View Full Version : NCAA Football 12 Also Building Steam.

06-02-2011, 08:23 PM

EA Sports has gone to great lengths to talk about all the improvements to gameplay and the core modes for both Madden NFL 12 and NCAA Football 12. The response to Madden has been largely positive and following about a week of detailing what has been done for NCAA 12′s Dynasty and Road to Glory modes it’s time to look at the current perception towards that title. With E3 only days away and the demo arriving within a few weeks after things are looking up for NCAA as well.

As with Madden, EA Sports would have to be thrilled with the lack of negativity towards NCAA right now. Dynasty mode getting highly-anticipated enhancements such as the coaching carousel, custom conferences, create-a-coach, and integrating custom playbooks has gotten across a desire to deliver on community requests. Backlash towards reserving web features as paid add-ons is present but all the positives are outweighing that.

Road to Glory
The career mode is seen as secondary by many which could account for why the numbers are a bit lower. Expanding to a full senior year in High School and implementing a “Coach’s Trust” system are encouraging developments for the mode which got no attention last year. Plans have been to have RTG on the slate for more discussion at E3.

From PastaPadre.com