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View Full Version : Thoughts on a "Karma Engine" for ranked games in NCAA12

Capt Orygun
05-20-2011, 08:49 PM
Like many of us, there are aspects of the game which I would like to see improved.

For me a lot of those center around "cheesers" who play online. I'm a competitive person, I like to put myself out there, but we all know online play is where actual competition goes to die.

This frustration has led us all, at some point, to start threads on how to stop the goal line option offense, etc. Some of us try and create networks of people to play. But maybe EA should just take steps to discourage this behavior. It was tried recently with the campus challenge system, and while that is fun in its own right, it hasn't reduced cheese.

So what is everybody's thoughts about a Karma engine for online play, which would be able to be turned off for online dynasty or in non ranked games. I don't think it should be too extensive, but every year's game produces a few holes that cheesers exploit, making the game frustrating for those of us who like to play something similar to football, online.

A quick list would be easy to generate.

Using chew clock in the 1st/3rd quarter, or in the first half of the 2nd, 4th quarter

Using the goaline offense repetively between the 20's, or using it when there is more than 4 yards to the first down marker, etc

Not punting on 4th down and more than 2 from behind your own fifty, 1 from behind your own 40, or something similar

Just simple rules of fair play. Cheesyness which is the product of the annual game, rather than just going against the spirit of the game in general, could be addressed in tune-ups.

Trying to kill the clock when it isn't reasonable? You get a false start and the clock stops

Using goaline option repetitively, or between the 20's, you get a fumble, or the QB falls down, etc.

I'm not looking for a game nazi or anything, but some simple pitfalls should be put in place to keep the spirit of the game alive in online play.


05-20-2011, 10:16 PM
just find friends to play. EA cant/wont/ shouldnt relegate things to that degree. The majority of the buyers of the game are children or young people who just want to screw around and thats pretty much how its going to be.

:) sorry dude, thats pretty much my thoughts though:)

05-21-2011, 09:49 PM
Agree with Ram here. If you're looking into playing serious people in a (mostly) cheese free zone, look into one of the OD leagues here at TGT or go over to TSO (Tradition Sports Online). I went to that site last year for the first time and it totally changed my perspective about online play. I am still having a blast with 11 (though I'm seriously itchin' for 12), playing against guys that are just as serious as me about playing as close to real life as possible, while still having fun with the game as a game. In fact I've never played past March Madness in an Ncaa series game, until this season. If I could have swung the time cycle I would have done a league here too, but with my baby on the way and the mommy (my wife at the time) messin with this other dude, I had my time pretty much relegated to one league. Anyways, I never thought that online play could be fun because of the exploits and such that you have mentioned, but a league with guys that know and love football is the way to go.

I don't know how the heck they would even "create" a 'Karma engine'..... :D:D:D:D:D

05-26-2011, 11:55 AM
Agree, it becomes too subject to police certain tactics. If EA ever created made up penalties/turnovers for subjective interpretations of "cheese", the community would blow up, that's not simulation football.

I have to disagree with killing the clock too, Although I don't usually put "chew clock" on, I will try and move a little slower when I know I'm playing against a high powered offense, you want to keep the ball out of their hands, that's a tactic used commonly in real life.