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View Full Version : Fiesta Bowl Rep Fired, BCS Status Threatened

03-29-2011, 10:56 PM
What a crazy story. I'm guessing Jerry Jones and the Cotton Bowl have been on the phones all day to BCS officials.

The Fiesta Bowl will be asked to justify its inclusion in the BCS after organizers for the Arizona game fired president and CEO John Junker for "an apparent scheme" to reimburse employees for political contributions and "an apparent conspiracy" to cover it up.

The Fiesta Bowl released a scathing internal report Tuesday.

The reimbursements, listed as at least $46,539, are an apparent violation of state campaign finance laws and the charter that allows the Fiesta Bowl its nonprofit status. The Arizona attorney general's office is conducting a probe of the matter.

The BCS reacted swiftly, saying it would undertake an investigation of its own to "consider whether the Fiesta Bowl should remain a BCS bowl game or other appropriate sanctions." LINK (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/29/john-junker-fired-fiesta-bowl-ceo_n_842156.html)

Some of its other findings:

The Fiesta Bowl had covered $13,086 in expenses connected with one employee's wedding in Kansas City. Junker bestowed on others such gifts as iPads, gift cards and, most bizarre, bullion. He purchased (and billed to the bowl) some $22,000 worth of gold and silver coins.

This is not a good day for the BCS. The Sugar and Orange Bowls have also recently come under withering criticism for the excessive compensation of executives and extravagant expenditures. Sugar Bowl executive director Paul Hoolahan's 2009 income of $645,386 was just 40K or so shy of Junker's. Last June, according to a complaint filed by a committee called Playoff PAC, the Orange Bowl treated its executives and college athletic directors to "Summer Splash," a four-day Royal Caribbean cruise featuring several stops in the Bahamas ... but no business meetings. (Spokespeople for each of the bowls deny any impropriety.)

To its credit, the Fiesta Bowl has already adopted what it calls "sweeping reforms" to "improve oversight and transparency." SI.com will detail those and other aspects in a story on Wednesday. LINK (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/football/ncaa/03/29/fiesta-bowl-junker/)

03-29-2011, 11:02 PM
And just like all the other corrupt businesses, the BCS Bowl Scheme is finally being shown for what it is truly all about.

03-29-2011, 11:09 PM
The local radio station covered more of his expenses....botox (something like that at least) and just absurd amounts of golf balls. More than they could possibly even give away.

No matter what system, when you have this much money floating around someone is going to abuse it. Our politicians have been showing us that for years.

03-30-2011, 12:32 AM
Not surprised at all... and as quick as this story emerges it will be swept under the rug. It's all about $$$$

03-30-2011, 12:56 AM
Not surprised at all... and as quick as this story emerges it will be swept under the rug. It's all about $$$$

I wouldn't be surprised one bit if that was the case.

We can only hope the anti-BCS brigade grabs ahold of this story and runs with it.

03-30-2011, 07:31 PM
Despite the first paragraph of the story cdj posted, I've heard no other references questioning the BCS status of the bowl. It's the charity/non-profit status of the bowl organization that I'm hearing being questioned.

Such as in this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/30/sports/ncaafootball/30fiesta.html

03-30-2011, 07:48 PM

03-30-2011, 07:56 PM
Ah, that makes sense. So, it's not that it's being questioned -- just threatened. That makes a lot more sense.