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View Full Version : NBA 2K Sliders not truly Global

08-10-2019, 01:01 PM
When you adjust sliders in NBA 2K or switch difficulties it appears that the overall sliders just move up and down. As soon as you adjust any slider it moves from the default setting (like All-Pro) to “Custom”. However, Da_Czar confirmed on OS that the level you start at DOES matter. There are other adjustments behind the scenes that affect things. So it does matter what difficulty level you start at even if you end up with the same numbers.

Quote Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Difficulty levels AFAIK have always been more than just sliders. It is just sliders are the only thing you can see. Even with all the frontend sliders, there will always be more tools and tunings on the backend that you will not have access to.

Also If I understand you correctly I believe I shared in the past that whatever level you start editing your sliders from is the difficulty level your playing on.

So if you goto HOF and then edit sliders from there all the stuff you can't see or edit is on HOF level. So pick the level you want to play on and edit your sliders from there.

08-10-2019, 01:02 PM
Something weird happened where I can’t edit that first post and quote it properly.

Here is the OS link: https://forums.operationsports.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2049865273&postcount=242