where they go with season 3, but I am starting to have some doubts about the future of the show. There's no way they'll ever top or even meet level with season 1.

01-14-2013, 07:42 PM
I haven't finished Season One yet so I'll save those for later :D

01-14-2013, 07:57 PM
I'm continuing to like Vegas on CBS the more the first season goes on.

01-15-2013, 11:11 AM
I'm continuing to like Vegas on CBS the more the first season goes on.I said I was going to watch that, but haven't watched it yet.

May have to check it out.

There are so many shows I'd like to watch, just don't have the time..or atleast the time I do have I do other things.

01-15-2013, 07:05 PM
I watched it last week -- I was impressed.

01-18-2013, 07:29 AM
Well since I was into work overnight I decided to start another free trial of Netflix to watch some movies and the rest of IT Crowd.

Came across The Walking Dead while adding other stuff to the queue..plus that is mostly what you guys talk about in this thread lol

I'm to Episode 4 just starting it. Man this is pretty damn interesting. I like it.

Also I realized I have some work to do and not prepared at all when the shit hits the fan like that..

01-18-2013, 08:01 AM
Just stop at the end of season 1. You'll be a MUCH happier person for it.

01-18-2013, 09:58 AM
...and Mors is about the only one who thinks this way :D

01-18-2013, 04:57 PM
I can't believe Mors used a form of 'happy'. Wasn't aware such positive terms were in his vocabulary.

01-18-2013, 06:11 PM

01-18-2013, 06:44 PM
Smooth, I just finished Season 1 of Homeland. Not sure what you guys were so positive about. It was good, don't get me wrong, but I felt the finale was fairly predictable. Then again, I feel 99% of shows out there are predictable. Though Homeland was certainly one of the less predictable shows, over the course of the season.

01-19-2013, 01:24 AM
Smooth, I just finished Season 1 of Homeland. Not sure what you guys were so positive about. It was good, don't get me wrong, but I felt the finale was fairly predictable. Then again, I feel 99% of shows out there are predictable. Though Homeland was certainly one of the less predictable shows, over the course of the season.

Well, if you feel that way about the first season, you're going to HATE the next one because season 1 is the best that show is ever gonna be.

01-19-2013, 09:02 AM
No, I won't. I enjoyed the season. I was thinking Smooth had said something specifically about the finale. I just looked back and was misremembering.

01-23-2013, 07:39 AM
I haven't been to sleep before 1:30 any of the past 4 days since starting to watch Walking Dead :D

It's ridiculous, we start where we left off around 10, then next thing you know it's 1...so we start another one..then the way they end you can't just stop there you have to watch the next one lol

We're enjoying it. On episode 6 of Season 2

01-23-2013, 08:27 AM
Watched Kevin Bacon's new show on Fox last night "The Following" and it looks like it is going to be REALLY good. The show is about a serial killer who is obsessed with Poe and Kevin Bacon the flawed (drunk) former FBI agent who is forced out of retirement when the killer escapes prison (briefly) to finish his "work" by killing the last victim that survived thanks to Bacon. Bacon catches the serial killer but the killer now has a cult following and he has trained others to do his dirty work and the flock has kidnapped the killer's son because the x-wife of the killer slept with Bacon. It was non-stop suspense last night and a really good 1st show. :nod:

01-23-2013, 12:21 PM
I have it on the DVR. Definitely going to give it a chance.

01-23-2013, 02:53 PM
I have it on the DVR. Definitely going to give it a chance.

Well I guess I should have used the spoiler button since I pretty much just gave away the entire Pilot.

01-23-2013, 03:08 PM
Well I guess I should have used the spoiler button since I pretty much just gave away the entire Pilot.

I wasn't really paying attention to it :D kinda like the Katherine Webb post earlier when I didn't click the link...I was just skimming TGT :D

I'm also going to start watching comedian Jim Jeffries' new show Legit on FX. I'm hearing great things about it, and it's really dirty too :D

01-23-2013, 07:14 PM
Well I guess I should have used the spoiler button since I pretty much just gave away the entire Pilot.There was only one sentence in your description that I hadn't already figured out from the ridiculous number of promos Fox has done.

02-08-2013, 12:53 AM
Since I have been away for awhile. The BBC is kicking some serious ass with Luther and Downton Abbey. One more show from the BBC I highly recommend is Copper (http://www.bbcamerica.com/copper/).

Justified has been solid as always. Criminal Minds used to be a favorite but has become painstaking to watch as of late, especially with the lady they replaced Prentiss with. As much as I can't stand 99% of the turd punch that is reality TV, I just adore Duck Dynasty. Si rules, Jace is funny and those hot waives make me... happy happy happy.

The Following is pretty good so far and I would say the same thing about The Americans. One show I thought I would hate is Elementary. I love everything based on Sherlock Holmes but I thought the inclusion of a female Watson would annoy me. While it is a step down of the BBC Sherlock series, so far it has been entertaining. Will be interesting to see who they have playing Moriarty.

02-08-2013, 11:11 AM
Feel the same way about Criminal Minds. I actually stopped watching it 2 seasons ago. Same with Duck Dynasty, hate reality tv but it's some funny shit. Repo Games is another reality show that isn't bad.

I was down on this seasons American Horror Story but they did a good job of wrapping up the ending. I'm definitely checking out House of Cards on Netflix.

02-08-2013, 07:29 PM
The BBC does amazing work

02-08-2013, 08:01 PM
The BBC does amazing work

If only my little cable carrier would consider BBC America, which is not going to happen. All of the UK/Euro Kitchen Nightmares are free on Prime and those are so much better since Ramsey could cuss up a storm and berate people far beyond what he does in the US version.

02-19-2013, 11:36 AM
Is anyone watching The Americans and/or The Following?

I haven't started either, but I have definitely heard great things about The Americans. I have all of the episodes of The Following on the DVR, but yet to start it.

02-19-2013, 11:53 AM
Is anyone watching The Americans and/or The Following?

I haven't started either, but I have definitely heard great things about The Americans. I have all of the episodes of The Following on the DVR, but yet to start it.

The Following is slightly different than I expected based on the original previews, but I like it a lot.

I have all The Americans on the DVR, but yet to watch.

02-19-2013, 12:39 PM
The Americans has been damn good. I have the DVR record it each week and usually try to watch it within 24 hours whenever I get the chance. I've really been enjoying it so far. I've been split between rooting for the FBI to catch the spies or for the spies to win. I can't decide which side I like best and want to see "win" during the course of the show. They've done a damn good job with the show.

02-19-2013, 01:56 PM
The Americans has been damn good. I have the DVR record it each week and usually try to watch it within 24 hours whenever I get the chance. I've really been enjoying it so far. I've been split between rooting for the FBI to catch the spies or for the spies to win. I can't decide which side I like best and want to see "win" during the course of the show. They've done a damn good job with the show.

Thanks for ruining it Smooth. Now I know so far that the FBI does not catch them when I go to watch the 1st episodes.... I might as well not even watch :(


02-19-2013, 02:18 PM
Thanks for ruining it Smooth. Now I know so far that the FBI does not catch them when I go to watch the 1st episodes.... I might as well not even watch :(


:fp: :D

02-19-2013, 02:18 PM
The Americans is only 3 episodes in so I can probably still catch them all OnDemand. If not, I'll torrent it.

02-19-2013, 04:19 PM
Is anyone watching The Americans and/or The Following?

Watching both, loving both so far.

02-19-2013, 04:25 PM
They've done a damn good job with the show.

Keri Russell's character is a dirty dirty girl, so far she likes it rough and goes for the BBC. Those Russian trainers really screwed her up, or down or sideways... I can't wait to watch each week to see how many ways she can break her husbands spirit.

Funny thing is she used to be into Commies.


02-19-2013, 04:26 PM
Keri Russell's is a dirty dirty girl, so far she likes it rough and goes for the BBC. I can't wait to watch each week to see how many ways she can break her husbands spirit.

Funny thing is she used to be into Commies.


Yeah I hear in the opening scene of the pilot, there's some throat exercises being displayed.

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02-19-2013, 04:34 PM
Had to edit thy spoiler, I really need to start previewing my posts before hitting the old send button.

One other thing is the music in the opening scene and the rest of the episode is terrific. Just reeks the early 80's.

I especially loved that they use The Who and Eminence Front for one of the previews.


02-24-2013, 05:22 AM
Have no clue why I have avoided the first season of American Horror Story. Watched the first two episodes and I am hooked. Please tell me it stays at this quality for the rest of the season.

Only gripe.

Way too much Dylan McDermott in the buff, need some Connie Britton taking it off.

02-24-2013, 02:57 PM
Have no clue why I have avoided the first season of American Horror Story. Watched the first two episodes and I am hooked. Please tell me it stays at this quality for the rest of the season.

Only gripe.

Way too much Dylan McDermott in the buff, need some Connie Britton taking it off.

Yes! The whole season was awesome.

02-24-2013, 10:40 PM
Yes! The whole season was awesome.


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02-25-2013, 04:23 AM
Just hit the two Halloween episodes and man do they love screwing with your mind. Really digging this. For those who enjoyed season one did you like season two? I do know that it is a different cast outside of a few actors playing different roles.

02-25-2013, 10:00 AM
Just hit the two Halloween episodes and man do they love screwing with your mind. Really digging this. For those who enjoyed season one did you like season two? I do know that it is a different cast outside of a few actors playing different roles.

There are a lot of actors in the second season that are playing different roles. I really liked the second season. Not as good as the first, but still really good.

02-25-2013, 10:40 AM
The Americans on FX has been picked up for a 2nd season.

02-25-2013, 12:27 PM
There are a lot of actors in the second season that are playing different roles. I really liked the second season. Not as good as the first, but still really good.

Agreed. The 2nd season was not nearly as good imo but still good.

02-28-2013, 05:09 AM
Finished Season One and it was solid all the way through. Ending was fitting. Now I can only hope they throw Season Two on Prime at some point.

03-02-2013, 11:50 PM
Only gripe.

Way too much Dylan McDermott in the buff, need some Connie Britton taking it off.Or Kate Mara.

03-03-2013, 06:01 AM
I just finished the Christmas episode of Season 2 and I am actually enjoying 2 as much if not more than the first season. They had me at the lesbians and then threw in Ian McShane. I think every show or movie should have two things in it. Lesbians and Ian McShane. Except if it involves Calamity Jane, that one scene definitely gave me some Deadwood. ;)

03-03-2013, 09:28 AM
I just finished the Christmas episode of Season 2 and I am actually enjoying 2 as much if not more than the first season. They had me at the lesbians and then threw in Ian McShane. I think every show or movie should have two things in it. Lesbians and Ian McShane. Except if it involves Calamity Jane, that one scene definitely gave me some Deadwood. ;)


03-21-2013, 06:57 PM



03-22-2013, 04:35 AM
Thank god! People talking about the American shitty show as being good make me want to scream at them. They just don't know!

03-22-2013, 06:09 AM
Thank god! People talking about the American shitty show as being good make me want to scream at them. They just don't know!

The BBC version is superior but I am enjoying Elementary so far. It has definitely attracted a feminist crowd due to Watson being a woman. I am interested in who they choose to play Moriarty. If they go with anything that is not Male and British, I might take a different tone.

03-26-2013, 09:01 PM

03-29-2013, 08:39 AM
This fall FX is going to split into three channels to provide more original series. They want to rival networks by offering up to 25 different original series. I'm all for this. FX has some great shows.

03-29-2013, 09:08 AM
This fall FX is going to split into three channels to provide more original series. They want to rival networks by offering up to 25 different original series. I'm all for this. FX has some great shows.

Except the fuckers are killing off Fox Soccer Channel to give FXX a home. That already instantly makes me hate this plan.

Edit: Nevermind, forgot about Fox Sports 1 that is supposed to be launching in August. It appears Fox Soccer's coverage will be shifting to FS1.

03-29-2013, 10:11 AM
Except the fuckers are killing off Fox Soccer Channel to give FXX a home. That already instantly makes me hate this plan.

Edit: Nevermind, forgot about Fox Sports 1 that is supposed to be launching in August. It appears Fox Soccer's coverage will be shifting to FS1.

Yeah same thing with the SPEED Network.

03-29-2013, 11:25 AM
Yeah same thing with the SPEED Network.

Yeah, SPEED becomes Fox Sports One and Fox Soccer Channel becomes FXX. Time Warner's gonna have to do some reworking with the channel lineups here in NW Ohio. Right now everything from 1201 to 1209 (FX being 1205) in the HD channel range is taken. Next free channel isn't until 1210. SPEED meanwhile is 1317 and Fox Soccer is 1318.

As long as they keep the soccer around, then I'm fine. Fox Soccer is pretty much the only damn place to watch soccer right now since the douchebags at ESPN air it only once every blue moon. And as long as they don't try to make FXX like Fox Soccer Plus and make you subscribe to it separately. If they're moving The League to it (that and the Americans being about the only FX series that I watch right now) and they try to make it a subscription channel, I'm gonna be pissed.

03-29-2013, 06:01 PM
Um, Smooth, the Premier League is moving to NBC Sports next season. They are claiming that they will have every match live - either by streaming or on the NBC family of networks. :)

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03-30-2013, 02:30 AM
Um, Smooth, the Premier League is moving to NBC Sports next season. They are claiming that they will have every match live - either by streaming or on the NBC family of networks. :)

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Huh, I hadn't heard that. While I watch soccer and follow the tables of various leagues, I don't keep up with the details too much in the broadcasting of it, but that's good to hear. NBC is setting themselves up nicely. The fucktards at ESPN pretty much don't even acknowledge that hockey exists outside of the playoffs/Stanley Cup and about the only time you can find soccer is on Saturday morning or big international matches.

I rarely watch ESPN anymore for my sports. Fox Soccer Channel (for now) for soccer, NBC Sports for hockey, CBS/NBC Sports for college football and CBS/FOX for NFL. CBS/TBS/TNT/TruTV for March Madness. Baseball, I watch via MLB.TV so I don't have to listen to the idiots they throw on TV for the game, but rather each team's own local announcers. ESPN is becoming more and more worthless for me. About the only thing worth a damn anymore on the ESPN network is the NFL Draft.

04-07-2013, 05:44 PM
Mad Men is back with two hours of...


04-07-2013, 05:54 PM
Mad Men is back with two hours of...


That pic would have been SO much better had you chopped off the head.

04-07-2013, 05:56 PM
I really meant to post this in the TV Thread. :fp: Her face is okay, nothing special. It's all about the other assets.

04-14-2013, 04:48 PM
Been enjoying the first few episodes of these two shows:



Usually tv series of classic horror flicks aren't very good. These haven't disappointed...so far...

04-14-2013, 07:21 PM
Have not watched Bates Motel but I have watched the first two episodes of Hannibal. Not liking the choice for Hannibal but he may grow on me. Hannibal (Hopkins) is man of charm and the guy they have playing him is a little dry.

Just FYI to the others, first episode is free on Prime.

04-14-2013, 08:19 PM
Bates Motel is pretty good... Does a really good job of showing you why the 'Psycho' Norman is so messed up. Right now it almost feels like they didn't expect to last more than a season so it will be interesting how they carry it forward.

04-14-2013, 08:49 PM
Sunday nights seem to have a hole in them without The Walking Dead.

04-14-2013, 08:52 PM
Sunday nights seem to have a hole in them without The Walking Dead.

My thoughts exactly.

04-14-2013, 10:48 PM
Sunday nights seem to have a hole in them without The Walking Dead.

Fans of Mad Men like myself disagree but if seeing Linda Cardellini getting banged three ways from Sunday does nothing for you... I hear Gary Busey is on Donald Trump's Ego Ride and still not wearing a helmet.

04-15-2013, 06:39 PM
Anyone going to give Defiance a try tonight? I've never watched a Syfy series (except WWE Smackdown :D)

I play and love the MMO game for PS3, there might be some tie ins from the game to the show. The game takes place near San Francisco, the TV series takes place in what used to be St. Louis.

04-15-2013, 07:15 PM
Anyone going to give Defiance a try tonight? I've never watched a Syfy series (except WWE Smackdown :D)

I play and love the MMO game for PS3, there might be some tie ins from the game to the show. The game takes place near San Francisco, the TV series takes place in what used to be St. Louis.

I might dvr it. I've been thinking about picking up the game to get my mmo fix.

04-16-2013, 02:02 AM
Bates Motel is pretty good... Does a really good job of showing you why the 'Psycho' Norman is so messed up. Right now it almost feels like they didn't expect to last more than a season so it will be interesting how they carry it forward.

I'm enjoying this one so far. I heard they got signed up for a second season already so that's good news.

I'm just biding my time til July 14th and the end of Breaking Bad.

04-16-2013, 12:34 PM
I'm enjoying this one so far. I heard they got signed up for a second season already so that's good news.

I'm just biding my time til July 14th and the end of Breaking Bad.

Such a sad thing to see Breaking Bad end. I got on it late but it took over what I was watching and its def up there with one of the best shows I have seen

04-18-2013, 02:59 AM
Anyone going to give Defiance a try tonight? I've never watched a Syfy series (except WWE Smackdown :D)

I play and love the MMO game for PS3, there might be some tie ins from the game to the show. The game takes place near San Francisco, the TV series takes place in what used to be St. Louis.

I haven't played the game, but may have to pick it up sometime. As for the show, I have no damn clue what is going on, what the backstory is/was, what happened, but a little over an hour into the series premiere right now, it's not bad, despite being in the dark on the details. Have it set for a series recording on the DVR, so I'll have to keep with it. Especially now with Walking Dead over for another season and Hell on Wheels doesn't come back for a couple more months, so I don't have much in the way of series that I'm watching right now.

04-18-2013, 10:05 AM
I haven't played the game, but may have to pick it up sometime. As for the show, I have no damn clue what is going on, what the backstory is/was, what happened, but a little over an hour into the series premiere right now, it's not bad, despite being in the dark on the details. Have it set for a series recording on the DVR, so I'll have to keep with it. Especially now with Walking Dead over for another season and Hell on Wheels doesn't come back for a couple more months, so I don't have much in the way of series that I'm watching right now.

There isn't a ton of backstory in the game either. I think it's a discover as you go. In the game you crash land into the west coast (where the game takes place). There isn't a ton of backstory to start, but there are a few cutscenes before you get into the action.

04-18-2013, 10:28 AM
There isn't a ton of backstory in the game either. I think it's a discover as you go. In the game you crash land into the west coast (where the game takes place). There isn't a ton of backstory to start, but there are a few cutscenes before you get into the action.

Ah, well that's good! So I'm not the only one in the dark. :D

Yeah, it was at least a good premiere. Despite being lost of everything that was happening, I did enjoy it, so definitely a show that I'll keep set to record and watch each week.

04-18-2013, 05:06 PM
Ah, well that's good! So I'm not the only one in the dark. :D

Yeah, it was at least a good premiere. Despite being lost of everything that was happening, I did enjoy it, so definitely a show that I'll keep set to record and watch each week.

Just started. Lot of the terms like arkfall make sense from playing the game. These two characters in the beginning are in the game also. Haven't dealt with them a ton yet though.

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04-18-2013, 05:14 PM
Just started. Lot of the terms like arkfall make sense from playing the game. These two characters in the beginning are in the game also. Haven't dealt with them a ton yet though.

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Nice. I'll have to pick up the game then at some point, help explain, at least some, things in regards to the show.

04-18-2013, 05:32 PM
The aliens dance funny :D

30 minutes in. I am digging it so far.

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04-18-2013, 06:50 PM
I love how cynical the doctor is :D almost done with the pilot. I'll definitely stick with it. Some interesting characters. I like the guy who plays Nolan (the lead character). Plays the character well.

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04-18-2013, 06:54 PM
Quite the twist in the end. :o

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04-18-2013, 07:13 PM
Quite the twist in the end. :o

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Yep. A hell of a twist they threw in there. Definitely do like it and same here, will stick with it. It's gonna be interesting to see where they run with things in future episodes, and how much more we'll find out about the backstory of everything.

04-18-2013, 07:27 PM
Yep. A hell of a twist they threw in there. Definitely do like it and same here, will stick with it. It's gonna be interesting to see where they run with things in future episodes, and how much more we'll find out about the backstory of everything.

A couple of terms that I learned from playing the game that you see in the show (non-spoilers):

Arkfall: Ships that fall from space. They could hold some EXPENSIVE alien technology that's good for trade (like the orb). There could be dead citizens in there, or hellbugs, but some good loot.

Shitako: Self explanatory ;)

The show is pretty micro where the game is pretty macro (so far).

04-19-2013, 03:02 PM
Damn you TV Execs, stop letting the terrorists win. NBC Pulls ‘Hannibal’ Episode in Wake of Boston Bombings (http://variety.com/2013/tv/news/nbc-pulls-episode-4-of-hannibal-in-wake-of-newtown-boston-bombings-1200390579/)

So now there is no episode 4, we just move on to episode 5 because we have turned into a nation of vaginas.

New Rule: If a man refuses to use his balls they should be lopped off and fed to a feminist. Bryan Fuller, step up the shears.

04-19-2013, 03:06 PM
I'm just biding my time til July 14th and the end of Breaking Bad.

I believe this got pushed back to August 11. Looking forward to it as well.

04-20-2013, 11:41 PM
Has anyone checked out the Netflix original series Hemlock Grove? I've watched the first 4 episodes. It's kind of a slow developing show, but it has potential.

04-23-2013, 09:41 PM
Defiance was good again this week.

That was pretty cool to see "Old St. Louis", and how everything got messed up in the terraform.

I wonder when we will find out what the former mayor old lady's reasons are for wanting to level Defiance.

Now that I'm getting into Defiance. I'm getting the itch to watch both seasons of Falling Skies to catch up for June.

04-24-2013, 02:03 AM
Looks like Defiance is off to a good start.

It's expensive so hopefully it's not another Terra Nova.

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04-24-2013, 05:08 AM
Anyone watching the Amazon original pilots (http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_375149122_2?ie=UTF8&docId=1001155581&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0QW0WXHB78ATCBHTXW8K&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1535338122&pf_rd_i=2676882011)? Pilot for each show is is free for Prime members.

Betas and The Onion Empire are my top picks. Zombieland is okay but it is hard to fully enjoy it without the original cast. It was good for a few chuckles and just moves on from where the movie ended. Did not care of Those that Can't, because it felt like a poor mans Workaholics.

04-24-2013, 09:33 AM
Good history on the back story of Defiance (no spoilers even though I used the tag):

The series is set in the near future, where aliens known collectively as Votans have come to Earth seeking a new home after their star system was destroyed in a stellar collision. The Votans had thought Earth was uninhabited, but upon their arrival in 2013 discover that humans are living on the planet, who respond to them with hostility and suspicion.

A limited number of Votans are allowed to settle in a colony in Brazil, and eventually two other colonies, but millions of Votans remained in hypersleep aboard their ships in orbit as negotiations dragged on with Earth governments for full-scale settlement.

Tensions rose for ten years, but the Votan and human governments were on the verge of negotiating a peaceful settlement, when in 2023 the Votan ambassador to the United Nations was assassinated by a disgruntled human supremacist on live television outside of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. This sparked a disastrous global conflict between humans and the aliens known as the "Pale Wars".

The wars tore apart the planet for seven years, until their culmination in 2030 in the apocalyptic "Arkfall" event, when the Ark fleet in orbit mysteriously exploded. The aliens think a rogue human commander was responsible, while humans suspect it was an alien weapons experiment gone wrong. Millions of Votans died in hypersleep. During the Arkfall, destroyed Arks rained down on Earth and accidentally released terraformer technology.

While the Votans had intended to use their terraforming technology in a carefully planned manner, the Arkfall haphazardly unleashed chaotic and radical changes to the biosphere and even the geology of Earth, making the planet dangerous to both humans and the aliens. The earth was scorched, chasms opened in the ground, new mountain ranges were raised, and the surface of the planet was covered with dust and debris.

Animal and plant species from the Votan star system were introduced to Earth, and both native and alien animal species were horribly mutated by the uncontrolled terraformer technology, creating bizarre and dangerous hybrids and new species.

Within a few months, the Pale Wars wound down as both sides had fought to the point of mutual exhaustion, and a ceasefire was declared. Few organized governments remained for either the humans or the aliens, and both sides factionalized as their members began looking out for themselves. In several areas, local human and Votan militias began to band together when they realized that they had to cooperate if they hoped to survive on this new, almost alien planet.

The debris from the destroyed Ark fleet now forms an artificial "Ark belt" in Earth orbit, which periodically rains down in small scale "Arkfalls", which present a hazard for survivors on the surface, but also provide valuable opportunities to salvage advanced technology aboard the Arks.

04-25-2013, 01:52 PM
Defiance: Where the game meets the TV show... (http://www.defiance.com/en/series/news/where-game-meets-show)

05-03-2013, 03:45 AM
The Americans, spoilers talks about events in the season finale.

Just got around to watching the season finale, damn what a great episode and a great season. I really enjoyed this season and am already looking forward to season 2. I truly thought one of them were going to get caught by the FBI in the episode.

I did have a feeling Elizabeth would end up shot when Stan stood there firing into the windshield. So that part didn't surprise me.

I thought Paige was going to stumble onto the hidden stuff Elizabeth has down in the laundry room. Sort of expected her to find the false wall, maybe open it up and pull something out and then bam, they end the season right there.

Then Claudia killing the CIA dude. That's going to cause a lot of issues for all of the KGB agents next season.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed this season and FX has one hell of a winner on their hands. I had a lot of expectations for this show after all the promo work FX did, and it did not fail to live up to them. FX hit a home run here and I look forward to future seasons. Hopefully they can keep it going for at least a couple seasons, without the storylines turning ridiculous. This season really didn't have any issues with poor plot lines, hopefully season 2 stays the same and opens the door for a season 3.

05-03-2013, 04:55 PM
The Americans, spoilers talks about events in the season finale.

Just got around to watching the season finale, damn what a great episode and a great season. I really enjoyed this season and am already looking forward to season 2. I truly thought one of them were going to get caught by the FBI in the episode.

I did have a feeling Elizabeth would end up shot when Stan stood there firing into the windshield. So that part didn't surprise me.

I thought Paige was going to stumble onto the hidden stuff Elizabeth has down in the laundry room. Sort of expected her to find the false wall, maybe open it up and pull something out and then bam, they end the season right there.

Then Claudia killing the CIA dude. That's going to cause a lot of issues for all of the KGB agents next season.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed this season and FX has one hell of a winner on their hands. I had a lot of expectations for this show after all the promo work FX did, and it did not fail to live up to them. FX hit a home run here and I look forward to future seasons. Hopefully they can keep it going for at least a couple seasons, without the storylines turning ridiculous. This season really didn't have any issues with poor plot lines, hopefully season 2 stays the same and opens the door for a season 3.

Agreed, the whole season was terrific and I also thought they would end it with Paige finding the false wall. She is a teenager and I am sure she will continue to snoop around and find something.

05-07-2013, 08:07 PM
Has anyone checked out the Netflix original series Hemlock Grove? I've watched the first 4 episodes. It's kind of a slow developing show, but it has potential.

I watched the whole thing last week. Not a bad first season but I wish some of the episodes had been a bit more focused. Probably one of the better werewolf transformation scenes I've seen in awhile. Eating the discarded flesh was a nice touch! It will be interesting to see if they make a season two and if they will continue in the town or move to different locations. I have to admit I made a half ass attempt at watching the first episode when it came out. I read your feedback and decided to go back and watch it again. Ended up watching the whole series in two nights. :whoa:

05-07-2013, 08:49 PM
I continue to enjoy Defiance every week that I watch :nod:

05-10-2013, 08:53 AM
:D :D :D :D


05-10-2013, 03:07 PM
Syfy has announced that even though it's a month into the series, Defiance will be green lit for season two to air in 2014! (y)

05-10-2013, 03:08 PM
Don't get too attached... see Alpahas which was the only SyFy series that I could watch.

05-10-2013, 03:17 PM
Don't get too attached... see Alpahas which was the only SyFy series that I could watch.

2nd biggest debut in the channel's history, so it might stick around.