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View Full Version : Rumor: EA SPORTS working on new NFL Blitz

11-20-2010, 04:42 PM
From Giant Bomb (http://www.giantbomb.com/news/rumor-ea-sports-working-on-new-nfl-blitz/2740/):

Let's start with a little bit of history. Back when EA Sports announced that it was bringing back Midway's classic NBA Jam franchise for a new generation, we got word that Electronic Arts had picked up the rights to multiple Midway sports franchises, including NFL Blitz. While I don't think this will eventually translate into a new release called RedCard Soccer 20-13 or anything crazy like that, it sounds like EA is preparing to develop a new entry in another classic Midway series.

I got a phone call a few weeks ago from an industry insider! A tipster, if you will! The content of the call was brief and without much to go on, but the crux of the call was crystal clear. Electronic Arts is beginning work on a new NFL Blitz game. It sounds like the game is going to be developed at EA's Tiburon studio, which makes sense both because it's where EA makes its football games and it's also where one of the creators of the Blitz series, Mark Turmell, is currently serving as the Senior Creative Director.

Other details are scarce, which is unsurprising since the game is said to be very, very early in the development process, but I also heard that the game would be released on multiple consoles and that it probably wouldn't hit until 2012. I checked in with EA for an official confirmation of the project, but as I'm sure you're well aware, EA "doesn't comment on rumors or speculation."

So, obviously, you should take this as purely unofficial. It's a rumor. But I heard it from a trustworthy source, so I feel OK about passing the word along. Considering NBA Jam received a lot of critical attention earlier this year, I'm not surprised that EA is looking to branch out into more arcade-style sports games. And, let's face it, I totally effing love the arcade versions of NFL Blitz. That style of gameplay hasn't been done properly for quite some time and it feels like it has tons of potential, especially with NBA Jam already out there.

If I hear anything else, I'll pass it along.


I don't think I ever played NFL Blitz. Anyone here have some history with it?

IMO, NBA Jam is really well done so it makes sense for them to try and branch out with more arcade versions of titles. I could be wrong, but I'd guess they are a nice way to make some money back on expensive licenses, appeal to a different crowd (as compared to Madden NFL base), and may not cost as much as Madden NFL to produce.

11-20-2010, 05:49 PM
I love NFL Blitz. I used to play 2001 on the Nintendo 64 all the time.

11-20-2010, 06:02 PM
I don't think I ever played NFL Blitz. Anyone here have some history with it?You can't be serious.

Seriously ... you can't be serious.

Seriously ... you seriously can't be serious.

( Why so serious? )

Go to your nearest Dave & Buster's. Or whatever is the Nebraskan equivalent of Dave & Buster's ... and play it. I'm sure it's still there.

NFL Blitz was easily one of my favorite arcade games ... and probably my second favorite sports arcade game ever. (NBA Jam not #1, fyi) Basically, everything outlandish that you can do in NBA Jam ... imagine that in football. And they do it. Ridiculously over the top tackles. Late hits. Repeated late hits. Tackles that more resemble body slams. I want to say there was "on fire" too, but I may be wrong about that.

And, of course, everyone's favorite: Ridiculously cheating Rubberband AI. :D

The biggest problem is that the NFL really cracked down on what they'll allow in their games over the years. With the newfound focus on eliminating violent hits, I cannot see them allowing a licensed game that is all about late hits, violent hits, and things you would never see on Sunday.

11-20-2010, 09:33 PM
Man I loved the hits in Blitz. And I always like hitting the guys late, so much fun.

I OU a Beatn
11-21-2010, 12:55 AM
NFL Blitz on PS2 was absolutely the single most fun game I've ever played in my life. There was nothing better than inviting a friend over and just beating the hell out of each other on the virtual gridiron over and over and over. The ones for this generation so far have sucked, but if they manage to pull it off, I would definitely buy it in a heart beat.

11-21-2010, 11:53 AM
Never cared for it and has always been, in my opinion, the reason for some of these guys playing Madden and NCAA football like it's an arcade game (and expecting it to play like that) instead of playing it like a real football simulation.

11-21-2010, 05:40 PM
Oh please tell me this isn't true. We already have one NFL game that lacks sim and realism, we don't need another one.

11-21-2010, 08:03 PM
How is this a rumor? I thought it was already a forgone conclusion that there was going to be a Madden 12? :P

11-22-2010, 09:13 AM
I played NFL Blitz to death on the N64. I would love to see a remake if it's exactly like the old school one. I don't want to see a watered down version though. (Thanks No Fun League)

11-22-2010, 10:16 AM
I played the hell out of this back in 98 in the dorms of my freshman year of college....I don't have as much love for Blitz as I did for NBA Jam though.

11-22-2010, 09:52 PM

"A trailer teasing the reveal of new game announcements that will be made at the 2010 Video Game Awards show includes a brief glance of an NFL football game. That hints at an NFL licensed product being unveiled at the show which takes place on the evening of Saturday December 11th. With the recent rumor leaking that EA Sports is planning to revive NFL Blitz that would likely be the best bet as to what is coming but it isn’t a certainty."

11-22-2010, 11:30 PM
Ironic that they're cracking down on hits though :D

11-25-2010, 10:43 PM
Ironic that they're cracking down on hits though :DWell, that's why Pasta, and I agree with him, has speculated that somehow the NFL is going to force EA's hand into making NFL Blitz more like NFL Tour ... toned down hits with only the "arcade" aspect of it making it seem like Blitz. If so, it'll suck.