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View Full Version : 4-2-5 or 4-3 playbook/scheme?

05-22-2011, 09:24 PM
I've really been getting back into playing NCAA 11 online again, prepping for the 12' release, I suppose.

Oneback, I read your 4-2-5 scheme thread that you started on Utopia. Did you ever finish it?

And rhombic, if you're out there, I know you're a big proponent of the 4-3. That's what I normally run, but I run a VERY old school, vanilla 4-3 = don't ever give up the big play, play good run defense, take away the middle of the field as best as I can. I need some help guys. I used to post on Utopia all the time when I had time and labbed with several of those guys constantly. But, due to my job, I haven't been able to play much during the fall seasons and the beginning of the winter seasons. With summer, and 12', fast approaching, I'm looking to revamp my defense into something nasty and learn some new things - manual alignments, manual coverages, blitzes, etc...

Any help would be appreciated. I can only imagine how busy the two of you guys must be, but I send PSN friend requests anyway just in case you guys jump on there and can help a fellow gamer.


05-26-2011, 09:17 PM
I never finished my 4-2-5 defense, I've since made the switch to the under front with 4-3 personnel using a lot of Saban's concepts. It's difficult this year to play really good cover 3 and its variations with spot dropping zone defense. I look for my defense to get a lot better with NCAA 12 thanks to pattern reading coverage's.

05-26-2011, 11:22 PM
It depends on if they 4-2-5 updates make the playbook better or worse for me. If the update makes it worse, I'll probably focus more on a 46 custom playbook or a Multiple 40 Defense.