View Full Version : read option from undercenter Ace formation?

09-12-2012, 09:27 AM
When Florida came to town against my Aggies they ran a really nice read option from under-center. While at the game I couldn't see all the plays but when I did see it at the end of the game I thought it was a busted play, it almost looked like a broken PA and the QB just ran with it.

However when I went back and watched the game on DVR they ran it multiple times in the game. It's from under-center in an Ace formation, the QB fakes the hand-off and then it's run all the way for the QB, he never looks to pass.

I've looked through the Florida PB but haven't had any luck finding it. I know Army, Navy, etc.. have read options from flexbone formations but are there any other read option runs from Ace formations that ya'll know of? I know there are plenty out of the SG but I thought this under-center look was pretty nice.

Maybe it would even be called a QB iso, not sure, but I've looked and have found some out of the I-forms, but not under Ace like Florida ran against us.

The only way I've been able to re-create it is by running PA then holding down the R2 to cancel/cut short the rollout/dropback and then sprinting around the edge. This is a forced busted PA, not like what Florida ran which was a designed QB run.


09-12-2012, 03:57 PM
I haven't looked to know for sure, but I think that Air Force has options from a lot of different formations. Their playbook might be a place to find some out of ace.

09-12-2012, 05:19 PM
I know there are several from the Pistol in ace (I use them frequently in my custom PB) but I've never seen one from literally under center.