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View Full Version : What to get girlfriend for birthday?

05-27-2010, 10:20 AM
What's up, my girlfriend is turning 26 in June and I'm trying to think of what to get her for her birthday, but I have no idea. The day of her birthday is the day after she gets out for summer (she's a teacher), so I've been trying to think of what we could do. I guess we could always go to the beach for a quick weekend getaway, but I've been trying to think of something to get her.

What do you guys get your women? Haha, weird I know, but I really have no clue.

05-27-2010, 11:07 AM
a coke and a smile....

But seriously, whats your budget.

05-27-2010, 11:16 AM
I've been single for a good deal of 30 years, but have enough knowledge to be dangerous. What does she like?

05-27-2010, 11:39 AM
My budget? Lol, well I'd like to not go broke. I'm a college kid so I'm not exactly rich, but I've got a decent amount... I'd really like to be around $100, but $200 isn't out of the realm. Anything above that probably is because I'm in my last class and my money is drying up.

She just found out today she lost her job at her school and is getting transferred to another one in the county, so she's having a rough day. At least she still has a job, but damn. What does she like? Anything that I can think of. A coke and a smile is a good one... I think I'll try that.

She really likes purses and sunglasses and shoes and all of that girly stuff, but she goes through them so fast I'm not sure I should get her that. My parents I think are getting her some luggage since she only has a suitcase from like 1970 and she borrowed mine when the kids took a field trip to D.C. So I thought a compliment to that would be a trip to the beach, but at this point the rooms are $500 for a weekend. Any other ideas would be great.

05-27-2010, 11:39 AM
schedule a daytime appointment with a licensed masseuse, around noonish, (if she doesnt have a kid/kids... if she does have a kid/kids then you can go earlier as mothers never sleep past 8:30-9:00 anyways lol) after the massage, take her later that night to her favorite restaurant... "mention" the option of seeing a movie of her choice...

this is all based off a lot of my wife's preferences, but career women usually keep the same likings in general... always those few that are the exception...

another thing i would think of giving her is a "coupon" type deal... maybe even throw that on top of the previous mentioned... if you dont know what i mean by coupon... its this... and remember coming from a married man who like all other married men gets asked to do A LOT OF STUFF... so do a hand written booklet of things that she does and leave a few blank and she can use them... sounds stupid... sounds silly... (to some) but trust me... it works...

my wife owns her own hair salon, so she is high maintenance, without the personality that comes along with most chicks that are... and she loves this kind of stuff...

of course your budget, her personality and tastes are the deciding factor...


05-27-2010, 03:14 PM
schedule a daytime appointment with a licensed masseuse, around noonish, (if she doesnt have a kid/kids... if she does have a kid/kids then you can go earlier as mothers never sleep past 8:30-9:00 anyways lol) after the massage, take her later that night to her favorite restaurant... "mention" the option of seeing a movie of her choice...

this is all based off a lot of my wife's preferences, but career women usually keep the same likings in general... always those few that are the exception...

another thing i would think of giving her is a "coupon" type deal... maybe even throw that on top of the previous mentioned... if you dont know what i mean by coupon... its this... and remember coming from a married man who like all other married men gets asked to do A LOT OF STUFF... so do a hand written booklet of things that she does and leave a few blank and she can use them... sounds stupid... sounds silly... (to some) but trust me... it works...

my wife owns her own hair salon, so she is high maintenance, without the personality that comes along with most chicks that are... and she loves this kind of stuff...

of course your budget, her personality and tastes are the deciding factor...


That's some VERY good suggestions. I would DEFINITELY do something like that.

And, depending on your relationship, don't expect to get some afterward either. That'll just make it seem like it's about you as much as it is her.

05-27-2010, 03:39 PM
schedule a daytime appointment with a licensed masseuse, around noonish, (if she doesnt have a kid/kids... if she does have a kid/kids then you can go earlier as mothers never sleep past 8:30-9:00 anyways lol) after the massage, take her later that night to her favorite restaurant... "mention" the option of seeing a movie of her choice...

this is all based off a lot of my wife's preferences, but career women usually keep the same likings in general... always those few that are the exception...

another thing i would think of giving her is a "coupon" type deal... maybe even throw that on top of the previous mentioned... if you dont know what i mean by coupon... its this... and remember coming from a married man who like all other married men gets asked to do A LOT OF STUFF... so do a hand written booklet of things that she does and leave a few blank and she can use them... sounds stupid... sounds silly... (to some) but trust me... it works...

my wife owns her own hair salon, so she is high maintenance, without the personality that comes along with most chicks that are... and she loves this kind of stuff...

of course your budget, her personality and tastes are the deciding factor...



05-27-2010, 03:58 PM
Wowzers. Good plan!

05-27-2010, 04:02 PM
Great suggestions above. A massage and/or facial type of coupon/appointment always works well. Plus you throw in a few Joey coupons and you are all set.

05-28-2010, 09:31 PM

I kid, I kid. :p

05-30-2010, 12:43 AM
I say manacure... the wife loves them.

06-09-2010, 06:50 PM
Well breaking up seemed to be the gift this year. Man it's been a rough week. There goes 4 wasted years.

06-09-2010, 07:42 PM
Well breaking up seemed to be the gift this year. Man it's been a rough week. There goes 4 wasted years.

That sux man...sorry to hear that.

06-09-2010, 09:55 PM
Wow. That seemed to come out of nowhere. Sorry to hear that man.

06-09-2010, 10:02 PM
Hey you're telling me. It came out of nowhere for me as well...

thanks though

06-09-2010, 10:41 PM
Thats ruff UGA. Sorry to hear that. Maybe she is just having a hard time dealing with her job situation. Give her a day or two, it's pretty hard to give up on 4 years just like that.

06-13-2010, 08:56 PM
Thats ruff UGA. Sorry to hear that. Maybe she is just having a hard time dealing with her job situation. Give her a day or two, it's pretty hard to give up on 4 years just like that.

Yeah it was weird at first. But I'm thinking somebody has taken a first-class ride to outta their damn mind. Haven't spoken to her in days and I don't see that changing. For the better I guess.

06-13-2010, 11:16 PM
Yeah it was weird at first. But I'm thinking somebody has taken a first-class ride to outta their damn mind. Haven't spoken to her in days and I don't see that changing. For the better I guess.

It always is man. It always is.

01-16-2012, 02:02 AM
Nice Spam.


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01-16-2012, 08:30 AM
Nice Spam.


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I fixed the glitch :D

01-16-2012, 08:48 AM
I fixed the glitch :D


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