View Full Version : State of Decay 2 (XB1)

05-17-2018, 10:12 PM
So, who else is excited for Tuesday? I LOVED the first State of Decay and I have been anxiously awaiting this one!

And in fact, I don't even have to wait until Tuesday. Because I loved SD1 so much, and to show my love for the developers (and the still cheap price point of this game), I pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition (or whatever the hell it's called) for State of Decay 2, which grants you early access to the game 4 days early. So I'm digging into this baby tonight as soon as the Rockies game is over!

In fact, I'm actually contemplating switching the Rockies-Giants game from the TV to my laptop so I can still watch the game, but dive into this baby right at midnight.

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05-18-2018, 07:13 AM
I just played it for four to five hours. I have gamepass but knew I would end up getting the DLC so I bit the bullet. Honestly it's a bigger, somewhat prettier and far more customizable version of SOD1. It is still janky as all get out and I have run across some crazy bugs, like multiple cases of my partner warping back to base for no reason at all. It is getting hammered by quite a few sites for the jank, bugs and graphics a bit too harshly for what is a budget game at $30 (the rest paid for the upcoming DLC). The game is just a blast to play. The combat is really good out in the open (indoors, especially at night is a cluster**** waiting to happen). Scavenging is still a blast and all the extra customizing of bases, etc, ticks most of the boxes of what I enjoy. It really is overwhelming at times with all of the things at your disposal and decisions to make. Night time is crazy. Just dark as all get out. Love it and hate it all the same time, seeing the sun rise after a long night is a pleasure.

Completely ruined my first play-though by not defending my base (watchtowers are your friend) and we had a level of depression among the group that would make a emo person blush. Lost one player in the melee and followed it up by losing one of the two original starting characters you get to pick from during a night attack on a plague heart which was completely on me. I spent too much time trying to blindly dodge in tight spaces while the AI controlled player got trapped and devoured before I could get to him. Made plenty of other mistakes so I just chalked it up to lessons learned and started a new group. Did not help that I spent the first few hours playing w/o a partner and that kills you in regards to resources. Two players plus a car = lots of rucksacks. Nice touch making vehicles run out of gas and most vehicles you find on the road are completely empty and many that require a repair also. Adds another management tick while trying to gather as many supplies as possible.

They also throw out achievements like crazy, I had 20 in the time I played it.

05-18-2018, 11:04 AM
Yeah, I love that you have to actually manage your gas now when driving and that you can't just jump into any car you come upon on the map.

I posted some brief early impression last night for someone over on OS, I'll grab that post and copy it over here.

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05-18-2018, 11:36 AM
Here's the first two hours in impressions I gave someone on OS.

To those that have played it what are your first impressions? I'm not able to play it right now so was just wonder and am a little nervous because I've been hearing that the game isn't that good.

I'm enjoying it. Granted, I've only played the tutorial and founded a safe house with the initial four person community you start with fresh out of the tutorial, and then started a second community that I skipped the tutorial on and rolled (and rerolled numerous times) the three characters until I got skill combinations that I liked.

I've probably put about an hour into both of the communities, the tutorial community in the plateau map and the non-tutorial community in the valley map.

It's definitely different. If you're expecting SoD1 with a fresh coat of paint, you'll either be surprised or disappointed. The outposts are different. You only get two at your starter safe house, so don't expect to set up this massive zone of protection like you could at Snyder Trucking in the first game.

I haven't set up one yet, so other than knowing that you get access to the supply locker and can switch active characters, I don't know what all else you can do or get from outposts in this one.

You can still set up special outposts and get a supply of food, medicine, etc coming in like you could in the first game, but outposts are expensive early on, so you're better off just looting all supplies and staches and taking them home early on.

You can also seemingly set up outposts just about anywhere. I saw that you can set up outposts in houses, garages, billboards, even cell towers (you get boosted radio range as a bonus for that).

Expect to do lots of walking/running. Vehicles run on gas. If you run out of gas and you're not carrying any extra, have fun on foot.

One negative that I seriously disagree with, you can no longer board up windows in buildings. Apparently not many people bothered in the first game or something, so they took that out of the second. I personally boarded up windows in every building I entered, both so I could search and gather supplies in safety, but also so if I got stranded or into trouble somewhere, I could fall back to a boarded up, barricaded and fortified structure to either fight the horde to the death or try and sneak out the back door while the zombies go to town on boards over the windows at the front door. Now that option is stripped from me and that is one thing I really dislike.

Another thing I've noticed, and this might just be because I haven't played the first game since the Xbox One Year One edition was first released a long while back, but to me, nights seem a LOT darker. Even sitting here in a dark room in real life, I struggled to spot nearby zombies while crawling around the neighborhood in the middle of the night. About the only sure way to even know exactly where one was nearby was from their glowing eyes. Without that, I probably would have walked right into a couple. There is some moonlight that does help in areas, but God help you if you're in an area with a lot of trees. I've had no problem mowing through zombies so far in my time playing and never felt worried like I might die, but out in the extreme dark of night, hearing growling and groaning nearby but not being able to see exactly where, yeah, I'm actually sort of fearful going out at night. I ended up hanging out home base until I quit and called it a night, and when I pick things back up tomorrow, I'm likely going to remain around home base until the sun comes back up.

One early positive, the map feels huge. The yards of every house are massive. I don't know about elsewhere on the map, but at least in the starting area of the two maps I've been on, they are nothing like the first game game with a bunch of close houses and small yards with tight alleys and walkways and paths. In 2, you can walk out the back door of a house and find yourself looking at 15-20 yards (or more) of open grass before getting to the property boundary fence. The properties feel massive, the open land and yards feel massive, even just standing in the middle of the road and looking down the road can feel massive.

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05-18-2018, 12:06 PM
The reviews are pretty bad so far, but you guys make it seem like it's decent. I had cancelled my pre-order.

05-18-2018, 01:35 PM
The reviews are pretty bad so far, but you guys make it seem like it's decent. I had cancelled my pre-order.I haven't read any of the reviews, so I don't know what reasons they're giving for it being bad or negatives, but other than not being able to board up and barricade windows anymore, I'm really enjoying it. I loved and played the absolute hell out of the first game, and so far I'm enjoying this one.

One thing I've noticed, you're going to have to keep a closer eye on your resources. I can't remember the specifics, I'll have to get in-game to double check, but there seemed to be some changes and an increase in the number of resources, and how they're drained. The morale system also seemed to be revamped from the sounds of it in the How to Play menu on the main title screen.

Again, I'm still very early in the game, only an hour into both my tutorial and non-tutorial created communities, I've only searched and cleared a handful of houses in each, only just set up my home base in each, and it's currently the middle of the first night in each, so I've only just scratched the surface.

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05-18-2018, 06:16 PM
The reviews are pretty bad so far, but you guys make it seem like it's decent. I had cancelled my pre-order.

Reviewers are hating it but most of the streamers that I follow are loving it. If you liked the original you should love this.

You can always buy one month of Gamepass and play it for $9.99 for a month.

05-18-2018, 10:50 PM
Well I put a shit load of hours into the first one. You talked me back into it. :D

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05-18-2018, 11:18 PM
Well I put a shit load of hours into the first one. You talked me back into it. :D

Hey if you are down for some co-op sometime, my XBL is BoomerandSooner.

05-18-2018, 11:35 PM
Hey if you are down for some co-op sometime, my XBL is BoomerandSooner.Will do! You know mine haha

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05-19-2018, 01:34 AM
Count me in! I haven't done any actual co-op yet, just single player stuff. I know I have JB on PS4, not sure about on One. Feel free to shoot me a request, SmoothPancakes.

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05-19-2018, 08:46 AM
If we can get a three man team it would be great. Just prefer to play on one of your maps, so I can actually relax a little and just kill some zeds. I love all the micromanaging and my 2nd run has been great so far (day 5, 4 people, 3 outposts and everyone is happy) but it would be nice to not have to worry about that for a while. Even in my second run I am spending 90% of my time scavenging. Pissing off humans left and right but have not been attacked so far. One enclave just moved away after I told them they could not have a rucksack of bullets.

I have learned the workbench is the first thing to build. Create a bunch bombs which is the best way to take out those plague hearts quickly. Plus you can repair weapons which has been a big bonus to preserving those special items you get for pre-ordering. Leave the bullets for the bloaters, screamers and ferals. Only killed two Juggernauts but best way for me was dodge like crazy and slash when he stops.

05-19-2018, 04:20 PM
Someone over on OS asked for more impressions last night, so I posted the following. I am loving, loving, loving this game, I couldn't even care less about the occasional bug or glitch that I've seen, I'm having a blast, and the bugs and glitches will eventually get sorted out and fixed in a patch anyways.

So I'm not sure if the game continues "living" even while you're offline like the first one did. I got back on tonight in my non-tutorial community and I didn't notice anything missing or lower supplies. Granted half the community supplies were still at zero because I was only an hour in and hadn't built up the community properly yet.

I'm currently hiding out on a billboard during the middle of night 3, waiting for dawn of day 4. It feels just like the first game did to me so far with some changes and additions.

So far I've managed to get my population up to five with the addition of two strangers. Put up a watchtower, machine shop and infirmary in my three available spaces. I still don't have any outposts. Outposts are a lot more expensive than I remember them being in the first game. To put an outpost in a house costs 400 influence. I have yet to spend any influence at all after probably 4 or 5 hours of gameplay and I'm only up to 465 influence currently, which I'm saving up for the 1,000 influence I need to move to my next home site.

I don't know if it's the best home site you can have in Meagher Valley, but I discovered Mazzara Farm while helping a stranger find his buddy. It's a big ass site like Snyder Trucking in the first game. It comes with existing country kitchen, well house, crew house, grain silo storage and two parking spots, with the ability to build on 2 large slots, 1 small indoor slot and 2 small outdoor slots for a total of 5 additional facilities that you can choose.

Now that sounds pretty damn good to me, granted there might be something even bigger and better since I've only discovered at most 10-15% of the entire map via billboard and cell tower spotting.

Be ready for infestations up the ass. I've already destroyed 3 or 4 infestations and I'm looking at another four currently active infestations on the map right now. At least one or two seem to pop up 15-20 minutes in real time.

Also, be careful and try to keep various enclaves happy. While in the first game you never really had any dangerous enclaves of other human survivors, this time around, it's possible to piss off other survivor groups or have them turn hostile towards your group through your actions or choices, leading to war between you and other groups. And from what I've read, the AI doesn't suck at shooting in this game. One review talked about how they had trouble lining up headshots on an enemy survivor and one of their community members got shot and killed during a shootout. So make sure you work on training your people in the firearms and shooting skill, because it may come in handy.

And as I've been typing, a FIFTH infestation popped up down the road from my home site. It lead to an interesting comment from my follower about how if we don't start knocking down these infestations, we're going to have a siege on our hands. Now, as someone who really didn't watch any of the new features videos, I don't know if that's just a one-off comment, or if you let infestations go and build up on you, then it leads to something called sieges. I'm sort of intrigued at the possibility of zombie sieges.

Edit - So I'm not sure about "sieges" being in the game, but you do get hordes up the ass if you let a bunch of infestations build. I have 5 active infestations and at one point in the middle of night 4, there were 8 different hordes in my quarter of the map. Even right now there are still 5 active hordes and that's after killing 5 or 6 others I've come across.

Also best to wipe out infestations early. When an infestation forms, it has 6 zombies and 1 screamer inside. If you let it go long enough, that eventually increases to 8 zombies and 2 screamers. And if you still don't clear it yet, it eventually increases again to the point of 10 zombies and 3 screamers inside the building. Yeah, learn a lesson from uncle Pancakes. Four of my five active infestations have reached that 10 zombies/3 screamers level. Those are going to suck to actually clear out. Learn a lesson from me and clear your infestations out early while they're still small and easy.

One thing that I sort of dislike from the first to the second game, hordes are underwhelming. Most hordes are only 6 zombies and maybe a screamer in size. I have seen one or two that go up to 8 or 9 in size. But nothing like the massive roving 10-15 or more zombie hordes like there were in the first game. The first game, I would avoid hordes unless I was near outposts that had traps enabled or was in a vehicle. Now, I just go running in swinging and bashing and wipe them out.

There also seems to be a lack of special zombies so far. In 4 or 5 hours of gameplay, I've seen one bloater zombie and that's it. No juggernauts, no ferals, no other special zombies. So they seem to be a bit far and few inbetween in this game compared to the first. The only thing you have to really worry about is blood plague zombies as your characters can easily become infected with the blood plague from attacks by blood plague zombies. Then you gotta deal with the whole finding and making a cure that the tutorial started community has for the storyline.

Also, cars are definitely fewer than the first game. There's no more having your choice of a couple trucks, a couple two and four door cars and a cop car or two in one small neighborhood like the first game.

So far, in an area probably a quarter size of the map, I've located a working ambulance with 3/4ths of a tank of gas. A Rhames V with an empty tank that is your vehicle you abandon due to no gas at the start of the game. A Rhames V that does work and has 3/4ths of a tank of gas, though it's located next to an infestation. A Desperado that is both destroyed (needs to be repaired) and has an empty tank. A second destroyed and empty gas tank Desperado. A working military truck that has an empty gas tank. And a working passenger van with over 3/4ths of a tank, though that likely belongs to the nearby community of survivors that I'm supposed to meet at that house.

One quarter of the map, and only seven potential vehicles that can be used, and only three of them that actually have gas in them. Yeah, vehicles are a whole hell of a lot more rarer, special, and something you don't want to just go banging around and destroy while driving somewhere. You better do your best to make those babies last.

Edit - OK, now that it's daylight and I'm jogging the 750+ meters back to my home site, I've since come across one bloater that was walking and a second bloater just now that is lying in the middle of the road like a booby trap, as well as just watched a horde form right in front of me 20 yards away. So now I'm up to 3 bloaters so far for special zombie sightings.

Edit 2 - Well, I just had my first "shit my pants" moment. It's late at night, maybe 4 or 5am, it's just barely starting to get light out and you can just start to see more than 10 feet in front of you. I'm running a mission with a survivor of another enclave, going to save his buddy trapped in a garage. We get there and there's an infestation inside the house next door, a horde passing by, and out of nowhere, I get attacked by a feral while a juggernaut is 30 yards away. After literal minutes of hacking and slashing, there is a mound of probably 20 or 30 dead zombies on the ground and somehow the four of us come out of it alive (although both my people were near death levels of health. Thankfully the juggernaut seemed to disappear.

Or so I thought. As I was starting to type this up, with the map window pulled up, suddenly the map disappeared and I got yanked back into the world with the picture of a fucking juggernaut screaming next to my active character INSIDE my home site. It took dozens of gun shots from all 5 of my community members to get him down on his knees so one of my AI members could run up and kill him.

So make that 2 "shit my pants" moments in a matter of 10 minutes or so.

And now suddenly I'm seeing a lot of special zombies. I went from seeing none to having seen over two dozen bloaters, one feral and one juggernaut so far.

05-19-2018, 04:38 PM
If we can get a three man team it would be great. Just prefer to play on one of your maps, so I can actually relax a little and just kill some zeds. I love all the micromanaging and my 2nd run has been great so far (day 5, 4 people, 3 outposts and everyone is happy) but it would be nice to not have to worry about that for a while. Even in my second run I am spending 90% of my time scavenging. Pissing off humans left and right but have not been attacked so far. One enclave just moved away after I told them they could not have a rucksack of bullets.

I have learned the workbench is the first thing to build. Create a bunch bombs which is the best way to take out those plague hearts quickly. Plus you can repair weapons which has been a big bonus to preserving those special items you get for pre-ordering. Leave the bullets for the bloaters, screamers and ferals. Only killed two Juggernauts but best way for me was dodge like crazy and slash when he stops.

That would be awesome to get all three of us together. If either of you guys are on, absolutely feel free to message me and jump into my game. I'll always welcome help in killing zombies.

So far my non-tutorial custom community is coming along well. I'm in the middle of day 5, I have 5 people in my community, set up my first outpost at a food store, have happy morale. I built a workbench, an infirmary, and a guard post on the three open spaces in my initial home site. I found a great giant home site called Mazzara Farm last night, that reminds me of Snyder Trucking from the first game, giant home site, lots of spaces to build facilities, a bunch of good facilities already built in. I got my command center, storage facility, infirmary and workbench all upgraded to level 2 (so now my survivors all gradually auto-heal their wounds and injuries, I can make better stuff in the workbench, I can store up to 25 of each resource instead of only 15, and I have more stuff I can do on the radio while away from base).

I haven't pissed off any enclaves yet, I actually try to respond to most calls for help that I get. They usually result in a free rucksack of resources. Food and medicine seem to always be two of the options you can pick from, with a random pick of ammo, gas or building materials for the third option you can choose. It makes keeping my supplies topped off fairly easily without having to constantly loot buildings all the time.

I did have one enclave that up and entirely left the valley after I never responded to their radio call. But so far, I haven't pissed any off or started any wars.

As for special zombies, I've come across probably 20 bloaters, killed a couple, been ambushed by a couple, and avoided the rest. I was ambushed by one feral, thankfully my follower and the enclave survivor I was helping at the time killed it. I'm up to two or three juggernauts killed, with two of them attacking my community while I was inside my home site. I've also come across a couple armored zombies towards the end last night. It's funny, I went 3 entire days in-game and never saw any special zombies other than blood plague zombies. Now all of a sudden I'm getting swarmed with special zombies left and right.

05-19-2018, 08:27 PM
There is no offline progression this time. I prefer it this way because I hate to lose control over anything. Had the same situation with a Juggernaut attacking my home but he tried to enter through a small gate and got stuck and just kept trying to make his way in through it. Had to finally take it out of it's misery. Lost my first car due to a juggernaut showing up as we were filling it up with goodies. He will use that car against you. Ended up underneath the car at one point from one of his ground slams. Thankfully they have that Radio option to free yourself from being stuck. That should be a standard option in all Bethesda made games. ;)

Like you i skipped the tutorial on run 2. Love that you can keep refreshing characters to get a group exactly like you want. None of the tutorial startups really suited my tastes.

Edit: Forgot my headset was broken (can hear but no voice), can still join up but need to buy another one so we can shoot the shit.

05-19-2018, 09:08 PM
There is no offline progression this time. I prefer it this way because I hate to lose control over anything. Had the same situation with a Juggernaut attacking my home but he tried to enter through a small gate and got stuck and just kept trying to make his way in through it. Had to finally take it out of it's misery. Lost my first car due to a juggernaut showing up as we were filling it up with goodies. He will use that car against you. Ended up underneath the car at one point from one of his ground slams. Thankfully they have that Radio option to free yourself from being stuck. That should be a standard option in all Bethesda made games. ;)

Like you i skipped the tutorial on run 2. Love that you can keep refreshing characters to get a group exactly like you want. None of the tutorial startups really suited my tastes.

Edit: Forgot my headset was broken (can hear but no voice), can still join up but need to buy another one so we can shoot the shit.

Sweet, I do prefer it that way too. Disappear for a few days and come back in the first game, and my base would be deleted of supplies and all hell broken loose among the morale of the community. I'd rather just be able to save and call it a night and pick things up exactly where I left off.

:D I had the same thing last night. I'm still in the starter house on the valley map, a juggernaut tried to get inside my home site through the back gate, but couldn't fit. So I just stood there from 10 feet away popping in him in the head with my pistol over and over until he finally went down to his knees, then finished him off.

Agreed on the Bethesda comment. I love that they realized it would be a potential issue that they wouldn't necessarily be able to remove or fix, and so gave people a way to escape situations where they got irreversibly stuck. Bethesda absolutely should take note of such a feature.

I love the reroll feature too. I kept rerolling until I was happy with all three of my characters. Got a good mix of cardio, wits, fighting and shooting skills, and most importantly, one person had 6 out of 7 stars in the medicine skill and another had 5 out of 7 stars in the mechanic skill. Two vitally important skills to have, and I have them nearly maxed out from the very start of the game. My third person ended up with a 2 star gardening skill, which can be useful for future food production when I move to a larger home site.

Granted, having a survivor with only the four base skills and no specialty skills is also a good thing. I had a survivor I recruited who only had base skills. I found a book on computers, so I taught that survivor the computer skill and now I can upgrade my radio command center to level 3 in the future.

And while shooting the shit is always great, it still works well with this game. In this game, it's generally pretty clear what's happening and what's going on, so even without being able to talk, you can still work together with other people. Whoever is the session leader, they control and decide what happens since it is essentially their game/save file. And the rest just follows that person and kills zombies when necessary. Not much needs to be said there! And then when we do all have working mics, then we can shoot the shit!

05-19-2018, 10:20 PM
I was going to get this because I enjoyed the first one but I can't find a reason to bite on this one as it pretty much looks the same. I was hoping for a lot more stuff.

05-19-2018, 11:04 PM
Well shit. I ran into a hostile enclave. It was 3 on 2 gun battle, I managed to kill all three of them, but in the process my follower, who had a 6 out of 7 star Medicine skill died! Damnit! I was depending on that medicine skill. He was one of the three original survivors that I rolled to start the community. Now I gotta find a new medicine guy.

05-19-2018, 11:09 PM
I was going to get this because I enjoyed the first one but I can't find a reason to bite on this one as it pretty much looks the same. I was hoping for a lot more stuff.I mean, yeah, ultimately it is more of the same, though with the addition of co-op land the ability to move between the three maps, you can suck a map dry and move on and find a new area to scavenge and explore.

I played the hell out of the first game, and so far I am loving this game. Being able to have a follower with you every single time you go out helps. And you can switch between both you and your follower on the fly, so you can carry a hell of a lot of stuff back.

I'm already salivating at co-op with Bdoughty and JB, get the three of us rampaging through the game together. Hopefully we can find a fourth person, get a full four player co-op going and really kick some zombie ass.

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05-20-2018, 08:50 AM
Me and Smooth got some co-op last night. Worked pretty well outside of a few disconnects on my end and small lag but nothing unplayable. Also for some crazy reason it would let me use the door slam right when we joined up but after getting out and back in every door was off limits (happened both sessions). The way they split up and let everyone have certain loot crates to rummage through works well. Plus you can drop any item on the ground for someone else to get. Playing Co-op serves a solid purpose as you get to take back influence (basically money/player XP) and loot back to your base. Plus you get rewards for playing multiplayer after each session. In the two sessions it gave me a bunch of painkillers and other first aid items that may not seem like much for someone not playing this game but they are welcome to my lovable group of misfits.

A couple patches and we can really have something special here. Offline and Co-op.

Hope you are enjoying that new house. Got lucky an bought it 30 minutes later and nobody was inside it to begin with so we just rolled in. Then unlucky to have it attacked a by two hordes right after buying it and almost losing a new recruit.

By the way you really have to watch for bloaters laying in the road when playing. I screamed into the headset just a second before you hit one on our first go, realizing I had no mic as my player was melting from the green gas inside the truck. It took like 60% of my players health, thankfully my OCD requires me to keep at 100%. Just one of the fun little things that happen when you play SOD2.

We even had a Metal Gear Solid moment.


05-20-2018, 09:05 AM
I was going to get this because I enjoyed the first one but I can't find a reason to bite on this one as it pretty much looks the same. I was hoping for a lot more stuff.

How much stuff do you need my friend? I can give you stuff in game. Lots of stuff if necessary. Can drop stuff on the ground, let you dig into my stash for stuff, break down rucksacks full of stuff or you can dig in the back of my pick em up truck and get stuff from the back of the cab. Stuff can't be the issue because I can provide stuff out the wazoo. Stuff you never ever saw in the original game. Fresh stuff 100% guaranteed.

Also in regards to stuff, since the topic has not yet been exhausted. Each of the three maps in the game are as large as the whole map in SOD1. So more land = more stuff.

05-20-2018, 04:44 PM
Me and Smooth got some co-op last night. Worked pretty well outside of a few disconnects on my end and small lag but nothing unplayable. Also for some crazy reason it would let me use the door slam right when we joined up but after getting out and back in every door was off limits (happened both sessions). The way they split up and let everyone have certain loot crates to rummage through works well. Plus you can drop any item on the ground for someone else to get. Playing Co-op serves a solid purpose as you get to take back influence (basically money/player XP) and loot back to your base. Plus you get rewards for playing multiplayer after each session. In the two sessions it gave me a bunch of painkillers and other first aid items that may not seem like much for someone not playing this game but they are welcome to my lovable group of misfits.

A couple patches and we can really have something special here. Offline and Co-op.

Hope you are enjoying that new house. Got lucky an bought it 30 minutes later and nobody was inside it to begin with so we just rolled in. Then unlucky to have it attacked a by two hordes right after buying it and almost losing a new recruit.

By the way you really have to watch for bloaters laying in the road when playing. I screamed into the headset just a second before you hit one on our first go, realizing I had no mic as my player was melting from the green gas inside the truck. It took like 60% of my players health, thankfully my OCD requires me to keep at 100%. Just one of the fun little things that happen when you play SOD2.

We even had a Metal Gear Solid moment.

That was fun last night! I can't wait for us to get a 3 or 4 person team together! Other than the bit of lag at times, which hopefully can be cleared up with some behind the scenes work by Undead Labs, and the error codes and disconnects you had a couple times, it was pretty solid.

I didn't know that about the doors. Hopefully that's something that will be cleaned up in the day one patch on Tuesday.

I love how they handled loot. Every container I could loot was gold colored, bdoughty had blue containers of his own he could loot (I couldn't interact with them at all), I imagine if we added a third or fourth person, they too would have had their own containers to loot. So everyone does get to loot containers and gets to collect goodies to take back to their own games. All of that on top of the influence and skill experience that you gain as well. So your survivor that you bring into a friend's game still continues building up their skills and getting stronger/better, and you get a ton of free loot to take back to your own game without having to go through and clean out a bunch of buildings in your own world.

I didn't know that about the rewards you get after each session. That's awesome and gives an extra reason to not only play co-op in your own sessions, but also go and join other players sessions, knowing you'll get a nice big reward afterwards. I too would happily take a ton of painkillers and other first aid items. Those are the ones I am struggling with the most, I can't keep a supply of first aid items built up without completely depleting my Medicine resources.

Absolutely agreed, get some of the bugs patched up and a couple other things, and this game is going to be an absolute gem both solo and co-op. I'm hoping the day one patch (which I read somewhere is supposed to be pretty big in size) will squash a lot of the bugs and issues and clean things up right off the bat. Technically right now could still be considered early access/pre-release since the game doesn't even officially launch for another day.

And yeah, sorry about that bloater. I must have taken my eyes off the road ahead of us for a second and didn't notice it until I was already driving over it. I hate those damn bloaters that lay in the road. Goddamn zombie IEDs.

05-20-2018, 08:34 PM
Went to the one dept type store in town and got a really cheap headset to get by until I find one on Amazon that I really like and have the money to afford it. ;)

Let's make a simple rule which I am pretty sure we can agree on, no discussion of politics or religion. Also no discussion of OU choking to Georgia would be swell. :blush:

05-20-2018, 09:46 PM
Went to the one dept type store in town and got a really cheap headset to get by until I find one on Amazon that I really like and have the money to afford it. ;)

Let's make a simple rule which I am pretty sure we can agree on, no discussion of politics or religion. Also no discussion of OU choking to Georgia would be swell. :blush:

Awesome! I have a couple things to try to get my A50s working on Xbox One, hopefully they work. Otherwise, worst case, I'll just fall back to the old pair with the broken headband I used last night. At least the mic works on those.

And that rule works for me! :)

05-21-2018, 07:07 AM
And we start on new game #3. :fp:

I recruited three people so I could make a move. Did not look at their attributes and it bit me in the ass. One was a criminal and the other was lazy. Both started fights in the group immediately. Two of my mainstays threatened to leave if no action was taken. So I evicted the two bad apples and now the third guy who had great stats and attributes got mad and everything just went to crap. Ended up evicting everyone just to see their reactions to it. Have to admit they differed and in most cases matched the personality of the player. I even followed the last one, which you can't talk to anymore and they just kind walked around for a few minutes then went invincible.

The create a new group w/o tutorial could make for some interesting experiences with certain traits since you can constantly refresh players to get different abilities and traits.. Considering starting with three people who love to talk to plants.;)

05-21-2018, 04:58 PM
And we start on new game #3. :fp:

I recruited three people so I could make a move. Did not look at their attributes and it bit me in the ass. One was a criminal and the other was lazy. Both started fights in the group immediately. Two of my mainstays threatened to leave if no action was taken. So I evicted the two bad apples and now the third guy who had great stats and attributes got mad and everything just went to crap. Ended up evicting everyone just to see their reactions to it. Have to admit they differed and in most cases matched the personality of the player. I even followed the last one, which you can't talk to anymore and they just kind walked around for a few minutes then went invincible.

The create a new group w/o tutorial could make for some interesting experiences with certain traits since you can constantly refresh players to get different abilities and traits.. Considering starting with three people who love to talk to plants.;)

Yeah, paying attention to traits is important! My guy who died in that gun battle with another enclave a couple days ago was one who kept starting fights. I was sad about not having to deal with the fights anymore, but he was a 6 out of 7 star medicine skill, so that really hurt. And of course the person I end up recruiting and replacing him with later also begins starting fights. :fp: I haven't evicted anyone yet, but I might if one person keeps starting fights.

Thank god for having books that you can use to train certain skills to survivors, and having some survivors who you can recruit who have no extra skills beyond the four basic ones, so they can be trained new skills.

Oh yeah, I love the create a group option. That's the group I was playing with the other night when we teamed up. I roll and rerolled through probably 50 different random characters until I found the three that I liked with the skill sets that I liked and mostly decent traits.

And I finally figured out the headset issue. When I bought my Astro A50s, I bought the set with the PS4 base station. The Xbox One and the PS4 have different methods of handling audio and microphone. So when you connect the PS4 base station to the Xbox One, it will still give you full audio on the headset, however, the microphone will not work. So I just ordered an Xbox One base station last night. All I have to do is connect my headset on the base station for a few seconds to sync the headset with the Xbox One base station instead of it being currently synced with the PS4 base station and I'll have working mic and audio on the One. Then it'll just be a matter of syncing between the two base stations depending on if I want to use the headset on PS4 or One.

Thankfully, it wasn't as big an issue as it could have been. Before last summer, Astro Gaming didn't sell individual base stations, so I likely would have had to buy an entire second $300 headset and base station designed for use on the Xbox One. Thankfully last summer they started selling the base stations individually, so it's just a matter of buying the Xbox One base station and not having to buy an entire second headset.

Since I chose the faster shipping, 2-3 business days instead of 4-7, I'm hoping to have the XB1 base station here sometime between Wednesday and Friday. Since I only just placed the order last night, even if they got the order shipped out today, I seriously doubt it'd make it here by tomorrow, so Wednesday is likely the earliest. Until the base station arrives, if we end up teaming up again at all between now and then, I'll just roll with my old broken headset that can be plugged directly into the controller. At least that way I'll have a working mic. Only issue is the headband is broken, so the headset doesn't sit tight on the ears, which is more an annoyance than anything else.

05-21-2018, 10:40 PM
I need glasses or move closer to the TV. How many hours I have wasted not knowing this trick? Too many. Just need a parking space.


05-22-2018, 12:03 AM
I need glasses or move closer to the TV. How many hours I have wasted not knowing this trick? Too many. Just need a parking space.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOVo-lBbSTMOh yeah, I found out about that Saturday. If I'm just swinging by the base real quick to unload a ton of loot before heading right back out, I just do that, stand at the trunk, unload my stuff into the trunk and RT it all to storage. Saves time having to actually run into the base.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

05-23-2018, 09:59 PM
An update on my community. I am currently in the middle of day 19. I was planning a move to Camp Kelenqua, since my next goal for my builder legacy is to look for a new base for some "elbow room", but I decided to stay at Mazzara Farm and denied my survivor's request to look for a new base. After setting up a power outpost, I ditched my generator and built a hydroponics.

I got rid of my level 2 farm and built a staging area instead, which wipes out the -3 material per day costs from Barracks 2, Hydroponics and Infirmary 3. Then to put me in the positive, I have a temporary material outpost (gonna get rid of at some point for something else) and I get +1 material per day from Workshop 3, so I actually gain +2 materials per day right now.

In addition to the hydroponics and staging area, I have a Workshop 3, Infirmary 3 and Barracks 2 (so I have a total of 10 beds right now including the built-in ones).

Having hydroponics, with power and water, +30% Food Yield thanks to the "Fertile Soil" passive for being at Mazzara Farm, a Fertilizer mod that gives me +50% Food Yield and then boosting yields (+100% Food Per Day for 1 hour, 31 minutes) thanks to having knowledge of gardening, knowledge of agriculture and a hell of a lot of boxes of seeds, along with one food outpost that I established early in the game, I am currently producing 10.4 food/day.

I get +8.4 from hydroponics, +1 from the food outpost, and +1 because my leader has the Agriculture skill, which gives +1 food/day in addition to knowledge of gardening and knowledge of agriculture. And since I currently only have 9 survivors, I'm gaining +1.4 food per day. I could dump my food outpost and still gain +0.4 food per day. So I never have to worry about food again.

I do lose 2 meds per day because of having Infirmary 3, and since I only have one fuel outpost at the moment, I lose one fuel per day to my power outpost. Ammo and Parts are both at 0/day and because I have a survivor who has the skill Political Science, he gives me +25 Influence per day.

So I am pretty much self sufficient at Mazzara Farm. Drop the material outpost and pick up a second gas outpost would zero out the -2 gas per day that the power outpost uses. And if I can ever find that damn +2 outpost mod from a trader, I can pick up two medicine outposts and bam, I'll have every resource either zeroed out for costs per day or I'll actually be gaining resources per day.

As I said, I'm already on day 19 with my community, all of it in the Valley map, and I could stay conceivably forever. With gaining materials every day, I can keep breaking materials down into parts, so I'll always have parts to repair melee weapons and guns. I have four different ammo mods for my Workshop 3, so I can manufacture my own ammunition for 5.56mm, 7.62mm, .22, 9mm, .45, .357, .44 magnum and 12g shotgun shells. As well I can keep creating vehicle repair kits, quick vehicle repair kits, and all the explosives I could ever want as long as I have parts. As long as I have fuel resource, I can keep creating my own gas cans.

And now that I've destroyed all of the plague hearts and there are no active infestations, I'm up to 64 morale, or Enthusiastic as it's called. Got +200% global action speed, +200% global build action speed and +100% experience rate.

Now it's just a matter of finishing my builder legacy missions and getting that sweet sweet Amenities boon. The Amenities boon from the Builder legacy gives you automatic base-wide water and power at your base with zero costs or noise penalties. So my next community, I'll have water and power the instant I settle my first base and I'll never have to worry about fuel for the power or generators causing noise at my base ever again.

05-24-2018, 01:51 AM
Well, after 20 days (and 33 hours of gameplay), the Last Folks Standing Community has come to an end. I finished my final legacy mission for my Builder leader. Spent the last hour going through and loading up the inventories of all 8 heroes in my community with items I want to save and carry over to a new game. Rucksacks of food, medicine, ammo and gas, those two bitchin' anti-material rifles, the really good facility mods (gotta keep that Fertilizer mod that gives me +50% food yields and all the ammo pressing mods for my workshop), books to learn the necessary skills like computers, medicine, craftsmanship, utilities, chemistry, etc.

Everyone has 8-space backpacks, plus 2-3 pockets depending on their skills, so every single of the 8 heroes I can use in future communities are loaded down with one of my best melee weapons, one of my best guns, a rucksack, and 10-11 miscellaneous items (guns, melee weapons, textbooks, facility mods, the good explosives (napalm grenades, thermite grenades, box mines and fuel bombs, a crap ton of parts and circuitry, some vehicle repair toolkits and first aid kits. I even went so far as to completely dismantle every facility in my home site so I could take every last scrap of circuitry with me. No matter which ones I pick, whether I go with three or just one or two and a random to start my next community, I will be WELL prepared!

Edit - Well, thank god I loaded out my two new recruits as well! I thought only those who reached Hero status in your community would carry over and be selectable for future communities, but it turns out all they have to do is be members of the community, whether they be heroes or citizens. I lost one person on the final builder mission when the base was swarmed by probably 100 zombies, two ferals, a couple screamers, a couple bloaters and a juggernaut, but they were just a new recruit, not even citizen, with zero good skills, so I'm not going to miss them.

Now the challenge will be deciding who to take into my new community tomorrow. I want my maxed out automechanic, and my maxed out agriculture person for that sweet sweet food producing bonus to hydroponics, I also want my maxed munitions skill girl, and my guy with nearly maxed metalwork skill, and my guy with a maxed plumbing (and utilities) skill. Medicine I can find someone with in a new recruit or even teach to someone via textbook, so I'm not too concerned there, especially since my only survivor with a medicine skill is a zero star base medicine skill, not even an advanced skill, so I lose nothing with leaving them behind.

05-24-2018, 02:23 AM
Also, good news bdoughty! My Xbox One base station for my A50s will be arriving later today. It left Memphis around 8:30pm Wednesday night and as of midnight was sitting in Louisville. Supposed to be here between 2-6pm this afternoon. So I'll finally be able to chat and have a working mic while using my A50s instead of that old broken headset I've been using the last couple times we teamed up. I can also now volunteer to join a random's game and get that achievement since I'll have a mic and be able to communicate with them while I'm in their game.

05-24-2018, 08:43 AM
Good to hear. I always play offline so I can pause the game but anytime you want me to join or join in mine just send a quick message or Party invite.

I had my first run in with an enclave that hated me. All I did was ignore their requests which usually leads people to leave. I really hated to waste ammo so I just drove up to the door and honked my horn forcing the zombies to the house and forcing them out. Then it was just a case of running them over a few times. Was not wasting a single bullet on them and they went down after getting hit a couple times and then one finisher.

I went the tutorial route and took the broken up lesbian couple (shocking I know) specifically so I could play the Drucker county map I had not seen. Holy crap on a cracker, that map is evil. Everything is mountainous and side rails galore just waiting to trap your vehicle. A navigating nightmare that eats up gas since you rarely can go straight from point A to point B. Just about to move my group to the Movie Drive Through on the far side of the map. I do have an issue with the tutorial characters. They have little backstories but once you get out of the tutorial and heal the plague it is like they have never met.

05-24-2018, 12:37 PM
Yeah, I heard Drucker was pretty mountainy. I'm gonna start up a new community tonight, using a couple people from my first one. Hopefully I get one of the other two maps I haven't played on.

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05-26-2018, 08:41 PM
So you can go back and forth between online multiplayer and offline solo and the saves are compatible?

05-26-2018, 09:43 PM
So you can go back and forth between online multiplayer and offline solo and the saves are compatible?

Yeah, you basically just jump in and out. I can have my multiplayer set to off so I can pause the game when playing solo, and then it's just a simple switch of an option in the settings and my game is open to all friends to join, come and go as they please.

When bdoughty joined my game last weekend, he would load into it in a building nearby where I was and we could immediately team up. And when he was done, he disappeared from my game and would load back into his.

Anything that he looted in my game, he could either unload into his own storage locker (with all of his items that he had in his game before he joined mine) or he could keep them in his survivor's inventory and unload them into his base storage when he got back into his game.

05-27-2018, 08:53 AM
Whew, finally knocked out all the plague hearts. It is not that they were a challenge but in Drucker County it takes forever to get somewhere. Also there does not seem to be as much food resource as I had with the other maps. Had to call in a few searches, though I still need to explore a couple areas on the map. Now at the part where enemy becomes driving on anything other than a road, invisible bloaters that pop up on the road and apparently some bad humans. Humans are easy to take out. Getting a vehicle unstuck is easily the hardest part of the game. Guard Rails with blood plague would be my worst nightmare.

I hope they fix the following in the patch/future patches.

Constant radio request for help. This needs to be reworked. Stop making me pick up material and goods for a group. Quests are fine but this just feels lazy.
Infestations 400 miles away affecting your groups morale.
The ability to free a stuck vehicle.
Remove the motion blur.
A 4k/30fps option and a 1080p/60 fps option. This should be a requirement for every game put on the Xbox One X.

Some people have all the luck (not my footage because I would never be so fortunate).


05-27-2018, 12:33 PM
Lmao! Now that's how you take out zombies!

Surprisingly, I ended up right back on Meagher Valley with my brand new community. I guess I'll either have to start a second community or wait until I finish this one to hopefully experience the other maps.

I guess at least this way, now I can actually try out the Camp Kelenqua and Whitney Field bases. I had it set up so nice at Mazzara Farm, I didn't want to leave and have to rebuild everything, so I never left it. This time I may go to Camp Kelenqua for my first move since that also is only 1,000 Influence required. And then consider a late game move to Whitney Field.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

05-27-2018, 12:42 PM
I hope they fix the following in the patch/future patches.

Constant radio request for help. This needs to be reworked. Stop making me pick up material and goods for a group. Quests are fine but this just feels lazy.

Infestations 400 miles away affecting your groups morale.

The ability to free a stuck vehicle.

Remove the motion blur.

Yeah, I thought there was supposed to be a day one patch, but I have yet to see anything or get prompted for a patch download. Last I heard, there was a patch, but it was still in quality control at MS and hadn't been approved yet.

Since I'm only on night 2 of my new community, I'm tempted to wait for a couple days, put in some time on Detroit: Become Human and The Show while waiting for the patch to be released.

Either that or maybe I'll jump back into Fallout 4, since I've neglected that since sometime back in November or December. Went through all the work and effort finding the perfect mods and getting them into the correct load order to avoid crashes and conflicts, and then I only got as far as Concord and the beginning of base building at Sanctuary Hills before I got distracted on a different game.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

05-30-2018, 05:02 PM
I was assuming there was a patch waiting on certification. Apparently they are not even that far in. On the bright side at least they acknowledged that it is in the works.


05-30-2018, 09:48 PM
I was assuming there was a patch waiting on certification. Apparently they are not even that far in. On the bright side at least they acknowledged that it is in the works.

1001930506923986944That's what I was hearing, that there was a patch (and possibly a second that was submitted after release) going through the certification process and that MS was the one holding things up. Now it sounds like there never was a patch submitted and this is the first patch that they're working on.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

06-01-2018, 02:04 PM
Got a A10 (Astiro?) headset. Looked like a middle of the line setup and the best one Walmart had to offer in stock that was not wireless. So hopefully they patch it up soon and we can get some multiplayer in.

06-01-2018, 07:27 PM
We gots patches bitches!


Patch 1.2 Release!

Greetings survivors!

While your incredible communities have been busy slaying over 600 million zeds since launch (congrats!), the entire State of Decay 2 team has been working hard to bring you bug fixes, gameplay tune-ups, and quality of life improvements in the 1.2 patch. Please note that the 1.2 patch weighs in at 20GB, making this a significant download that’s just in time for a leisurely weekend of apocalypse survival. This is an automatic update you will be prompted to install upon logging in, and it will not affect your saved game. We are always listening to our fans in order to improve your game experience, and we will continue to bring you updates and additional content as you explore all that State of Decay 2 has to offer.

Some of the most noticeable changes in this patch include stability, performance, and multiplayer improvements. Though as you can probably guess by the hefty 20GB download we’ve also included a huge amount of smaller quality of life fixes throughout the game. Here (https://www.stateofdecay.com/patch-1-2-highlighted-changes/) is a more thorough list of highlighted fixes for those of you that really want to sink your teeth into it

A personal note from Jeff Strain, Studio Head of Undead Labs

Hey fellow survivors, I just wanted to drop in a quick personal note on behalf of the development team to thank you for your support and for jumping in with us on State of Decay 2. This patch today is just the beginning — we have big plans for State of Decay 2, and we’re humbled and appreciative to you for giving us the opportunity to make those big plans happen. Keep playing, keep surviving (or not, as sometimes happens), and stay tuned for more good stuff! — Jeff

Thank you for playing!

Your State of Decay 2 team

Patch 1.2 Highlighted Changes

The 1.2 patch features significant improvements related to:

Increased stability
Improved networking interactions for clients
Improved networked vehicle interactions
Elimination of Out Of Memory crashes

Patch 1.2 Highlights


Grenades no longer get stuck and explode in front of client character’s face or behind their head while throwing
Fixed instances of clients dealing damage to their host’s non-active community members with explosives
Flashlight beams no longer cast shadows from the player’s character model (which had caused flickering shadows)
Characters no longer “self-shadow” when using a flashlight in multiplayer
Fixed issue with doors appearing the opposite of the state they are in
Resolved situation where, when getting into vehicles, the camera could become detached from the player’s character
Fixed issue where, when clients swap weapons while in vehicles, the weapons do not swap upon exit from vehicle
Fixed rare bug that could prevent Warlord legacy arc from being completed
Fixed rare bug that could block Sheriff legacy arc from starting
Fixed issue where player’s loot sometimes becomes invisible until their entire backpack is deposited into a Supply Locker

Networking and Multiplayer

Numerous networking bandwidth and CPU improvements
Game now exits to main menu faster when a client loses their internet connection, so players will no longer hang after dismissing the pop-up
Improved network vehicle interactions in multiplayer games to address weird “rubber-banding” and physics issues (including cars flying into the air).
Host facilities no longer appear invisible to clients during multiplayer

Zombie and Character Behavior

Zombies no longer become immune to the Assault Kick
Reduction of step height to prevent survivors popping up onto props while moving


Fixed issue with player HUD disappearing after NPCs are executed by zombies
Community advice list no longer shows up under vignette on the map

Environment and Collision

Fixed numerous collision spots across all 3 maps where players or vehicles were getting stuck
Fixed numerous collision spots across all 3 maps where players were getting stuck in an infinite freefall animation loop
Elimination of white line that appears when driving at night time
Addressed a variety of spots in world where player was not able to climb over props they should’ve been able to
Additional polish and reduction of LOD popping
Additional lighting tuning passes, reduction in glowing props

Other Fixes

Addressed a variety of general crash bugs
Updated a number of strings that were previously hardcoded in English
Audio mix optimizations

06-01-2018, 07:48 PM
Downloading now. Wish they had fixed the motion blur but hopefully in the next one. They had plenty of stuff to fix.

06-01-2018, 08:04 PM
Downloading now. Wish they had fixed the motion blur but hopefully in the next one. They had plenty of stuff to fix.

Yeah, I was also hoping to see them fix and tone down the frequency of requests from enclaves in this patch, but it's a start! A 20 GB patch is insane. Now that they apparently got the large size fixes out of the way, hopefully they'll start making updates to the game that the community has requested.

06-01-2018, 08:22 PM
Yeah, I was also hoping to see them fix and tone down the frequency of requests from enclaves in this patch, but it's a start! A 20 GB patch is insane. Now that they apparently got the large size fixes out of the way, hopefully they'll start making updates to the game that the community has requested.

Some bugs should never be fixed. Not my video but I have run into two of these guys.


06-01-2018, 08:47 PM
Some bugs should never be fixed. Not my video but I have run into two of these guys.


Absolutely! Mr. Conehead should never go away!

06-02-2018, 06:00 AM
Toyed around with it for a few minutes and they did not fix the hidden infestations. They also still have my morale dinged for not having a watchtower, yet I have a sniper tower (builder upgrade).

06-02-2018, 09:44 AM
Toyed around with it for a few minutes and they did not fix the hidden infestations. They also still have my morale dinged for not having a watchtower, yet I have a sniper tower (builder upgrade).

Damn, hidden infestations and watchtower/sniper tower fixes are right behind toned down enclave requests for my top wanted bug fixes.

06-08-2018, 09:30 PM
Patch 1.3 is up! It's a 5.04 GB patch this time.

Patch 1.3 Highlights Crash Fixes

Fixed issue where PC players were crashing on launch if they were in locales that do not support text-to-speech
Fixed crashes players were experiencing when loading into their communities
Improved stability

Improved Diagnostics

Better logging to help troubleshoot startup crashes
More granular crash tracking between the different Xbox platforms
Better PC crash reporting

Other Fixes

General stability improvements


Glad to see they're working on crashes and stability. That is always a huge issue. Still wish they would do something about the frequency of enclave requests. I've been holding off on playing SoD2 for the past week in hopes that they would tone the frequency down so I wouldn't end up with so many enclaves either turning hostile or up and leaving entirely because I couldn't respond to all of them in time. I may just have to say fuck it, bite the bullet and deal with pissed off or leaving enclaves. I want to dive back into my new community and have been itching to kill some zombies again.

06-09-2018, 06:30 AM
Same here on the constant requests from the Enclaves. Tough I generally ignore them and they just leave. Most of the time they are just too lazy to scavenge and want you to do it for them. If only they were looking for a turntable, I got tons of those. ;)

06-09-2018, 10:49 AM
Same here on the constant requests from the Enclaves. Tough I generally ignore them and they just leave. Most of the time they are just too lazy to scavenge and want you to do it for them. If only they were looking for a turntable, I got tons of those. ;)

Yeah, I think I'm just gonna say screw it and give in and jump back into my community. I was planning on ultimately moving to Camp Kelenqua or Whitney Field from the starter house in this new community (since I've already done Mazarra Farm and turned it into a self-sufficient base, I want to try something different this time), but after seeing two set ups that people have done at Squelones Brewing Company over on Reddit, I'm now planning on jump straight from the starter house to Squelones and making that my permanent base for this community. Apparently you can become quite the pharmaceutical drug lord thanks to the two built in stills at Squelones. Just build a medical hydroponics (gives you essentially unlimited medicine resource), a pill press mod, make your own ethanol from one of the stills and someone with pharmacologist skill, and you can pump out strong painkillers out the ass. Sell them in a stack of 6 for 204 influence at traders.

06-09-2018, 12:44 PM
Yeah, I think I'm just gonna say screw it and give in and jump back into my community. I was planning on ultimately moving to Camp Kelenqua or Whitney Field from the starter house in this new community (since I've already done Mazarra Farm and turned it into a self-sufficient base, I want to try something different this time), but after seeing two set ups that people have done at Squelones Brewing Company over on Reddit, I'm now planning on jump straight from the starter house to Squelones and making that my permanent base for this community. Apparently you can become quite the pharmaceutical drug lord thanks to the two built in stills at Squelones. Just build a medical hydroponics (gives you essentially unlimited medicine resource), a pill press mod, make your own ethanol from one of the stills and someone with pharmacologist skill, and you can pump out strong painkillers out the ass. Sell them in a stack of 6 for 204 influence at traders.

If you ever stream on TWITCH or MIXER or record on YOUTUBE, let me know and if I'm free I'll check it out.

06-09-2018, 02:58 PM
If you ever stream on TWITCH or MIXER or record on YOUTUBE, let me know and if I'm free I'll check it out.

I haven't really done much of any streaming in the past two or three years. I only tended to stream sports games in the past, because I'm one of those people that don't just play the story, I wander off and do the randomest of shit. Like playing Skyrim Special Edition on PS4. I would literally spend an entire gaming session doing nothing but fucking around in Whiterun and going from icon to icon on the map in the region around Whiterun just discovering location after location. From the time I left Riverwood to the time I advanced the story enough to fight the first dragon appearance outside Whiterun, was probably literally two weeks in real life. I'd get on for 2 or 3 hours a night when I had time and just do nothing but explore.

Fallout would be even worse. I'm over 20 hours into my modded playthrough of Fallout 4, and all I have done is return to Sanctuary Hills, travel to Concord, save Preston and company and bring them back to Sanctuary. That's it as far as the story and even as far as exploration/discovering locations. I have spend the other 18 hours sitting in Sanctuary just settlement building. 99% of people would probably be bored to tears watching me do stuff like that, so I never bother streaming games like FO4, Skyrim, GTA V or Final Fantasy or something.

However, a game like State of Decay 2 would actually be sort of perfect. While there is stuff to be done at your base, there is only so much to do. So majority of the time is spent exploring the map, looting houses and buildings and killing zombies, which is actually something that would be interesting to watch.

So next time I get on SoD2, I'll look into setting up a stream. I have used Twitch in the past, but I might try out Mixer or just record to YouTube instead of bothering with Twitch. So if I do get a stream rolling, I'll absolutely let you know!

06-09-2018, 04:54 PM
I haven't really done much of any streaming in the past two or three years. I only tended to stream sports games in the past, because I'm one of those people that don't just play the story, I wander off and do the randomest of shit. Like playing Skyrim Special Edition on PS4. I would literally spend an entire gaming session doing nothing but fucking around in Whiterun and going from icon to icon on the map in the region around Whiterun just discovering location after location. From the time I left Riverwood to the time I advanced the story enough to fight the first dragon appearance outside Whiterun, was probably literally two weeks in real life. I'd get on for 2 or 3 hours a night when I had time and just do nothing but explore.

Fallout would be even worse. I'm over 20 hours into my modded playthrough of Fallout 4, and all I have done is return to Sanctuary Hills, travel to Concord, save Preston and company and bring them back to Sanctuary. That's it as far as the story and even as far as exploration/discovering locations. I have spend the other 18 hours sitting in Sanctuary just settlement building. 99% of people would probably be bored to tears watching me do stuff like that, so I never bother streaming games like FO4, Skyrim, GTA V or Final Fantasy or something.

However, a game like State of Decay 2 would actually be sort of perfect. While there is stuff to be done at your base, there is only so much to do. So majority of the time is spent exploring the map, looting houses and buildings and killing zombies, which is actually something that would be interesting to watch.

So next time I get on SoD2, I'll look into setting up a stream. I have used Twitch in the past, but I might try out Mixer or just record to YouTube instead of bothering with Twitch. So if I do get a stream rolling, I'll absolutely let you know!

Yeah I haven't streamed in a long while myself. PS4 is Twitch but I find on xbox MIXER works really well. Not that it matters though as I averaged 1 viewer per stream. lol

06-09-2018, 06:42 PM
but after seeing two set ups that people have done at Squelones Brewing Company over on Reddit, I'm now planning on jump straight from the starter house to Squelones and making that my permanent base for this community. Apparently you can become quite the pharmaceutical drug lord thanks to the two built in stills at Squelones. Just build a medical hydroponics (gives you essentially unlimited medicine resource), a pill press mod, make your own ethanol from one of the stills and someone with pharmacologist skill, and you can pump out strong painkillers out the ass. Sell them in a stack of 6 for 204 influence at traders.

That is where I am currently stationed and yes, you can make serious bank thanks to the two stills.

06-09-2018, 07:20 PM
Yeah I haven't streamed in a long while myself. PS4 is Twitch but I find on xbox MIXER works really well. Not that it matters though as I averaged 1 viewer per stream. lol

Yeah, I'll probably give Mixer a try. Since it's a built-in part of the Xbox UI and not a separate app like Twitch, I figure it'll probably work better and be easier to use. I'm gonna try to finish off the last game or two of my current series against the Padres in my Rockies franchise over on MLB, and then I may jump over on One and play/stream some SoD2 for an hour or two later tonight.

That is where I am currently stationed and yes, you can make serious bank thanks to the two stills.

Yeah, i'm liking the serious bank. Sure, after a while, upon getting things set up to make the base self-sufficient, there's not much need for influence. At the end of my first community, I had over 5,000 influence built up with nothing to use it on other than buying some rucksacks and extra unneeded weapons from traders. So if anything, I may stay at Squelones until I build up a massive bank of influence (10,000+) and then use some to go check out the Camp Kelenqua and Whitney Field home sites, just so I can try and see what setups I can do first hand. I want to try out every home site on every map at least once, that way when I decide to do my ultimate playthrough (keep the community alive and going for as long as possible, exhausting an entire map and moving to a new one and just going from map to map to map until I get bored), I can pick either one or one of between two or three specific home sites each time I move to a new map.

06-09-2018, 09:42 PM
Yeah I haven't streamed in a long while myself. PS4 is Twitch but I find on xbox MIXER works really well. Not that it matters though as I averaged 1 viewer per stream. lol

Alright, since I need to unwind after blowing a perfect game on the mound by giving up a walk with two outs in the bottom of the ninth, I'm going to pass on finishing off the fourth and final game of my series against the Padres tonight. So instead I'm gonna jump on State of Decay 2 for an hour or two. Jaymo, I'm going to try and set up a stream on Mixer. Hope to have it up and running here in the next couple of minutes. I'll probably go until 12:30 or 1am EST.

Edit - Well, nevermind. I can't even get past the damn title screen now. I've tried three times to get into State of Decay 2. I get to the title screen where it tells me to press any button to continue, then it just sits there with an endless loading icon. I've sat here for over 5 minutes each time and never any hint or sign of it actually moving past the loading screen so I could choose my community. Apparently I'm permanently on the sidelines until I can either figure out how to fix this problem or until they release another patch that hopefully fixes this.

06-09-2018, 10:21 PM
That sucks. Have not played since installing the patch so I could be in the same boat. From what I have read the only fix is a complete reinstall of the game (also those posters were PC owners of the game so YMMV) or wait until the next patch.

06-09-2018, 11:33 PM
That sucks. Have not played since installing the patch so I could be in the same boat. From what I have read the only fix is a complete reinstall of the game (also those posters were PC owners of the game so YMMV) or wait until the next patch.

Yeah, and from what I've read on Reddit, some people who tried the uninstall route ended up being locked out of their two Ultimate Edition packs (Preppers and Doomsday). Even if they went to the Ultimate Edition store page, all it gave them was an option to purchase it again. So they were stuck with just the base game and couldn't use the two packs. So that has me more on the side of the fence of waiting for the next patch.

06-11-2018, 09:36 PM
I'll be damned! I somehow got past the loading screen and can continue my game! Woo hoo!

I can get an hour of gameplay in here before Jurassic World Evolution unlocks and becomes available to play at midnight.

06-15-2018, 08:10 PM
Patch 1.4 Highlights
Fixed issue with ladders where players would sometimes not mount the ladders properly during descents and as a result fall off and take damage.
Fixed some rare instances of odd follower behavior where players would sometimes lose their follower entirely, or the follower would disappear and then teleport to the player later.
Door state should now always match its visuals. (No more running face first into a door that looks open!)

Really disappointing with some of these patches. This is like the 2nd or 3rd patch just to fix the flipping doors in the game. Still a ton of stuff needs looking over. They did take out one of the most notorious enemies in the game, the ladders. I never fell from a cell tower but billboard towers did more damage to my characters than a Plague Heart. :D

06-15-2018, 08:19 PM
Really disappointing with some of these patches. This is like the 2nd or 3rd patch just to fix the flipping doors in the game. Still a ton of stuff needs looking over. They did take out one of the most notorious enemies in the game, the ladders. I never fell from a cell tower but billboard towers did more damage to my characters than a Plague Heart. :DThat's all they fixed? It's a bloody 5 GB I just started downloading, they had better of fixed more than that!

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06-15-2018, 08:57 PM
And right back to the infinite fucking loading screen on the main menu. I guess I'm back on the fucking sidelines once again since they can't figure out a way to fix that goddamn issue. I've been able to play exactly once since Memorial Day, even though I WANT to play, but hard to do so when I can't even access the main fucking menu!

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06-15-2018, 09:21 PM
That is all they listed on their site. Sorry to hear you are back to the infinite load screen.


06-16-2018, 12:36 AM
That is all they listed on their site. Sorry to hear you are back to the infinite load screen.

https://www.stateofdecay.com/2018/06/15/state-of-decay-2-patch-1-4-is-live/Yeah, I thought maybe since I was able to somehow miraculously get past that the other day, maybe they had either fixed the issue or it was somehow corrected itself. I guess not. :fp:

Oh well, I guess that just means more time to play Fallout 4, Vampyr, MLB The Show and Jurassic World Evolution since I obviously won't be spending any time on this for at least another week or two.

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06-16-2018, 06:26 PM
I'll be damned. I may have fixed the problem, since Undead Labs apparently can't fix it. I was forced to uninstall SoD2 (though only the game, not the two Ultimate Edition packs) and reinstall the game. Just fired up SoD2 and after 10 seconds of loading, it loaded up the main menu. Looks like I can finally continue my community.

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06-16-2018, 06:56 PM

06-16-2018, 07:16 PM
Yeah, I'm damn excited. I can get going on my second community again! I want to get to Squellones Brewing and become a drug lord! :D

And Jaymo, if you're around at all this evening (and anyone else who may be interested who reads this), I'm going to do another live stream on Mixer. It's nothing major, I don't bother with having a chat, I don't use my mic, I'm just streaming the gameplay since Jaymo mentioned about doing some streaming in the past. Hoping to make this one a couple hours long, got a lot of lost time to make up for!


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06-16-2018, 11:47 PM
Well, I just finally found the right setting for Mixer to automatically archive and keep recordings of my streaming and save them as Videos/Streams on Demand. AFTER I just wrapped up a 4 1/2 live stream of State of Decay 2 as I try to catch up on all the lost time over the past two weeks. So sadly tonight's mega-stream is apparently gone and never to be seen again. Hopefully now that I have that option selected and turned on, future streams will be saved upon my ending them.

Mixer certainly isn't as "plug and play" easy as Twitch is/was. Twitch automatically archives your streams, Mixer, you have to go in and turn a setting on to do so. And I can't even do anything on Mixer on the Xbox One other than start my own stream or find/watch other streams. If I want to actually change any settings or do anything behind the scenes on my account, I have to get on a computer and go to mixer.com. Considering Mixer is Microsoft's baby and their attempt to go up against Twitch/YouTube/whatever other streaming sites out there, you'd think they'd make it so you can actually do and access more things regarding your account on the damn Mixer app on the Xbox One.

06-19-2018, 12:58 AM
Goddamnit. I recruited four new people to my community tonight during a couple hours of playing, and every single one of them are fight starters.

The one especially kills me because he has a 6 out of 7 star pharmacology skill, so I can produce my own strong painkillers. However, he starts fights and he's lazy, so that kills one labor for me.

The second has utilities and electrical, which came in handy with some upgrades, but he also starts fights.

The third one, the newest, doesn't have an extra skill, but I was about to give him either computers or gardening so I could either upgrade my radio to level 3 or work on getting my second hydroponics switched over to producing meds. However he starts fights and kills my morale with - 7 morale for everyone because he's a kleptomaniac.

The fourth one, she's was a fight starter and a hoarder, so she hit me with - 1 beds plus negative morale. When you only have 6 people but need 7 beds because of her ass, yeah, she was only a member of the community for about 15 minutes before I exiled her ass.

I'm debating on exiling all three of my newest members. I have books that I can teach utilities, computers, gardening and chemistry (which can be upgraded to pharmacology) to any new people I replace them with, I'd just have to put in the time getting those skills leveled up.

I'm also debating exiling Arsenault, the first person I added to my original three person community ages ago. She's another fight starter and doesn't have any really good traits.

From a community of currently nine people, I could very quickly find myself dropping all the way to five at this rate, if I go through with all four exiles, in addition to the one person I already previously exiled.

Also, I just figured out why I never discovered Squelones Brewery in my first community I completed back when the game came out. Turns out I had an enclave set up shop in Squelones, and since I was friendly with them, they never left and I never realized at the time that was a home site that they had taken over.

This time I claimed it (while another enclave took over Camp Kelenqua) and for my own built facilities, I have a Workshop 3, Infirmary 3, Barracks 2, Sheltered Beds 2, and 2 Hydroponics (both producing food for now until I can get someone with a herbalism skill and convert one to meds), plus I upgraded the radio to level 2 so far and the built-in storage to level 2 with a further upgrade to refrigerated storage to give me even more extra food and medicine storage.

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06-19-2018, 03:25 PM
I generally do not exile those with bad behavior/traits. I take them out scavenging and leave them with only a screwdriver and find a Juggernaut or a horde and let them do the dirty work for me. All the gravestones behind my group are sufficient reminders that you need to play nice with others.

06-19-2018, 04:42 PM
Yeah, but then those assholes still get the last laugh by dragging my morale down when they die. It may be temporary, but their death still dive bombs morale.

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06-28-2018, 01:51 PM
The Independence Pack is out, as well as Patch 2.0, which is absolutely loaded with fixes.

Content Update 2 is Live!

We’ve got another patch for you, Survivors!

In honor of the new Independence Pack DLC (available for purchase now!), Patch 2.0 adds new FREE content for ALL players and improves your game experience in several places.

We’ve also fixed a wide range of bugs related to gameplay, multiplayer sessions, performance, and more. Read on below for all the details!

Patch 2.0 Highlights

New Content:

“Revolutionary War” zombies can now appear in the world.
Who knew there were so many history buffs in town right when the outbreak occurred?
20 new missions now available to players:
10 ambient missions, which can occur as players explore the map.
7 enclave missions, expanding the stories that can be told about neighboring groups.
3 community missions, offering new options for your group to solve crucial problems.
New Red Talon & Network weapons added to the game:

Danforth Slugger (a lead-filled baseball bat).
Trumbull Gatekeeper (a lovingly improved model 70).
RTX Extermination Blade (a military-grade zombie fightin’ blade).
RTX Cyclone (a fully automatic 12 gauge pistol).
RTX Rampart (a Vulture .44 with automatic fire, able to stop a charging juggernaut).
Previous Red Talon weapons have been rebranded as RTX and given new coats of paint:
SOCOM II RT is now the “RTX Hordebreaker”.
Scar-H RT is now the “RTX Stormbringer”.
Vector Ultracompact RT is now the “RTX Piranha”.
A new “Rare Books” trader can appear every few game days, with the following new skill books available for the low low price of 1500 Influence: Driving, Lichenology, Fishing, Scrum Master.

Game Improvements


Added a new jog animation for human characters.
Polished the “walk to run” and “run to walk” transition animations.
Additional improvements to doors so that their state matches their appearance.
Added a “Confirm” option before euthanizing community members.
Additional improvements to mounting of ladders, including better interaction when player is strafing and interaction from the tops of ladders.
Sniper Towers now count as Watchtowers for Morale purposes.
Changed the weight of several luxury items so that their weight better matches the quality of their manufacturing.

Juggernaut modifications:

Ground slam collision volume has been reduced by roughly 25%.
Added a half-second cooldown to the juggernaut’s initiation of its finishing move.
Players can start a finishing move earlier in a juggernaut’s stagger animation.

Weapon Changes:

B50FG weight has been increased to 28.5 (up from 12 lbs).
Model 99-50 Magazine now holds 3 rounds (down from 5).
M9950 Timberwolf Magazine now holds 4 rounds (down from 7).
B50FG Magazine now holds 5 rounds (down from 12).
A .50 cal weapon can no longer take down a plague heart without at least one reload, or other tools being brought to bear against it. Without using other tools, it now takes 6 shots from a .50 cal weapon to take down a plague heart (up from 3).
Other drum-mag weapons which erroneously had no additional weight for their drum-magazines have had their weight increased (SOCOM II and RTX Hordebreaker, Operator’s M4A1, DEVGRU X12 Infiltrator, and RTX Stormbringer).


Added a toggle in the Video options menu on both PC and Xbox that allows players to control the amount of motion blur seen in game.

Bug Fixes


Game no longer crashes when player enters a car after calling in a drone strike.
Fix a rare crash that could occur during loading screen (affected roughly 1% of users).


Fixed a number of softlocks and crashes happening when players were joining and exiting multiplayer sessions.
Players will no longer softlock if their console is disconnected from the network while joining a multiplayer match.
Fixed desync issue that caused rubberbanding of zombie on client’s machine if host moved with a grappled zombie.
Fixed issue with supply lockers sometimes not being visible at homesites in co-op.
Fixed issue where host’s facilities would occasionally turn invisible to clients.
When the player suspends the app during a multiplayer session on UWP, they will now be disconnected instead of being allowed to move around and interact with the world.
Fixed an issue where players had to move the stick/use input on D-pad twice before the highlighted selection would move when selecting an active character in the Multiplayer Character Selection screen.


Game now pauses when controller becomes disconnected during single-player sessions.
Fixed an issue where players could lose scroll functionality when initially opening or scrolling to the bottom of the Remap Controls settings.
Fixed a bug on Xbox where the Exit Vehicle prompt would default to show “Y” even when it had already been mapped to another button.


Removed performance dip when player walks into the smoke created by a smoke grenade.
Removed FPS drop when opening the Community Menu on Xbox One before returning to active gameplay.
Removed FPS drop when repeatedly firing B50FG.
Removed FPS drop when breaking the windows at the Quonset Hut in Whitney Junction.
Removed FPS drop when holding up on the right stick on a fully zoomed map screen.


The Magnum Ammo Press facility mod now correctly produces .357 and .44 ammo (a bug was connecting the press to .50 and 40mm ammo).
Fixed issue with euthanization scene replacing the player’s equipped gun with a G17 pistol.
Prepper’s 10/22 now has a weight of 7 lbs.
Fixed a number of instances where zombies stopped attacking players if players were in specific locations.
Zombies that have no arms are no longer able to scale fences and walls.
Fixed issue where some facilities that were in disrepair continued to provide benefits to the community as if they were in working order.
Ferals and juggernauts now have the ability to kill NPCs with their special attacks.
Juggernaut “execution attack” can now correctly kill survivors that have a ton of different max health buffs simultaneously applied.
A feral attached to a vehicle a player is driving no longer instantly dies when the player jumps out of the vehicle.
Players can no longer initiate a stealth takedown on aggroed zombies.
Morale bonus effects now update immediately on the community morale screen.
Bandaging action is now interruptable by melee attacks.
Updated out-of-date text on Pharmacology and Pathology skill specialties. Pharmacology is about crafting strong painkillers and bonus recovery items, while Pathology focuses on plague cure and infection treatment.
Dead bodies no longer accumulate forever during long play sessions.


Fixed a number of issues that prevented legacy missions from completing.
Fixed a number of instances where NPC VO was playing at the incorrect time or repeating itself.


Fixed a multitude of instances where players could get stuck on terrain or objects and require radio assistance to get unstuck.
Fixed markup on numerous objects that were either preventing players from climbing on them or allowing players to enter areas where they shouldn’t be.
Removed a number of invisible objects that were obstructing player or vehicle movement.
Fixed LOD issues on a multitude of static objects across all 3 maps.
Removed multiple instances of floating textures and exposed seams in the world.
Performed a clipping pass and a general aesthetic polish pass on environment visuals.


Fixed physics in a number of instances where vehicles would become stuck in animation loops after a collision or rolling over.
Players can no longer enter vehicles that are about to explode.

06-28-2018, 06:08 PM
Looks great. Time to start a new playthrough.

06-28-2018, 08:36 PM
Added a toggle in the Video options menu on both PC and Xbox that allows players to control the amount of motion blur seen in game.

Quite possibly the best thing from the notes. Just finishing the install and will be playing later tonight.

06-28-2018, 08:47 PM
Yeah, I just got installing the update myself. About to dive back into my community right now.

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06-29-2018, 02:12 PM
Looks like there's more than what was listed in the patch notes.

People on Reddit are saying that they've switched to new maps after the patch and their vehicles have come with them to the new map, whatever vehicles they had parked at their base plus the vehicle they were driving. So it appears vehicles will now transfer with you. And reading further down in the comments, one of the Undead Labs developers commented, saying that was actually always the intent from the beginning, that vehicles would carry over to the new map with you, so it must have been some bug that was keeping the vehicles from coming with you to the new maps.

Another person said you can now give and take rucksacks of resources to or from your follower by simply talking to them, instead of having to put it in a trunk of a car or something and then switch and have the other person pick it up. So some nice little QoL changes that weren't listed in the patch notes.

06-29-2018, 06:33 PM
Looks like there's more than what was listed in the patch notes.

People on Reddit are saying that they've switched to new maps after the patch and their vehicles have come with them to the new map, whatever vehicles they had parked at their base plus the vehicle they were driving. So it appears vehicles will now transfer with you. And reading further down in the comments, one of the Undead Labs developers commented, saying that was actually always the intent from the beginning, that vehicles would carry over to the new map with you, so it must have been some bug that was keeping the vehicles from coming with you to the new maps.

Another person said you can now give and take rucksacks of resources to or from your follower by simply talking to them, instead of having to put it in a trunk of a car or something and then switch and have the other person pick it up. So some nice little QoL changes that weren't listed in the patch notes.

Can confirm the second one which is a nice add. The Motion Blur options are great. I am toying with low and off. Both are far better than what we had. Not really a big fan of the Independence stuff. Feels too Dead Rising to me and out of place for this game with the crazy vehicles, fireworks, etc.

Still annoyed they do not let players select the map they want to start on when skipping the tutorial.

06-29-2018, 07:10 PM
Can confirm the second one which is a nice add. The Motion Blur options are great. I am toying with low and off. Both are far better than what we had. Not really a big fan of the Independence stuff. Feels too Dead Rising to me and out of place for this game with the crazy vehicles, fireworks, etc.

Still annoyed they do not let players select the map they want to start on when skipping the tutorial.

Yeah, hopefully they start doing more QoL additions and changes in future patches.

I'm sort of willing to overlook some of the fireworks stuff. I treat it more like firecrackers or a boom box, something I can use to create a bunch of noise as a distraction.

I agree completely on the map selection. I hate they don't allow you pick your own map for non-tutorial communities. It's obviously possible since you can pick your own map with the tutorial community. That's how I ended up on Meagher Valley for two communities in a row, because I got screwed by not being able pick my own map. I still have yet to experience the other two maps.

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07-04-2018, 12:25 AM
Just got patch 2.1

The 'Purchase' DLC button on the Main Menu now works properly for players with new profiles.
The mission 'Builder: Make Your Own Gear' can now be completed if the player has a built-in 'Machine Shop' at their base.
Characters on the Community screen now reorient correctly when changes are made.
Newly selected leaders are now positioned correctly on the Community screen.
Fixed an issue where sometimes newly-recruited community members would overlap or be standing too close to others on the screen.
Characters now properly gain experience in their close-combat specialization when fighting with their close-combat weapon.
Characters who have earned at least a star in their 'Gunslinging' specialization are now able to snap-aim as expected.
The in-game 'Independence Pack' purchase confirmation banner no longer pops up with every player session.
Fixed several missions that occasionally couldn't be completed due to missing items.

08-08-2018, 07:31 PM

Patch 3.0 Highlights
Feature Improvements
All players in a multiplayer game can now use the “Stuck?” radio command.
Vehicles will now be teleported by the “Stuck?” radio command.
The “Stuck?” radio command now won’t teleport you all the way back to your base.
Players can now use the Workshop facility to repair or salvage equipped weapons, rather than having to drop them into the Supply Locker first.
Salvaged weapons now return their ammo to your Supply Locker instead of destroying it.
Info flyouts for outposts on the map screen now show the outpost number, which corresponds to the outpost number in the base management screen.
Players will now see a banner at the top-center of screen when a community member dies, instead of the brief side notification that previously popped up.
Players will now see a banner at the top-center of screen when a community member threatens to leave or leaves, instead of the brief side notification that previously popped up.
Communities will now automatically claim an appropriate “starter” home site when traveling to a new map.
Several radio commands have been enabled for clients in multiplayer games.
Players can now drop equipped weapons.
Players can now buy 1 individual item from a stack when trading with enclaves.
Players can now navigate conversation options with Left Stick as well as D-pad controller input.
The Supply Locker is now automatically sorted by item type. Additionally, the Ranged Weapons tab has the option to sort by either ammo caliber or weapon type.
When approaching the Storage facility with a rucksack equipped, the interaction text will now display the resource type and the resource yield.
The Mysterious Wandering Trader now appears more reliably.
Adjusted the cadence of the Independence Pack DLC trader to better balance with the Wandering Trader.
The mission that creates the trader who supplies skill books is now called “Skills Trader” (to more clearly communicate its different nature). Also, this mission can now occur during the week (and not just on weekends).

Balance Changes
When you abandon an outpost, you’ll be refunded only 60% of the original influence cost, instead of 100%. This increased investment in an outpost is intended to make it feel like a significant choice by the player, rather than an easily swapped “loot-drop” location that drastically alters the overall experience.
Proximity mines are no longer triggered by players or by friendly NPCs.

Bug Fixes
Players can now improve their Close Combat Specialization skill.
Players trying to descend a ladder will no longer experience confused Up/Down controls when the ladder animation involves a camera flip.
Players can no longer consume (and waste) energy drinks if their character is still under the effect of a prior energy drink.
Grenade launcher rounds no longer occasionally bounce off of fat zombies.
Explosives now set off other nearby explosives, such as land mines. Have fun with that;)
Losing a benefit that reduces the severity of trauma can no longer kill a character (due to retroactive increase of trauma).
Certain rare skills learned from books will now always start at Level 1 as intended.
Skill books can no longer be consumed if they would not grant any benefit.
Fixed an issue with fire occasionally (and invisibly) remaining in effect beyond the appropriate duration.
Recon radio commands now reveal zombies for all players, not just the host.
When calling in favors over the radio, the enclave that owes you the favor will now answer, rather than someone from your own community.
Facility actions can now be truly instantaneous (cost 0 seconds).
Improved the reliability and predictability of the “Stuck?” radio command.
Improved the predictability of your starting position when loading back into a saved community.
When a home site or previously cleared site becomes infested, it now properly shows an infestation icon on the map.
The minimap now zooms in correctly when indoors at an infestation or plague heart.
Sell and Buy prices for stacks have been adjusted to fix discrepancies with individual item pricing.
The Out of Storage notification now properly triggers when you deposit a rucksack that brings that resource level from just below your base’s maximum capacity to above the maximum capacity.
The base management screen’s morale flyout now correctly uses the morale effect’s name instead of the name of the facility providing the effect.
Notifications for certain rare skills learned from books now show the correct maximum skill level.
The UI for your Storage facility now indicates when withdrawing a rucksack is not possible due to insufficient resources.
Fixed an issue with the player’s vehicles not showing up on the map UI after moving to a new map.
Flyout info for sites on map screen should now properly show icons for all expected resources.
When using the mouse on the map screen, the goal info flyout now shows when hovering over a goal in the list, instead of requiring it to be clicked.
Labor and time costs are now shown for facility mod uninstall actions.
The Independence Pack supply drop container now shows a “Busy” indicator when another player is interacting with it.
Players interacting with the radio menu using a mouse can no longer accidentally click buttons that have been hidden by an opened command category
Host no longer sees client’s vehicle help tips.
Multiplayer clients are no longer forcibly teleported every time the host switches characters.
Multiplayer rewards are now always granted immediately upon return to your saved game
Multiplayer location indicators no longer show through the background of the Community screen.
Adjusted position of multiplayer name indicators so that they do not overlap when multiple players are in a single vehicle.
Fixed an issue causing jerky flashlight movements with bad network updates.
Fixed an issue causing flashlights to get “confused” if a player stayed in aim mode for a long time.
Vehicle icon now properly persists if the last passenger of a vehicle exits out of a non-driver seat.
Fixed an issue with Independence Pack vehicle deliveries occasionally appearing beneath the map (and thus inaccessible.)
Clients can now see when their car is properly parked at the host’s base.
Clients can now see the name of vehicles while surveying.
Added error sound when attempting to select unavailable radio command.
Key Bindings
Players who have remapped Struggle and Melee actions to different inputs can now use either one to open locked doors.
Tweaked visuals and timing of bloater gas cloud to more closely match effects.
Fixed many spots where players could get stuck in the environment.
Fixed many instances of world art floating or clipping incorrectly.

08-08-2018, 09:45 PM
I love what I'm seeing. Especially the invisible infestations being fixed and finally having sortable inventories so I'm no longer hunting for a specific item or for a certain caliber ammo.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

08-08-2018, 10:41 PM
Are people still playing this? I read somewhere that it had big online numbers at first but they really fizzled out since then.

08-08-2018, 10:53 PM
I've been playing the shit out of it the past week.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

08-21-2018, 06:23 PM

Daybreak DLC hitting Sept 12th.