View Full Version : General Discussion

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  1. What version(s) of NCAA 11 are you getting?
  2. Blogs This Year
  3. Camera Angles
  4. Creating Historical Players in NCAA 11
  5. Converting 40 times to NCAA 10 SPD
  6. How many hot routes is too many?
  7. Impact Players
  8. Countdown to NCAA Football 11!
  9. NCAA Football 10 Community Showdown Tournament Recap
  10. Why NCAA Football 11 Will Be More Fun Than Madden 11 by Kick 88
  11. What's left to be announced?!
  12. Best Version of NCAA on Next Gen
  13. Breakout Season
  14. NCAA 11: Most Anticipated Demo Ever for EA Sports? by jstein2469
  15. GT guys, Screen game in NCAA 11
  16. NCAA Football11 Lab Partner
  17. Who's Getting NCAA 11 Early?
  18. I Can't Wait Anymore..
  19. NCAA Football 11 Demo Talk
  20. Updates of your last NCAA Football 10 games!
  21. Online Dynasty Interest (360)
  22. Online Dynasty Interest (PS3)
  23. What demo match-up are you looking forward to most?
  24. Getting the Love of Football Gaming Back
  25. Do the Dual Stick Controls work in the demo? How?
  26. QB Scrambling Glitch (Demo)
  27. Stadium Updates 11
  28. What team are you looking to use in NCAA 11
  29. Formation Subs
  30. How much 'realism' do you strive for in Dynasties? (All sports games)
  31. Teambuilder slots for 2011
  32. The Gaming Tailgate will have NCAA Football 11 on Tues 6/29 - Submit Questions Here
  33. Who is taking July 13 off to play NCAA?
  34. NCAA 11 - Full Effect
  35. Will you use Custom Conferences in light of the real-life changes?
  36. What Style of Offense will you run?
  37. Being the DE against the zone read
  38. Crazy Question but what have they done with NCAA 11 on the PS2?
  39. Road to Glory
  40. Conference Invites - Online Dynasty
  41. Rosters
  42. Facebook's Worst NCAA Football Gamer
  43. NCAA Football 11 Q&A Thread
  44. Share Your Impressions of NCAA Football 11
  45. NCAA Football 11 Playbook Spreadsheet
  46. NCAA11 Retail game Locomotion
  47. NCAA Football 11 - Full game video and 72 screenshots and 42 videos
  48. Follow a Dynasty Wire Online Dynasty
  49. Hello
  50. Question about menu...
  51. Solidice's NCAA Football 11 Team Info Spreadsheet
  52. NCAA Football 11: Sleeper Teams You Must Try Out
  53. Extra Online Dynasty Hosting & Power Pack Pricing
  54. Games Won't Load
  55. Share Your NCAA Football 11 Highlights
  56. How do I Supersim on PS3 demo?
  57. How to get game stats e-mailed to you?
  58. What playbooks do you guys like?
  59. Online Dynasty/Dynasty Wire Servers
  60. Poll - NCAA Football 11 - Your Expectations
  61. Server issue
  62. Passing game
  63. Iron Dragon's PS3 Roster Updates
  64. Sub in/out settings
  65. Real world playbook changes not included in the game?
  66. NCAA Football 11 FAIRDALE KINGS Rosters Available Now (360)
  67. Heisman vs. All American
  68. Roster equipment adjusting
  69. Reading Hard Disk FREEZE
  70. PS3: Stats Not Being Reported for Dynasty
  71. Potential problem with recruiting: Kickers and punters
  72. Anybody else have problems with Season showdown
  73. Single player Dynasty – Online or Offline?
  74. NCAA 11... one week later... MY TAKE...
  75. Online Dynasty - Achievements
  76. QB in my single-player OD
  77. Fixing The Passing In This Game...
  78. What does the Purple Diamond mean in Recruiting?
  79. Option Tips and hints videos
  80. When will Season Showdown be working again?
  81. Jump Catch
  82. Online Dynasty Site Won't Load
  83. Team Entrances
  84. When might we expect tuner sets to be released?
  85. Mastering the right stick Controls - Breaking Tackles
  86. Shotgun Motion Option Pass - Sometimes doesnt work, QB freezes
  87. Players awareness in Dynasty?
  88. New Update blog
  89. Running the option
  90. Should Madden 11's GameFlow feature be in NCAA 12?
  91. How Do You Get A Named Roster File For Your Online Dynasty?
  92. Developer Sliders
  93. gschwendt's NCAA11 Highlight Videos
  94. CPU Play Calling Logic
  95. Oneback's NCAA11 Highlight Videos
  96. A potential solution to the man coverage issues
  97. I got beat 100-21
  98. Rank progression for ONLINe head to head
  99. Fumbles
  100. Quick Dynasty Update Thread
  101. How To Get the CPU to Play Like a Human
  102. Server Downtime 8/11 - 9 AM ET
  103. Online Dynasty and Story Builder - How often do you use them?
  104. Contest: NCAA Football 11 Photo Highlight
  105. Metascores - NCAA vs. Madden
  106. Share Your Impressions of NCAA Football 11 (Post-patch #2, LTP #2)
  107. CPU Blitz Happy?
  108. 2nd Patch Broke the CPU running game and Sliders
  109. NCAA Football 11: Zone Coverage Problems
  110. Cheese Discussion
  111. No Huddle = Cheese?
  112. Online games vs. Friends
  113. Formation Subs
  114. Unable to continue OD?
  115. Oneback's NCAA 11 Highlight Videos
  116. Man v. Zone Coverage
  117. Share Your Impressions of NCAA Football 11 (Post-update #3, LTP #4)
  118. PS3: How to save long highlights
  119. The problems with EA’s (Spot Dropping) zone coverage explained
  120. CONTEST: Win an Official NCAA Football 11 Strategy Guide
  121. Kotaku: Sports Games Too Hard for the Hardcore (Sports Fan)?
  122. How much does community feedback affect the NCAA team?
  123. Long Sleeves
  124. LE dominates more than RE
  125. Accelerators ?
  126. EA NCAA Football 2002 - Older game appreciation
  127. Lawsuit against EA/NCAA over player likeness
  128. Amazing game
  129. NCAA 11 Review
  130. Madden and NCAA *do* share code after all
  131. Anyone have real success using the option playbook against the AI ?
  132. Online Game disconnects when one offense/defense takes the field
  133. NCAA 11 and weekly momentum
  134. Roster ?
  135. Player's Weight in NCAA Football 11
  136. Editable features for NCAA 12
  137. Unable to save audibles for Pistol Formation only?
  138. NCAA 12 Cover Athlete
  139. What speed setting do you play at?
  140. 2010 NCAA Football Community Wish List Tournament Scorecard
  141. How many NCAA games have you owned?
  142. Defeating Run Commit in Online game (with videos)
  143. Anybody still play often?
  144. Heisman vs. All American
  145. Stay with current team or move on?
  146. Question on NCAA 11 Trophies?
  147. When altering equipment becomes an obsession...
  148. Nike Pro Combat Uniforms
  149. Bring Back the Impact Players!
  150. Dynasty Mode
  151. What's the best way to get two Impact HBs involved?
  152. How do you run a Death Penalty Dynasty?
  153. Any timeline for NCAA 12 news?
  154. Roster ? - Which to use for names online?
  155. Controls - How do I celebrate?
  156. Bets on the first screen shot of NCAA?
  157. JeffHCross Project #1: How is OVR determined?
  158. JeffHCross Project #2: Progression, Examined
  159. Anyone ever run a combined NCAA and Madden dynasty?
  160. Does CPU school ratings change in ODs too?
  161. Is there anything that will stop you from buying NCAA 12?
  162. Will there be bowl patches in NCAA 12? Update: Yes
  163. What feature could top Online Dynasty?
  164. Nebraska Tech video-gameplay
  165. NCAA uniform updates
  166. Philadelphia Eagles, old school Rice Winged Helmets for CAS for NCAA 12
  167. Breakaway Speed
  168. OS: Why Line Play Will Never Be Realistic in Football Games
  169. NCAA Football 12 Countdown Thread
  170. And It Has Begun... (EA serves notice in Madden anti-trust suit)
  171. nykia31 online gameplay against random cheeser
  172. Question: If I get a new PS3, Can I not go online with my used NCAA 11?
  173. TeamBuilder in NCAA 12
  174. What do you hope to see out of Custom Playbooks?
  175. For NCAA 12, my team is.. ?
  176. NCAA Football 12 Custom Covers
  177. Most Anticipated Unannounced Feature
  178. Question: Can we play faster in NCAA 12?
  179. NCAA Football 12- Draft Night Premiere (Machinima Sports, Gamespot & GamerLiveTV)
  180. An idea for the ultimate Custom Playbook...
  181. Custom Entrance Music
  182. Official "Please check this at the May community day" thread
  183. Custom playbook by offense system. Who doing it?
  184. DaBDawgs6 Dynasty: Florida (FAIRDALE KINGS) vs. LSU
  185. Community Day Question.
  186. NO CPU Scrambling QBs, No Peace ! Must have for NCAA 12
  187. When NCAA 12 comes out
  188. NCAA Football 12 Dynasty Info Q&A thread
  189. Top 25, Team Ratings and Coach Ratings in NCAA Football 12 (incomplete)
  190. Past games and Offensive and Defensive Coordinators
  191. Custom Conference Planning and Ideas
  192. Thoughts on a "Karma Engine" for ranked games in NCAA12
  193. Is it cheese? DB at WR or WR at TE
  194. Just thinking outloud here...
  195. Too early?
  196. Recruiting in Dynasty mode
  197. EA.com / Dynasty Wire
  198. NCAA12 Stadium Updates?
  199. Shipping NCAA Football with Multiple Discs
  200. Rosters, coaches etc...
  201. Real Life Conference Realignment Schedule?
  202. WOOHOO.
  203. Vote for the Pac-12 Conference Championship Logo!
  204. dynasty recruits playing more like ther weight and size
  205. Season Showdown
  206. Poll: What job should I start with for my Coaching Career in NCAA 12?
  207. Collector's Edition
  208. ETA for NCAA Football 12 Demo? - UPDATE: June 28
  209. Anything new coming to Road to Glory?
  210. NCAA Football 12 Team Entrance Screenshots.
  211. This has to happen this year for a realistic Dynasty Mode
  212. NCAA Football 12 Also Building Steam.
  213. NCAA 12 Chat w/ EA Devs - 6/8
  214. Football Game Demos: What is most important for them to have/show?
  215. '12 Game Changers Tournament
  216. New Logo/Branding Announcement for Mountain West Conference Today
  217. Road to Glory: Following Brock Luker
  218. NCAA Football 12: The Hunt
  219. NCAA 12 team rankings
  220. September 10th, 2011 -- Notre Dame versus Michigan -- Special Throwback Unis
  221. Teambuilder 12 - Nothing New?
  222. Pulse of The Tailgate: NCAA Football 12 Post-E3
  223. Psychic Playcalling
  224. Nebraska's New "Air Kansas" Offense
  225. NCAA Football 12 Road to Glory Live Chat with Designer Alex Howell
  226. What feature are you looking forward to most in NCAA Football 12?
  227. Farewell to NCAA Football 11 Tournament Scheduling
  228. More Changes at EA Tiburon
  229. Farewell to NCAA Football 11 Tournament Results
  230. 360 TGT Online Dynasty
  231. Kinect Version
  232. The Return Game
  233. Bowling Pins NCAA Demo
  234. Solidice's NCAA Football 12 Team Info Spreadsheet
  235. Tradition Sports - House rules example video for straight play
  236. Cheeser playing NCAA 12 demo using same play, Y receiver always open
  237. NCAA 12 Neutering the RB
  238. MyMaddenpad NCAA 12 gameplay video Florida at Tennessee
  239. NCAA Football Dynasty Stories - Named Rosters or CPU Generated?
  240. Good Year to Play Football
  241. How I will judge NCAA 2012 Dynasty mode
  242. can we get a clemson/georgia tech video???
  243. All Selectable Formations in Custom Playbooks Both Offense and Defense
  244. 46 Normal Gone in 12?
  245. Big NCAA announcement soon?
  246. MattUM2 Roster Project Series #1: High School Prospects
  247. Roster Editing Issue - Filtered Names
  248. SPARQ [NIKE] Rating National Championship
  249. MattUM2 Roster Project Series #2: Re-Rating PS3 Rosters
  250. It lives in YOU. The emotion of college football.