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View Full Version : Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3)

I OU a Beatn
12-09-2010, 10:56 AM
Teaser trailer was posted this morning and the full reveal will be announced this Saturday for the VGAs. Considering it's one of the best games series I've ever played, I can't wait. How many exclusives does Sony plan on releasing next year? :D

12-09-2010, 11:02 AM
This is awesome. 2 dropped a little bit I thought from 1 but not by much. I just hope the keep the level the same. The multiplayer on 2 was simple and great in my opinion. Not like COD with all of the extras, just simple run around and shoot some fools.

I OU a Beatn
12-09-2010, 11:31 AM
The single player campaign in the 2nd game was the single greatest campaign probably ever made. There's a reason why Hollywood latched onto it and are attempting to make a movie out of it. Hopefully this one is equally as good.

As for the multiplayer, they have a lot to improve upon, IMO. I played it a good bit, but there's a lot of annoyances that kept me from playing it longer. Everyone always says to not Gears of War-it, but I hope that's exactly what they do. They need to get rid of the auto aim, completely re-do the melee system(for online), put the health back to the way it was when the game shipped, and a plethora of other things. I have hope, though.

12-09-2010, 11:43 AM
I'd actually disagree on a couple of things. I thought the single player campaign was better in the first game. The 2nd was really good just liked the first better.

I will agree with the health though... it took way too many shots to put someone down, even if you got a headshot. I like the melee, playing COD right now and it's crap.

I OU a Beatn
12-09-2010, 11:50 AM
I wasn't complaining about the high health, I actually liked that. It required at least a little skill as to what they have now. They eventually patched it to the point where 3 or 4 hits killed someone, which is exactly when I stopped playing. The melee system was highly flawed as well. Half the melee fights ended in both players killing each other because the animations were the same, which definitely needs fixed.

Both campaigns were excellent, but in terms of sheer action and cinematic moments, U2 had many more jaw dropping moments. Regardless, I absolutely can't wait to play the 3rd.

12-09-2010, 12:05 PM
I just wish they'd stop with the third person FPS shit... Just stop... It sucks... Ruined the first one for me and made me not even want to play the second one. I HATED the gun play to the point where it was just more and more annoying and made me not enjoy the game.

12-09-2010, 12:09 PM
There's a reason why Hollywood latched onto it and are attempting to make a movie out of it. Hopefully this one is equally as good.
It won't be... Mark Wahlberg is Drake and Robert Deniro and Joe Pesci are playing his dad & uncle and they are international art antiquities dealers. Seriously.

I OU a Beatn
12-09-2010, 12:11 PM
Yeah, I know the movie will suck. I meant hopefully U3 will be as good as U2. That movie has no chance. :D

12-09-2010, 12:43 PM
It won't be... Mark Wahlberg is Drake and Robert Deniro and Joe Pesci are playing his dad & uncle and they are international art antiquities dealers. Seriously.

Sounds like a lot of fun to me. :)

Marky Mark and the Untouchables.

12-09-2010, 06:58 PM


12-09-2010, 09:22 PM
With the title and voiceover talking about dreams, I want to call it 'Drake's Inception.'

I OU a Beatn
12-10-2010, 03:23 AM
Yeah, there's always a quirky little sci-fi element in the Uncharted games, so that might be pretty accurate. Regardless, have you guys looked at the high res shots of this game so far? This game is going to look absolutely stunning in 3d. I already intended on buying a 3d TV for Killzone 3, so I absolutely can't wait to see how awesome it'll look.

12-10-2010, 06:11 AM
Wow, I will never buy another HDTV for a game, actually the one I have isnt for a game, I just wanted a new TV. Also I guess it could be possibly to the fact I think 3D is kinda overrated, and it gives me a serious headache, on top of that I feel quite stupid sitting in my house wearing glasses.

12-10-2010, 09:36 AM
Wow, I will never buy another HDTV for a game, actually the one I have isnt for a game, I just wanted a new TV. Also I guess it could be possibly to the fact I think 3D is kinda overrated, and it gives me a serious headache, on top of that I feel quite stupid sitting in my house wearing glasses.

All reasons why I am still sitting here with an old Standard Def TV. Unfortunately, most of the "best" HD sets throw in 3D to jack up the price. I cannot tell you how many times I have went to a store to look at a set only to be disappointed that the TV I like the best has a feature that I will NEVER use jacking up the price.

12-10-2010, 10:52 AM
All reasons why I am still sitting here with an old Standard Def TV. Unfortunately, most of the "best" HD sets throw in 3D to jack up the price. I cannot tell you how many times I have went to a store to look at a set only to be disappointed that the TV I like the best has a feature that I will NEVER use jacking up the price.I got my 60" 1080p 3D-Ready TV for under $800 earlier this year. I've debated several times buying the glasses but so far I don't have enough incentive. I MIGHT buy them by the time Uncharted 3 comes out but considering that's likely late next year, by then it will be easy to tell whether it's going to pan out or not.

12-10-2010, 12:00 PM
I got my 60" 1080p 3D-Ready TV for under $800 earlier this year. I've debated several times buying the glasses but so far I don't have enough incentive. I MIGHT buy them by the time Uncharted 3 comes out but considering that's likely late next year, by then it will be easy to tell whether it's going to pan out or not.

Yeah I'd prob finally bite the bullet if the sets I wanted were under 1K. The sets I have been looking at have been generally $1,500 and up and I just know that $500 (or more) of it is for 3D which neither my wife or I has any interest in.

12-11-2010, 01:23 PM
Count me in as someone who liked the first Uncharted better. I actually was disappointed with Uncharted 2. It was still a good game but I was expecting an epic game and it failed in a few areas for me. I know most people are like IOU in that they liked the second one better. My brother liked UC2 better as well.

I think the biggest complaint for the first one was that some boards were repetitive. It did get that way. I think the second game really improved upon the stealth aspects so that was nice. Some people didn't like the zombies in UC1 but I thought that was a cool twist that freaked me out. My heart was pumping in that dark sub. But the story and twists were better in the first game imo and I liked the larger environments. The original Uncharted will always be special to me. The game and story just blew me away.

My biggest complaints about UC2 were that it was overly scripted and rushed. It felt like the game was constantly pushing me through each level "Hurry! Hurry!". The entire opening sequence where you escape from the train felt useless to play. It was just one animation to another that I had no control over. The boss fight on the train felt bad too. I'm shooting the guy with no effect because the game decided it has to be a fist fight. That's fine but make sure I don't have a shotgun in my hands and have the ability to shoot another human being and make that human being appear like Superman. There were just too many scripted moments like that for me and it ticked me off throughout the game. The game constantly pushed me in one direction and then blocked me from returning. Some rubble would fall down blocking my door, something would explode, etc. In the first game you would defeat the wave of bad guys and then had time to explore or even go back to where you came from to search for treasures which were actually possible to find. The treasure hunting in UC2 was way too difficult imo.

The first half of UC2 just felt too rushed and confined. The second half of the game felt a lot more like UC1 and I definitely enjoyed that more. I've played through the first game roughly 3 times but only played through UC2 once. I started it a second time and the escape from the train just pissed me off and I traded it in.

12-11-2010, 02:00 PM
Count me in as someone who liked the first Uncharted better. I actually was disappointed with Uncharted 2. It was still a good game but I was expecting an epic game and it failed in a few areas for me. I know most people are like IOU in that they liked the second one better. My brother liked UC2 better as well.

I think the biggest complaint for the first one was that some boards were repetitive. It did get that way. I think the second game really improved upon the stealth aspects so that was nice. Some people didn't like the zombies in UC1 but I thought that was a cool twist that freaked me out. My heart was pumping in that dark sub. But the story and twists were better in the first game imo and I liked the larger environments. The original Uncharted will always be special to me. The game and story just blew me away.

My biggest complaints about UC2 were that it was overly scripted and rushed. It felt like the game was constantly pushing me through each level "Hurry! Hurry!". The entire opening sequence where you escape from the train felt useless to play. It was just one animation to another that I had no control over. The boss fight on the train felt bad too. I'm shooting the guy with no effect because the game decided it has to be a fist fight. That's fine but make sure I don't have a shotgun in my hands and have the ability to shoot another human being and make that human being appear like Superman. There were just too many scripted moments like that for me and it ticked me off throughout the game. The game constantly pushed me in one direction and then blocked me from returning. Some rubble would fall down blocking my door, something would explode, etc. In the first game you would defeat the wave of bad guys and then had time to explore or even go back to where you came from to search for treasures which were actually possible to find. The treasure hunting in UC2 was way too difficult imo.

The first half of UC2 just felt too rushed and confined. The second half of the game felt a lot more like UC1 and I definitely enjoyed that more. I've played through the first game roughly 3 times but only played through UC2 once. I started it a second time and the escape from the train just pissed me off and I traded it in.

I've only played through UC2. I just got UC1 from GameFly and its interesting there is a "divide" on which game people prefer.

12-11-2010, 03:16 PM
The two games are similar but definitely different. I'll be curious to see how you like UC1 compared to UC2. Some of the story elements are blown because you played UC2 though.

I OU a Beatn
12-12-2010, 05:43 AM

12-12-2010, 05:54 AM
Those pricks disasble the embedding! The trailer looks cool. I'm pumped for UC3.

There were two things that always stood out for me about the Uncharted series.

1. The story was heads and shoulders above anything else I've ever seen.
2. The music was movie quality. Simply fantastic.

12-12-2010, 07:23 PM
8 minute behind the scenes video (http://www.joystiq.com/2010/12/12/uncharted-3-the-very-first-behind-the-scenes-video/)

12-13-2010, 01:02 PM
Uncharted 3 live gameplay tonight on Jimmy Fallon.

12-16-2010, 11:54 AM
In the UC1 vs. UC2 debate, I give the clear edge to UC2. UC1 had WAAAAAY too many gunfights and all the enemies were "bullet sponges." UC2 has it's share of gunfights but some stuff in UC1 didn't make any sense. I remember solving one puzzle that opened a tomb that no one had been in for hundreds of years and inside were guards waiting for me. Really? How the F did they get in there? The amount of fighting, the amount of bullets enemies took, and unrealistic placement of enemies all bothered me in UC1 and I feel they were all handled better in UC2.

UC3 is day 1. Not sure where I'm supposed to hide behind though with the setting being in the desert.

12-27-2010, 04:40 PM
Just started UC1 on Hard. I'm not very far into the game Chapter 4 (right after the plane crash). There are some things I like better about UC2 and some UC1.

For me (poor shooter) the auto aim was a much welcomed addition in UC2. I'm now struggling in gun fights with my AIM. Thankfully, the enemies seem to be a little less accurate with their shot as well. Maybe I'm not far enough into UC1 but the game seems "easier" than I recall UC2 being. There also appear to be less fortunes to find in UC1 (60 i think) v. the 102 (i think) in UC2.

With my new HD monitor UC1 looks AMAZING and I haven't even thought about skipping through a cut scene. I'm sure UC2 looked stunning in HD as well. Bottom line, I loved UC2 and am really liking UC1 allot. If I could just learn how to aim I'd be set. I just hope they keep it 3rd person. For some odd reason, I CANNOT play a 1st person shooter without getting dizzy/sick in under 5 minutes.

12-28-2010, 02:39 AM
My nephew loaned me a bunch of games and among them are 1&2. I've never played either one, but I'll be digging in soon.

12-28-2010, 06:02 AM
Just started UC1 on Hard. I'm not very far into the game Chapter 4 (right after the plane crash). There are some things I like better about UC2 and some UC1.

For me (poor shooter) the auto aim was a much welcomed addition in UC2. I'm now struggling in gun fights with my AIM. Thankfully, the enemies seem to be a little less accurate with their shot as well. Maybe I'm not far enough into UC1 but the game seems "easier" than I recall UC2 being. There also appear to be less fortunes to find in UC1 (60 i think) v. the 102 (i think) in UC2.

With my new HD monitor UC1 looks AMAZING and I haven't even thought about skipping through a cut scene. I'm sure UC2 looked stunning in HD as well. Bottom line, I loved UC2 and am really liking UC1 allot. If I could just learn how to aim I'd be set. I just hope they keep it 3rd person. For some odd reason, I CANNOT play a 1st person shooter without getting dizzy/sick in under 5 minutes.

I can't do first person shooters either. I hate the camera effect and won't even try them no matter how much people love them.

UC1 definitely had less treasures but I found them more enjoyable to find. They were very hard in UC2 imo. I found 42 of 60 in the first one (about 38 on my first play through) but I think I only got 35 or so out of 100 on UC2 on my first play through. How many treasures did you find in UC2?

12-28-2010, 08:41 AM
UC1 definitely had less treasures but I found them more enjoyable to find. They were very hard in UC2 imo. I found 42 of 60 in the first one (about 38 on my first play through) but I think I only got 35 or so out of 100 on UC2 on my first play through. How many treasures did you find in UC2?

UC1 definitely seemed like it gave you more opportunity to find treasures. UC2 was very action packed and tried to have the treasure hunting into it. I thought UC1 had a nice flow where you found treasures as you were moving through the game. I don't want to have to waste all the enemies and then go back 2 screens and look for treasures.

12-28-2010, 09:18 AM
I can't do first person shooters either. I hate the camera effect and won't even try them no matter how much people love them.

UC1 definitely had less treasures but I found them more enjoyable to find. They were very hard in UC2 imo. I found 42 of 60 in the first one (about 38 on my first play through) but I think I only got 35 or so out of 100 on UC2 on my first play through. How many treasures did you find in UC2?

I eventually found all 102 treasures in UC2 in two playthroughs. I played the game once myself and then with the help of youtube played through a 2nd time getting all of the remaining treasures.

12-28-2010, 12:12 PM
New gameplay you say?


12-28-2010, 12:15 PM
Okay New Years Resolutions....finally finish Heavy Rain then UC2....

12-28-2010, 12:33 PM
:popcorn: :nod:

12-28-2010, 12:39 PM
:popcorn: :nod:


12-29-2010, 04:01 PM
Dude, I JUST finished Heavy Rain last night and it's really an amazing experience (and definitely my favorite game of the year).

12-29-2010, 07:53 PM
Not to keep this thread hijacked but Heavy Rain was my #2 game of the year behind God of War III.

I've changed my mind about being day 1 on UC3. I'm thinking that since it's kinda close to Christmas, I can wait and get both Uncharted 3 and Mass Effect 3 at $20-$25 discounts from Amazon or catch some store doing a Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal or something. The Christmas sales were off the chain on every game BUT Black Ops.

12-29-2010, 11:38 PM
Not to keep this thread hijacked but Heavy Rain was my #2 game of the year behind God of War III.

Eh, we have 10 months to bring it back on topic :D

01-01-2011, 11:14 AM
1/2 Way through Drake's Fortune and the no auto aim has forced me to become a better shooter. I'm still not "great" but I'm working through the game and really enjoying it on Hard difficulty. I'm not able to just run around and have to use cover and think a little bit while playing.

01-09-2011, 05:29 PM
I'm PISSED! Something has gone wrong with my Uncharted 1 rental disc. For some reason when I put the game in it freezes/locks up. I'm like 70% of the way through the game too.

Any suggestions? I've tried cleaning the disc with water and a cleaning cloth and all it did was get me to the main menu and when I selected continue the game it locked up again while the game was loading (little medal bottom right stopped moving). I've tried my other games and UC1 is the only one with the issue so clearly its something with the disc. I looked at it and I cannot see anything wrong with it.

01-09-2011, 07:24 PM
That sucks. No idea how to fix it.

01-11-2011, 05:38 PM
That sucks. No idea how to fix it.

FYI - apparently the solution is to let it sit there a few days and cool off. I got the random itch to give the disc "one last try" tonight and sure enough loaded up and I picked up exactly where I left off.

Here is to hoping whatever the issue was has left and I can finish the final 23% of the game.

01-11-2011, 06:19 PM
Well there is definitely a twist coming for you. Some liked it and others didn't. I personally liked it.

01-12-2011, 01:30 PM
Well there is definitely a twist coming for you. Some liked it and others didn't. I personally liked it.

HOLY F'N SHIT! Just finished the game on Hard. (no way am I skilled enough to even bother to try Crushing/Platinum).

From the moment those zombie/dead Spaniards started attacking me it was non-stop action. The last gun fight was a bitch (for me anyways) too. Tons of fun and LOVED the story.

In the end not sure which I preferred UC1 or UC2. But am DEFINITELY getting UC3 at midnight launch.

One thing I didn't do was play any UC2 online (mostly out of fear i'd just get smoked). How was/is online play? Any of you guys still play UC2 online?

01-12-2011, 02:34 PM
I enjoyed UC2 online. I thought it was simple and just a run around and shoot people game. Nowhere along the lines of COD with perks and attachments and guns and all of extra stuff. It definitely had some bugs/glitches - hitting someone with a bunch of bullets and they end up punching you and you die, but overall decent and fun to play.

I'm not sure what the community is like anymore. I sold the game.

I OU a Beatn
01-12-2011, 04:12 PM
The community is still fairly strong, but I stopped playing the second they changed the bullet damage. It used to take a good 8 shots to kill someone, which was awesome. The good players won the gun battles and that was that. I had something like a 2.54 k/d ratio at the time, and then a select group of people whined and whined and whined until they got their way, changing it to literally half of what it was, which turned it into the ol' whoever sees who first wins. I played about a month after that and just quit. It's pretty barebones because it was added last minute, but it's still pretty fun. Uncharted 3 is going to have a full blown multiplayer component, so I can't wait to see what that's like.

01-12-2011, 05:19 PM
Why would you want 8 bullets to kill someone? That seems like an awful lot.

I OU a Beatn
01-12-2011, 05:44 PM
6-8 is perfect. It's not too much, but it means you actually have to be able to aim to kill someone. That's why Killzone 2 is so near and dear to my heart. Everything about that game bullet damage wise was PERFECT.

01-12-2011, 06:40 PM
Where is the "sim" in that. 1 bullet (in the right areas) and boom you are dead. :nod:

I OU a Beatn
01-12-2011, 06:48 PM
Lol, sim is only a good thing in sports games. If shooters were based on simulation and/or real life, I'd sell my systems.

01-12-2011, 07:32 PM
Never played UC2 online. They did say they are putting a big focus on multiplayer this year for UC3.

The zombie stuff was cool and freaked me out. The dark stuff in the bottom of that ship spooked me. Had me on pins and needles. The soundtrack in the game is awesome and really adds to the experience.

01-12-2011, 07:57 PM
6-8 is perfect. It's not too much, but it means you actually have to be able to aim to kill someone. That's why Killzone 2 is so near and dear to my heart. Everything about that game bullet damage wise was PERFECT.

I guess I see your point, Just hearing the number seems high.

I OU a Beatn
01-12-2011, 08:01 PM
Yeah, definitely. It takes 3 or 4 to get a kill in Call of Duty, and that sounds really high when it feels like 2. :D

01-12-2011, 09:00 PM
I'm the complete opposite. I LOVE "sim" shooters that require less bullets to kill someone. That is why I LOVED the PC America's Army game so much (before they ruined it). It was true to life in that 1-3 shoots would result in death. There was no being Rambo and getting 50 kills in a game or anything. You died, that was the end of the round for you (kinda like the one game type from Call of Duty, but WAY better).

Of course, playing a FPS with a mouse instead of a shitty controller is night and day (and god damn you aim assists).

04-18-2011, 11:22 AM
Multiplayer trailer


Beta starts 6/28
Details here (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/04/18/uncharted-3-multiplayer-modes-detailed/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=uncharted3_041811)

04-18-2011, 11:25 AM
Good to see that I'll get in the beta again with PS+ :nod:

04-18-2011, 11:26 AM
Man this year is going to kill me with video game purchases.

04-18-2011, 11:17 PM
Other video games may connect to Facebook, but upcoming PS3 title Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is headed into uncharted territory by bringing Facebook and other social media connections directly into the game.

Game developer Naughty Dog is working with Facebook and YouTube to expand the ability to share experiences from within Uncharted 3— sequel to the 2009 title named Game of the Year by multiple outlets — without the need for external tools.

At the start-up menu, players can view a "feed" that shows which Facebook friends on the PlayStation Network are currently playing and whether they've posted updates or videos. Clips can be viewed without leaving the game. Previously, videos had to be handcrafted and exported for uploading to YouTube.

While PlayStation Network and Xbox Live let players send automated updates to Facebook, "I don't think anyone else has gone to that level to bring Facebook within the game. People usually do it the other way around," says Christophe Balestra, co-president of Naughty Dog. "We are the first ones who are doing this."

None of these social-media upgrades affects the single-player story mode, an adventure starring Indiana Jones-ian franchise hero Nathan Drake. But when players get the game, due Nov.1, they can opt in to Facebook connectivity.

The developers hope that the changes make the multiplayer game environment less intimidating and more familiar.

"Our goal for Facebook is to really make sure you can interact with your Facebook friends the way you interact with your PSN friends," Balestra says. "You can talk to them (and) you can invite them to your party. You are going to see icons of people's faces and their real names. So right away it is going to feel bigger."

Players can post screen shots and video clips that show off their customized characters and team emblems. After a game finishes, a player might send out a post that he found a treasure during the game. The first five friends who "like" the post could get an in-game gift. Players also can post videos of multiplayer game action of up to 90 seconds.

"We're trying to create unique stories every time you play, to continue this feeling of a familiar and close-knit community, sort of like how Facebook already operates when friends upload photos and videos of their travel or parties," he says. "We're not just updating your wall with basic things happening in the game."

Those who want to tinker with their videos will have a battery of new in-game post-processing tools. Each multiplayer session is stored on the hard drive of the player's PS3. You can go into that video file and direct the scene to your liking, moving the camera around, adding voice to a character and even sharing the video so a friend can help edit. "You can create your own movie and tell a story," Balestra says.

Past games such as Halo 3 have included filmmaking tools to make scripted videos, but Uncharted's direct link for uploading videos to YouTube is unique.
The best uploaded videos might wind up on "Uncharted TV," which will play in the bottom right corner of the pregame menu.

"People can watch the best plays that we selected," he says. "We want to give you access to all the media being generated by Uncharted within Uncharted."

Uncharted 3 will have some new multiplayer game types, too. A new Deathmatch mode pits three teams of two against one another, and Free-for-All lets eight players compete until the last player is standing. And for the first time, players can sit side by side and play on a split screen.

"If you watch a football game, you talk about it the next day because everyone watched the same game," Balestra says. "This is (to) get people who play to have a better experience."

Courtesy: USA Today Video Games (http://www.usatoday.com/tech/gaming/2011-04-18-uncharted18_ST_N.htm)

04-18-2011, 11:22 PM
I think I am getting slightly excited for this game.

04-19-2011, 11:19 AM
Those who want to tinker with their videos will have a battery of new in-game post-processing tools. Each multiplayer session is stored on the hard drive of the player's PS3. You can go into that video file and direct the scene to your liking, moving the camera around, adding voice to a character and even sharing the video so a friend can help edit. "You can create your own movie and tell a story," Balestra says.

Past games such as Halo 3 have included filmmaking tools to make scripted videos, but Uncharted's direct link for uploading videos to YouTube is unique.
The best uploaded videos might wind up on "Uncharted TV," which will play in the bottom right corner of the pregame menu.

"People can watch the best plays that we selected," he says. "We want to give you access to all the media being generated by Uncharted within Uncharted."

NCAA please take notice to this!!!!!

05-05-2011, 05:58 PM
Uncharted 3 Behind the Scenes of Mo-Cap

05-05-2011, 07:01 PM
1 of the 2 reasons why I miss my PS3....the other being Gshwendts voice :cool::cool:

05-30-2011, 05:18 PM
From IGN, all the info you need to know about the Uncharted 3 beta:

It's been a little more than a month since developer Naughty Dog broke the news about an Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception beta, but even then, all the team gave us was a set of dates. Today, Naughty Dog is giving us the whole, wonderful enchilada.

Below, you find every critical, nerdy detail and video flythrough you need to get ready for the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta that's going live next month. I suggest you read it, study it, and go refresh yourself with the multiplayer of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves so that you don't look like a fool out there.

When does the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta start?
If you have the voucher from Infamous 2 or a PlayStation Plus subscription, June 28th. If you're what I like to call a "normie," July 4th.

When does the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta end?
July 13th.

What's the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta level cap?
Level 25, bro.

What modes are included in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
There are nine modes. Team Deathmatch (duh), 3-Team Deathmatch (three teams of two face off), Team Objective (complete the assigned goals), Free For All (kill everyone), Plunder (capture the treasure), High Stakes (gamble with your XP and cash), and three co-op modes I can't tell you about yet but swear I will blow them out this week.

Which maps are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
There's an airfield one and a French chateau. Both are multi-level with plenty to climb. They each pack dynamic events to keep the matches lively like attacking planes and collapsing structures. Check out our Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta map flythroughs to see the arenas.

See more at IGN (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/117/1171344p1.html).

05-30-2011, 05:51 PM
From IGN, all the info you need to know about the Uncharted 3 beta:
See more at IGN (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/117/1171344p1.html).
Considering everyone gets plus when psn returns... Won't everyone get the early beta?

05-30-2011, 06:03 PM
Considering everyone gets plus when psn returns... Won't everyone get the early beta?Maybe, maybe not. It did say "subscription". They may handle the free 30 days differently from a full subscription, somehow.

05-31-2011, 12:04 PM
Damn a free UC3 Beta test early would be a nice present.

05-31-2011, 05:32 PM
Maps for the Beta:



I OU a Beatn
06-02-2011, 09:49 AM

That may be the single worst and most pointless collector's edition I've ever seen. $100 for a replica belt buckle, ring, some cheap statue, and a big ugly case? Yep.

Preorder bonuses:

Best Buy - Regeneration Booster
Allows you to "boost your healing power to recover from your wounds more quickly."

Amazon.com - Carpet Bomb Kickback
Allows you to "send out three grenades with a single throw to blanket your opponent – or take out a group of opponents – with multiple explosions."

Amazon.com – Clip Size Mod for Para 9 or G-MAL
Allows you to increase the size of the bullet clip for your weapon of choice and "spend more time shooting your opponents before having to reload."

GameStop - Creepy Crawler Kickback
Allows you to "turn into a swarm of deadly creatures for a limited time and overwhelm your enemies."

Wal-Mart - Callout Mod for AK-47
Allows you to "equip your AK-47 with a laser sight that enables your entire team to see the location of the opponent you are currently targeting."

All Other Participating Retailers - Uncharted 3 PSN Avatar & Static Theme for PS3

06-02-2011, 01:47 PM
Wow that is a BAD Collector's Edition. Only a "freak" would even consider buying that.

I OU a Beatn
06-02-2011, 02:36 PM
Yeah, it's kind of disappointing. 360 exclusive games ALWAYS have really awesome collector's editions. PS3 exclusives totally blow. The KZ3 Helghast Edition was a joke(yes, I bought it). A 12 inch high replica helmet made of cheap plastic and a little 6 inch figure that barely stands up. The LBP2 collector's edition was a joke. Some cheap ass plush toy and bookends made of really cheap materials. The inFAMOUS 2 one looks bad, too. A backpack? Really?

GT5 had a nice one and so did God of War III, but they're about the only two. Uncharted 3's looks REALLY bad, though. I mean...that is truly terrible. I had some guy arguing with me on another forum when I said it was cheaply made. Well, let's think about this. It's $100 and $60 of that is the game. We'll go $5 for the replica ring and $5 for the belt buckle(why the hell would you even put a belt buckle in here?) and put the case at $10. That leaves you with a $20 statue. Yep, rest assured it cheaply made.

06-02-2011, 03:26 PM
The Batarang from the Arkham Asylum CE was really cheap too from what I heard.

I OU a Beatn
06-03-2011, 11:16 PM

06-04-2011, 08:47 AM
O.K. other than the awkward "fist pump" celebration that was AWESOME. I'll probably suck but I'm going to love playing online in addition to the what is sure to be GREAT story mode. Definite Day 1 order for me.

06-06-2011, 09:01 AM
That was pretty cool, but it didn't really show anything new other than the new change weapons screen.

Plunder was one of my favorite modes to play in UC2, glad to see they kept it.

06-28-2011, 11:45 PM
Who wants in the beta? First come, first serve!


06-29-2011, 08:55 AM
Anyone need an Uncharted 3 Beta code? I have an extra too....

06-29-2011, 09:57 AM
Anyone need an Uncharted 3 Beta code? I have an extra too....

I'll take one of those

06-29-2011, 10:01 AM
I think I might have one as well that came with Infamous 2... though pretty much everyone should be able to access it with their PS+ trial.

06-29-2011, 10:02 AM
I think I might have one as well that came with Infamous 2... though pretty much everyone should be able to access it with their PS+ trial.

yeah but I thought it was only going to PS+ that weren't on the free trial? Not positive though

06-29-2011, 10:03 AM
I'll take one of those

Got you Eric.

My came directly from Sony thanks to Subway's promotion...got one in my e-mail last night. That's right I forgot the trial was still going on for PS+....but once it ends, do you lose access?

06-29-2011, 10:06 AM
yeah but I thought it was only going to PS+ that weren't on the free trial? Not positive though
No, fairly sure that the PS+ trial members aren't specially marked... it thinks you're just as good as the rest of us (though we know that's not true).

Got you Eric.

My came directly from Sony thanks to Subway's promotion...got one in my e-mail last night. That's right I forgot the trial was still going on for PS+....but once it ends, do you lose access?
I think I saw on Naughty Dog's twitter yesterday that if your PS+ expires while the beta is running, you'll still be able to access it so long as you downloaded it before it expired.

06-29-2011, 10:06 AM
Better to be safe then sorry I guess :D

06-29-2011, 10:08 AM
When's the trial expire? I've got to get Infamous downloaded :)

07-06-2011, 10:17 AM
Anyone playing the Beta?

07-07-2011, 01:57 PM
I'm playing it, but I don't like how everyone keeps voting to play on the Airstrip stage. Plus the aiming seems off from what I played in the Uncharted 2 Beta.

07-07-2011, 04:05 PM
I'm playing it, but I don't like how everyone keeps voting to play on the Airstrip stage. Plus the aiming seems off from what I played in the Uncharted 2 Beta.

Yeah not a big fan of the aiming, but I'm not sure if that's from the AK-47 or the aiming itself. The AK has huge recoil which seems they put into the game. Haven't used the Sniper Rifle to yet to see.

10-02-2011, 01:14 PM

You can buy a 30oz cup at Subway and get a code to participate in the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta. I can't decide whether to go for it though... I eat Subway all the time but hate that my favorite game sold out so badly. I suppose it's passable since it so far is just for the multiplayer beta but if I'm playing the single player and see a footlong sub as one of the treasure items to pick up, I'm going to be mad.

10-02-2011, 05:02 PM
Now, why wouldn't you want to use the five dollar footlong taunt animation? :D :fp:

As part of Subway and Naughty Dog's remarkably confusing partnership, the Taste for Adventure campaign, purchasing one of Subway's specially-marked 30 ounce soda-pops will earn thirsty sammich-seeking patrons One Free Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Mode.

No, for real; buy a drink with Nathan Drake's rugged mug on the side, and you'll be given a PSN code for access to the "full competitive multiplayer experience" through the rest of October. As explained by the above video, participating in the event can earn you exclusive items and abilities like the "foot-long taunt," and multiplayer maps have also be sprinkled with "exclusive Subway items" that reveal additional content.

Look, we're not going to pretend this isn't completely ridiculous, but it's also hilarious in a mind-boggling, non-sequitur way. In fact, stuff like this is probably the future of product placement, so don't be surprised when the Hamburglar turns up in SoulCalibur 5.

Courtesy: Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/10/02/psa-uncharted-3s-multiplayer-available-at-subway/)

10-02-2011, 09:31 PM
The U3 Trophy List (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/10/01/uncharted-3-trophies-are-no-longer-hidden-treasure/):


First Treasure - Find one treasure
Apprentice Fortune Hunter - Find 10 treasures
Skilled Fortune Hunter - Find 40 treasures
Adept Fortune Hunter - Find 60 treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter - Find 80 treasures
Relic Finder - Find the Strange Relic
20 Headshots - Defeat 20 enemies with headshots
Headshot Expert - Defeat 5 enemies in a row with headshots
Side Arm Master - Defeat 30 enemies in a row with your side arm
Blindfire Marksman - Defeat 20 enemies by blind-firing while in cover (without aiming with L1)
Run-and-Gunner - Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1)
Hangman - Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging
Land Shark - Defeat 20 enemies while swimming
30 Kills: Mag 5 - Defeat 30 enemies with the Mag 5
30 Kills: Arm Micro - Defeat 30 enemies with the Arm Micro
30 Kills: TAU Sniper - Defeat 30 enemies with the Tau Sniper
30 Kills: KAL 7 - Defeat 30 enemies with the KAL 7
30 Kills: M9 - Defeat 30 enemies with the M9
30 Kills: G-MAL - Defeat 30 enemies with the G-MAL
30 Kills: SAS-12 - Defeat 30 enemies with the SAS-12
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper - Defeat 30 enemies with the Dragon Sniper
30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper - Defeat 30 enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper
30 Kills: RPG7 - Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG-7
30 Kills: PAK-80 - Defeat 30 enemies with the PAK-80
30 Kills: Mk-NDI - Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI
Pro-Pain - Defeat 10 enemies with propane of acetylene tank explosions
Grenade Hangman - Defeat 10 enemies with grenades while hanging
Drop the Bomb Headshot - Make 5 enemies drop their grenades by shooting them
Throwback - Kill 10 enemies with thrown-back grenades
Throwback Master - Throw back a grenade and defeat two enemies at once
Bare-knuckle Brawler - Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knuckle Slugger - Defeat 50 enemies with hand to hand combat
Master Ninja - Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks
Riot Rocker - Defeat 5 Riot Shield enemies by running over their shield
Brute Beater - Successfully counter all of a Brute's damage-giving attacks
Quick Study - Inspect every display case in the Cartagena Museum
Ride the Crocodile - Stand on the crocodile in the Secret Library
He's Gonna Need a Sturgeon - Hit three enemies with fish in the market
Marco Solo - Play in the swimming pool on the Cruise Ship
Truck Brawler - Defeat 10 enemies using hand-to-hand combat on the back of the convoy trucks
Charted! - Easy - Finish the game in Easy Mode
Thrillseeker - Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game
Buddy System - Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game

Master Fortune Hunter - Find 100 treasures
Survivor - Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying
Combat Leapfrog - Defeat 10 enemies in a row, alternating hand-to-hand combat and gunplay
100 Headshots - Defeat 100 enemies with headshots
Reload Master - Defeat 50 enemies in a row without auto-reloading
Rolling Ammo Master - 20 times in a row, pick up ammo while rolling
Dyno-Might Master - Defeat 5 enemies with one explosion
Expert Ninja - Defeat 5 enemies in a row using stealth attacks
Charted! - Normal - Finish the game in Normal Mode
Charted! - Hard - Finish the game in Hard Mode

Charted! - Crushing - Finish the game in Crushing Mode

10-03-2011, 09:27 PM
PUMPED for this one. I was late to this series but have played through I and II in the last year and looking forward to III on release day. :nod:

I OU a Beatn
10-09-2011, 07:50 PM
Went to Subway today and got myself a code, so I turned the PS3 on for the first time in about 4 months. I only played about 4 games, but I'm undecided on it. There's some things I absolutely hated, like:

1. The maps with the moving trains, plane, and crap like that.
2. The emphasis on grenades(same thing in U2).
3. The horrible melee system(same thing in U2).
4. The kickback system is just stupid and overpowered.
5. The auto aim when not aiming with L1(same as U2). It's just stupid. People rush you and then just fire without using L1 and then melee for a kill. Lame.

The rest of the game seems enjoyable enough. I don't like the power plays because I also think they're overpowered. Why should the other team do double damage just because they're getting their asses beat. Doesn't make any sense to me. I like the customization. I like the rank up system. I like the bullet damage. I like the fluidity of the controls. I like the addition of the sprint button. I like the increased sensitivity settings. I like the maps that don't involve being on a moving object.

I think it'll be rather enjoyable if played with friends. This is on the same level with Gears in that you're just asking for an ass beating and nothing but frustration by playing by yourself.

I OU a Beatn
10-10-2011, 01:54 AM
This game has far and away the absolute most terrible spawn system I've ever seen. It's not like Call of Duty where it will occasionally spawn someone behind you, it's a constant thing that happens in excess of 5 times a game. Laughably, the same exact problem existed in U2. Good to see they listened to all the feedback, especially considering the 4 or 5 biggest issues from U2 STILL exist. :D

10-12-2011, 09:52 AM
Buying Uncharted 3 gets you into next year's Starhawk beta (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/10/12/buying-uncharted-3-gets-you-into-next-years-starhawk-beta/)

10-12-2011, 11:08 AM
For me that just moved it from a possible used version to a new verison, thats about all.

I OU a Beatn
10-12-2011, 11:49 AM
I wouldn't touch it if it came with a million bucks. Just a stupidly terrible online shooter. This is a $30 purchase when they drop it down so I can play through the campaign, though. I do have an ounce of intrigue about the Starhawk beta, but all that goes out the window considering all of Sony's most recent online shooters(KZ3, SOCOM4, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, etc...) have been completely terrible.

I played the U3 beta until I got to level 18, I believe. I have so many clips that are just hilariously bad things with the game and I haven't even had the time to post it. I got one clip where the fucker spawn in the act of breaking my neck from behind. :D

10-12-2011, 12:19 PM
Waiting for this to hit the bargain bin!

10-12-2011, 02:15 PM
I wouldn't touch it if it came with a million bucks. Just a stupidly terrible online shooter. This is a $30 purchase when they drop it down so I can play through the campaign, though. I do have an ounce of intrigue about the Starhawk beta, but all that goes out the window considering all of Sony's most recent online shooters(KZ3, SOCOM4, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, etc...) have been completely terrible.

I played the U3 beta until I got to level 18, I believe. I have so many clips that are just hilariously bad things with the game and I haven't even had the time to post it. I got one clip where the fucker spawn in the act of breaking my neck from behind. :D

I thought resistance was okay, I didn't really touch the multiplayer though, from my experience Sony hasn't really nailed down how they want to do their multiplayer yet, do they want to fit in (ala all the new games) or go with something different that has a learning curve (ala KZ2). They are going through a serious online identity crisis.

I OU a Beatn
10-12-2011, 03:42 PM
I thought resistance was okay, I didn't really touch the multiplayer though, from my experience Sony hasn't really nailed down how they want to do their multiplayer yet, do they want to fit in (ala all the new games) or go with something different that has a learning curve (ala KZ2). They are going through a serious online identity crisis.

Exactly. It's like a bag of mixed tricks. Between KZ3, S4, U3, and R3, I've spent maybe a whopping 20 hours online playing those games. They're trying to dumb their games down to appeal to more people, but in the process, they're developing uninspiring online shooters that very few people want to play. This is coming from someone who was a HUGE fan of KZ2, too.

10-12-2011, 04:28 PM
see this is why a MAJORITY of games dont need online. UC has no need for online, its dumb and pointless. when the story involves 1 person fighting a bunch of bad guys it makes no sense. Its like putting Tomb Raider online. The story is always good, but I can say I never played any online but to get the 2 trophies from UC2 and will never play online MP on it.

10-12-2011, 04:30 PM
Yeah, some games should just stay single player. I wasn't gonna get this on release day and I'm definately only getting it for the story mode. I never even tried online in Uncharted 2.

10-14-2011, 09:15 AM
see this is why a MAJORITY of games dont need online. UC has no need for online, its dumb and pointless. when the story involves 1 person fighting a bunch of bad guys it makes no sense. Its like putting Tomb Raider online. The story is always good, but I can say I never played any online but to get the 2 trophies from UC2 and will never play online MP on it.

I kind of disagree with this. I'm not a huge online guy but I enjoyed UC2 online. I've played some of the CODs online and it's all about how long you've played and how much you can pimp out your shit. UC2 had some issues with aiming and the melee but I loved the fact that everyone had the same guns, you couldn't pimp them out and it was just skill vs skill trying to kill each other. The maps were small, there really wasn't places to camp. I'm actually really pissed they are trying to make UC3 online more like COD.

10-14-2011, 11:09 AM
Yeah GUN vs Gun games are become extinct, we can all thank COD for that.

Lets all thank COD together.....


F U COD!!! :)

I OU a Beatn
10-14-2011, 11:28 AM
UC2 before all the patches was fun as hell. I loved it. After UC2 it was okay, but nothing special. The UC3 beta was complete and utter trash. The Sony studios are really focusing heavily on Call of Dutying their games, as evidenced by the fact that KZ3, R3, UC3, and S4 ALL have Call of Duty elements in them, which is stupid. They're just shooting themselves in the foot.

10-14-2011, 12:14 PM
UC2 before all the patches was fun as hell. I loved it. After UC2 it was okay, but nothing special. The UC3 beta was complete and utter trash. The Sony studios are really focusing heavily on Call of Dutying their games, as evidenced by the fact that KZ3, R3, UC3, and S4 ALL have Call of Duty elements in them, which is stupid. They're just shooting themselves in the foot.


10-14-2011, 08:04 PM
New TV Commercial:


10-14-2011, 08:08 PM
Can't wait for November 1st to get my hands on this game; really looking forward to another well-crafted single-player experience.

Just hope that UC3 doesn't re-use the "twist" from the first two games where all of a sudden there are supernatural enemies about halfway through the game. I can understand not wanting your gamers to get bored by fighting the same enemies over and over, but this happening again in UC3 will show a significant lack of innovation in terms of this facet of design.

10-18-2011, 11:22 AM
I'm glad I didn't play any of the UC3 multiplayer... (language NSFW)


10-18-2011, 11:24 AM
I think I might ask for this for Christmas.

I OU a Beatn
10-18-2011, 12:52 PM
Yep, it's a huge noobfest. I played for about an hour and quit.

10-18-2011, 01:13 PM
I could care less about the MP. Co-op and story is all I care about.

I OU a Beatn
10-18-2011, 01:24 PM
Yeah, but I'm not going to fork over $60 for an 8 hour long campaign I'll play maybe twice. I think it's baffling how they had a very good multiplayer to start UC2, and then ruin it after the patches, and then top it off by making it even worse for UC3. Sony clearly doesn't know how to develop an online shooter, that's for sure. Luckily, Sony's titles drop fairly quickly, so it should be around the $30 or $40 range fairly quickly.

10-18-2011, 01:25 PM
dude it better not be an 8 long , that is a rip off.Metal Gear solid is twice as long ha.

10-18-2011, 01:33 PM
dude it better not be an 8 long , that is a rip off.Metal Gear solid is twice as long ha.UC1 & UC2 were right around 10 hours or so each.

I'm going to Red Box this one... I love Uncharted but I can't see paying $60 for games hardly at all anymore; I regret paying $40 for RAGE.

I OU a Beatn
10-18-2011, 02:04 PM
I beat U2 on Crushing in 7 1/2 hours. There's nothing wrong with that, but I'm not paying $60 for that when the multiplayer is so bad it's unplayable. I'd say on average it's 8-12 hours long for most people, which is the standard for this type of game.

10-18-2011, 07:07 PM
dude it better not be an 8 long , that is a rip off.Metal Gear solid is twice as long ha.

Yeah, but if you're only talking gameplay, that's about the same play length. :P

And I say that as somebody who thoroughly enjoyed the Metal Gear Solid experience. Can't deny there's a lot of idle chatter in that series though.

10-19-2011, 09:52 AM

*Whisper to self* Don't get sucked into buying it... don't get sucked into buying it... don't get sucked into buying it... don't get sucked into buying it.

10-19-2011, 09:55 AM

*Whisper to self* Don't get sucked into buying it... don't get sucked into buying it... don't get sucked into buying it... don't get sucked into buying it.

F*ck that looks awesome.

10-19-2011, 02:20 PM
UC1 & UC2 were right around 10 hours or so each.

I'm going to Red Box this one... I love Uncharted but I can't see paying $60 for games hardly at all anymore; I regret paying $40 for RAGE.

I love RAGE but I think I will have it beaten around the 8-10 hour mark on hard, most of my time played has been just standing in one spot while I am chasing the kids.

I beat U2 on Crushing in 7 1/2 hours. There's nothing wrong with that, but I'm not paying $60 for that when the multiplayer is so bad it's unplayable. I'd say on average it's 8-12 hours long for most people, which is the standard for this type of game.

Any single player game that takes me more than around 10 hours is pushing it especially if its a shooter, now RPG's are something different because you expect them to be time sinks, but shooters have no business being more than 10 hours. Plus I have a life so after awhile they just get boring.

10-19-2011, 02:50 PM
Any single player game that takes me more than around 10 hours is pushing it especially if its a shooter, now RPG's are something different because you expect them to be time sinks, but shooters have no business being more than 10 hours. Plus I have a life so after awhile they just get boring.

I think the 10 hour average is fine for this type of game. I am one of those who usually doubles the average because I like to suck in the atmosphere of a game, take in all the sights and search for any collectables a game might have. Really boils down to how you want to spend you entertainment dollar.

Just looked at my stats in Dead Island. 52 hours. 20 of those hours were clicking on pieces of luggage, collecting money and deodorant soap. :P A few short games would be a nice break for me.

10-19-2011, 05:26 PM
Wow really disappointed online play is that awful. I really enjoyed UC1 and UC2's story modes and was definitely leaning on a launch day purchase. Might just rent it from GameFly or wait for a price drop.

10-19-2011, 05:35 PM
UN3 MP should just be left out.This is not a game for online .Darn you cod .....

10-24-2011, 11:10 AM
IGN gives it a perfect 10. (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/121/1210241p1.html?utm_campaign=twposts&utm_source=twitter)

10-24-2011, 12:01 PM
wow a peer 10 eh.Must be a good hit then.Not normally would an mainly off line game gets that.

I OU a Beatn
10-24-2011, 12:08 PM
Whoever wrote the IGN has to be smoking crack. A great online shooter? Is he retarded? His review of the SP seems spot on and I'll definitely play through it(UC1 and 2 are some of the best campaigns ever so I'm sure UC3 wont disappoint), but you'd have to be fucking stupid to think the competitive online is any good.

I might actually get this on release day. I'm starting to pile up a ton of credit with Amazon, so once I get enough for MW3, Halo Anny, and AC: Revelations, UC3 is next on my list, and I'm really close as it is.

10-24-2011, 07:21 PM

39 reviews posted to Metacritic so far; all Positive.

12 of the 39 reviews are perfect 100's.
9 reviews between 99 and 95.
15 reviews between 90 and 94.
3 reviews giving an "80" score.

10-24-2011, 11:24 PM
3 people giving it an 80? That is it, cancelling my preorder and sending profane letter to Naughty Dog.

10-25-2011, 08:40 AM
Well one of the last 10's IGN gave was Grand Theft Auto IV. Red Dead Redemption was much better than that.

10-31-2011, 09:15 AM
Getting this bad boy from GameFly (its on its way) and then I can immediately buy it "used" for $45. Love me some GameFly :nod:

10-31-2011, 02:25 PM
Just got the Uncharted 1 & 2 dual box set. nice!

11-02-2011, 10:29 AM
Anyone played this bad boy yet. I am anticipating getting it in the mail today from GameFly.

11-02-2011, 11:00 AM
I started last night. Not very far at all but love it so far. It's like playing a movie. Voice acting is the best I've ever seen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-03-2011, 09:29 AM
I started last night. Not very far at all but love it so far. It's like playing a movie. Voice acting is the best I've ever seen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Got this bad boy in the mail yesterday from GameFly. I'm tempted to just pay the $45 now and buy it "used". Going to try to pop it in this weekend and work my way through some of the story mode.

I OU a Beatn
12-21-2011, 05:56 PM
Finally got around to playing this. First 3 or 4 hours were absolutely boring as hell. As with all games, I stick it out regardless, and thank God I did, because the last 7 or 8 hours are just as good as Uncharted 2. I had forgotten just how amazing Naughty Dog is at developing games and it's definitely got me anticipating The Last of Us and the inevitable Uncharted 4.

Now I just need to beat it on Crushing, which I assume is going to be one of those games that I nearly have an aneurysm over. :D

Massive Meat
12-23-2011, 08:42 PM
just beat it last night. fantastic game. the graphics are incredible

I OU a Beatn
12-25-2011, 04:17 PM

Way harder than 1 & 2.

12-28-2011, 01:38 PM

Way harder than 1 & 2.

Congrats on the Plat! I have somehow allowed this one to slip out of my playing cycle. I think I'm like 33% the way through my 1st playthrough although if you are claiming it was harder than 1 or 2 I doubt I go for the Plat.

I OU a Beatn
12-28-2011, 02:43 PM
It was harder for me, but I also hadn't touched my PS3 in probably 6 months before starting Uncharted 3, so I was extremely rusty. I died three times as much on Normal(my first playthrough) as I did on Crushing, so I definitely did better the more I played. There's about 3 really potentially brutal parts on Crushing, but once you get through those, it's not bad.

Fantastic game, though. I enjoyed it as much if not more than Uncharted 2.

01-09-2012, 09:04 AM
Finally got around to playing this. First 3 or 4 hours were absolutely boring as hell. As with all games, I stick it out regardless, and thank God I did, because the last 7 or 8 hours are just as good as Uncharted 2. I had forgotten just how amazing Naughty Dog is at developing games and it's definitely got me anticipating The Last of Us and the inevitable Uncharted 4.

Now I just need to beat it on Crushing, which I assume is going to be one of those games that I nearly have an aneurysm over. :D

Finally started it last night. About an hour in and yeah it's kinda boring. The storyline is cool but it's way too scripted and a ton of cut scenes. Graphics are awesome as always.

I OU a Beatn
01-09-2012, 12:17 PM
It doesn't pick up until after the first two or three hours, but then, it's right on par with Uncharted 2. Just hang in there a little longer!

01-09-2012, 12:48 PM
It doesn't pick up until after the first two or three hours, but then, it's right on par with Uncharted 2. Just hang in there a little longer!

Oh I'll definitely hang in there as this is one of my favorite game series. UC2 was a little slow to start as well with the museum robbery and such but this one seemed way too scripted.

07-11-2012, 11:21 AM
Started it last night (after getting the awesome Collector's edition for $30) and I'm at chapter 6 now. It's most definitely an Uncharted game (which is a good thing). Awesome voice acting, good amount of action (though I think Mass Effect's cover and shooting mechanics are better), and a story that's keeping me interested. Most importantly, http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/129934.gif

07-11-2012, 11:50 AM
Started it last night (after getting the awesome Collector's edition for $30) and I'm at chapter 6 now. It's most definitely an Uncharted game (which is a good thing). Awesome voice acting, good amount of action (though I think Mass Effect's cover and shooting mechanics are better), and a story that's keeping me interested. Most importantly, http://www.rankopedia.com/CandidatePix/129934.gif

Meh I always liked the blonde better. Just sayin'

07-11-2012, 11:58 AM
Meh I always liked the blonde better. Just sayin'

http://rlv.zcache.com/youre_bananas_tshirt-p235170371436035401b78ey_400.jpgJust sayin'. :p

07-11-2012, 12:43 PM

07-12-2012, 03:44 PM
Well, I'm at the point where Uncharted 3 becomes an Uncharted game. Ridiculous amounts of enemies everywhere, all needing copious amounts of bullets to die. One even took multiple grenades from a grenade launcher to go down. It's the one thing about the series that I never really liked. The insane amount bullet-sponge enemies when it's time for another action piece.

07-12-2012, 05:00 PM
Well, I'm at the point where Uncharted 3 becomes an Uncharted game. Ridiculous amounts of enemies everywhere, all needing copious amounts of bullets to die. One even took multiple grenades from a grenade launcher to go down. It's the one thing about the series that I never really liked. The insane amount bullet-sponge enemies when it's time for another action piece.

Wow other than "at the end" I don't really remember that in UC3 (at least with "heavy" weapons like RPGs, etc..). I need to get on my Crushing playthrough now though so perhaps its more of that as I only played through on Normal.

07-12-2012, 05:16 PM
Wow other than "at the end" I don't really remember that in UC3 (at least with "heavy" weapons like RPGs, etc..). I need to get on my Crushing playthrough now though so perhaps its more of that as I only played through on Normal.

The cruise ship. There's a guy with a really big gun and armor. I had to hit him with 2 Hammer blasts for him to go down.

07-12-2012, 05:47 PM
The cruise ship. There's a guy with a really big gun and armor. I had to hit him with 2 Hammer blasts for him to go down.

Oh yeah I considered him a "Boss Battle" for some reason and thought you were referring to just your "normal" gun fights.

I OU a Beatn
07-12-2012, 07:54 PM
Wait til you get to the sand part with the road block. They really overkilled it there with too many enemies, especially on the harder difficulties. There's another bitch part during the sand in low visibility. Also, after that is yet another bitch part. Enjoy. :D

07-12-2012, 08:24 PM
Just beat it.

I played it on Easy. I know how Uncharted games overkill on enemies and I really just wanted to get through the story.

07-13-2012, 12:26 PM
Wait til you get to the sand part with the road block. They really overkilled it there with too many enemies, especially on the harder difficulties. There's another bitch part during the sand in low visibility. Also, after that is yet another bitch part. Enjoy. :D

4 me personally the most difficult gun fight I had was right before you get on the plane and once you are seen guys with RPGs sit at the top along with snipers and on the bottom there are the heavily armored guys. The sand storm didn't bother me much. I just ran around randomly and never aimed. :nod:

07-13-2012, 01:03 PM
Pre-plane was a b! The section with the machine gun trucks was one too!

And how in the world could Drake not eat or drink for 3 days yet have enough energy to get into 3 gunfights?

08-07-2012, 08:40 PM
More DLC & Content coming to U3:

the 1.13 update for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception installs a pipeline for weekly DLC updates to the multiplayer side. Each week will bring a new flood of items and other goodies, either unlockable in-game by leveling up and completing certain actions, or purchased directly through the game with micro-transactions.

There's also a new Sniper/Pistole game type for online matches, and a Tournament feature where players will be gifted 10 tickets each week that can be used to participate in special tournaments – don't worry, if you run out of tickets, you can always purchase more with real-life cash.

Courtesy: Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2012/08/07/uncharted-3s-v1-13-update-adds-tournaments-micro-transactions/#continued)



08-27-2012, 03:29 PM
Ok, finally finished it. Got to say I was highly, highly disappointed. The ending was crap. The storyline about half way through pretty much lost me. The great things about 1 and 2 was I was into the storyline and trying to find whatever it was at the end. This one I couldn't even remember what was going on and then in the end they are just looking for something in the water, wtf? And I ruin their plans soo easily by a cutscene that shoots the crane?

The hallucination scenes were irritating as well and there wasn't any big cliff hanger at the end.

Personally I hope they take a break from this series. Hopefully the Last of Us is their new project for awhile.

02-26-2013, 11:09 AM
After a few months of dropping hints our secret is ready to be made public. We are extremely fortunate to have some of the most devoted and amazing fans in gaming and we wanted to introduce those fans, and the world of UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer, to as many people as possible. We also wanted everyone who plays our multiplayer game to engage with it in a way that best suits their own unique play styles. So, it’s time to go big and grow our community even more. With that, we’re thrilled to announce that UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Multiplayer is going Free-to-Play!


Once you download the Free-to-Play game from the PS Store you can hop online and play for as long as you want, as much as you want, up to Level 15. Upon reaching Level 15, you’re welcome to continue to play as long as you want without paying a penny more. We’ll continue to track your earned experience points as you play, although you won’t be able to unlock or access them. However should you choose to unlock the level cap, we’ll retroactively apply those achievements to your profile and we’ll continue to allow you to build up your profile right from where the Level 15 cap stops you. Although if you choose not unlock the level cap or purchase anything you’ll be missing out on a slew of cool in-game items and downloadable content we have made for the game to date.

More info here (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/02/26/uncharted-3-multiplayer-goes-free-to-play-today/)

02-26-2013, 11:22 AM
so... if i still have/own this game do i need to download the multi-player game too or just use it to go online?

02-26-2013, 02:50 PM
so... if i still have/own this game do i need to download the multi-player game too or just use it to go online?

If I understand it correctly, this free MP is of no benefit to existing game owners. It is designed for people who don't have the game so they can download the MP aspect only and level up to Lvl 15. After that, they can keep playing but will not get any additional perks until they spend some money.

02-26-2013, 05:14 PM
OK I just played online and NOT surprisingly I suck. I really don't get multi-player shooters. Guys seem to find me and never miss and I cannot find people until its too late and when I do I always miss. :smh:

02-26-2013, 06:52 PM
OK I just played online and NOT surprisingly I suck. I really don't get multi-player shooters. Guys seem to find me and never miss and I cannot find people until its too late and when I do I always miss. :smh:

That's because you're not 12 playing this 10 hours a day.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

02-26-2013, 09:40 PM
That's because you're not 12 playing this 10 hours a day.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

I mean it was insane. It's like they have radar for you and they pop up out of nowhere and then one shot boom your dead. If I get a shot off I either miss or hit the chest which takes like 10 shots before death and another guy comes in and kills me and the guy I was in a gun battle with.

10-29-2013, 05:40 PM